D-229 Nakamura Tenpu

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Nakamura Tenpu/Miscellaneous Japanese Art/Gallery Nagaragawa

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With a lot more files and option available we predict our readers will get the things they arereally looking for. The writers of Nakamuratenpu Japanese Edition have made all reasonable efforts to offer latestand precise material for that readers of this publication. The creators will never be held accountablefor any unintentional flaws or omissions which may be found.

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Home page Nakamuratenpu Japanese Edition. I'm looking at cds at amazon.

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I always assumed it had something to do with Japan's consumer culture - they will pay the extra money to get the 'best' possible version of the CD. It may not be twice the price given shipping and import costs, bringing the price to within a couple bucks might be enough.

  1. 2 thoughts on “Morihei Ueshiba: Untranslatable Words”?
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GeekAnimator - for a really thorough explanation, see here warning, Geocities. I was gonna answer this, but instead I'll just say that Gortuk above is pretty much on the money. CDs in Japan are so damn expensive because the government says they have to be.

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A third confirmation of Gortuk's reasoning. The bonus tracks are to encourage Japanese to buy the Japanese edition. So how about CDs released in Japan of Japanese artists?

  1. Morihei Ueshiba: Untranslatable Words.
  2. Single Mom Transformation Program {SMTP} Manual.
  3. Fin de vie (Politique, idée, société) (French Edition).
  4. D-253 Nakamura Tenpu.