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Confused about how to undo the health risks of a desk job? Dutch researchers may finally have the exact answer. Can you do better? Volatile organic compounds in your personal care products add up to toxic indoor pollution.

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Too little sun is just as bad as too much. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with increased risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures…high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke…diabetes and obesity…postoperation infection…colorectal and breast cancers…rheumatoid arthritis…multiple sclerosis…and dementia, among other health problems.

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Ask your doctor to check your vitamin D level. The health benefits of doing this tend to outweigh the risks as long as you do not spend so much time in the sun that you sunburn. Daily dosages of international units IU or IU of D-3 traditionally have been recommended, but for some people, two to three times those amounts are beneficial.

Dosages as high as 4, IU per day have been shown to be safe for adults—but be sure to get your dosage recommendation from your doctor. Also ask your doctor to check your calcium, magnesium and iron levels when you have your vitamin D tested. If any of these are low, add foods rich in them to your diet or take supplements that include them.

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Milk, cheese, yogurt and leafy, green vegetables are rich in calcium…many nuts and seeds are rich in magnesium…and red meat, shellfish and spinach are rich in iron. Cynthia Green Danny Lipford Dr. Jamison Starbuck, ND Dr. Health Frostbite and Hypothermia: Beware of These 5 Dangerous Myths December 17, Health Rethinking Your Drinking December 17, Beware of These 5 Dangerous Myths When cold weather sets in, risk for frostbite and hypothermia soars.

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Why men are at the highest risk and how to escape the danger zone. Standard treatment for hard-to-control depression and anxiety may work only in right-handed people…and could worsen the conditions in the left-handed.

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Here are nine stress-free ways to destress. What you need to know…. Most people who survive a suicide attempt will try again. September through December is a time of high stress. Looking for a drug-free answer to conquer depression? A daily walk can help as much as medication. On top of feelings of sadness and despair, depression can suck the energy out of you.

Getting out of bed is a challenge, let alone getting exercise. But if you can push yourself to go outside and just walk , you can affect real change on your mental condition.


If you are able to add a social component to your walking, it turns this simple exercise into an extremely potent depression treatment. And yet a great many mental health professionals fail to recommend exercise for depression! How long to walk: According to an analysis of studies on walking for depression, the length of time people walked varied quite a bit and often fell below general guidelines for physical activity.

How often to walk: Walking most days of the week is ideal, but even three times a week was shown to reduce depression symptoms.

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  8. How fast to walk: Walking at any pace is helpful and is better than not walking. Part of why walking will be so helpful for you if you have depression is that it helps get you out of your own head, Dr. Walking in nature—appreciating the beauty of your natural surroundings—can help you achieve this. Walking in an interesting city environment can, too. And of course one way to be engaged is to walk with a friend—or two or three.

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    Cynthia Green Danny Lipford Dr.