Event Information

Akito, who has been in the UK as a visiting fellow at University College London, kindly offered to give the lecture before his return to Japan in March.

An abstract was agreed within the Department as being suitable for a joint presentation and so arrangements were made by the OES committee for its organisation. The lecture was attended by students and academic staff from the Department and the Institute of Japanese Studies as well as OES members. In the Common Room afterwards, Professor Okada performed a brief extract of a Noh dance to thank the OES and audience members for their attendance and attention to his talk. It is hoped to arrange further collaborations between Departmental research groups and alumni in the future.

Abstract This presentation aims to throw light on the evolution and historical transformation of the concept of equality of opportunity as applied to educational policies in Japan from the end of World War II to the present day. They are asked to personalise learning experiences to ensure that every student has a chance to succeed and to deal with increasing diversity in their classrooms and differences in learning styles. And they need to keep up with innovations in curricula, pedagogy and digital resources.

Improving equity and efficiency in Japanese higher education | East Asia Forum

To address these demands, Japan will need to rethink many aspects of its approaches to teacher development, including how to optimise the pool of individuals from which teacher candidates are drawn; recruiting systems and the ways in which staff are selected; the kind of initial education recruits obtain before they start their jobs, how they are monitored and inducted into their service, and the continuing education and support they receive; how their compensation is structured; and how struggling teachers can be helped to improve, while the best-performing teachers are given opportunities to acquire more status and responsibility.

In recent decades, Japan has tended to prioritise reductions in class sizes over investments in the quality of teachers. This balance may now require adjustment, and our studies provide a range of examples on how this could be achieved. What is clear is that performance is the result of what happens in classrooms, and only reforms that are implemented in classrooms can be expected to succeed.

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Teacher engagement in the development and implementation of educational reform is therefore crucial, and school reform will not work unless it is supported from the bottom up. Under license from Shutterstock. Stay up-to-date with the latest news from the OECD by signing up for our e-newsletter: To receive your exclusive paper editions delivered to you directly Online edition Previous editions. Water and the economic crisis Education in Japan: Learning to change Tax challenges, disruption and the digit Jobs, unemployment and government action Africa's tax system: Why quotas work for gender equality Education in Japan: Has the Legal Aid Punishment of Offenders and Sentencing Act restricted access to justice for the most needy and vulnerable?

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Education Policy and Equal Opportunity in Japan

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Takehiko Kariya