Bern Convention campaign “Think Outside the Box”

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Show summary of all matches conselho noun conselho de turma noun. The procedures for voting in the Council of the European Union are described in the treaties of the European Union. The Council of the European Union or simply "Council" or "Council of Ministers" has had its voting procedure amended by subsequent treaties and currently operates on the system set forth in the Treaty of Lisbon.

This section presents the former qualified majority voting systems employed in the Council of the European Union , and its predecessor institutions. While some policy areas require unanimity among Council members, for selected policy areas qualified majority voting has existed right from the start. All major treaties have shifted some policy areas from unanimity to qualified majority voting.

Whenever the community was enlarged, voting weights for new members were defined and thresholds re-adjusted by accession treaties. After its inception in , the most notable changes to the voting system occurred:. All systems prescribed higher thresholds for passing acts that were not proposed by the Commission. Member states have to cast their votes en bloc i. Hence, the number of votes rather describes the weight of a member's single vote. The analysis of the distribution of voting power under different voting rules in the EU Council often requires the use of complex computational methods that go beyond a mere calculation of vote share, such as the Shapley-Shubik index or the Banzhaf measure.

The values above are related to the EU-6, the founding member states. The treaty allocated the votes as follows:. Article of the EEC Treaty, specifying the qualified majority voting system of the Council, was amended by Article 8 of the Accession Treaty regulating the enlargement of the community by Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Article of the EEC Treaty, specifying the qualified majority voting system of the Council, was amended by Article 14 of the Accession Treaty regulating the enlargement of the community by Greece. Article of the EEC Treaty, specifying the qualified majority voting system of the Council, was amended by Article 14 of the Accession Treaty regulating the enlargement of the community by Portugal and Spain.

The votes allocated previously to the EU did not change. To the new members, the following votes were allocated:. Article of the EC Treaty, specifying the qualified majority voting system of the Council, was amended by Article 8 of the Accession Treaty regulating the enlargement of the community by Austria, Finland, and Sweden. The voting system of the Council as defined in the Treaty of Nice [10] entered into force on 1 February The voting system was replaced by the Treaty of Lisbon, effective 1 November The last condition was only checked upon request by a member state.

In the absence of consensus, qualified majority voting was the Council's key way of decision-making. In terms of the statistics before Croatia became a member of the EU 1 July , the pass condition translated into:. The last requirement was almost always already implied by the condition on the number of voting weights.

The rare exceptions to this could occur in certain cases when a proposal was backed by exactly three of the six most populous member states but not including Germany, that is, three of France, UK, Italy, Spain and Poland, and by all or nearly all of the 21 other members. Note that the Commission could make a proposal in a way that removed the requirement for a qualified majority. For example, the Anti-Dumping Advisory Committee ADAC could approve a proposal to impose tariffs based on a simple, unweighted majority, but overturning it would have required a qualified majority because this meant voting against a Commission proposal.

This greatly increased the power of small member states in such circumstances. The declarations of the conference that adopted the Treaty of Nice contained contradictory statements concerning qualified majority voting after the enlargement of the European Union to 25 and 27 members: However, the treaties of accession following the Treaty of Nice clarified the required majority. After the accession of Croatia, on 1 July , at least votes out of a total of by at least 15 member states were required for legislation to be adopted by qualified majority.

Poland proposed the Penrose method also known as the "square root method" , which would narrow the weighting of votes between the largest and smallest countries in terms of population. The Czech Republic supported this method to some extent, but has warned it would not back a Polish veto on this matter. The Partnership brings together key stakeholders in the innovation cycle along with those engaged in standardisation and regulation.

It focuses on the implementation of innovative solutions, as well as provides a forum to identify and overcome potential innovations barriers and to seek leverage financing for investments in innovation. De Europese Unie EU is samen met de lidstaten verantwoordelijk voor een aantal aspecten van sociaal en werkgelegenheidsbeleid. In die zin bepaalt, bijvoorbeeld, Verordening EU nr. De aanbeveling is niet gebaseerd op Verordening EU nr.

The European Union, together with the Member States, is responsible for a number of social and employment policy aspects. De danske myndigheder henviser imidlertid til krydsoverensstemmelsesprincippet i EU's forordning EF nr. I fald Kommissionen ikke mener, at der er hjemmel hertil, hvilke skridt agter den da at tage overfor Danmark?

This article obliges Member States to ensure that all agricultural land is maintained in good agricultural and environmental condition and also stipulates that Member States must not define minimum requirements which are not foreseen in the framework of the regulation. If the Commission believes that there are no grounds for this, what action does the Commission intend to take with regard to Denmark?

It is based on this legal framework that the rules described by the honourable member have been registered by the Danish authorities, in order to satisfy the requirement for a GAEC on retention of landscape features. Interkalibreringens anden fase afsluttes i , og resultaterne vil blive offentliggjort senere i The Commission will undertake this intercalibration and will publish the subsequent result.

An inspection of the submitted water course classifications north and south of the Danish-German border shows very great differences in the number of designated water courses that have to meet the objective of good ecological status. Can the Commission explain why there is this variation in classification, when the intention of intercalibration was specifically to achieve uniform results in order to fulfil the objectives of the directive?

The directive foresees that Member States undertake an intercalibration exercise, facilitated by the Commission, to ensure that the results of the assessment methods of the Member States are comparable and consistent with the normative definitions. A second phase of intercalibration is coming to an end in and the results will be published later in The assessment covers, inter alia , how the Member States have implemented the obligations to monitor and assess the ecological status of water bodies and how they have translated the results of the intercalibration exercise into their assessment methods.

Which Commission Directorates-General decide on the policies promoted by the Troika to address the Greek crisis? Does the Commission intend to begin a meaningful dialogue not only between its various Directorates but also with Parliament, for the purpose of adjusting current policies, which are causing a sharp increase in unemployment, reductions in income and the threat of a complete collapse of the Greek social insurance system by at the latest?

The necessary consultation takes place between all the relevant services prior to any position being taken on the economic adjustment programme for Greece, in the same way as consultation takes place for all the acts of the Commission. The Commission has also promoted transparency and dialogue by publishing detailed quarterly reports on the implementation of the Greek adjustment programme see: This intervention merely reinforces the vicious circle of recession in the economy: Does it accept that its proposals, made through its representative in the Troika, for dealing with the Greek crisis are at odds with basic elements of European policies on combating poverty and providing adequate, safe and sustainable pensions?

Given the need to continue reducing the government deficit, Greece has decided to reduce the highest pensions, and to address the fiscally unsustainable situation of the supplementary pension schemes. The pension system has to stand on a financially sustainable footing in order to provide pensioners with adequate and safe pensions over the long run. The impact of the reform is being mitigated to some extent by the introduction of the basic pensions which effectively combats the most extreme poverty amongst pensioners. Furthermore, the recent cuts are directed to the highest main and supplementary pensions and, therefore, do not impact on the less well-off segment of pensioners.

This also mitigates the impact of the reforms on the adequacy of pension benefits. Increasing retirement age will, subject to an improvement in the employment opportunities for older workers, also help to ensure financial sustainability without having to further weaken the adequacy of pensions. The EU common position has consistently supported the maintenance of the moratorium and has, during the annual meetings of the IWC, opposed any new types of whaling that involve international trade. Modern whaling for large whales was introduced in Iceland from Norway in Large-scale commercial whaling only began in , and has continued with strong support from Japan, to which the products were exported.

After ceasing whaling in , Iceland resumed commercial whaling in , with a quota of 9 fin whales and 40 minke whales. Given that whaling was only introduced in Iceland from Norway, would you describe Icelandic whaling as a genuine traditional activity? Can the Commission confirm that it will not amend the Habitats Directive to accommodate Icelandic whaling within the negotiations for accession?

The Commission is well aware of the fact that Iceland's current legislation allows commercial whaling operations. At the time of accession, Iceland will need to comply with the nature protection acquis as regards protection of whales. Skattestatus for landbrugskooperativer i EU. Som skitseret i Kommissionens meddelelse af In Europe, agricultural cooperatives play a key part in the distribution of food, with two models confronting each other:.

If this is the case, it should then be established whether the preferential tax treatment for cooperatives is justified by the logic of the tax system. According to the Court, such a preferential tax treatment is justified if, first, it forms an inherent part of the essential principles of the tax system applicable in the Member State concerned and, second, if it complies with the principles of consistency and proportionality. In this respect, the Court underlined that the Member State concerned has to introduce and apply appropriate control and monitoring procedures in order to ensure that specific tax measures enjoyed by cooperative societies are consistent with the logic of the tax system and to prevent economic entities from choosing that particular legal form for the sole purpose of taking advantage of the tax benefits provided for that kind of undertaking.

Moreover, in order for tax exemptions to be justified by the nature or general scheme of the tax system, it is also necessary to ensure that those exemptions are consistent with the principle of proportionality and do not go beyond what is necessary, in that the legitimate objective being pursued could not be attained by less far-reaching measures. I was rather surprised by an implementing decision which appears to exempt Germany from the normal EU rules on public procurement with regard to its electricity sector: The Commission may also start procedures on its own initiative.

The Commission may adopt a decision exempting activities from the rules of the directive if two conditions are met, namely:. The purpose of public procurement rules is to ensure that economic operators have a real possibility of exercising the fundamental freedoms linked to the free movement of goods and services and the freedom of establishment. When these objectives are ensured through a sufficient competitive pressure in a given sector and in a given Member State, the Commission can consider, after careful examination of each individual case, that an exemption to public procurement rules can be granted.

Each Decision adopted by the Commission must take into account the specific circumstances of the activities and Member State concerned. It is therefore not possible to extend the application referred to by the Honourable Member to other Member States. Recent weeks have seen the repatriation by China of at least 41 North Korean refugees to the DPRK, where they are likely to face execution along with their families, in accordance with statements issued by the North Korean regime.

In the light of this, what action will the Commission take to urge the Chinese government to live up to its international obligations under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and recognise all North Koreans fleeing the DPRK as refugees sur place , considering the persecution they will face if repatriated? All countries should as a matter of principle fulfil their commitments under the Convention related to the status of refugees and its Protocol by refraining from refouling people to their country of origin where they might face the death penalty or other human rights abuses.

The Chinese position has remained unchanged until now. It does not recognise North Korean refugees and regards them as economic migrants. The Commission will continue to follow closely the situation of North Korean refugees and to engage China on this issue. Il sorbitolo, un additivo alimentare, era stato acquistato on line dal medico che aveva in cura la ragazza. Altre due donne, che hanno ingerito la stessa sostanza, sono state ricoverate in gravi condizioni e si trovano sotto osservazione in ospedale.

In Italia, i carabinieri del Nas Nucleo antisofisticazione hanno sequestrato, per esaminarli, migliaia di litri di questa sostanza. Ritiene che le misure attualmente in vigore siano sufficienti per contrastare questo fenomeno? Quali altri misure ritiene che si possano attuare per prevenire il verificarsi di episodi analoghi? Risposta di John Dalli a nome della Commissione. La Commissione ha iniziato i lavori preliminari su tale atto e prevede di pubblicare entro la fine del un documento di consultazione per ricevere i commenti delle parti interessate.

A year-old woman has died in Barletta after ingesting an ampoule of sorbitol prior to undergoing a gastroenterological clinical test. The sorbitol, a food additive, had been purchased online by the doctor who was treating her. Another two women, who had ingested the same substance, were admitted to hospital in a serious condition and are being kept under observation.

After hearing the news, eBay, the biggest online shopping site, decided to suspend the online sale of sorbitol throughout the world. In Italy, the NAS Carabinieri the unit responsible for the safety of food, drinks and medicines seized thousands of litres of this substance for testing.

In light of the fact that, according to the Italian Medicines Agency, only 0. Does it believe that the measures currently in force are sufficient to counter this problem? What other measures does it believe can be taken to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents? The Commission is aware of the problem which occurred with Sorbitol in Italy. Sorbitol is a food additive sweetener. It belongs to the group of additives for which no acceptable daily intake has been specified. This implies that it does not represent a hazard to health in order to achieve the desired technological effect.

The additive can therefore be used in several food categories at quantum satis, this means that no maximum level is specified and the substance shall be used in accordance with good manufacturing practice, at the level not higher than is necessary to achieve the intended purpose provided that the consumer is not misled.

Following the information on the incident, the United Kingdom imposed a ban on the sale or distribution of any food grade chemicals from the company involved in the Internet sales. The Commission has initiated the preliminary work on this act and a consultation paper is planned to be published for comments by the end of Colorante a rischio cancro contenuto nelle bibite. The characteristic dark colour of Coca-Cola, one of the most popular beverages consumed worldwide, appears to result from the use of chinotto extract and a highly dangerous caramel, Ed. The US Center for Science in the Public Interest has claimed that, when processed, the latter substance, along with another colouring, Ec — both of which contain ammonia — produces a potentially carcinogenic residue found in beverages and food: According to the latest scientific analyses, a can of Coca-Cola contains 4-MEI in quantities five times above the permitted limits.

Is the Commission aware of the effects of using Ed and Ec colourings and of their 4-MEI residue, which appear to be extremely dangerous to human health? Atenei fantasma e rilascio di lauree fasulle.

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Risposta data da Androulla Vassiliou a nome della Commissione. Conformemente all'articolo del trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea TFUE gli Stati membri sono i principali responsabili dell'organizzazione dei loro sistemi educativi. Non-existent teaching and scientific facilities, a wide range of courses existing on paper only and the award of honorary degrees to famous people and politicians in order to attract potential students are just some of the ruses orchestrated by the clever cheats who run bodies of this kind.

The fact that there are bogus universities spread all over Europe poses a serious obstacle to the right that citizens have to study and also to the chance, for young people in particular, to obtain a valid qualification usable on the job market. The documents issued are completely worthless: Bearing in mind that they are a danger for young Europeans, who, lured by false promises, invest not only their time and energy, but, above all, their money, what measures will the Commission take to prevent bogus universities issuing similarly bogus degrees from proliferating in Europe and hence to ensure that European citizens can exercise their right to study and obtain qualifications legally recognised within the EU?

Accordingly, there is no basis for the Commission to intervene in the matter raised in the honourable member's question; nor does it have any knowledge of this matter. El problema de los incendios en Galicia no es nuevo. The natural surroundings of Galicia have many protected areas of recognised ecological value. The problem of fires in Galicia is not new.

Synonyms and antonyms of Europarat in the German dictionary of synonyms

The Galician Government is failing to perform its prevention and conservation duties, as it is removing fire control services from the responsibility of the Galician agricultural services public enterprise SEAGA. The Commission should therefore call for standards to be drawn up in order to provide a basis for fire prevention plans to avoid the destruction of forest and other areas of ecological value in Galicia, given its high biodiversity value to Europe as a whole. The Commission is aware of these fires through the European Forest Fire Information System EFFIS which supports the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in EU countries and provides the European Commission services and the European Parliament with updated and reliable information on wildland fires in Europe.

Using the abovementioned fund, Galicia has already introduced prevention actions against forest fires on more than hectares by Therefore, it can be concluded that the actual amount of the increase will be insignificant. In view of this and taking into account the fact that the reduction of direct payments to Member States above the European average is as insignificant as the increase for Member States classed as below the European average, what measures does the Commission intend to take to clarify the system of convergence between the old and new Member States?

In some Member States, such as Romania, it is mandatory for salt introduced into the market to contain iodine. Does the Commission have any information regarding the adverse effects of daily iodine intake? Can the Commission provide any recommendations regarding the daily intake of iodine in salt? Mandatory addition of vitamins and minerals to foods, which occurs when individual Member States require food manufacturers to add specified vitamins or minerals to foods, is not harmonised at EU level.

Member States who have introduced such requirements, such as Romania, have therefore the exclusive competence to decide on the level of vitamins or minerals to be added in such specific cases. In the absence of these harmonised levels certain Member States have adopted national rules. Information regarding national provisions on the mandatory addition of vitamins and minerals to foods may be found on the Commission's website. Dies wurde sowohl von der Indect-Projektleitung. It states that mobile scanners would be used at the European Football Championship games in Poland to check stadium visitors for radioactive and pyrotechnical materials.

In any case approval for the processing of personal data would have to be sought before any trials. What measures will be taken to ensure that all the persons scanned during any test or deployment of hardware or software by the security authorities have given their consent for this? Quelles sont les informations dont elle dispose concernant les produits issus des colonies qui arrivent en Europe? In the last few months EU Heads of Mission in the occupied territories have issued three internal reports describing in detail the human rights violations carried out by Israel in the West Bank including in East Jerusalem and in Israel against the Palestinian people.

The additional protocol to the EU-Israel Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products ACAA , which is currently being debated in Parliament, could strengthen EU-Israeli relations and make it easier for Israeli industrial products, many of which come from the occupied territories and are produced by the settlements, to reach the European market, thanks to a single and straightforward certification procedure.

What information does she have on products from the settlements that are reaching Europe? The legislative procedure envisages that the Council concludes the agreement after obtaining the consent of the Parliament. The provisions of the ACAA protocol apply to products irrespective of their origin.

Wenn ja, auf der Grundlage welcher Artikel der Richtlinie oder welcher nationalen Gesetze? In the Green Paper on Future Noise Policy, the Commission identifies environmental noise as one of the most serious environmental problems in Europe. In that connection, the City of Dortmund is now in the throes of a dispute concerning the drafting of a noise action plan. The City of Dortmund has now admitted that although noise limits are being exceeded, it does not intend to take action, invoking German law in support of its position.

EUR-Lex - JOC___E__01 - EN - EUR-Lex

The City of Dortmund does not address separately the issues of air traffic noise or industrial noise, or the effect of noise from different sources. If so, on the basis of which article of the directive or which national laws can it do so? What scope is there for bringing legal action, and before which court, to secure noise reduction measures if the City of Dortmund fails to respond to the fact that environmental noise that exceeds the set limits represents an acute risk to human health, and how can the identification and implementation of the required measures be enforced through the courts?

Only now, after a delay of more than four years, has the City of Dortmund begun to deal with the issue in the form of a noise action plan. This action plan is based on out-of-date information and does not make adequate provision for public involvement. Is the Commission aware of this situation?

How does it deal with delays of this kind? How does it intend to ensure that this matter is addressed promptly and in accordance with the relevant EU requirements? The directive is binding on Member States, as to the result to be achieved, but leaves to the national authorities the choice of form and methods. Based on the methodology agreed at this joint exercise, the figures for the respective procurement markets are as follows:. This amount is however subject to country specific derogations if reciprocal opening could not be achieved with a given GPA Party;.

The current situation concerning human rights violations in Nigeria is inacceptable, and urgent measures have to be taken. The continuous threats and terrorist attacks on the part of the Boko Aram sect in conjunction with AQMI must be brought to an end.

Voting in the Council of the European Union

The Nigerian government is denying its citizens their basic human rights. Is it aware of the difficulties being encountered by EU citizens working in the field of humanitarian assistance in Nigeria? What actions has the Commission taken to prevent the kidnapping of European Christian missionaries by Muslim extremist groups in Nigeria?

The EU permanently monitors the human rights situation in Nigeria, and also maintains a regular human rights dialogue with the authorities. The EU is aware of the difficulties faced by EU citizens and others, including their Nigerian counterparts working in the field of humanitarian assistance. It salutes their compassion and dedication, and we work with Nigeria to overcome such difficulties. At the time of writing the most recent of these deeply distressing cases involves an engineer of EU nationality.

The EU is making efforts, along with some Member States, to improve the capacity of the security forces to anticipate and prevent such kidnappings from happening in the future. Inhaftierung politischer Gegner in Belarus. Die EU verfolgt weiterhin eine Politik des kritischen Engagements u. The Republic of Belarus illegally detains opponents or artists who criticise the work of the government.

This behaviour does not comply with the fundamental principles and values of the European Union. What is the Commission doing in the country itself to support the Belarusian government, local NGOs and civil society in their efforts to introduce much-needed reforms aimed at improving democracy and the human rights situation? January's FAC decided to apply restrictive measures on persons responsible for serious violations of human rights or the repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Belarus, and on persons or entities benefiting from or supporting the regime.

The EU continues its policy of critical engagement, including through dialogue and the Eastern Partnership. The political dialogue with the authorities is very limited. The EU has repeatedly made clear its willingness to assist Belarus in meeting its obligations as regards the respect for the principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights. Launched at the end of April by the Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy and mainly taking place in Minsk, it is an innovative exercise which will help clarifying what a modern and democratic Belarus could look like and how to get there.

Finally, the European Commission has more than quadrupled its assistance to civil society and to victims of repression in Belarus. De Commissie regionale ontwikkeling REGI van het Europees Parlement debatteert de komende weken en maanden over het voorstel voor een verordening van de Commissie.

Kan de Commissie, teneinde ons in de gelegenheid te stellen haar voorstel goed te kunnen beoordelen, antwoord geven op de onderstaande vragen:. Wat is de toegevoegde waarde van het platform voor steden, gezien het feit dat er reeds een plaats voor debat over stadsbeleid is en dat de verenigingen van plaatselijke overheden nu reeds een platform voor debat en networking vormen? Het is niet meer dan logisch dat steden die niet worden gekozen, teleurgesteld zullen zijn.

Daarom zou de selectie gebaseerd zijn op de beslissingen van de lidstaten. Anders zal de selectieprocedure op basis van de criteria van de toekomstige verordeningen in een uitvoeringsbesluit worden vastgesteld. De deelname wordt niet gekoppeld aan de prestaties van een stad. Het zal echter geen statisch platform worden. Steden die op een later tijdstip met de uitvoering van een stedelijke innovatieve actie beginnen, zullen automatisch tot het platform kunnen toetreden.

With a view to obtaining a genuine analysis of the Commission proposal we would like to clarify the following:. What criteria will be put forward and how will the Commission ensure that transparency of decision-making, fair treatment and equal opportunities are provided when the selection of the cities is made? Obviously some cities will feel excluded if not selected to be part of the platform. Is the Commission willing to accept further changes to allow cities that demonstrate considerable progress to become part of the platform and exclude the ones that do not perform well enough?

The platform will focus on the new instruments of cohesion policy to promote capacity building and the quality of urban projects carried out with support from the Structural Funds. Therefore, the selection would be based on the decisions of the Member States. Otherwise, the selection procedure will be defined in an implementing act based on the criteria set out in the future regulations.

Europarat unter türkischer Flagge

Participation is not linked to the performance of a city. However it will not be a static platform. Cities which start implementing an UIA at a later stage will automatically become part of the platform. In der entsprechenden Lenkungsgruppe sind die Dienststellen und Abteilungen der Kommission umfassend vertreten.

Translation of «Europarat» into 25 languages

Derzeit wird der Vorschlag in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Kommissionsdienststellen ausgearbeitet. Quartal der Kommission zur Verabschiedung vorgelegt werden. In an Impact Assessment process was initiated for policy options for Action 64, with an Impact Assessment Steering Group comprising a wide representation of Commission services and departments. As part of this process, a number of public consultations and studies were carried out according to established standards and with a wide range of stakeholders: In addition direct consultations have been held with major civil society organisations like the European Blind Union and the European Disability Forum , large software industries and European industry associations.

Currently, the proposal is being prepared with different Commission services. Sind andere EU-Staaten vom gleichen Problem betroffen? Allerdings ist nicht vorgeschrieben, die Methode anzugeben, nach der die zur Herstellung solcher Lebensmittel genutzten Tiere geschlachtet wurden. The European health and animal welfare directives governing the slaughter of livestock guarantee the consumer meat which complies with stringent health and quality standards and stipulate that animals must be slaughtered using the most humane method possible — in other words after they have first been stunned.

These standards do not apply to religious slaughtering practices, so-called halal butchering. According to media reports, it is generally assumed that hundreds of children die in France each year after consuming halal meat. This allows contaminated fluids, in other words stercoral material, to enter the meat. One of the main reasons for the increase in the volume of meat contaminated with the life-threatening bacteria Escherichia coli appearing on the French market is the rise in the production and consumption of meat products from animals slaughtered in accordance with religious practices.

Meat products of this kind are not adequately labelled for the consumer. Is the Commission aware of the dangers posed by derogations for religious slaughtering practices and inadequate labelling? Are other EU Member States affected by the same problem? If so, are surveys or estimates available of the number of fatalities or illnesses caused by meat produced in accordance with religious slaughtering practices in those Member States?

Is the Commission considering taking steps to offer consumers adequate protection by ensuring that meat produced in accordance with religious slaughtering practices is properly labelled? Is the Commission considering enforcing health and animal welfare standards in connection with religious slaughtering practices as well? This rule is not applicable when slaughter takes place according to religious custom. However, even if the exception is applied bleeding must always be carried out without undue delay and in a manner that avoids contaminating the meat.

It is the responsibility of food business operators using the derogation to ensure that contamination does not occur. It is the responsibility of the Competent Authorities in Member States to carry out official controls to ensure that food business operators comply with EU legislation requirements.

In particular they must verify that hygiene rules and procedures are always respected.

There is no indication in these reports that halal meat has a significant role in food-borne outbreaks. However, there is no legal obligation to indicate the method of slaughter of animals used in the production of such foods. According to the Millyet article, the Turkish side will allow any Greek Cypriots with property in the sealed-off area to return to their homes, under the control of the Turkish Cypriots. Has it been informed by Turkey, a candidate country for accession, of the specific plans regarding the sealed-off area of Famagusta?

Is it concerned at this attempt by Turkey to create a climate of tension via a public relations coup, timing the provocation to coincide with the start of the Cypriot Presidency of the EU? The alleged plans referred to by the Honourable Member have never been brought to the attention of the Commission, and the Commission does not comment on newspaper speculations.

The Commission continues to call on all parties to work towards a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem within the United Nations UN framework, in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and in line with the principles on which the Union is founded. EUR zu begrenzen, und die Kommission erkannte am Finanziamento di ITER dal al Sebbene l'UE sia stata finora attivamente impegnata nel progetto ITER, ottenendo l'insediamento del sito sul proprio territorio e il finanziamento della sua costruzione, iniziata due anni fa, la Commissione propone ora di escludere l'impiego del quadro finanziario pluriennale QFP per finanziare questo programma di ricerca dopo il COM La Commissione ha giustificato questa decisione in ragione del timore che il bilancio di ITER possa aumentare e influire sulle altre linee di bilancio del QFP.

Tuttavia, grazie al Parlamento europeo, al Consiglio e alla Commissione, negli ultimi mesi sono stati compiuti notevoli sforzi per migliorare la governance del progetto e ridurne al minimo i costi. Emergono, di conseguenza, vari quesiti in relazione al programma supplementare proposto dalla Commissione:. Ritiene la Commissione, la quale tre anni fa aveva sollevato dei dubbi su questo strumento, che il successo di ITER possa essere garantito con un tale quadro normativo? Risposta data da Janusz Lewandowski a nome della Commissione.

Financiranje projekta ITER od leta do The Commission has justified this decision on the grounds that it is concerned that the ITER budget would soar and impact on the other MFF budget lines. Nevertheless, thanks to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, substantial efforts have been made in recent months to improve governance of the project and minimise its costs. On top of that, the European Parliament the budgetary authority will lose control over the funding of this project with such a proposal.

Thus, several questions arise regarding the additional programme proposed by the Commission:. Does the Commission, which questioned this instrument three years ago, think that the success of ITER could be guaranteed with such a legal framework? Does the Commission realise that with this instrument the European Parliament will lose control over the funding of one of the largest European and world science projects?

Furthermore, this proposal would not require an international re-negotiation process to modify the ITER Agreement. Producers in our constituencies face unfair and illegal competition from producers who have failed to make the necessary investments. In the case of sow stalls and in future cases, what measures does the Commission intend to take in advance of the deadline to prevent a situation of widespread non-compliance and unfair competition from arising?

Can the Commission investigate whether there is a prospect of anti-dumping duties ADD being imposed on ceramic tableware and kitchenware made in China and currently being imported into the EU? Given that this proceeding is currently ongoing and at an early stage, it is not known yet whether any measures will be taken and at what level they would be set. Commission findings in anti-dumping investigation are the results of a proper and impartial investigation to which all interested parties can contribute.

No pre-determined decision could ever be envisaged in such proceedings. For any measures to be imposed, a determination of dumping and resulting injury has to be made and it also has to be established that it is in the Union interest to impose measures. The Honourable Member can be reassured that the situation of small and medium-sized importers, wholesalers and retailers is part of the Union interest analysis. Does the Commission agree that for an island nation this is a unworkable and restrictive plan, the main reasons being the following:.

This would affect both UK leisure sailors and visiting EU yachts, with the latter being reluctant to go home carrying UK red diesel for fear of sanctions on their return;. In addition, EU legislation clearly stipulates that a private pleasure craft cannot use marked fuel in its engine. It is for the UK authorities to find the best practical solution to allow for the purchase of non-marked fuel by private pleasure craft owners and users when they call at UK ports for trips through the waters of other Member States. Can the UK Revenue authorities then accept these invoices as legitimate invoices for end-of-year account reconciliation?