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Return to Book Page. Preview — Hating Gladys by Leona Gom.

Gladys Tantaquidgeon | Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame

Hating Gladys by Leona Gom. Gladys Pratt was in control, the mistress of her own domain. In the sixties she and her husband were running a lodge in a remote area of the Yukon. Communication to the outside world was by mail, if it got out. Gladys was a tyrant. Deeply unhappy in her own life, she made life miserable for everyone around her -- her house-keeper, her cooks and the young women who worked a Gladys Pratt was in control, the mistress of her own domain.

Deeply unhappy in her own life, she made life miserable for everyone around her -- her house-keeper, her cooks and the young women who worked as her waitresses during the summer months. Kendy and Elke were two of them -- fresh out of high school and heading to university, they anticipated earning enough money to pay their first semester's tuition. Elke was shy and timid, new at waitressing and often the butt of Gladys's wrath. But Kendy was more confident and found the courage to stand up to Gladys, and for that Gladys's punishment was devastating.

Kendy is a successful entrepreneur, and Elke a university professor. One summer day, Elke spots Gladys on the bus. She's shocked at seeing Gladys and struggles with the fierce emotions that threaten to engulf her. Elke seeks out Kendy; neither has forgotten their Yukon summer. Kendy thirsts for revenge and draws the reluctant Elke into a plan. Hating Gladys is a story of conflicting emotions told from both Elke's and Glady's points of view.

Their disparate voices weave a story of wit and irony, humour and anguish. Gom explores the damaged lives of younger and older women learning to deal with bitterness and betrayal, the destructive impulses of a dangerous hatred, and the treacherous but remedial ways of understanding and forgiveness.

Hating Gladys

Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Hating Gladys , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

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Apr 26, Three O'Clock Press added it. Deeply unhappy in her own life, she made life miserable for everyone aruond her - her housekeeper, her cooks and the young women who worked as her waitresses during the summer months.

‘She is in here, always’

Kendy and Elke were two of them - fresh out of high school and heading to university Gladys Pratt was in control, the mistress of her own domain. Kendy and Elke were two of them - fresh out of high school and heading to university, they anticipated earning enough money to pay their first semester's tuition.

Gladys Knight & The Pips Neither One Of Us

Elke was shy andtimid, new at waitressing and often the butt of Gladys's wrath. Hating Gladys is a story of conflicting emotions told from both Elke's and Gladys's points of view. Gom explores the damaged lives of younger and older women learning to deal with bitterness and betrayal, the destructive impulses of a dangerous hatred, and the tracherous but remedial ways of understanding and forgiveness. Apr 22, Katy Mead rated it really liked it.

Canada's magazine of book news and reviews

Nationally, she was known as an expert in the restoration of cultural practices and was sought after by western tribes to aid in preservation efforts. Tantaquidgeon was born in , a descendant of the first Sachem Uncas and niece of Emma Fielding Baker , who became her mentor and educated her in tribal spirituality and herbal medicine.

In , she began studying anthropology with Dr. Frank Speck at the University of Pennsylvania, followed by field work among northwestern tribes. Her duties involved the organization of Indian cooperatives and research and preservation of ancient Indian artistic techniques. After concluding her government service in , she returned to Uncasville, Conn. Tantaquidgeon continued to work at the museum until , and further served the Mohegans on their Tribal Council. Drawing knowledge from multiple sources, Tantaquidgeon was also the author of several books on Indian medicine practices and folklore, including Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians.

In addition, Tantaquidgeon received honorary doctorates from the University of Connecticut and Yale University. When Gladys Tantaquidgeon died at the age of , she was celebrated as the remarkable woman who had kept her heritage alive with her spirituality and fierce determination. At the time of her death, Connecticut Governor M. The McCarthy Era purged suspected Communists from government, the entertainment industry, and universities, and labeled gays and lesbians as un-American security risks.

For two decades, a burgeoning economy and a growing consumer culture had expanded the availability of jobs for women. Notable was the increase in the workforce of married women, especially middle-class white women and educated women, though they were viewed in the media as working less for a career than to assist their families with needed income or desirable amenities for the home. Some working-class women in labor unions challenged traditional cultural norms, such as the United Electric, Radio and Machine Workers who achieved non-discrimination clauses in local contracts.

More radical women in Women Strike for Peace demonstrated against the nuclear arms race and were summoned to the House Un-American Activities Committee in