We are happy to have members at all stages in their careers, and we are proud of the valuable network of writers this has created. Several of our members, in addition to being professional poets, are also professional editors whose services may be available on a freelance basis. Below, you can find a list of League members who may be a good fit for your current editing needs, from manuscript evaluations to a variety of levels of editing and review.

If you are a member of the League and you would like to add your services to our database, please email nicole poets. Her poetry collections are: She lives in Vancouver, BC and is currently working on a couple of new manuscripts.

Introduction to Rate Poems

I have a soft spot for ESL writers. You are the guide, you know best what you are putting into the words, while I give suggestions for rewording, cuts, organization, to help your work shine. I am generous with my time. Jennifer Footman comes from India, spent most of her life in Edinburgh, and came to Canada in with her three sons. She has had many years experience running creative writing workshops, teaching poetry in schools under the Ontario Poets in Schools programme, and performing her poetry in public.

She has been, and continues to be active in many community groups, ranging from the Brampton Writers Guild to the John Howard Society. She has been writing for the last 40 years and has several books of poetry published in the UK and in Canada.

Get Paid to Write Poetry: 14 Markets for Freelance Writers

Her short fiction has also been widely published. Rating poems not only ensures a wider audience for you, but it may also provide validating encouragement or constructive analysis for fellow authors, assisting them in future compositions. Rating poems is the best way to promote your own work and that of your peers. The more you rate, the more exposure your poems will receive. There are limitless ways to get involved within the Poetry Nation community.

Manuscript Readers

You can become friends with current members or invite new people to join. Connecting with other poets deepens your ability to share ideas, gain inspiration, and garner attention for your work. You might bond with a poet who gravitates toward like subject matter or who embodies a similar style of writing. On the other hand, teaming up with a poet whose style contrasts with yours might challenge you and stretch the boundaries of your own creativity.

By sharing your poems and collaborating with others, you contribute to a larger poetic network and create a more diverse tapestry of ideas. Introduction to Rate Poems One thing has become clear to us over the years. Read More Rate Poems: Dear all, Today, I have been approached by a Canadian publishing firm who is looking for translators to translate several books ranging from 10, to , words on nutrition, spirituality, youth, etc. In general, while literary translation is certainly one of the most time-consuming types of translation, the people who pay for it--publishers or individuals--don't have as much money as other types of companies!

But I would be really interested to know whether other literary translators have experience getting well-paid for their work, at least here in North America? Please keep in mind that when you are translating poetry you even have mathematical calculations towards words involved on each line.

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  • Get paid to write poetry: Income expectations.
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  • Get Paid to Write Poetry: 14 Markets for Freelance Writers.
  • Rate Poems: Guidelines.
  • Rate Poems - Get an Audience, Be an Audience! - Poetry Nation;

Also, considering the words that might have to rhyme. All these previously mentioned: I would have to say that poetry translation should be paid at a higher rate.

Rate Poems: Get an audience, Be an audience!

Try to negotiate a royalty clause May 25, Rather than go for higher rates, you might try to negotiate a royalty clause. If the book sells well, you will keep enjoying the fruits of your work. Hendarto Indonesian literary translator. Some issues May 25, Stephanie Bellumat wrote: Today, I have been approached by a Canadian publishing firm who is looking for translators to translate several books ranging from 10, to , words on nutrition, spirituality, youth, etc.

Rules for writing poetry

That would fall under the category of science or even general medicine, I would think. And even the other categories you mention--"spirituality" and "youth" are vague topics, but sound like they might be informational books, probably not literary. Literary would generally refer to poetry, novels, short stories, memoir.

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I agree with Samuel that translating a book on nutrition--especially for a non-nutrionist--would be quite technical and time-consuming! For that one, I'd suggest going for the highest rate you can. On the others--well, I would not agree to a fixed rate without seeing an excerpt of the book.