Jessie J has described her relationships with women as a phase. It's an unhelpful term as this is an idea that gay people find themselves constantly battling against. Jessie J doesn't have to be bisexual if she no longer identifies that way.

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Who are we to dictate her sexuality or make her talk about it at all? But having already entered into a public discussion about it, to dismiss her previous brave coming out as something she did when she was young and naive, just "a part of growing up", is a real shame.

Jessie J remains a fantastic female role model, that hasn't changed.

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  5. The many ‘flavors’ of bisexuality.

She is a breath of fresh air as a pop star, outspoken, bold and interesting. However, when she says she wants to move on from her declaration, the hearts of all those who saw it as an inspiring, hopeful moment will sink. Topics Jessie J Opinion.

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Sexuality Pop and rock Women comment. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. I really and truly believed it. For more than 35 years, I thought that, despite regular and not inconsequential attractions to women and nonbinary folx, I was straight. Growing up, I only had two examples about sexuality: What I saw reflected in the world was this binary choice. You either find men attractive or women.

Jessie J says her bisexuality was a phase. What a shame | Laura Kay | Opinion | The Guardian

The only problem was that when adolescent me started having feelings , I would often find myself drawn to both girls and boys. Therefore, I must be straight. The logic makes me roll my eyes at my year-old self, but what did she know? I went years… YEARS, confused about the inexplicable emotions that would pop up around many of my female friendships. I worried about looking too butch, being too needy or too affectionate. I broke off friendships and focused on boys.

Jessie J says her bisexuality was a phase. What a shame

And even if they had, I likely would have laughed because my attractions to girls were less pronounced compared to my attractions to boys. Boys were easier, in more ways than one.

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Just like different grapes make up different varietals of wine, different bi and pansexual folx make up different kinds of sexuality. But there are different shades of purple.

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Some are slightly more red, others more blue. Some are paler; some are darker.

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And on and on and on. That, in a nutshell, is the information I needed as a teen. I needed to know that I was normal. I needed the label of bisexual. All of this is important to know because it directly affected how I portray bisexual characters in Grrrls on the Side. I consciously chose to portray different types of bisexuality because not everyone experiences sexuality the same.

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