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Journal of Early Christian Studies 3 , pp. A Critical Reader , London: University of Notre Dame Press , pp. Jews, Christians and Pagans in Antiquity , Frankfurt: Brakke, David, Demons and the Making of the Monk: Brakke, David, Evagrius of Pontus: Indiana University Press Brakke, David, The Gnostics: Landesbibliothek Fulda , Stuttgart: Das Mittelalter 3 , pp. Farfa Sabina, 12 aprile luglio , Farfa: Biblioteca del Monumento nazionale di Farfa, stampa , pp. Gert Melville and Peter von Moos eds. Anton Scharrer and Georg Scheibelreiter eds. Braunfels, Wolfgang, Monasteries of Western Europe: The Architecture of the Orders , trans.
Thames and Hudson Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 23 1: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception , Berlin: Bernhard Bischoff and Heinrich Suso Brechter eds. Paul Lehmann zum Geburtstag gewidmet , St. Stundien und Mitteilungen des Benediktiner-Orderns und seiner Zweige 56 , pp. Over de verhouding van godsdienst, kerk en samenleving , Kampen: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society Ancient, Medieval, and Modern , Chicago: Chicago University press, 2 nd ed.
Schnell und Steiner , pp. A lfried Wieczorek and Gerfried Sitar eds. Bremmer and Kees Dekker eds. Gallen und die Regula S. Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo , pp. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Letture e Filosofia , vol. Flavia De Rubeis and Federico Marazzi eds. Il caso di San Vincenzo al Volturno a confronto con le sperienze italiane ed europe , Rome , pp. Peter Ochsenbein and Karl Schmucki eds.
Church History 54 , pp. Journal of Religious History 13 , pp. Brennecke, Hanns Christof et al. Ephrem the Syrian , Crestwood, NY: Studies in Syriac Theology and Liturgy , Aldershot: Essays for George Zarnecki, vol 1: Boydell Press , pp. Brooks Hedstrom, Darlene L. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 65 , pp. Bettina Bader and Mary Ownby eds. Coptica 4 , pp. Gawdat Gabra and Gertrud van Loon, Cairo: American University in Cairo Press ; paperback , pp.
Egypt in the Byzantine World, , ed. Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies 3 , pp. Cistercian Studies Quarterly 48 , pp. Studies in Honor of Richard Sullivan , ed.
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Dumbarton Oaks Papers 58 , pp. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 63 , pp. Surveys and Initial Excavations at the Monastery of St. John the Little in Wadi al-Natrun: Dumbarton Oaks Papers 64 , pp.
Fakultät I Geisteswissenschaften: Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 29 , pp. The Haskins Society Journal 14 , pp. Emulation and Innovation , Cambridge: Little, From Attila to Charlemagne: Cleveland History , pp. The British Library Society, Spirituality, and the Scribe , Toronto: Journal of Roman Studies 51 , pp. Reflections 4 , online.
Van het Romeinse Rijk tot het jaar duizend , Amsterdam , pp. Early Medieval Europe 9 , pp. Cambridge Ancient History , vol. Evangelos Chrysos and Ian Wood eds. Scritti in onore di Arnaldo Momigliano, Como: He referred to himself as "God's scribe". He wrote that on 15 March he began hearing an ' inner voice ' from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said.
By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to more than 10, pages in print. His writings were published posthumously as amounting to a "New Revelation", and the contemporary "Lorber movement" forms one of the major neo-revelationist sects, mostly active in German-speaking Europe , although part of Lorber's writings have also been translated into more than 20 languages according to the website of the Lorber Publisher and the world-wide spread adherents do not gather in an institutionalized church, but usually continue to belong to their previous Christian denomination.
He was trained as a village teacher. A brief biography by his friend Karl Gottfried Ritter von Leitner indicates that Lorber was an uncomplicated person. He was observed while writing by well-educated men in the city of Graz, such as Dr. Anton Kammerhuber, Leopold Cantily, pharmacist of Graz, and others. These men observed him writing and verified his simple life. For instance, the wife of one of his friends was certain that Lorber had studied the material he was pretending to hear from the inner voice, but she never found the scientific books she had supposed he was hiding, eventually finding his only research material to be a single copy of the Bible.
He had musical talent and learned the violin, taking lessons from the virtuoso violinist Paganini , and once giving a violin concert at the La Scala Opera House in Milan. In —the same year he claimed to begin hearing the inner voice—Lorber was offered the position of assistant musical director at the theater in Trieste. He claimed that the inner voice, however, directed him to decline and take up a life of solitude instead. Lorber's writings reveal that the inner voice spoke freely in first person as the voice of Jesus Christ.
Lorber's prose has been described as compelling, moving some readers to compare it with writings by other mystics such as Emanuel Swedenborg , Jakob Boehme and Rudolf Steiner. In the Great Gospel of John , the narrator, Jesus, explains that he is the creator of the material universe, which was designed both as a confinement of Satan, and so he could take upon himself the condition of a man. He says he did this to inspire his children who could otherwise not perceive him in his primordial form as a spirit.
He gives descriptions of the eons of time involved in creating the Earth. He does so in a manner similar to the modern theory of evolution all the way up to the point several thousand years ago when Jesus placed Adam upon the Earth, which at the time contained man-like creatures who did not have free will, being simply the most clever of the animals. In comprehensive manner, the Great Gospel of John continually emphasizes the importance of free will. In this book, heaven and hell are presented as conditions already within us, expressed according to whether we live in harmony or contrary to God's divine order.
The Great Gospel of John also states that the gospels of John and Matthew were written at the time of the events they chronicle; for instance, Lorber writes that Jesus specifically told Matthew to take notes during the Sermon on the Mount. However, in the Great Gospel of John the narrator explains how this happened.
He claims that there were many writers who described him, including several authors named Matthew, who all wrote similarly over a period of many years. Lorber claimed to have heard by the inner voice, in , the "lost" letter Paul wrote to the assembly of the Laodiceans, as referred to in Colossians 4: Several texts purporting to be the "lost" letter survive, notably one brief text preserved in medieval Vulgate manuscripts, attested from the 6th century.
Another candidate is attributed to Marcion , listed in the Muratorian fragment. Marcion's text is lost, and the Vulgate text is widely recognized as pseudepigraphical , and was decreed uncanonical by the Council of Florence of