October 2018

It's been said that trying to understand the fullness of God is like trying to put the whole pacific ocean into a glass of water. It can never happen and it will never be possible. We will never truly understand God fully.


How is He three Persons at once? How is He without beginning and end? How could He have created the world in just a few days? We try to understand God, but there just comes a point where we leave the books on the table, put our hands up in worship and say, "Lord, how majestically unlimited you are.

The book of Proverbs urges us to make the wisdom or word of God the principle thing in our lives, it has to be our final authority because it will protect, sustain and cause us to prosper by the power of God!

Scriptures about the unlimited power of God - Bible Verses Online

The word of God tells us to always give thanks, singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord! The phrase give thanks comes from a compound, Greek word, made up of the words eu meaning, overwhelmingly good feeling; and charis meaning grace.

New Spine, New Lungs, New Knee, God's Unlimited Healing Power! Tom loud

When we give thanks, it activates and becomes an outpouring of grace from the depth of our hearts! We may begin the words of praise from our minds, but as our hearts join in, the Spirit of God inside of us begins to spontaneously fuel that praise into a powerful outpouring of grace! You see, the Greek word for grace, as I mentioned, is charis. And derived from this word, is the word chara. And do you know what the word chara means? In other words, joy chara , is produced by the grace charis of God, that is released from inside of our spirits when we give thanks, from our hearts to the Lord!

This means joy isn't a human-based happiness that comes and goes. Rather, true joy is divine in origin, a fruit of the Spirit that is manifested particularly in hard times. It is the manifest power of God, working in and through us!

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Joy is the supernatural strength of God that empowers us to stand strong and overcome any challenge we face in this life, and it's activated and released through thanks giving! Joy is a Spirit-given expression that flourishes best when times are strenuous, daunting, and tough! When the incorruptible seed of God's word has been placed inside us, that divine seed produces a joy that isn't based on outward events or circumstances.

In fact, when times get very challenging, the supernatural life of God rises up inside us to defy that devilish pressure! This supernatural joy will sustain us in even the hardest of times and it is released through our thanksgiving and praise! I have studied the word of God concerning how effective and potent the power of God inside of each believer is. There is no force in the universe that matches it. However, all that spiritual power is rendered utterly useless if we act foolishly and entertain any form of unforgiveness or strife in our lives.

Faith is the only force that will activate God's unstoppable power but it cannot and will not, operate if we are not living by the commandment of love. The name of Jesus won't work, our faith won't work, all the gifts of the Spirit won't work - even praying in tongues will be foolishness to us, unless we are walking in God's love! Because love is the power charge! It's the activator and conduit through which the power of God can flow! When we speak forgiveness over those who hurt or disappoint us, and let every offence go, we allow the love and healing of God to fill every corner and space of our souls.

The Bible clearly teaches us to pray for and bless every one of those who have wronged us - not with our own love, but with the love of God that freely flows inside of us.

The minute we utter those words of blessing, that river of God's love becomes like a mighty torrent, it saves our souls and protects our minds from the onslaught of the enemy! Then, as we remain in God's love and an attitude of forgiveness, that power flows powerfully into every circumstance that concerns us and destroys every plan the enemy has launched against us.

Just like the mighty Red Sea that closed over the Egyptian soldiers that pursued the children of God, it will cover over and destroy the enemy's strategy concerning you! During a storm in St. Louis a while back, my husband, Dave, and I lost our power for 12 hours.

9 Bible verses to help us understand how unlimited God is

And life just feels like a big mess. God wants us to stay joyful and have victory in the midst of everyday life because the world needs to see His power working through believers like you and me. That can happen if you know how to access His power and stay plugged in.

  • Job CEV - God’s power is unlimited. He needs no - Bible Gateway.
  • Activating the Unlimited Power of God.
  • 9 Bible verses to help us understand how unlimited God is | Christian News on Christian Today.
  • The Time of My Life.

The truth is, there has never been a power outage in heaven. God has all the power we need to do anything He asks us to do.

Scriptures about the unlimited power of God - Bible Verses Online

Get Spirit-filled content delivered right to your inbox! Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. To stay plugged in, I encourage you to do two things: Between the time we pray and the time we receive the manifestation of our prayers, there is usually a period of waiting. How can we do this? Here are four of the most common ways we can blow a spiritual fuse:. God gives us all the power we need to handle any situation and keep a good attitude see James 4: In fact, you can get through any storm in life and enjoy yourself if you simply stay plugged in.

Instead of letting your frustration build, check your connection.