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You can also purchase them online at www. Click here to see other Get It magazines in the network. Put a bunch of talented, creative women together and exciting things are bound to happen. That was the case when Pretty Gumbi, a domestic worker, decided she wanted work-wear that was a little more stylish, colourful and traditional — and started a whole revolution in domestic attire. Tanya Taylor went along to find out more. For the female athlete in your life who knows the true meaning of determination and inimitable will, Under Armour has the essential gear to help her take on the day, no matter where it takes her.

All intense grapefruit, melon and passionfruit with a dazzle of tiny bubbles, Robertson Winery Lightly Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc is exactly what it says … lightly sparkling and perfect for the festive season. Create your own signature piece of jewellery to suit your mood and outfit. We are not sure where we go from here. Hi Jacqueline, can you please email me at tania aspiengirl. My 8 year old granddaughter is all the above , my daughter has terrible problems getting her into her school. She complains her clothes hurt. Cannot cope with more than one friend.

She has no social Embarrasment hates any change of routine will run out of situations. I could go on and on. We are in the progress of waiting for an occupational therapist to see if there is a diagnosis, therefore maybe the school will be more understanding. Sounds like my 17 year old daughter when she was young. She knew how to read before she even started pre k and learned the ABC song from what toys would play in the store.

Musical talent and can even dance, but her obsession is literature and all areas of science. She began reading Shakespeare at a very young age and excessively paces while listening to orchestral music to create storylines in her head. I used to buy her puzzles and she would spend the entire day figuring them out.

Bring the girls / Daddy Freddy

Now she is a whiz and earned a scholarship from her teachers for her advanced literature. She can spell any word you can think of from the top of her head without knowing what it means. She just somehow knows how to spell it properly, it is amazing. My 5 year old son just got diagnosed with mild Autism so I was opened to a disorder I never knew before.

It was because of him that I noticed why my daughter was also so eccentric in behavior. Skipping senior year of high school and started college, she is afraid of how she will appear and already has pretty severe social anxiety. Now she sees a psychologist, who after 4 months cant come up with a diagnosis for her because she is so complicated. I am completely convinced my daughter is a high functioning autistic and I have told her.

She gets upset when she hears it. This post had me convinced, I think I will go get her tested for it. My daughter feels she is on the spectrum and reading this it rings quite true, as i already have an autistic son which is her twin. But i dont want to go too specialists and start saying this as i might be classed as one of those parents! The above describes my childhood in a nutshell! Always the odd one out. Hi Tania, I came across this article is a desperate search to try to get some help for my daughter.

I feel she has at least 30 of the 40 traits you have mentioned here. Would you consider this to be something to as her medical team to look into further?? One of Tony Attwoods articles on girls with Aspergers also describes her perfectly as well. Hello and thank you for your message yes I think it would be good to look into. Asperger - alisenwork Pearltrees. Creating an ASD friendly classroom. I am in my 50s, and I have suffered a lot over the years. I have 35 out of 40 of the traits that you listed.

I also have OCD, anxiety and depression which has bothered me most of my life. I control it by doing fewer stressful things, which is okay since my husband makes enough money that my part time work habits do not hurt us financially. My mom is schizophrenic, nephew is autism spectrum, cousin is bipolar, and most of us have IQs that are extremely high, so we do pretty well on the outside.

I pick the tags out of my clothing with a needle so that I can pull every thread out. I have always identified as a male brain, though I am hetero and a mom. I feel exhausted all the time, mostly because I am always compensating for my social difficulties—I have to interact with people. I have recently begun to wonder if I was on the spectrum, so I searched for information to see if females experienced this differently. I do know things and I cannot explain it. It is always right, though.

Anyway, I am interested in ways that adults with spectrum issues might improve their social abilities and reduce their anxiety and sensitivity. That would really help me a lot. Do you have any advice columns to for adults? Hi , our 16 year old daughter has been off school for 4 years. Difficulties with own emotions, will cry if thwarted as likes control but cannot understand own emotions and often detached or appears closed down.

Difficulty sleep, very sensitive to temperature, noise, very daddy about food, will binge and crash with dieting. Frighteningly honest and good logic but offends others , mood swings, hyper mobility, literal, strong sense of justice, extreme views on social issues, can be bossy, difficulty with changes to routines, insistence of having shower when house is quietest, lots of tummy and headaches obsession with reading, loves singing, tends to focus intensely on one interest and does not like being interrupted, chooses to be by self.

This is sounding like some of your descriptions. We are looking for a specialist in south east uk, any advice or suggestions gratefully received. No one knew me the silent wave. My son has Aspergers and I realize now that he gets it from me. Thank you for your comments.

Your thoughts and feelings are quite common. Best wishes on your novel. You have absolutely hit the nail on the head with my 5 year old daughter. Looking at finding some strategies to help her and us deal with some of her traits that she struggles with. Hi, my name is Emma. A mother of 3, eldest girl aged 6, has spina bifida , vp shunt, hydrocephalus. So many of the traits you list are indicative of intellectual giftedness in a young child.

How do you determine whether a child is Aspergers, Gifted, or both? Great question and thank, you for asking. I have worked and currently work with this sub-population. Now we know that certain types of IQ tests are not the best at identifying IQ in individuals with HFA or Aspergers, but there is a spikey profile and often a significant split s and spikey subtests are associated with individuals on the Spectrum.

Giftedness or Aspergers differ in many domain too numerous for this reply, however this table may help: She also has started picking her lips. To this day she still has balance issues. Doctors never worry and just say that its anxiety or normal kid stuff. Thank you for doing the research and writing your books!! Is speaking extremely early something that could be connected?

I started talking around nine months. Not just words, but small, broken sentences. I got taken to the doctor for it. I believe it is actually still in a record somewhere. I will be seeing a Paediatrcian for my 5 year old daughter and your article is exactly what I will be using. After reading it several times my daughter is all of these. I have Aspergers as well which is a great asset as I can teach her all the coping mechanisisms. It was a great relief reading your article to know that I am not a bad parent as in my child acts in these ways because she has aspergers not because of my failure to parent correctly which is often what other adults have commented to me.

Am very sure I have enough evidence to get her a diagnoses in Feb because of your article and get her the early intervention she needs. I was diagnosed in when I was So getting diagnosed at 5 hopefully means she wont suffer the anxiety and depression I had. No guarantee I know but intervention has been shown to be very successful. Morning is broken myquirkygirl. Since my mother is so socially awkward and unadapted to her gender role, I ended up thinking she might have some form of autism.

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Instead, I read this list and realise this is the exact description of me as a kid!!! She is 7 now and my husband and myself are at a complete loss. We first noticed strange behaviors when she was 2. She likes to hoard objects i. The aggression became much worse. The bossiness, social hierarchy, bossing mom and brother around. Always being the teachers pet. She is aggressive and violent. Never wants to go to school or get dressed brush teeth or hair , very picky eater and hates the way a lot of fabrics and tags in her clothes feel.

She really has no friends and does not know how to react to peer or adults correctly. Her facial expressions seem to not connect. She usually laughs when she is in trouble or done wrong or smiles. Her emotions are a roller coaster. We have sought help locally numerous amounts of time including a sleep study and every physician comes back saying something different. Either she is depressed or she needs her tonsils out due to not sleeping , or she needs behavioral therapy.

My husband and I feel like we are banging our heads against brick walls.

First Signs of Asperger Syndrome in Bright Young Girls Pre-school – Updated December 11th, 2016

Any insight or an evaluation would be appreciated. Please let me know what I need to do or if that might be possible. There Are a few options we can discuss if You email my PA at admin centreforautism. I have 3 other kids. My husband describes her as a wet noodle when trying to teach her. She has no friends. In school she will just pick up a book and read in the middle of a math lesson. But she reads 4th grade level books and words fluently without a problem.

Her smiles seem fake. When I see her around other kids I see that she copies them. She used to grunt. She figured out two baggers at the grocery store were brothers and one of them confirmed it. She goes with me to the store maybe once a month. She said they talk the same and have the same noses. She likes to make things and play board games and put puzzles together and color. She gets them dressed, she arranges the furniture in the doll house. She often does what we tell her to, but not because she thinks we have the right to tell her to.

This comes up so often when it comes to bathing, brushing teeth, combing hair. Her desk was placed a long ways away from other children None of this helped her social standing! She has to carefully line up her crayons and pencils and markers before she would even begin to work. However we are in the UK and they just do not recognise the differences in how girls and boys present.

My daughter is 9 years old, going through this list she has so many of these traits. She also is ADD and we just went yesterday to put the plan into place and found out she is a grade level behind in Math and English. Does anyone know how to go about getting her diagnosed? It is an every day battle with her and all I want to do is make life so much easier and happier for her. My daughter age 8 was finally officially diagnosed today, thanks to articles like this which made me think, thanks for all you do.

This describes my Currently, she is in total denial; said the online quiz I sent her was borderline insulting. Parenting her has been so hard! But now what to do. I need to figure out how to get her to eat; sensory sensitivity issue? This describes my grand daughter. She is living with us and we wish to give her the best grand parenting we can. She is 13 which is an awkward age anyway, but to have aspergers as well is pretty tough. Please could you give me advice when there is a meltdown, and just general advice please.

Hi If you email tania aspiengirl. Thank you so much for writing this! It took me over 2 years to convince our doctors and psychologists that my daughter has autism. The diagnostic tools were clearly created around boys I had seen, and I kept running into parents of girls that had been quickly dismissed from their screenings because the greeted someone appropriately or made great eye contact.

It was beyond frustrating! I made a list 5 typed pages front and back of all of her behaviors that concerned me. I also took pictures and videos of her behaviors, because she would always perform perfectly during evaluations except for how nervous she was in the beginning.

We finally got a diagnosis at age 5. This article will help so many parents of AsperGirls explain to evaluators what they experience! Thank you so very much for posting this. This is my daughter. I did order your book online over 2 years ago as an electronic copy however something went wrong with the download and I never received it. I would really like the book that I paid for Please help Desperate Mother. I am 47 and after reading this realise that in the past I had displayed a majority of these issues.

I always wondered what was wrong with me and why I was differently to everyone else. This made me a target of bullying for my entire school life and this has effected me in long into adulthood. This sounds like my 4 year old. Is there specific help for kiddos this age?

Durban Get It Magazine December 2018

My granddaughter has MANY of the observable traits mentioned for birth to preschool. We cannot get anyone to evaluate her outside the box. Her 5 yr old brother was diagnosed ADD and her 13yr old brother would be as well as the mother if they went through the testing. Thank you for your message and please keep pushing to help your granddaughter. I do my work so that no more females are left behind. This blows my mind. I feel like I am reading a list describing my 8 year old daughter. I always knew something was different from around age 2.

I hoped she would outgrow it but it only became more intense. She was originially diagnosed with dmdd and GAD but after a recent hospitalization both the therapist at the hospital and her new psych doc both feel she is on the spectrum. I am still trying to get her evaluated. I feel like I am finally getting answers. This list is wonderful though- I am definitely saving!

My youngest seems to meet most of the criteria. She had already been evaluated using ADOS and ADI when she was 5 and we were given a negative result for autism, yet she is ten now and having so many social issues as well as learning issues. I was also told by friends that I seem to want her to be autistic… which is the last thing I want, but she needs help and nobody knows what the cause of her problems are.

Thanks for writing this. It is very frustrating for me to hear. Both the ADOS and the ADI have been shown in research to be unreliable assessment tools for girls on the spectrum Who display subtle traits I should not be relied on solely for diagnosis. You are right, the criteria she was tested by does not often fit many females. You need supportive friends And we need many more Professionals who are both trained and experienced in the diagnosis and assessment of girls. I wanted to update that we were referred to a different specialist by her school psychologist and she was given a far more thorough assessment and this time she was found to be on the spectrum.

I was sad that we had lost years re wrong previous diagnosis but at least now we can finally do something about it. That was an attempt at humor. Like many other parents here I find this work vital. Another daughter has struggled with sensory issues, a bipolar diagnosis, etc. We finally heard about your site from Maureen Bennie yesterday after discovering the concept of Autism Shutdown and Autism Burnout.

Any comments or links to resources would be very welcome. The shutdowns are very debilitating. Stop telling me that I dont have Aspergers — Acantabra. They say no but they are wrong! But can a boy be a bit more like a girl if he has say for example inherited excelling language skills and has a sometimes extroverted Aspergers parent like myself and enjoys drama and music and acting? But nah no ASD! He only eats like 5 foods, unless you count junk food. He can remember the past but nothing in the short term. Omg the list goes on…. Hi Danielle yes absolutely he can.

In fact many of my assessment of males who love drama music and acting seem to be a little bit more female-like in terms of the phenotype or the profile or the presentation. I dont have a personality disorder but I was also diagnosed with adhd at the same time by two seperate specialists. This is a very difficult behaviour to aknowledge about yourself. I have an OT now, that helps a lot with sensory stuff. Could you possibly send me in the right direction with a link or book.

Thank you, that list was shockingly precise, stuff I never thought about! I would like further advice about the diagnosis process. I have 12 year old twin girls and I have always felt that they are both on the spectrum. I have read your article and I would say that they both score high for the symptoms. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. First Signs of Asperger Syndrome in Bright Young Girls Pre-school This blog is at the back of I Am AspienGirl Pre-School In my clinical practice and experience with hundreds of females, I have become familiar with some very subtle common and early first signs of Asperger Syndrome in young girls, from birth through to pre-school years.

May have vertigo or motion sickness e. May have sleep issues. Social and emotional delay for her age, yet seen beyond her years. May wander, have social naivety, be too trusting, take others literally, and have a lack of boundaries A tendency to be too emotionally honest and unable to hide their true feelings Hi Ruth-Ann and thank-you for your comments.

Poorest and brightest girls more likely to be depressed – UK study | Society | The Guardian

Book Series coming soon: Hello Rachael and thank you for your kind words. I wish you all the best: I so desperately need help. My daughter is 11 and was only diagnosed resently. So little info available in SA. Dear Veronica, Thank-you for your message. Can you please email me at tania aspiengirl. Yes, it certainly can be a common trait. Do you do Skype dx for children? I would like to know how many should my child show before I bring her to see a doc??? This… this is gonna make me do some thinking.

I am now writing I Am AspienWoman: Charmaine, glad my work is so helpful. She has at least half of these!! Hi- My daughter is 9 years old, going through this list she has so many of these traits. Hi Sherry, yes there can of help for children this age however it depends on where you live. So frustrated… He only eats like 5 foods, unless you count junk food.

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