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Company The Schaeffler Group is actively helping to shape the rapid developments that are taking place worldwide as part of mobility for tomorrow. Development opportunities Work-life balance Leadership essentials. Investor Relations Megatrends and future markets — what are the best investment strategies? Overview Products X-life - Measurably Better. Are you sure If you click on "Delete all" all the items are removed from the cart. Your ZIP file is created! There are no items in your Media Basket. The tassels, while colour correct, are overwhelmed in a corn field, especially from a fox's point of view, by all the green and are not really seen either.

Wakeman seems to have never spent any time by a corn field to know that, unlike the fox who lives there, so Wakeman does not get that his quirky translation allusion is a stretch in reminding one of the little prince's hair colour.

Le Petit Prince: French Edition: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Books

I find it rather a clash, or at the very least a break in the lovely flow St. Exupery spent so much time and talent composing, and work editing to create in his original work. Foreman's illustrations are what is special about this Wakeman translation. All of the St. Exupery ones used, which is most of them, have been taken and re-worked. The line work and watercolour is far more skilful than St. It really takes a second look to realize it is not actually St.

Exupery's line work with better color. All drawings have been given color, which brings a satisfaction absent from some, even in the original publication, where for example, I have been sorely tempted to pull out my own paint box for the little prince watching the sunset. This drawing is clearly a watercolour originally, but has only ever been published in black and white. Here all the drawings are now shown in colour. But where Foreman has really excelled is in introducing 8 beautiful full page or double page paintings of the little prince and the pilot: For it is not just the story of a special individual, but also one of a special relationship, and the special place in our lives of special relationships and what makes them special.

The Woods translation is still head and shoulders above the new ones, except for the Wakeman. Both are far more evocative of what was intended. The Foreman illustrations with the Wakeman translation I think makes it even better. The Woods translation hardcover is now a collectors item and can often be very expensive and harder to find in the U. Easier in Britain and isn't that a whole other very interesting essay on the lovely differences it indicates. The Woods edition appears to be available economically as a paperback white cover, usually pre publishing date , but with no color illustrations.

The Howard translation, both hardcover and softcover blue cover , both with color illustrations and some black and white , is easily available at a quite reasonable price. The Schwarz translation is available in England and Canada easily, but hard to locate and has very poor notes on amazon. There are, I think, copyright issues until ; another interesting essay. I cannot vouch for the paperback version, publications of which often get cheap and sometimes are done with black and white illustrations only, like the Katherine Woods paperback and the Testot-Ferry translation see below and see my review of Michael Foreman's Arthur High King Of Britain for more.

It is worth working through Le Petit Prince. You will learn more about life and language and different cultures in doing so than in many larger weightier, more adult tomes and our children will too from this timeless story with so many layers and such depth in its simplicity. I have also discovered there is enough of the Irene Testot-Ferry translation Wordsworth on the amazon "read inside" feature to render an opinion on it too. Archaic, and not in a good way like the Katherine Woods. The Testot-Ferry is awkward, incorrect: Exupery and the pilot here in the story which "a little" conveys.

So she doesn't really get it. And by the way, Wakeman leaves out "a little" completely. The Testot-Ferry translation is awkward. She opens a paragraph with: So avoid this translation despite its bargain basement price. You get what you pay for.

There are better more accurate translations and more richness and layers of meaning in the Wakeman and the Woods translations, which are missing and awkward in the Testot-Ferry, and which such a classic piece of literature deserves. A recent comment elsewhere prompted this post script: If you have a Cuffe translation of The Little Prince it too is very rare and likely will never be re-printed.

The Wakeman edition is becoming such too, sadly. The reason for this is that the Little Prince fell out of copyright in England after fifty years, so Penguin and Pavillion, actually anticipating this, did the Cuffe version and the Wakeman version respectively. Exupery is allowed an additional 30 years due to his premature death in exceptional service to his nation, and The Little Prince, like a handful of other titles, fell back into copyright there.

This means, alas, likely no Folio Society edition or any other UK or European one for quite some time. Additionally, as I understand it, there are some differences among the family.

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Why would HB not, for this incredible money-maker that most publishers would love a piece of. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Amazon will not let me return this book and it is defective. Multiple pages are like the photo I have included. Exupery is allowed an additional 30 years due to his premature death in exceptional service to his nation and The Little Prince, like a handful of other titles, fell back into copyright there. The review is only for the quality of book '' The Little Prince: I was attracted towards this version because it said it's Katherine Wood's translation which is better than Howard's translation Blue Cover.

Also, the cover looked exactly same as the one I loved as a child.

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