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This is also your cultural heritage. Lorraine Murphy, Vancouver Because you have a brain. Millions of years of evolution have given you this information processing device designed singularly to increase your ability to reproduce. It forces you to care about where food and safety are, where warmth and comfort are, and where the opposite sex are.

I Should Care

You should care because there's a lot of needless suffering in the world, and if you are rich enough to waste time on the internet then you are capable of changing things for the better. Stuart Bray, Nottingham England An evolutionist would argue that you should only care if doing so leads to a greater probability that your genes will be replicated. Maybe in the survival of human beings in developed countries, in the immediate future is so assured, that even from a purely selfish point of view it is advisable to start thinking long-term.

I for one fancy giving children's, children a chance. Surely this can only be achieved by caring. Not so hard to figure out why you should, a utilitarian approach works well on simple mass judgements like this. You care simply because it produces goodness for those whose lives are touched by your deeds, and this necessarily comes back to you.

Duncan James, Zurich Switzerland Because people who don't care are what is wrong with the world! Jenna, Wales Actually, it doesn't matter a wit if you actually care or not - so long as you behave as if you do. Robert Wright, Bristol UK Caring must come near top of the list of how we do things which help define us at our most empathetic, giving, tender, reflective and nurturing , something most often seen within the same species of the animal world, and something increasingly sacrificed by man at the altar of consumerism.

I Should Care - Gilad Hekselman

Alan, Zagreb, Croatia Because it's free texts and minutes of free calls per month plus a new handset and a big mac with extra fries. Steve, London No reason. You either care or you do not care. Nothing can tell you what you should do. If God asked himself "Why should I create the universe? It's the downside of free will. The ball's in our court.

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Matt, Worcester UK If you're young, you should care and try to do something about it. If you're old, you should try not to care, and stay sane. Bill, Fredericton Canada If everyone said this, then eventually, no one will, and the world will be messed up. If we want people to change, we have to start changing ourselves. Amira Ismail, Cairo, Egypt Because it's impossible not to.

Concerning yourself with this question means you care.

Jazz Standards Songs and Instrumentals (I Should Care)

The fact that you turned your computer on means you care. Specify what it is you care about then you have a non-rhetorical question. Kenneth, Newport, US Because in the end What else is there to do in the world but care, when everything is the way it is and you've seen what it's like not to care Caring isn't optional when you've looked at the world.

It's like breathing, it's necessary.

And the most important reason? Because deep down inside, you know that you already do. You just shouldn't have to lie to yourself any longer. Why had I better start caring if God does exist? If God's a nice logical Guy, I should be able to count on Him to put the ones trying to do right in a happy place, faith or no. If He's not logical or not nice or both , what's my caring going to change what He does anyway? I mean we either care or not, act on that care or not. The question itself has implications - why should I care about a the question itself b its answer!

So you might as well give up now. When you cease to care, it's the defense mechanism 'discounting'. You literally make it nothing. You kill something's existence in your mind and equally kill your cognizance of a situation and a small fraction of yourself.

I Should Care Lyrics

The more you don't care about, the more thoughts, feelings, actions, and memories are dead to you, the more of your internal self is dead. I hold this reasoning and have trouble with people saying "I don't care", because they are killing other people's existence in their own mind. William, Lakewood US Ask yourself and you may find the answer.

When that day arrives ask yourself the same question and see how many answers pop into your head then Brian Prince, Barmouth The question seems to imply that you do and are wondering what good is accomplished in doing so. At least, I think that is what I was feeling when I entered the question in Google. If I were to not care, then the question would not matter to me, so it seems to be a conundrum to doubt that one does "care" if one is able to ask the question So, to the next step in this line of thought, "Does it matter if I care?

I Should Care

Simon Wolfe, Dallas, Texas I have often felt curiosity is the core component of human nature. If you are willing to ask the question "why should I care?

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True caring leads us to better shelter, food and mates, but caring is a value in and of itself. If you don't care about and respect yourself why should others care about you? Please keep in mind that it actually is basic common courtesy as well as manners that actually make this world a somewhat bearable place. Know however that there is only so much your caring can accomplish, be realistic.

I care so much about this beautiful and wonderful world that it sickens and saddens me when people choose cop outs that deny basic obvious truths such as, people like me do care. I do so without a God and without religions which keep us week and divide us. Care enough and we can and will do more! Jeffery Hoover, Lubbock, Tx. United States of America Reading through the answers has made me realise that not to care is massively immature. Chris Tyle - Jazz Musician and Historian. Music and Lyrics Analysis.

Origin and Chart Information. More on Bob Allen at JazzBiographies. More information on this tune Randy Halberstadt Author Metaphors for the Musician: See the Reading and Research page for this tune for additional references. Thelonious Monk would also become a definitive interpreter of the song, though his approach, predictably, was far sparser. His recording Thelonious Himself is particularly lyrical and focused. Movement Primarily step-wise, with some skips no larger than a downward fifth. Strong chromatic, descending, guide-tone lines are evident throughout the piece, however.

A careful linear analysis of the harmonic progression is necessary. Most of these lines begin on the 7th of a half-diminished flatted fifth of a minor chord. Piano skills are helpful in preparing this tune for effective performance. McElrath - Musicologist for JazzStandards. Bud Powell Bud's Bubble: Additional information for "I Should Care" may be found in: David Ewen American Songwriters: Wilson Biographical Dictionary H.

Straight, No Chaser , Thelonious Monk. Comment Policy Your comments are welcome, including why you like this tune, any musical challenges it presents, or additional background information. Jazz musicians, fans, and students of all ages use this website as an educational resource. As such, off-topic, off-color, unduly negative, and patently promotional comments will be removed. Once submitted, all comments become property of JazzStandards.

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