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Sommernacht (Plötzlich Fee, #1) by Julie Kagawa (1 star ratings)

In fact, an inherently flawed character is perfect for growth and development, to entertain readers with struggle and journey and so on. But when the author presents an awful human being as protagonist and then condones her qualities, presenting her as a role model, that's when we have issues. Meghan shows no sign of improvement and the tone of the book was never once negative towards her flaws. Instead of facing consequences of her idiotic behavior, Meghan flounces through the world protected by her strong men and is rewarded for every misstep. This isn't a basis for YA fantasy, this is garbage.

Meghan's second love interest, Puck , isn't much better; he's been in love with her all along picture me shocked at the reveal but is too chickenshit to act on his feelings and instead waits until she shows interest in someone else, then gets sulky and angry about it. If he were a human he'd already have thrown around the words "friendzone" and "slut". Yeah, he's that kind of guy. And then the plot I can't take the plot seriously.

The book checks off every overused YA trope on the list. Love triangle, powerful but inexperienced heroine, falling for the "bad boy" prince, you name it. I'm just so sick of the whole spiel. Take a pointer from me and try a different book.

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I've heard even Julie Kagawa's other series are better than this. Save yourself the stress and popped blood vessels. View all 24 comments. Okay, I can't do this anymore. This is a negative review, so if you liked the book please respect my opinion as I respect yours. You see, this is not a situation in which I can say that the book wasn't bad but it just wasn't for me as it happened with Cruel Beauty, or even with Fangirl.

This book is terrible. It was honestly painful for me to even get this far, and I don't want to do this anymore. Ever Okay, I can't do this anymore. Because, I'm gonna be really honest with you all, I hated everything about this book. It was so unbearably average, and I kept feeling like I had already read it a thousand times before.

The whole story is based on the weakest of premises. Said creature has also attacked your mother, who is now in the hospital. Now, you have two options: I sure as hell know what I would've chosen, but of course the main character, Meghan, thinks it's a great idea to leave a kid in the fae world for weeks and to risk her own life, instead of going for the most logical option. And again, of course her friend Puck - who is, mind you, Robin Goodfellow from effin' A Midsummer Night's Dream - doesn't think he should change her mind, or at least kill the Changeling himself and spare them a potentially fatal trip to the Unseelie court.

No, he's just like: Meghan is the biggest idiot you could possibly think of. No, seriously, she's the most insufferable main character I've ever read about.

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She never has any idea what to do and she prides herself on being "different from other girls", because they're all spoiled rich bitches who spend all day fixing their make up. My hands are itching from how much I want to slap her. Not only she's the most typical Mary Sue ever, but she's also - really, I'm sorry, but there's no way to put this nicely - extremely stupid. She doesn't know or understand even the most obvious things about the fae world, keeps putting herself in danger and generally getting her ass kicked, and she's always terrified.

She once runs into the woods during the night yes, the woods of the really dangerous fae world I mentioned before because she thought she saw her brother there, and almost ends up being eaten alive for the umpteenth time. Let's talk about the love interests, that don't seem to have any kind of personality of their own. No, wait, let's talk about the love triangle. Or about the insta-love? Yeah, I'll go with the insta-love. Yes, because Meghan meets this guy what, once?

First time they meet: Ash, aka the dark brooding prince of the Unseelie court: I want to kill you and your friend. You're also really hot. Second time they meet: I'm going to kill you. But first, let's dance. I wonder what it'd be like to kiss him!!! Third time they meet: But first, I want to kill your only friend. Please, don't kill him!!!

He's not as bad as you think he is!! The writing is average at best, and the plot basically consists of Meghan doing something stupid, a terrifying creature approaching which is always described in minute detail. And there were like, a bazillion creatures. I felt like I was reading a fae world bestiary , and then Meghan getting rescued by someone else. I just want to forget this book even exists, so yes, I'm gonna stop here.

What a waste of my time. View all 46 comments. It read like a parody Which just made it cringey. Let me share with you just a few of the gems I found in this book. The morning before my birthday, I woke up, showered, and rummaged through my dresser for something to wear.

Normally, I'd just grab whatever clannish thing is on the floor, but today was special.

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  2. Reading Books . Empire Liquidators;
  3. Беспокойный гость (Russian Edition)?
  4. Plötzlich Fee - Herbstnacht by Julie Kagawa on Apple Books?
  5. Situations.

Today was the day Scott Waldron would finally notice me. I wish I weren't so poor. I know pig farming isn't the most glamorous of jobs, but you'd think Mom could afford to buy me at least one pair of nice jeans. Oh well, I guess Scott will have to be wowed with my natural grace and charm, if I don't make an idiot of myself in front of him. Opening the cabinet doors, I scoured the boxes of cereal for the one I liked, wondering if Mom remembered to pick it up. Of course she hadn't. Nothing but fiber squares and disgusting marshmallow cereals for Ethan.

Was it so hard to remember Cheerios?


It hit the wall with a thump and dropped inside, leaving a greasy smear on the paint. I smirked and decided to leave it. Can we just talk about how fucking inconsiderate and obnoxious Meghan is???!! Your mom is probably hard at work, just trying to keep food on the table and you clothed, and all you can think to say is damn, why can't my mom buy me some cute pants and Cheerios?

And then defile the house as your passive aggressive revenge that said mom will have to clean up, on top of caring for a toddler and everything else she has to do?

No wonder she can't afford to buy you nice jeans and Cheerios. She's too busy buying cleaning supplies to mop up after your fucking mess. I'm not like "inflate-a-boob-" Angie, Ms. Perfect Cheerleader , who'd flip out if she saw a caged gerbil or a speck of dirt on her Hollister jeans. I've pitched hay and killed rats and driven pigs through knee-deep mud.

Wild animals don't scare me. The quotes go on and on. I'm going to spare you, and myself, from quoting every other problematic statement in this book. But it doesn't really get better. Like literally made me laugh. View all 11 comments. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. A while ago, I read the Iron Fey Valentine short story that goes with this book series. I thought it was horrible and wrote a bad review about it.

So some people commented on it saying that I wouldn't know if the story was bad if I hadn't read the other books in the series. I decided then that I would read at least the first volume of the Iron Fey series. Unsurprisingly, I didn't like it. If you haven't read the story and stil want to enjoy it, I would suggest you don't read this review. It might discourage you.

And I don't want to take anyone's reading pleasure from them. Let's start with the story. Sorry for the Legolas picture. But this is what fairies look like to me. Meghan Chase is a normal teenage girl with stupid YA heroine normal teenage girl problems. Her mother and stepfather aren't very rich, nearly completely against technology, and tend to forget about her. Her only friend in the whole world is her close neighbour, Robin, whose house she has never been to.

Plus she has a biiiiiiig crush on a quarterback. After embarrassing him in front of all his uber-cool friends, he invites her to have lunch with her. He's invited me and you're just jealous! You can guess what happened. OMG, what to do? Well we could cook him on a stove until he screams for his parents to save him and then they would give you your real brother back Umm no are you stupid?

Why do it the easy way when you can make a really stupid decision and go to faery land instead and search for my real brother there? So Robin who turns out to be Puck and Meghan go to the Nevernever and start to "search" for her brother. Meaning that they actually just get into trouble the whole time. Meghan manages to get herself nearly killed at least ten times and makes about twice as many stupid deals, even though she should have known better.

I have two favorite quotes in the book: Katniss, Saba and Penryn would have cooked the changeling. Okay, so I thought the story was cheesy and juvenile in a bad way. Meghan was a terrible character. She was whiney, stupid, reckless in the wrong moments, and worst of all, her sense of humour reminded me of Bella's.

  1. See a Problem?.
  2. Reasons to Kill a Baby.
  3. Plötzlich Fee - Das Geheimnis von Nimmernie by Julie Kagawa on Apple Books;

I also think that her character and her reactions are vastly unrealistic. I don't know a single person who would act as rashly as she does Apart from Bella, of course. She would have done the same. But then, that doesn't really speak for Meghan, does it?

Meghan seems to be blindly plunging into trouble just so the author could write an interesting book with many action scenes and troll fighting. Unfortunately, that made Meghan extremely unsympathetic. She was just another stupid YA heroine I wanted to throttle. The writing style wasn't exactly bad, but neither was it elaborate, poetic, dramatic, appropriate, or even interesting. There was nothing new in this book: Even though I found this book vastly entertaining for all the wrong reasons , I can't say I liked it even one bit.

Many other people seem to have liked this book, but it just wasn't my thing. View all 12 comments. I had this book on my to-read list for ages. The first half of the book was pretty decent. It moved along at a nice clip and the characters had enough personality to avoid being buried in the story. The draw and mystery of the Otherworld had me rushing past pages. But it completely fell apart during the second half.

I absolutely hated how weak Meghan became. She just stood there like idiot gaping at the danger around her. Not all of them are bitches who want nothing more than to make you suffer. In fact, a lot of the people I met during my high school days were quite nice. Is it just me but did the ending of the book remind me of Labyrinth?

  1. Product description!
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Or am I crazy? I ask for so little, just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want. Fear me, love me, just do as I say, and I will be your slave. Ash and Puck sort of blended together. The romance was pretty abrupt and fast too. The writing was not my thing either. The Neverland was that what it was called? And exactly what was the point of referencing anime things such as otaku and what not when they had absolutely NO relevance to the story?

Not to mention how would Meghan actually know these things if she's so "cut off from the world" due to an old computer with poor internet access, no cell phone, and I'm sorry to say, thoroughly white-centric based community? Probabilmente la Kagawa aveva paura di non arrivare a scrivere pagine e quindi ha deciso di sprecare carta aggiungendo Chase ogni tre righe. Comunque tornando a noi..

View all 6 comments. First of all, I can't quite believe this comes from the same author that wrote The Immortal Rules. Kagawa has certainly made progress in developing her talent. There's no question that she comes up with great ideas but The Iron King shows she wasn't always great at executing them. Meghan's introduction to the fae world isn't seamless. Instead of the protagonist having that "seeing is believing" m First of all, I can't quite believe this comes from the same author that wrote The Immortal Rules.

Instead of the protagonist having that "seeing is believing" moment before we have a much needed explanation, we get it after , which, under the circumstances, wasn't the way to go. I found myself thinking, "Really, and you believe him why? To me, her brother's unusual reaction to his mother's accident wasn't enough evidence to start believing in the paranormal, and for following her, possibly delusional, best friend into the unknown to rescue the real, adorably innocent, 4-year-old Ethan. Other than this, in general, Meghan's point of view wasn't compelling -it was often jarring, angsty or just plain dull, and I soon turned to skimming, mostly slowing just for dialogue, which soon turned to skipping pages altogether.

I don't think I missed much, lending to the idea that this wasn't as concise as it could've been. After the halfway point the prose became a little more readable so I slowed down but didn't stop skimming completely. I haven't read the former so I didn't get those references but I'm definitely familiar with the latter, and I really liked what she took from that work and made it her own. I enjoyed Kagawa's descriptions of the fey world. The use of seasons for the environments for each fae court: I also liked that human belief was the magical source of strength and immortality for the fae, and the effect of human technological progress where iron rules, deadly to fey, had created this third court where the corrosive iron is poisoning the fey world as it expands, soon to be encroaching on Summer and Winter territory.

I've always been a fan of politics and manipulation in books and with the regular use of binding contracts by the fey, this element pleased me. Unfortunately, the characters within this world are pretty much throwaways , I cared so little for them. Our protagonist, Meghan isn't someone I rooted for. She's a non-character in my eyes. She's naive, loyal to her detriment, and has the potential to unnecessarily become a martyr making her ever so slightly irritating, but otherwise she lacks a personality.

She not your typical fey, or half-fey. Which reminds me, she's also a hormonal, horny teen salivating over Prince Ash's cold beauty. There'd be no tears if she accidentally "fell" off a cliff. She's had 3 fathers. One biological and 2 stepdads, one of which she believed to be her real father who disappeared out of thin air when she was very young. I wonder what happened to him.

I'm guessing her biological daddy had a hand in it. His transformation into Puck in the fae world, I didn't like. On the one hand, his comedic flair added levity but on the other, he came across as a bit of an ass. This might be down to his difficult relationship with Ash, and later, his jealousy of Meghan's interest in Ash. I had hope he'd die before he makes his crush known because obviously he will , thereby creating the dreaded Love Triangle.

His presence, in effect, ended up creating more conflict rather than offering familiar comfort for Meghan during her journey to reclaim her brother. Prince Ash, third son of Mab the ruler of the Unseelie court intrigued me to begin with. His verbal threat to kill Meghan while dancing with her had me sitting up and paying attention. Perhaps he senses an opportunity for an easy lay. There's none of that evil sex here, but there's nothing romantic about the pairing.

They've been slapped together out of necessity, and if anything, physical lust is all that's between them. The relationship of any substance in this book was between Ash and Puck. Previously the best of friends until Puck made an unintended mistake resulting in a deadly accident Ash has been unable to forgive. Since that disastrous day he's promised to kill Puck, meeting him in a number of skirmishes in which it seems clear that Puck has always had the advantage but has no wish to harm Ash.

I think they deeply love one another. If either of them ever kill the other, I believe there would be deep regret. The Cheshire Cat Grimalkin, the sarcastic talking cat, is easily the best character in the book. He's an independent outsider, content to observe the entertaining train wreck that is Meghan, Ash and Puck, as it unfolds, only offering help when it benefits him. However, he appears aware these are the only people able to save his homeland and himself from extinction so in emergencies he gives much needed aid freely without a price attached.

He saved their lives many times. If Grimalkin had been narrating this book it would've been a far more delightful and humorous read. Ash's contract with Meghan, his help recovering her brother in exchange for her willingly going with him to the Unseelie court and his waiting mother's hands, was obviously going to create fodder for another book but I just so wish for more stand alones. I don't like "crack" series -series with books which aren't that great but which you become addicted due to tantalizing or agonizing hooks thrown out by authors e.

I want to read the next book but I have serious doubts after also reading Winter's Passage. I imagine it would be a frustrating experience I have no desire to put myself through. View all 9 comments. Oh lord, oh lord! I shouldn't get so hung up on a books romance, but that is always where I find the first flaws! I could not get over this instalove! Our main character does not meet Mr. TallDarkAndHandsome until a good halfway through the story, oh, and mind you, the book is only pages, so that puts these characters on a pretty small time budget when it comes to doing the whole "we misunderstand each other, but aren't willing to talk it out, so now we're just gonna ignore one another.

The two knuckle-heads end up doing exactly that! So pardon me if I find it a bit ridiculous for the, "couple," to start acting like fucking Romeo and Juliet, live together die together and shit. Right, okay, whatever it take to keep your precious little sweetheart alive and well in your arms. I mean really Meghan. That sounds more like the original plan you had for getting back your brother. And I get it: View all 3 comments.

Never have I been so disappointed by one book. Never have I hated a main character with the the very essence of my soul. Never have I wished a love interest would die so fiercely. Never have I mourned a supporting character's passing into the realm of Second Love Interest so much. Never have I been so uninterested, so uninvolved in a book that I've literally forgotten I'm reading at times. Never have I have I hated the talking animal guide cliche so, SO much.

Never have I wanted to take up necromancy Never have I been so disappointed by one book. Never have I hoped that someday I would be bitten by a radioactive bat so that I could use my sonar to find people about to buy The Iron King and slap it out of their hands. Don't read this book. I don't care if the rest of the reviews make it look decent.

It's not worth it. But as it was not getting any better, I chose not to waste any more of my time on this book. Though, I might actually come back and try it again, who knows when?