… but the art of communication has changed

In thinking about your team, is there someone with whom you are just never on the same page? Do you have a great team meeting, but wonder if that certain person got the message?

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In Emergenetics language, communicating outside of your comfort zone means using your LPA- your least preferred thinking attribute. The major challenge with LPA is lack of insight and understanding into what that thinking preference actually needs to hear, wants to know, or what they value. For example, a conceptual thinker might devote large amounts of energy to producing lists for a meeting with a structural thinker. The lists will be helpful, but if provided without context for the lists or a meeting goal, the ROI on the energy spent to produce them versus the benefit to the structural thinker is negligible.

Thinking and communicating within your LPA can be frustrating and draining of your time and energy that could be better spent in other areas.

Lynne Jensen-Nelson Presents Leveraging DiSC Communication to Manage, Motivate and Lead

As a manager, your time should be devoted to value ads- not resource sucking black holes. And yet, sometimes we have no choice but to use our LPA. Will I get to interact with you? Will it impede my social life? First layer of importance with this group is that they have been referred to your product from a trusted source, or more than one source.


These are the people best reached through word-of-mouth advertising and honest reviews unless your service directly impacts their social interactions. Share testimonials lauding your product and you as a person. Will this be fun, relaxing, enjoyable? How comfortable will it be? How will this help me feel more secure? Can I take my time making a decision?

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  • Leveraging Your Communication Style;

Is this a safe process or procedure? Will this process be scary?

Leveraging Your Leadership Style: Maximize Your Influence by Discovering the Leader Within

Will you be there to support me? Can someone I trust come with me? S needs customer service and a great bedside manner. Take your time, show you care. Share testimonials about how the product or service made this person feel. How many clients have you served? How will this help me digest information? What are the sources of this information? What are your reliability ratings?

Leadership Communication Styles: Leave Your Comfort Zone

What are the measurements of this product? How much does it weigh? Where can I find more information? There are more constructive ways of relaying leadership than relying on traditional command-and-control communicative techniques. Communication today is faster and more dynamic than in the pre-social media age. People are better informed and more inquisitive. They question methods and methodology. This conversation engages employees and helps them to take ownership of work-based tasks.

  • Account Options;
  • The Canadian Bar Association : Talking Back: Gender, Communication, and Leveraging Your Own Style.
  • Looking for something?.
  • Leveraging DiSC Communication Styles for Marketing Copy.
  • Inside Information: Leveraging Communication Styles | Benson Consulting Inc..
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These conversations between leaders and employees also mimic how people use social media connections. It is no longer necessary for people to be in the same room to converse. What is necessary is to have an emotional and mental closeness.

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Never be afraid to show that you are human. Connect on an emotional level, showing willingness to empathize with values and beliefs. Doing so shows that you trust them, and they will reward you with their trust in return. Only by listening can you lead. Your people are the ones who know your leadership qualities and capabilities the best.

Ask them how they would rank you, and request feedback on performance. Then do something about it. Use tone of voice skills, but never rely on pitch alone to win authority.