Internationalisation of agricultural businesses. Direct funding programme for the town of Benevento. Monitoring the cost of EU funding for training courses. Carbon monoxide causes many deaths in Poland. The future of the Mediterranean Corridor after the announcement of new rail infrastructure priorities by the Spanish Government. Reform and development of state administration in Greece. It appears from reports by the Food and Veterinary Office and investigations by animal welfare organisations that many EU pig farms are ignoring these requirements, and that a number of Member States are failing to enforce them properly.
The legislative provisions are important for pig welfare. In and the Commission organised helpful conferences on how to achieve improved compliance with EU legislation on pig welfare. Despite these, there appears to be a continuing high level of non-compliance with the provisions on manipulable materials and tail docking. This is unacceptable given that it is nine years since these provisions came into force,.
In this regard, the strategy foresees targeted actions such as the adoption of EU guidelines on the protection of pigs in The guidelines will address the specific issues of enrichment material and tail-docking. At the same time, the priority of the Commission is to work in improving the understanding of animal welfare among farmers through increased competence and technical assistance.
For that purpose, the above-indicated animal welfare strategy envisages the possibility of proposing a new general legislative framework on animal welfare. Secondo le ricostruzioni delle forze dell'ordine c'erano ancora un'ottantina di clienti e sette addetti alla sicurezza. Nessuno risulta al momento indagato nel quadro dell'inchiesta.
La Commissione sostiene l'emancipazione femminile, la sensibilizzazione, la diffusione di buone pratiche e il miglioramento della raccolta di dati sulla violenza contro le donne. La Commissione sta inoltre prendendo misure in materia di giustizia penale: The events took place at around 3. According to police reconstructions, there were still around 80 people and seven security personnel at the venue. The owner of the venue found the girl unconscious, half-naked, in shock and covered in blood, and immediately called the police.
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At the moment no-one is under investigation as part of the inquiry. Does the Commission intend, in association with the other Member States, to promote social communication campaigns that raise awareness of the subject for European citizens and that can prevent similar events from occurring in future?
The Commission is not aware of the specific case reported by the Honourable Member. The Commission is committed to developing a strong policy response to combat all forms of violence against women, including rape as confirmed in the Stockholm Programme and the strategy for equality between women and men The Commission works for the empowerment of women, awareness raising, the promotion of exchanges of good practices and the improvement of collection of data on violence against women.
The Commission is also taking measures in the criminal justice area. Proposal includes the right to respect and recognition, the right to provide and receive information, and right to protection. It also aims at ensuring that the needs of victims are individually assessed and that the most vulnerable e. Possibili fondi per il Comune di Collepasso. Il maltempo continua a fare danni nel Salento. Solo un grande spavento per l'inquilina che ha sentito un grosso frastuono e nel giro di pochi minuti ha visto parte della sua casa distrutta. Molte palazzine del centro storico del paese, soprattutto a causa del maltempo, sono a rischio crollo.
The bad weather continues to do damage in the Salento area of Italy. At the time of the collapse there was an elderly woman in the house, a widow aged 80, who fortunately remained unharmed. What did happen was a big fright for the occupant, who heard a loud noise and within a few minutes saw part of her house destroyed.
This episode, which could have ended tragically, is not the only one recorded in recent years. Many houses in the historic centre of the town are at risk of collapse, mostly because of the bad weather. According to information provided by the managing authority of the Puglia ERDF regional operational programme, the Municipality of Collepasso did not receive any EU funding related to urban regeneration. However, in line with the shared management principle used for the administration of cohesion policy, project selection and implementation is the responsibility of the national authorities.
For more information, the Commission therefore suggests that the Honourable Member contact the managing authority directly:. I benefici potenziali delle nuove norme in materia di governance devono pertanto essere visti anche sotto il profilo della riduzione del rischio di crisi finanziarie ed economiche sistemiche in futuro. In termini di stime, alcune indicazioni di massima mostrano i risultati che una riforma e un piano di adeguamento riusciti possono produrre prima sul piano generale e poi sul piano specifico per i paesi vulnerabili.
In the light of this trend, the new EU monitoring and surveillance rules will enable struggling Member States to regain a degree of financial stability, thereby ensuring the coordination and cross-checking of economic policies with a view to tackling the debt crisis. In the light of the above, can the Commission say whether there are any estimates, data projections or impact assessments regarding the anticipated effects of the new EU monitoring and surveillance rules on the economic systems of those Member States identified in the abovementioned report as less competitive?
The decade preceding the financial and economic crisis saw an accumulation of substantial external and internal imbalances which also contributed to the aggravation of fiscal imbalances. One aspect to keep in mind is that the legislation adopted includes preventive instruments aiming to avoid major macro economic or fiscal imbalances.
Therefore, the potential benefits of the new governance rules should also be seen in terms of the reduced risk of future systemic financial and economic crises. Given the very high costs of the most recent crisis on output and employment in the most affected Member States, these gains are likely to be very substantial. The Commission in its recent Alert Mechanism Report indicated a number of countries for which there are issues related to imbalances that should be studied more in depth.
If corroborated by the in depth review, this reflects cases where the impact of successful adjustment and preventive action could be substantial. In terms of estimations there are some broad indications of what a successful reform and adjustment agenda can yield in general and then in particular for vulnerable countries. For example, Commission assessments show that ambitious structural reforms could increase average potential growth to around 2.
As regards fiscal consolidation, risk models indicate that the probability of sovereign default rises not only with the worsening of fiscal condition but also in case of low productivity. Piccole regioni amiche per il lavoro dei giovani. Tredici regioni si collocano sopra la media, le altre sono al di sotto. Le Marche primeggiano per istruzione, elevato numero di laureati residenti tra giovani tra i 30 e i 34 anni e scarsa disoccupazione tra quelli con meno di Situazione analoga in Umbria, che si distingue anche per una bassa dispersione scolastica.
Thirteen regions lie above the average, the others are below it. What emerges is a new picture of Italy, with Marche occupying the top spot in the rankings and the smaller regions often in a better position than the larger ones. In the smaller areas, there is less discrepancy between education, professional aspirations and openings for young people, while in those areas with more economic weight, the difference increases, despite the fact that there are more job offers in absolute terms. Marche leads the field in education, with higher numbers of young people between the ages of 30 and 34 being resident graduates and low unemployment among the under 30s.
The situation is the same in Umbria, which also stands out for its low school dropout rate. Also among the highest scorers is Molise 4th which, although not achieving particularly good results in terms of the labour market, tops the table in the field of business. Lombardy only comes in eleventh place, while Emilia Romagna and Veneto feature in the lower section of the rankings; both being seriously affected by the crisis. These are regions where young people have always had good employment opportunities, but are now finding themselves shut out of the labour market as a result of the cuts made in response to the recession.
The Commission is aware of the work opportunities and of the difficult employment situation of young people in Italy. As for the employment rate, Eurostat and Istat. The European Social Fund ESF co-funded operational programmes of the programming period in Italy foresee a specific priority axis dedicated to transnational and inter-regional activities and can then fund the transfer and adaptation of initiatives which proved to be successful in one or more regions to other regions or Member States. Corre molto veloce l'export dei distretti italiani.
Tra i distretti monitorati dall'osservatorio spicca quello di Bologna, la capitale delle macchine per imballaggio. Guardando a Nord-Est verso la Valsesia tessile e abbigliamento ecco un'altra area in prima linea sui mercati mondiali. La Commissione esprime il proprio compiacimento per il fatto che le regioni italiane menzionate dall'onorevole deputato abbiano una buona performance e incoraggia altre regioni a trarre insegnamenti da questi esempi positivi, in particolare dalle buone pratiche relative alla promozione dei sistemi di ricerca e innovazione, i cluster e la specializzazione intelligente.
La mancanza di dati sistematici sui principali distretti industriali d'esportazione degli Stati membri non consente raffronti diretti. Among the industrial areas covered by the survey, Bologna, the packaging machine capital, stands out. Textile, clothing and leather goods are another flagship sector. And to the north-east lies another area with a leading presence on global markets, the Valsesia textiles and clothing.
Can it provide an overview of the biggest-exporting industrial areas in the Member States? The Commission is aware of the good performance of many European regions. The Commission is pleased that the Italian regions mentioned by the Honourable Member are performing well and encourages other regions to learn from such successes, in particular from good practices concerning the promotion of research and innovation systems, clusters and smart specialisation. The lack of systematic data about the biggest exporting industrial areas in the Member States prevents direct comparisons.
La Commissione segue da vicino tutte le riforme strutturali attuate in Italia. The Commission monitors all structural reforms in Italy very closely. The liberalisation package rightly aims to promote competition in key product and service markets by relaxing existing entry barriers, encourage infrastructure investment and improve the business environment. If properly implemented, the measures will contribute to improving competitiveness, removing some long-standing obstacles to growth and, ultimately, increasing the adjustment capacity of the economy.
L'aereo sul quale viaggiavano insieme ad altre persone di ritorno dalla Danimarca al momento dell'atterraggio all'aeroporto di Heathrow — quando si trovava a circa 60 metri di altezza — si stava per schiantare con un altro velivolo. It was only through the skill of the pilot, who managed to regain altitude, that a collision was avoided on the landing runway.
The Commission has been informed by the competent authorities of the United Kingdom that the aircraft mentioned by the Honourable Member carried out a standard. The work on completing the full regulatory framework is well advanced, and includes the adoption by the European Commission of implementing rules via comitology.
Questo mancato utilizzo ha varie cause e diverse spiegazioni, ma rappresenta un dato di fatto assolutamente intollerabile, sopratutto in considerazione della particolare congiuntura economica che stiamo attraversando. La Commissione monitora l'uso dei Fondi strutturali e l'attuazione dei programmi essenzialmente attraverso i comitati di monitoraggio, le relazioni annuali e le dichiarazioni di pagamento.
La Commissione non riceve informazioni sistematiche a livello di progetto. Gli Stati membri produrranno entro la fine del relazioni nazionali in merito all'uso da essi fatto dei fondi UE. The difficulties experienced by Italian regions, especially in the south of the country, in making full and proper use of EU funding are well known. Although there are various reasons for the low utilisation rate, this is an absolutely intolerable situation, especially in view of the current economic difficulties.
It is precisely for this reason that closer monitoring by the Commission could serve as a wake-up call and also as an encouragement, both for the Italian regions that have repeatedly failed to meet the relevant requirements and for other Member States that have encountered difficulties in taking up EU funding. The Commission monitors the use of the Structural Funds and the implementation at programme level primarily through monitoring committees, annual reports and payment declarations.
The Commission does not receive systematic information at project level. The Commission discusses with the Member States the possibility of programme modifications as a response to meet new needs or tackle difficulties in implementation. Moreover, since the Commission has proposed and implemented a number of measures to support effective implementation of Structural Funds by the Member States in the light of the financial crisis.
The Commission, taking into account the experience from previous periods has proposed measures to strengthen administrative capacity in the next period. The proposals for the new period foresee that Member States should assess in advance the need to reinforce the capacity of the authorities managing the funds and to address bottlenecks.
A specific thematic objective aims to enhance institutional capacity and a number of. Non occorre sforzarsi troppo per immaginare gli effetti nocivi che avrebbero su chi avesse la sfortuna di ingerirle. Europe is known across the world for, among other things, the quality of its food. Quality which is also guaranteed by very strict food safety legislation.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said of other parts of the world. It has recently been reported that the market fortunately only in China at the moment has seen the arrival of eggs, which, probably due to an excessive dose of gossypol in the food given to the hens, become so hard and rubbery when cooked that they bounce. It is not hard to imagine the harmful effect it would have on someone who had the misfortune of ingesting one. In de aanloop daar naartoe blijven berichten over mensenrechtenschendingen in het land opduiken.
Yunus zet zich actief in tegen de corruptie en willekeur in haar land. Volgens haar en vele mensenrechtenorganisaties is er in Azerbeidzjan sprake van foltering, zijn er politieke gevangenen, ontbreekt het recht op vereniging en meningsuiting, persvrijheid etc.
Ook de politieke toestand blijft ongewijzigd: Erkent de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger de problemen met de mensenrechten in Azerbeidzjan? Azerbeidzjan neemt deel aan het Europees Nabuurschapsbeleid en het Oostelijk Partnerschap en is een oprichtend lid van Euronest. Democratie, eerbiediging van de mensenrechten en de rechtsstaat zijn kernwaarden van deze initiatieven.
Op welke manieren dringt de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger in dit kader er bij Azerbeidzjan op aan dat het de politieke en mensenrechtensituatie in het land verbetert? Heeft de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger deze resoluties in de contacten met de Azerbeidzjaanse autoriteiten gebruikt en hen opmerkzaam gemaakt op de inhoud? Wat waren de reacties van de Azerbeidzjaanse autoriteiten? Met welke andere middelen probeert de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger de druk op de Azerbeidzjaanse autoriteiten op te voeren om de mensenrechten en politieke vrijheden te eerbiedigen?
Volgens deze regels zal het volledige hervestigingsproces transparanter worden en zullen de hervestigingsopties met de betrokkenen worden besproken. In the run-up to the event, reports continue to emerge on human rights violations in the country. Thus, the house of the well-known human rights activist, Leyla Yunus, located in the centre of Baku, was demolished at the beginning of February, without any prior notice or compensation. Whole blocks of houses had to be demolished, often illegally, to make way for the construction of the Crystal Hall, an arena where the Eurovision Song Contest will be held.
Yunus actively exposes corruption and abuse of power in her country. The political situation also remains unchanged: Does the High Representative recognise that there are problems with human rights in Azerbaijan? Azerbaijan is participating in the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership, and is a founding member of Euronest. Democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law are core values of these initiatives. How does the High Representative urge Azerbaijan in this connection to improve the political and human rights situation in the country?
Can she see any progress in this area? Has the High Representative mentioned these resolutions in contacts with the Azeri authorities and drawn their attention to their content? What was the reaction of the Azeri authorities? What other means is the High Representative using in the attempt to exert pressure on the Azeri authorities to make them respect human rights and political freedoms? The EU Delegation in Baku has also met with civil society activists, including Leila Yunus, and continues to monitor the situation on the ground. According to these rules, there will be more transparency in the whole process of resettlement and resettlement options will be discussed with those affected.
Se sim, o que pretende fazer? O estudo foi realizado, mas este instrumento nunca chegou a ser implementado. According to various sources, the programme was his idea. The journalist denounced the programme as political and economic propaganda promoted by a public body obliged to preserve the objectivity and independence of the news. This case raises serious doubts about freedom of expression in Portugal.
Italy and Hungary have already experienced similar problems. If so, what does it intend to do? The study was carried out, but the system has never been implemented. In light of the recent cases mentioned above, does the Commission intend to start monitoring media pluralism in Member States? Within its competences, the Commission has always sought to ensure respect for those principles. As in the case described by the Honourable Member, the Member State concerned does not appear to have acted in the course of implementation of Union law, it is up to relevant national authorities to ensure that fundamental rights are fully respected.
De bijeenkomst was georganiseerd door Kasha N. Jacqueline Nabagasera, een prominente homorechtenactiviste. De politie bestormde het hotel en probeerde Kasha Jacqueline Nabagasera, die zich sindsdien schuilhoudt, te arresteren. De Oegandese minister voor Ethische zaken en Integriteit, Simon Lokodo, woonde de bestorming persoonlijk bij en beval de arrestatie van Jacqueline. Het strafbaar stellen van homoseksualiteit, zoals in het Oegandese wetsvoorstel is voorzien, is in strijd met de internationale normen inzake mensenrechten.
De EU heeft deze kwestie bij diverse gelegenheden aan de orde gesteld bij de Oegandese regering, ook bij president Museveni. De EU zal van elke passende gelegenheid gebruik maken om in haar contacten met de regering van Oeganda uitdrukking te blijven geven aan haar bezorgdheid over het anti-homo wetsvoorstel, alsook over andere maatregelen om lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele en transseksuele mensen te vervolgen. It was organised by a prominent gay rights activist, Kasha N. The police raided the hotel and tried to arrest Kasha Jacqueline Nabagasera, who has since gone into hiding.
If so, what action? The criminalisation of homosexuality, as foreseen in the draft Uganda bill, goes against international human rights standards. However, the information from Reuters, citing unnamed senior EU officials, is that the real deficit is much lower. It is surprising that the Spanish Government is still calculating figures, and that it published them in December without their being definitive. What type of penalties could the Spanish Government face? Does the Commission not believe that the manipulation of calculations could affect the Alert Mechanism Report for reducing macroeconomic imbalances?
The Commission does not have any indications that Spain's government deficit would turn out appreciably lower than announced by the Spanish authorities. The final budgetary outcome for will be known after the submission of the EDP notification by Spain at the end of March and the validation of the data by Eurostat in the second half of April. On this basis, the Commission will assess the deficit slippage to decide whether Spain has taken effective action to correct the excessive deficit situation by the agreed deadline of Among the new harsh taxation measures deriving from the new Memorandum of collaboration in fiscal adaptation and structural reforms between Greece and the Troika are measures for abolishing geographical differentiations regarding VAT for Greek islands in the Aegean area.
Moreover, the Treaty of Lisbon confirms these favourable arrangements, as well as the special treatment of the islands that were accorded to Greece under the Treaty of Amsterdam. Will it lead to aggravation of the existing serious economic recession in the Greek island areas concerned in favour of third-country tourist destinations? To date, these Member State did not abrogate their derogation. The Commission understands that, with the objective of promoting tourism in the islands and elsewhere, and avoid the negative impact of an increase in indirect taxes on competiveness of the tourism industry, the VAT rates for hotel accommodation has been substantially reduced since to 6.
In tutto il mondo lo scandalo sanitario ha messo in allarme tra le e mila donne, a cui sono state impiantate le protesi mammarie al silicone. Il recente caso delle protesi PIP conferma che la Commissione aveva ragione di contemplare una revisione approfondita dell'attuale legislazione in tema di dispositivi medici.
La Commissione sta analizzando attentamente il caso per assicurare che tutte le modifiche necessarie vengano incluse nelle proposte. La Commissione ha anche preparato un elenco di misure che si potrebbero prendere immediatamente in forza della legislazione esistente al fine di rafforzare il sistema, in particolare per quanto concerne gli audit non preannunciati, le verifiche a campione e una migliore condivisione dei dati a livello europeo ma anche a livello mondiale con i nostri principali partner commerciali.
In January, the police arrested the founder of the French company which is now notorious for its sale of faulty silicone breast prostheses. The inherent risk of the faulty prostheses is that the gel they contain may cause cancer if the implants rupture. These prostheses were manufactured with unapproved, sub-standard material, much cheaper than the original, so as to make savings on raw materials and obtain a higher profit margin. The main objectives of this revision are to improve vigilance and market surveillance for all medical devices, strengthen the designation, monitoring and functioning of Notified Bodies to ensure that medical devices are appropriately assessed before their placing on the European market, and reinforce the traceability of medical devices by means of a risk-based Unique Device Identification system.
The recent PIP case confirms that the Commission was right in envisaging a thorough revision of the current medical device legislation. The Commission is carefully analysing the case in order to ensure that all necessary changes are included in the proposals. The Commission has also prepared a list of measures that could be taken immediately under existing legislation to reinforce the system, in particular with regard to unannounced audits, sample testing and better data sharing at European level but also at global level with our major trading partners. Violenza inaudita sui bambini in Siria.
Inoltre, secondo le organizzazioni dei diritti umani locali, dallo scoppio delle violenze da marzo a fine gennaio, ci sono testimonianze di bambini e minori arrestati arbitrariamente, torturati e sessualmente abusati durante la detenzione. L'UE ha ripetutamente condannato i brutali attacchi e le diffuse violazioni dei diritti umani commessi dal regime siriano nei confronti della sua popolazione, anche contro minori. In generale, la tutela e la promozione dei diritti dei minori rappresentano un principio fondamentale della politica estera ed interna dell'UE. Gli Orientamenti sui bambini e i conflitti armati impegnano l'Unione ad affrontare la questione in maniera globale e i capi missione dell'UE controllano e riferiscono al riguardo.
According to information recently released by Unicef, more than children have been killed in Syria during the intense bombing by government forces of civilian neighbourhoods in the city of Homs. Is the Commission following developments in this very serious crisis in Syria with the utmost attention, so as to take action in the appropriate fora? The EU has consistently condemned the brutal attacks and widespread human rights violations inflicted by the Syrian regime on its population, including children.
The EU has called on the Syrian authorities to immediately release all those illegally arrested or detained and to refrain from all acts of barbarism, including torture and sexual abuse. It called for a full investigation of the findings of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry, which pointed to crimes against humanity, and affirmed that the perpetrators of such alleged crimes must be brought to justice.
In general, the protection and promotion of the rights of the child is an overarching objective in the EU's external and internal policies. The EU Heads of Missions monitor and report on children affected by armed conflicts. In order to have the dump released from seizure, the Municipality of Pescantina has submitted a decontamination project for the site to the Regional Authority of Veneto, which also encompasses an increase in the total net capacity of the site, the modification of its status as a dump for solid urban waste to a site for special waste and a move from public to private management.
This important project was entrusted directly by the Municipality of Pescantina to Daneco S. A, the private company that is currently responsible for managing the dump, without any call for tenders. It requested that the Veneto Regional Authority seek the necessary funding to enable it to carry out the decontamination project and make the site safe; this was in agreement with the Province of Verona and the Municipality of Pescantina.
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In general terms, the obligations of EU Public Procurement Directives apply whenever contracting authorities conclude with a different legal entity a contract for pecuniary interest for works, services or supplies whose value meet the specific thresholds of the directives. In this specific case, the Commission does not possess information that would highlight a violation of EU public procurement rules.
If the Honourable Member has specific information showing that there is currently a violation of public procurement law, the Commission will be glad to assess this information. According to information entailed in the question of the Honourable Member it appears that competent authorities have identified the problem and started corrective actions.
We share the view of the Honourable Member that any corrective actions should be conducted without unnecessary delays and the measures taken should prevent further damage to the environment. The decontamination and further protection of a waste dumping site is a very site-specific process and the choice of the best solution usually requires a site-specific expert opinion. Informazioni sull'applicazione della direttiva Servizi.
Tale documento concerne tanto le autorizzazioni quanto la questione dei servizi e delle vendite ambulanti nel settore del turismo. Il procedimento di infrazione n. In Germania, diversi comuni hanno modificato le ordinanze relative ai mercati locali per introdurre gare d'appalto pubbliche e limiti di tempo per l'assegnazione delle postazioni per i banchi di vendita ai mercati locali. In particular, what steps have been taken to date to implement the Services Directive in the Member States as regards authorisations for bathing establishments and street traders on public land?
It covers authorisations, as well as the sector of ambulant sales and services in the tourism sector. In Germany, various municipalities have changed their local market ordinances to introduce open tendering procedures and time limitations for places for market stalls at local markets.
Amnesty International meldt in zijn jaarrapport dat in Myanmar de mensenrechten nog altijd aan de lopende band worden geschonden. Uit de conclusies van de Raad bleek dat de lidstaten positief stonden tegenover de politieke hervormingen door de regering en het parlement van Myanmar. Deze positieve veranderingen zijn met name: Om deze maatregelen te versoepelen of op te heffen is eenparige overeenstemming van de lidstaten vereist. De EU steunt de bevolking van Myanmar sinds De EU-programma's bevorderen de rechten van de mens, helpen een groot aantal mensen die zijn ontheemd door conflicten, en versterken het maatschappelijk middenveld.
Meer dan de helft van dit bedrag bestaat uit extra financiering. Er wordt nu een voorstel voorbereid om de onlangs opgerichte nationale mensenrechtencommissie te ondersteunen. Does the Commission agree with the PVV that no development aid should be given to a country where human rights are violated, such as Myanmar? If not, why not? Unanimous agreement of Member States is required to ease or lift them. The EU has been supporting the people of Myanmar since Funds do not pass through the government and EU assistance focuses on improving health and education outcomes, as well as support to livelihoods.
EU programmes promote the respect for human rights; help numerous people displaced as a result of conflict; and work to strengthen civil society. A proposal is being prepared to support the newly created national Human Rights Commission. Naar aanleiding daarvan de volgende vragen:. Zijn er momenteel restricties voor lidstaten op het verstrekken van werkvergunningen aan personen uit derde landen?
Kan de Commissie aangeven op welke feiten resp.
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De lidstaten bepalen zelf hoeveel economische migranten zij toelaten. De bijdrage van migranten kan door verschillende bronnen gestaafd worden. Please answer the following questions in this connection. Are there currently any restrictions for Member States on the issuing of work permits to persons from third countries? After all, in that case, Member States can also decide themselves how to supplement their partially unemployed workforce with selected migrants. Is the Commission prepared, on the basis of the above and the principle of subsidiarity, to terminate its role in this area?
Can the Commission specify the facts or statistics on which it bases its statement that migrants often take jobs that nationals do not want to do? How does this relate to the increasing unemployment and incidence of dropping out of school among non-Western immigrant populations of the first, second and third generation? In this context, Member States are responsible for the number of economic migrants they admit. Evidence of the contribution of migrants comes from various sources. The rate of early school leaving among third-country nationals aged was The EU's recent and current high unemployment rates are not only due to the absence of jobs, but also due to a serious mismatch between the jobs on offer and the skills people have.
Afghanistan is ranked lowest in all world economic rankings. Child mortality is higher than in Africa. There is a lack of basic medical care and schools.
Preghiera potente da recitare per ottenere la guarigione di un bambino ammalato
The drought caused suffering for around three million people in the country. Is the Commission intending to increase its humanitarian aid package for Afghanistan this year? Humanitarian needs increased in in Afghanistan mainly due to the consequences of the ongoing conflict. Also, poverty and vulnerability across Afghanistan are compounded by natural disasters droughts, floods and earthquakes. Many communities have exhausted their traditional coping mechanisms and are thus more vulnerable to any additional shock.
The Commission was active after the announcement of a potential drought in the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster and through needs assessments in three specific missions in the central highlands and northern Afghanistan. The Commission is also involved in humanitarian assistance delivery to the growing number of Internally Displaced People including people living in informal settlements around Kabul and who are awaiting assistance from local authorities in finding a sustainable solution. The consequences of the drought are monitored by humanitarian partners.
Discussions are held with development donors to ensure a link between relief and a sustainable development approach to the problems of recurrent droughts. Fighting illiteracy is a serious challenge as Afghanistan has one of the highest rates of illiteracy in the world, particularly in rural areas and among women. Several Member States are addressing the education sector as a priority in their bilateral programmes. No entanto, o artigo 8. Does it consider it appropriate to keep the carbon tax in place when those hit hardest will be European companies?
Does it not believe that the carbon tax will create negative discrimination against European companies compared to their international counterparts, causing Europe to be less competitive? The legislation is not a new Commission Directive but a directive of the European Parliament and the Council adopted through co-decision by an overwhelming majority in the Parliament and with support of all Member States in It is a mechanism that sets an emissions ceiling and provides flexibility in terms of meeting that ceiling.
The EU ETS applies without distinction as to nationality and thus respects the principle of non-discrimination. This was an important point also for the European airlines when the law was made. The remainder will be auctioned by Member States. In principle an operator need not pay anything if he can manage to reduce his emissions to below the level of free allocations received. The Commission remains fully committed to working collaboratively with other states in ICAO towards the objective of global action.
Her bliver der ofte brugt udenlandsk arbejdskraft, fordi det er billigere. A Danish regional media outlet P4 Fyn has recently been focusing on conditions on horticultural farms on Funen. Foreign labour is often used on those farms because it is cheaper. Many foreign workers are lured to such farms under false pretences on the understanding that they will earn much more and live much better than is actually the case.
They are grossly exploited by employers and at the same time push the local labour force out. There have also been a number of reports in the Danish media about young Danes taken to southern European holiday areas to work under false pretences. European workers must be able to have faith in what they are promised with regard to working conditions. I am aware that, in March, the Commission will submit a directive to improve application of the rules under the Posted Workers Directive.
Will the Commission act to penalise employers who fail to deliver on the promises they have made to migrant workers with regard to pay and living conditions? The proposal is currently being negotiated by the Parliament and the Council and, once adopted, it should be instrumental in preventing exploitation of third-country migrants. However, it needs to be added, that Denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this directive, and it will not be bound by it or subject to its application. The article interviews UK residents who have not been able to secure discounted tickets to the park as they were only available to those with a billing address in France.
The European Commission is aware of this issue with Disneyland Paris. The operators of Disneyland Paris have responded to a previous similar complaint raised by the Luxembourg European Consumer Centre ECC that they do pursue different pricing policies in different EU countries, but that if a customer wishes to avail of a price on offer to customers on another country version of their website, they will be facilitated if they phone the customer service department at the number on the reservations page. The Commission was not aware of further problems arising from the billing address.
It is therefore up to the relevant French authorities to enforce this provision upon service providers established in France. United Kingdom citizens can obtain assistance with this issue through the European Consumer Centre for Services www. The Commission will be issuing guidance to Member States to help them with the enforcement of this provision. He has promised to do so, but the ban remains on the statute books, and arrests continue to take place. The Commission has expressed its readiness to the Turkish Cypriot community to assist it, through the TAIEX instrument, in drafting an amendment aiming at decriminalising homosexual relations in the northern part of Cyprus.
The Turkish Cypriot community responded positively to the Commission's proposal and work on the amendment is ongoing. In the current economic climate, financial institutions, as part of their recruitment process, are seeking credit checks on potential employees. This is now becoming an issue for many jobseekers who find themselves failing such credit checks as a result of a poor credit rating. However, in some cases the reason for this failure is simply that these potential recruits have never used credit and therefore have not built up any credit history to be examined.
There is no specific EU legislation regulating the conditions under which employers may check the credit rating of potential employees as part of the recruitment process. Member States remain competent to establish conditions that would govern this checking. The directive requires that personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully, they must be adequate, relevant and not excessive and for specified and legitimate purposes.
This can be the case where a decision is taken on the basis of the absence or existence of a credit record history. Without prejudice to the powers of the Commission as guardian of the Treaties, the supervision and enforcement of data protection legislation, including the processing of personal data in the context of employment by employers, falls under the competence of national authorities, in particular data protection supervisory authorities. The Commission has no competence to monitor the compliance by data controllers, investigate possible cases of non-compliance, or to impose penalties.
In relation to controlling the spread of bovine TB, what measures does each Member State have in place to deal with the spread of TB between wildlife and farm animals? The Commission follows the TB situation in the Member States and provides them with financial support. The Commission is aware of the ongoing consideration of how best to tackle wildlife involvement in the disease.
However, this is a very specific problem for which no EU harmonised legislation is in place and it is therefore in the first instance for the Member States authorities concerned to identify which the most suitable approach to address the problem may be. The approved EU co-financed TB eradication programme implemented in Ireland, for example, provides for an interim wildlife strategy which involves the capture and removal of badgers associated with bovine tuberculosis breakdowns and a Government funded Wildlife research Programme to establish the efficacy and to quantify the effects of vaccinating badgers, in support of the eradication of tuberculosis from the bovine population.
Both sets of rules are aligned to and based on the same principles. Budgetzuweisung Horizon im Bereich Gesundheitsforschung. Dies geschieht trotz der deutlichen Herausforderungen, vor denen die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten im Gesundheitsbereich stehen. Does the Commission believe in and support a European initiative that would centralise and coordinate biomedical and clinical research, and which would provide significant added value by addressing the current fragmented research landscape in Europe?
Similarly, health research may also be supported through the European Research Council and Marie Curie schemes in Horizon , each of which has also seen an increase in their absolute terms budgets. A greater focus is placed on supporting innovation in Horizon and this is reflected in the content of the abovementioned proposal. The Commission supports any initiative that improves our collective ability to respond to the societal challenges described in the health, demographic change and ageing theme of the Horizon proposal and notes that these do not necessarily need to imply centralisation.
There is concern that ACTA, besides affecting international trade, may have a negative impact on respect for human rights in their broadest sense. Internet users in Poland are concerned that their right to freedom of thought and expression, as well as their freedom to express their views over the Internet, will be violated after the introduction of the treaty.
If so, when would this occur? Over the years, the European Union has built up a comprehensive system to protect intellectual property. EU legislation has outlined the rights that can be protected and the means to enforce them. It also contains safeguards for the rights of citizens to free speech and free access to information and data protection. This is why the negotiations were led by Directorate-General Trade, in coordination with all other relevant Commission services as well as with the relevant Ministries of EU Member States. ACTA will not mandate monitoring of individuals' e-mails or blogs.
It will not subcontract the functions of the police to private Internet service providers. It will not mandate the inspection of laptops or MP3 players by customs officials. However, in order to respond to concerns voiced by different stakeholders, the Commission has decided to ask the European Court of Justice to assess whether ACTA is in any way incompatible with the EU's fundamental rights. This consultation, as well as the engagement of the Commission in open debates at the European Parliament and in national Parliaments, are intended to facilitate a concrete and fact based discussion and allow for a fully informed decision about the real effect of ACTA, both in the European and national Parliaments.
Wie kann die Kommission davon ausgehen, dass die Eltern geografische Kriterien bei der Wahl der bevorzugten Schule. Wahl zugewiesen worden sind? The Commission is responsible for expenditure on the European Schools and for the school bus costs, which are reimbursed through the education allowance.
At the same time it has set itself strict environmental protection standards cf. The Commission is collecting the information it needs to answer the question. It will communicate its findings as soon as possible. Furthermore, the Commission points to the fundamental problem of the existing overcrowding several hundreds of children in the case of Brussels II and III which regrettably puts a physical limit on the intake in these schools. An Annex regarding the percentage of enrolments without priority criteria obtaining school of first choice.
In both cases BoG did not approve the Commission's request. The greatest increases are expected in countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy. The Commission is aware of the difficulties some European businesses are facing regarding access to credit. Actions supporting access to credit include the promotion of qualitative ratings and credit mediation.
The Commission has put forward several initiatives to promote entrepreneurship. The CIP already funds activities to promote entrepreneurship such as mobility for entrepreneurs, a mentoring scheme for female entrepreneurs and activities in entrepreneurship education, which will be continued as of by COSME. In the rioting, the headquarters of a political party, the Kurdish Islamic Union, was also attacked. The EU follows the situation in Iraq very closely and is concerned by the continuing acts of violence across the country as well as in the area of the Iraqi Kurdistan region referred to in the question.
Ensuring that the Government in Iraq is both effective and inclusive is the best way to defy the continuing violence. Il parco Yasuni in Equador si compone di mila ettari di foresta amazzonica. Gli scienziati affermano che i Waorani hanno caratteri unici nel Dna, dovuti allo storico isolamento. Sarebbe un paradiso se nel sottosuolo, non ci fosse un inferno di greggio milioni di barili calcolato per un valore di 7 miliardi di dollari, che le compagnie petrolifere vorrebbero sfruttare.
La Germania ha garantito 50 milioni di dollari per dieci anni; l'Italia avrebbe cancellato i 51 milioni di debito che le sono dovuti dall'Equador; artisti di Hollywood, Al Gore, governi nazionali e locali, organizzazioni non governative, privati, imprese hanno cominciato a versare donazioni, che sono arrivate alla cifra di milioni di dollari; quanto basta per non aprire i pozzi. Ora Correa chiede milioni di dollari nei prossimi due anni, in caso contrario il giacimento sarebbe dato in concessione. Ma il petrolio non ha fruttato la ricchezza che era stata promessa fin dal quando fu estratto il primo barile.
Nel bilancio dell'UE non figurano disposizioni in materia di assistenza finanziaria intesa ad evitare l'estrazione petrolifera.
Hai fatto il 'pienone' di peccati? Con queste Preghiere puoi chiedere realmente perdono
One hectare contains more native plant species than the United States and Canada combined. In , it was made a world biosphere reserve by Unesco. In addition, it borders the Waorani Ethnic Reserve, a population which has shut itself off in a corner of the forest and asks only to be able to continue to live as it has done for thousands of years.
Scientists maintain that the Waorani people have unique DNA characteristics, due to their historical isolation. Given the high level of corruption in the country, the fund is managed by the United Nations. But oil has not yielded the wealth that was promised in when the first barrel was extracted. Ecuador has remained poor and the wealth has gone to those who refined the oil outside the country.
Whether as part of its geopolitical outlook it considers conserving this quintessential biosphere reserve to be vital?

Whether it has ever considered making a donation to Ecuador, in order to encourage the preservation of the Amazon rainforest? Whether it has ever considered other proposals to safeguard the Waorani population and prevent exploitation of the oil reserves? The Yasuni National Park is certainly a uniquely biologically diverse ecosystem and the Commission considers the protection of such vital areas as crucial.
The Commission welcomes initiatives to address the challenge of biodiversity conservation and climate change, as well as to protect the interests of indigenous peoples. L'articolo 35 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea recita: Inoltre il governo siriano continua a rendere inaccessibile il paese alle organizzazioni umanitarie internazionali, impedendo di fatto il diritto all'accesso alle cure agli oppositori politici.
L'Unione ha esortato il regime a concedere immediatamente alle organizzazioni umanitarie libero accesso a tutte le aree del paese, permettendo loro di fornire assistenza umanitaria e cure mediche. Il governo siriano deve garantire e facilitare l'accesso sicuro alle cure mediche a tutti coloro che ne hanno bisogno senza alcuna discriminazione. Allo stesso tempo, l'UE sostiene gli impegni a livello internazionale volti ad assicurare una risposta umanitaria alla crisi coordinata, rapida ed efficace. Alla luce dei crescenti bisogni, l'UE e gli Stati membri hanno incrementato il loro sostegno finanziario a favore delle organizzazioni umanitarie e continueranno a mobilitare la necessaria assistenza.
A high level of human health protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all Union policies and activities. The European Neighbourhood Policy is based on mutual responsibility and a common commitment to human rights. In addition, the Syrian government continues to make the country inaccessible to international humanitarian aid organisations, preventing the right of access to healthcare for political opponents. A distinction needs to be made between health policy and political activities, and medical confidentiality needs to be safeguarded by means of a strict ban on reporting to the authorities by health workers; this is the only way that equal access to healthcare can be ensured for political opponents too.
Ti lodo nella fede. Ti riconosco Signore e Salvatore della nostra vita. Senza di te siamo perduti. Ti amiamo, Signore, e riconosciamo la tua grandezza. A te la gloria nei secoli dei secoli. Padre Nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria. Pubblicato in Italia da www. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Corpus et Salus Web TV. Angelus con Papa Francesco. Domenica 16 dicembre Messa di Papa Francesco per la Madonna di Guadalupe 12….
Domenica 9 dicembre Home News Corpus et Salus Preghiera potente da recitare per ottenere la guarigione di un bambino ammalato. News Corpus et Salus. Vi era un funzionario del re, che aveva un figlio malato a Cafarnao. Lode a Maria — 20 dicembre — Madonna del Presepio, ascoltami. Lode a Maria — 18 dicembre — Regina della Pace, prega per noi! Inserisci il tuo nome. Cari fratelli e sorelle, santa giornata! Recitiamo insieme la preghiera del mattino Lode a Maria — 20 dicembre — Madonna del Presepio, ascoltami 19 dicembre Vangelo 20 Dicembre Ecco, concepirai e darai alla luce un