Nothing exists apart from it. Why do we want, even crave order, if Entropy is so contrary to it? Entropy accepts a bit of molecular order by allowing Life. In return, Life allows Entropy an increased disorder overall. Much easier to believe Life is the horned fiend. But, it amounts to the same thing. One of those natural facts that stump me. Even if you discount those great maniacs, the passionate death-worshippers, Luciferians, Christians, Jews, and Muslims — what remains of the human race also worships death! We all behave as if we were dwarfed religionists!

We are just a little bit less ignorant and demented than are Luciferians, Christians, Jews and Muslims! But, we too worship death and have been remiss in learning biosustainability. We need to worship Life in all its diversity and interconnectedness, or we will go extinct. If we remove their predatory behavior, Nature may retake their life. Either they perish or we all perish. It may be either oblivion for the predator or extinction of the human race.

The simian world demands you either prey upon or be prey. People need to make the choice. Once the predacious liars and traitors are elected, these same voters worship them. Is that insanity so hard to recognize? That alone is a sobering thought. What is so incredible is that most people still will do almost anything to gain approval, admiration, and respect from these glorified macaques! We all have a little fun, some more than others. We all suffer a bit, some more than others. We all make an impact, some more than others.

Then we all die and rot, signifying nothing. We cannot even answer the most fundamental questions of our existence. How does something come from nothing, i. What is superimposed on that madness is even more off the wall. People work and scheme to accumulate caedere wealth. There is no proof anywhere. But, they want symbols of death, imaginary proof of separation from existence, around them, anyway. They even make last wills and testaments for disposal of caedere fortunes subsequent to their demise.

They want, in their virtual impotence, to control life, that may not exist, with death and symbolic death even after their own death. The will-to-power illusion inundates everything in close proximity. They may assume that these heirs are not filled with hate for them or were not their sworn enemies in a past existence or from some other dimension or simulation. It was a number of weeks later that the garlic peddler returned to Apiaunhai. He had saved a little, from his sales, and stopped in to see the wicked fool. The peddler wanted to buy a few beers for a repeat of their last time together.

The wicked fool was fixing a light socket but replied that he would be ready in a few minutes. The wicked fool took longer than expected with the electrical repairs as his eyesight precluded a quick resolution. What should have taken a short time, with good eyesight, took a long time with his cataracts.

Both principal and penury obviated a resolution to his vision problem. Later, they made their way to the bar. After the two were seated and a beer was on the table before them, the peddler started the conversation, saying. I want to hear more. Both communism and socialism are capitalist creations.

They were designed to enslave the population just as late stage capitalism did. The former enslaved more rapidly than did capitalism, but both used caedere wealth to usher in that slavery. DNA, digital simulators… I do know the risk and the symptoms of revolution failure. The most irresponsible part of our existence is the current definition of wealth — caedere capital. The Great Pontibus Bridges are one way of doing that. It is also way past the time for us to make peace with Nature.

We must fall back on many age-old methods of survival. They are not strong enough, and the instincts other creatures are born with, simians lack. Caedere wealth rapes the planet and enables the super-predators to toy with establishing totalitarian rigidity.

We are soon to be inundated by technological despotic control and surveillance. The stringency of our conditioning is about to take on a whole new aspect. Despotic political order is the parent of catatonic rigidity. Biologically, rigidity means death. Socially, universal despotism means species death or at the very least democides, genocides, and the end of human betterment. Nor, are we meant to exist in an agro-managerial Oriental absolutism. Predator-twisted perceptions, filtered through a corrupt and mendacious media, controlled by totalitarianism, will in due course solidify into twisted conceptions.

Twisted rigid concepts in a species will even change gene expression and eventually manifest as lemming-like madness. Such concepts cum dementia must ultimately end in our extinction. From ample experience, with her past failures, She understands it only too well. It appears that as we lose more of our liberty, becoming fond of our regimentation, we also lose our ability to discern how to live naturally. There is an uncontrolled and even passionate refusal to live naturally and cull simian freaks from the herd.

Cheap energy, unlimited predation, caedere wealth accumulation, etc. If carried to logical conclusions, such changes will force our partially deranged species into complete madness. Among other serious possessors of caedere wealth. Along with that capacity, however, Nature gave them a great weakness — they cannot ever curtail those predatory tendencies enough to be human beings. Most people consider such super-predators to be evil, just because they are human predators, parasites.

The truth is much more prosaic. Simian moral judgements are ridiculous, mostly religious nonsense. They are not instinctual or based on natural principles. Epistemology and casuistry tell us little about true morality. All we do when we arrogate the right to judge is to bring more pain into the world. Imputing personal responsibility for individual behavior is a super swindle. I do care about the significances of those beliefs, but the penalties are out of my control as are all consequences of our behavior.

My opinions represent a lifetime of observations and analyzing of uncomfortable facts that many others do not dare either to think about or acknowledge. What I hypothesize as truth I incorporate in my mind along with my creative efforts and leave it at that. I was still a young man when I learned to beware of the dangerously stupid simian world.

It got easier from there. Unfortunately, there is no way of going back in time to undo the acts of which you repent. Crime does not indicate depravity. We are all depraved. Crime answers a need. To confront life, in this toxic medium, Entropy, Nature, or some other programmer charges us with an assortment of variegated courages or their lack. We must learn to exist with this set of affairs, although many do not. We survive in a condition without consistent rules, until suicide or some other painful and tragic death gives us respite.

There are many exceptions to the efficacy of the Golden Rule, and not everyone has the gift of infallible foresight. Most people never willfully seek to hurt others to alleviate their own pain, but it happens, nonetheless. After a criminal mistake is made, the perpetrator never gets free of the consequential sequelae. Should sleep come, they awaken each endless day to an unending nightmare. That is my point! We pay too much, with suffering, for our existence. If my composite behavior causes or has caused more agony in the world than succor, something has gone wrong with my manifestation.

We are in this milieu to suffer. Incredible agony is the only conceivable consistent reason from a study of Life for our existence. No one, no being, is qualified to judge anyone in the human condition. I have committed many crimes in my life. Natural inclinations and weaknesses like ignorance or desperation drove me to the negative aspects.

When or if I learned what I was doing was hurting others I quit. I saw sufficient utility in self-castigation for my misdeeds, and for other events over which I had no control. Why allow licensed thugs to punish me? Life was castigating me enough already for the positive aspects of my crimes. When the wave function collapses, the lens of actuality leaves some crimes alone while others are prosecuted. Prosecution is just an exercise in cruelty and futility.

Life itself indicts and castigates for disregard of proscriptions. I punished my children because I was too ignorant to know a better way to alleviate the pain of my desperation to protect them. Beyond the ignorance aspect, Society does not even have that excuse for which to boast. It presents a perfect example of why democracies are always predatory tyrannies. Given time, the powerful majority will always abuse the weak minority. The popular vote is virtually entirely politically-correct, superstitious hogwash. Most of it is manipulated into existence by astrological tyranny, social-media algorithms, bogus history, and insidious propaganda.

People with varying degrees of human weakness, liberally sprinkled about with neighborly ignorance, are designated good or bad by brutes on the basis of behavioral interpretation. The entire world believes them to be naturally privileged, but the simian world is very ignorant and does not make accurate monikers. The super-predator is a blind slave to caedere wealth, power and callous hedonism.

These individuals cannot see how their avarice is destroying themselves, the human race, and all life on the planet. You, and others like you, wait patiently for these super-predators to make a mistake. You think some lawyer Galahad somewhere will miraculously take them down and put them behind bars. You were not lying. If you accepted my conclusion, as your principle, you would have a vastly greater responsibility than if you did not. Truth is a very bitter medicine to take straight. But, I have found that unaccepted responsibility leaves one feeling small, spiritless, and powerless. We usurp that right.

Ordering our society is another matter. But, to understand them, they must be separated. Weakness can be as ephemeral and as accepted as to find oneself vulnerable to the state because the state has changed a law or the media has changed a social more.

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Snitching and betrayal of friends to the state is only routine conduct now. What one feels today can be the opposite tomorrow just because of the variable locale or social structure, the salt concentration of your brain, or the microbial contents of your intestine. Attributes that people consider moral or evil are not objective qualities but are values subjectively imposed by others.

Such judgmental thinking is the residue of savage cultures. The unkind truth is that we feel compelled to judge unfortunates in the human condition, because we fear Entropy. A man is arrested for putting his right index finger into the vagina of a year-old virgin. Depending on the political situation in the home, the insertion into a child, having poor parents or a child from a wealthy home may have different affects.

It may cause the child a certain amount of pain. She recovers — a bit wiser and perhaps less trusting for the experience. Exactly similar conditions may also cause an excruciating and unbearable amount of pain, and the child must remain in therapy the rest of her entire life. The response of the child is relative, but the facts are similar and clear. Chapter Nine The wicked fool said.

I would say that a person has obviously succumbed to an animal weakness, an inability to resist the strongest and most primal urge that exists in Man. The child, as innocent as a baby rabbit, also could not resist the state of absolute subjugation and unawareness of childhood. The man may not have considered: In western democracy, the man will now be subjected to the most brutal punishment that the Christian state allows — imprisonment in close proximity to ignorant, brutal, sadistic, self-righteous, simian rejects.

Semitic leaning countries consider women to be slightly closer to devils in parentage than do Christian countries, and would undoubtedly thrust the guilt on the girl, regardless of her age. Nature prizes the lack of civilization in women. Most of the problems in the world today are over-population related, even female abuse of men. Nature put population numbers under the control of women. The priests and the state took that control away from them and placed it with the predators. We must return population control to the women, everywhere, immediately.

I do not think that their limited savagery ever merits the application of the ultra-brutal Sharia Law. For such an assault, a child could never be held accountable in a sentient sane society. Only someone stark, raving mad could hold that the child was responsible. But, whatever, back to my example. Countries governed by Sharia Law would maintain that the man fell victim to the devil-possessed female, and the child could be subjected to the most brutal punishment that the Islamic state allows — stoning to death.

Here we have the identical situation. Only the geography is different. Similar crime, and similar ignorant religious citizens are given the right to judge. Both believe in the identical fiendish god, the indistinguishably demented idea of an afterlife, and comparable existence, post-death, in a similar state of zombiehood, etc. Different appellations of right or wrong, exoneration or punishment, are applied to the same selected outrage. The peddler said, as an aside. The absurdity of guilt-tossing is rudimentary.

All that transpires differently after judgement, from that which went on before, is that those in positions of authority present to the world an additional allocation of suffering that they have perpetrated by their usurpation. Deterrence and recidivism-prevention, awash in legalese, are just meaningless pretexts for socially-sanctioned base sadism. Intergenerational and geographic value changes, political status of defendant, and caedere-wealth-possession render ample examples of how standards are applied summarily and differently for similar offenses.

One might consider how all acts of passion are controlled by engineered attitudes, genetic memory, subtle changes in cerebral salt concentrations, microbial commensalism, and infinitely small aberrant nerve impulses. Should one do so, one can only remark upon how unjust, imprudent, and brutal it is to sling shame and cast blame. To be human one must be more than just another hominid. Human beings need to have missions. Due to their astonishing weakness, these super-predators, you mentioned, and others like them, feel the need for large quantities of death symbols — dollars, Euros, Au, yachts, etc.

It makes them feel safer. The more insecure a man feels, the more he feels he needs caedere wealth. For some reason, people who fear death also worship death, and they feel the need to bury themselves in death symbols. Caedere wealth empowers the predation and enslaves it. Contrary to religious dogma and the justification for Written Law, people do not choose to do negative things because they are depraved. Whatever they do, they do because Entropy orders it.

Disorder demands, and weakness controls us. They battle it out, and Entropy uses our passion to dispassionate ends. We all wander in the dark. We are all injured and suffering desperately. Life is usually Hell, and we creatures do the best we can to make it less so. Under such pressure, though, we often make mistakes. That does not make us morally evil, any more than biological strength makes us saints.

No way exists for us to effectively judge anyone in the human condition. We do not have the capability. Our futile attempts to do so do no more than increase pain and suffering. What we can do is direct the attention of others to observable weaknesses in the alleged miscreants and take proximity-survival precautions. But, unlike how it is done today, sanctifying predation and punishment.

We must conform to Natural principles. The parasitic organism cannot survive on its own, and it seeks its sustenance from other life forms.

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But, She just blesses inter-species predation, not intra-species. If a human parasite, a super-predator, is found, it must be apprehended. It should forswear forever death-worship and obscene unlimited pursuit of caedere wealth. Like calling someone crazy.

He wanted to destroy free-enterprise, pushing his brand of Capital-communism. Hundreds of times more difficult to do. The predator must be given every chance to reform its behavior. If, on the basis of overwhelming evidence, the parasite demonstrates that it can never become strong enough to be a custodian. It most definitely is! The current definition of intelligence is incorrect. Any definition of intelligence that does not take into account biosustainability is in error. They perhaps have come to the same state of evolution as we have.

End of their story, end of ours. Then, you show me how many top bankers, politicians, or sports figures are rotting in prison for their similar capital offenses. The amount of caedere wealth that the super-predators possess is effectively infinite. The poor pay for the luxury of the rich. The rich need not even touch their principal, so to speak. Just their interest suffices to rob and murder the poor. The super-predators enjoy the stolen fruits of predation, experiencing neither sanction nor castigation. Complaint is quickly stifled. They need not pay tribute as taxes to the state, either, as the poor do.

Over time such behavior will result in hundreds if not thousands of extra years for the rich, billions less for the poor, and a humanity that loses its biological will to continue. But, if we do not discover a way to limit our population, while still currying sufficient growth to not expire, our new-found strength will serve no purpose.

Gyorgy Schwartz should be apprehended, not judged? Soros appears to be marching perfectly in step with his nature. As I see it, after the big explosion, Entropy brought a world into existence. At least, two of those civilizations, undoubtedly, found themselves with enemies, so they developed some science and were soon capable of creating simulations.

We, doubtless, also arrived as a product of evolution, extra-terrestrial impregnation, or as a simulation downstream of those earlier civilizations. The possible simulation that brought us here was by design, or as a program that went wrong, got corrupted, or became neglected into the present dystopia. It is all just conjecture at this point.

Like caged rats, fouling their water or cages, unwittingly trying to commit suicide, so are the simians. Most simians also try to commit covert suicide, inventing creative ways of avoiding the actual blatant act, since easy suicide has been programmed constitutively out of most animals.

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Doctors assist and predatorily play into the hands the programmers, assisting with the torture, but disallowing an easy death. I cannot see myself any better. I am also a sycophant of the demented programmer s. I will also try to alleviate suffering for the unremoved others without the typical medical and legal predation. I will never give up trying to erect the Great Pontibus Bridges. Without these extenuating circumstances, however, I cannot say I am any less deserving of euthanasia than a predatory doctor, lawyer, pol, or banker. When they find a piece of possible food that is too big to swallow quickly, they scream and run.

That gets the attention of all the other animals. The foodless many see what has occurred and chase the greedy yeller. Look at Gates, Zuck, and Soros. All are clear evidence of savage heredity that went wrong, pure unmitigated purposeless barnyard greed. Maybe, we offended somehow and are doing a punishment sentence. Perhaps, we serve as small animals like those that parents buy on holidays for their children, so that the kids can torture them to death. Either way, we too punish, futilely.

We punish out of impotent fear of predation, or separation from Earth, or our disappearing, or because we want to emulate our demented programming creators. Most predators do not turn to preying on their own species only after becoming debauched. It does happen, but usually it comes about as a result of a biological perversion. The majority of predators become that way out of a need for social acceptance and acclaim. Their appearances on media spots stands as testimony of that. They are forever seeking exaltation, worship, and emulation. They know that, for the average human being, caedere wealth possession is easily confused with intelligence, divine luck, and human worth.

The predator knows that an inordinate amount of caedere wealth symbols will surely gain for them the value estimation, human love, and security that they crave. The means becomes the end, and the end becomes the means. Caedere weaklings develop a tolerance for money as much as any junkie develops a tolerance for his or her own drug of choice. When this happens, the personality disappears. The person no longer owns caedere wealth, because the owner is no longer human. Caedere wealth now owns the predator. A man of ends becomes a man of means.

Being a parasite on humans is essentially a degeneration, a mental derangement, a de-evolution. Psychologists call it psychopathy. The predator becomes, in all practical respects, a lower form of mammal — such as a wild pig — with all the volition that exists in a blood-sucking tick or leech. Super-predators pursue caedere wealth with great enthusiasm. They are forever wallowing in the figurative mud, dreaming of being human once more. That enthusiasm usually works to gain them all the indications of that for which they crave, but none of the reality.

Predators must see how they can achieve the admiration they desire via the biosustainable path, just as they received it while pursuing the parasitic path. Unfortunately, locating and re-inserting a lost human essence into a wild pig is not an easy task. The stochastic nature of that closed existence imprisons us. Although it always inevitably drags each of us down into a decentralized condition of ever more chaos and disorder, a perfect democracy, our birth rate establishes a thin patina of order over that Entropy Sea.

As the planet gets warmer, the Entropy Sea, on which we float, becomes increasingly turbulent. It cannot keep going like this much longer without an eventual explosion. Come what may, Entropy dictates our every move. Why not accept a life of aspiration? What does a missionless life, dictated only by Entropy, have to offer us but a set of serial debasements?


We are capable of more. We are both thrust into the semblance of a freezing cold world through the most over-rated aperture in the history of man, an orifice smelling of rotten fish. Life culminates in the ultimate abasement of having to endure a putrefaction hidden from the entire world. If you are of the Christian, Judaic or Islamic faith, you still have to do your zombiehood, i. You must genuflect every second, as a living non-zombie, to that insane, amoral imaginary fiend, or wait expectantly for sentencing to enjoy an eternal burning in zombie hell.

Without a mission, even a dog has better prospects. I believe we must indeed challenge the province of our essence. As the story goes, Abraham, a closet demented cannibal, was a pet of the fiend, Jehovah — Allah. From such weaknesses, purportedly admirable strengths emerged. Ensconced in other aspects of these paragons of legendary salacious humanity was something special.

Jesus, apparently, made it his mission to create a system that turned the world into a more just and gentle abode than it was previously. He, fortunately, diminished some of the pest that was ultimately to become a Christian plague. Unfortunately, his followers lost sight of his mission. They allowed Entropy to assist them in substituting their own brand of mystic statist hell.

With Entropy, it is always consistent, never makes contradictory exceptions. I have no choice but to accept it. These sailing Semites gave the world cheap labor, and more. If one presupposes that intelligence assists a simian in a quest for a mission, those missionless Semites may accidentally have been responsible for a more generalized human DNA complement within the genus Homo. For their humanity, gained via the miscegenation due to the advent of that slavery, most negroes in the West today can thank those salient Semites.

That schizophrenic buzzard had no mission. Time will tell how much more negative change these death-worshippers, without purpose, bring us through their astounding weaknesses. As such, it is an oxymoron. Real morons seek to punish its practitioners. Great scientists and some writers are often considered criminals. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, bankers, priests, wardens, compassion-vultures, thugs, etc. To have excelled in their chosen discipline most great scientists must be missioned, having swum upstream while everyone else was going with the flow, downstream. That makes scientists criminal — not predatory.

Long ago, I knew an alcoholic pilot that did some prison time. He was intelligent, an environmentalist like us, and a well-informed guy. The passenger was his only child. My acquaintance was prosecuted, and he received a long sentence. His alcoholism never stopped. The material losses were bearable to him.

What he could not live with was what he had done to his child. He said it was an eternal nightmare from which there was no awakening. It was something with which he could not live. Suicide appeared the only way to lessen his pain. Before he killed himself, he asked me to write a letter to God for him. He said his trembling hand was too unsteady. But it was more than that. He knew the letter would be unintelligible, if he wrote it, and he wanted it to be readable and buried with him. So, I put his thoughts down on my computer.

Later, I edited and rewrote it, arranging his thoughts grammatically correct for God. That left me a copy. When he read it, he told me it was just what he wanted to say. Would you like to read it? He printed the letter and returned quickly, saying. If this letter finds its way to you, it means that you exist.

It could have answered a big question in my mind, but it means nothing to me now. Although your Creation is far too beautiful to describe, its magnificence is gravely flawed, and I think you should know it. It appears that you are not aware of the situation. You never made it seem that there is any purpose for us here. I, therefore, just had to assume that you created all this wonderful universe and you liked it and wanted it protected.

If I assumed wrong, and you cared little or wished us to destroy Creation, something went terribly wrong. I presumed my function was to protect, so I tried to do that, and I served the world in which I lived. I ultimately discovered that you seemed only to reward the destroyers of your Creation. What is also so very hard to understand is why you made us all defective.

Every one of us has some special monkey on our individual backs, detracting from the full-force of any positive purpose. What is especially odious is that we have the capacity to lie to ourselves when the pressure for depraved conduct becomes very strong, more than we can bear, making it impossible to resist.

We can actually justify and thereby convince ourselves of the rectitude of our prohibited behavior. Of course, immediately subsequent to our misdeeds the foundations of our unjustifiable prevarications dissolve and crumble away. Society holds uncontrollable natural inclinations as depravities and taboo weaknesses. Our neighbors consequently take revenge upon us for these transgressions in addition to the revenge we take upon ourselves.

We never cease punishing ourselves for our mistakes and our inability to control personal weakness. You obviously cannot know the burden of desperation one must bear, just to survive, for you. As our Creator, you are ultimately responsible for our mistakes and misery. Making us feel responsible for your actions or incompetence is also on your account, and it is malevolent! I do not understand.

Are you a monstrous fiend!? Did you make us with these near infallible built-in weaknesses to watch us squirm and writhe in pain from them? Controlling that monkey seems possible for some but nearly impossible for others, adding to the pain of the weaker and more susceptible. It certainly would seem to be a great impediment to any positive goals you might have, or at least a great inefficiency. I believe the only reason for installing such weakness in us is demented heartlessness? You are a psychotic sadistic bastard, and you find pleasure in making us suffer incredibly from frustration, fear, regrets, hopelessness, and punishment?

You enjoy watching our throbbing agony, as we struggle and thrash about? Have you ever asked yourself that question? You should, and perhaps, for the betterment of all, you might seriously consider suicide. After a few seconds he looked over at the peddler, making eye contact. The body language had its effect, and the peddler became uncomfortable enough to speak, albeit on an unrelated topic. But before I go into that I want to address some of the reasons, I think exist, for your telling choice of words and your obvious negative opinions and scorn.

The wicked fool replied. The atmosphere around the small table became instantly colder and stayed that way for a few seconds. Neither man wanted to say anything. Neither knew how to respond to the awkward situation. Finally, the peddler could take the silence no longer and said.

Perhaps because you are buying the beer. The peddler, despite his anger, did not leave. He sat back down before his beer and smoldered, silently, as the wicked fool continued. The ZSA uses that money to buy arms from Rothschild and the big bankers to control the entire world. People suffer and die of disease and starvation or just disappear.

Surveillance is 24 hours and occurs virtually everywhere. They attack resistance with drones and small missiles that kill, burn and maim innocent men, women and children. They bombard with aircraft, artillery and mortars. Mindless soldiers, automatons with small arms, massacre and cause genocides. American atrocities learned of at home by Americans are forgotten by Americans before the next TV show.

Every April 15th more funding arrives to put thousands more innocent people in detention and intimidate entire populations. What possible danger do innocent children and women present to the Jews and their apologists in Washington? These fiends torture, burn, and kill for caedere greed, nothing else. The reality of how much the citizens of the ZSA are responsible for these criminals in Washington and Israel never seems to make an impression on the citizens of ZSA.

There is some indication that a few people are waking up there, however, and that has not gone unnoticed by the super-predators. The fiends have tightened the screws on censorship to the point where truth is virtually as scarce as Life at absolute zero. If anyone speaks out, exposing such crimes, Google, Facebook and Yahoo punish and censor them. When the world learns how the ZSA taxpayers are supporting these caedere thugs, and the world also acquires the will to seek vengeance, there will be hell to pay.

And as it did in Germany, the world will not discriminate between pols, bankers and citizens, as all are equally guilty as accessories to crimes against humanity. As we learned at Nuremberg, the super-predators escape censure. The alliance of the caedere strong grows ever stronger. As it has for centuries, it continues growing incrementally ever more controlling against the caedere weak. The caedere rich plan on eventually killing all simians indiscriminately, humans included. For decades Monsanto and cohorts have been willfully and wantonly poisoning our food and water.

All over the world sperm counts are dropping. Fluoride and PCBs are in our water and air everywhere. Monsanto will soon have a monopoly on virtually all food. Where do you think this is all leading? In return for creature comfort crumbs, the entire ZSA citizenry help the bankers, pols and mercenaries stuff their pockets with looted gold and caedere wealth. These compassionate ZSA slaves have the luxury to feel unlimited kindheartedness for a hopeless suffering genetic freak that could have been disposed of, without pain, at birth. That is just the first aspect of the compassion travesty.

But, then, they have absolutely no sentiment at all for the hundreds of thousands of murdered children that might have one-day become normal humans. They starve, burn, and blow these children to pieces with their genuflection, taxes, and belief in mob democracy. It is absolutely unconscionable! They all know the problem, and the situation.

They share in its benefits and pay tribute taxes to the principal perpetrator. They are all accessories before and after the fact, guilty of war crimes in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, etc. No amount of tut-tutting, finger-pointing, and pious over-wrought wrist-wringing on the video screen will wash that blood off their hands. Paying taxes to a terrorist country is a crime against humanity.

The ZSA is a nation of war criminals, every single citizen! The attitude, you obviously support, is an attitude held only by ignorant, shallow, non-sentient, enslaved, pusillanimous bullies! I find it repugnant. It may have been all pretense but the peddler seemed genuinely penitent and asked. I do not wish to be continually insulted either. The peddler delayed his departure, and the wicked fool sat silent for a moment, before saying. You were inquiring as to the relationship between weakness and predation. Weakness evolved in Nature as a magnet to predation, or visa versa, both for predator and prey.

They are drawn together for the same purpose, exploitation. The predator gains a meal, money, or more. Exploiting weakness is always good practice for predators. There are limits, of course. For example, Bears, robber bees, yellow jackets, mites, a pesticide-wielding farmer, etc. The wicked fool did not respond to the comment but continued.

Except for the eugenic aspects, I do not think it is ever a healthy feature in an ecosystem.

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Caedere wealth is also a predator, in and of itself, without an attached entity. The ideal of caedere wealth accumulation exists as a quasi-religion and is an indirect factor in bloating and weakening the human race. As in any auto-immune disease, one day that unnatural distention must cease.

When the burst happens, the resulting exposure of weakness will not have esthetic aspects. When humans enter a natural equation, suspend their humanity, and become predators on the human species, the system also begins to change. The changing system can be positive or negative for humanity or protoplasm. It usually depends on the end result, but it is virtually always unhealthy. One is a typical subhuman predator, a lawyer.

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The other is an artist, a missioned human. Neither does needed life self-examination. They both go to a clinic for help. A medical doctor, i. Both ultimately go off the antidepressant, but each man becomes addicted to the opioid drug. The two new junkies end up as suicides due to the drugs and their subsequent attempted abstinence. The end result is an over-all positive event for the planet, as its burden is less by over a hundred kilos of simian meat.

You contradict yourself, saying predation is virtually always unhealthy? But, true, it is an overall positive considering the entire example. The exception I inadvertently described, however, with a bit more explanation, only adds to my proof. First, they were both suicides. Most demises from medicine do not result in quick bereavements or suicides but linger over time. Doctors do not wish to kill their patients, because death means an end to exploitation and predation.

This exploitation creates a greater burden on the planet than would a quick end like suicide. Second, I took my example out of the greater contextual whole. Sick simians are stressors on all Life. But most people, naturally, do not want to live. Life is a meaningless torment. Prospective sickos, and sickos, do all kinds of things that are sickening and slow suicides. They let themselves get depressed, pursue accumulation of caedere wealth, break natural laws, smoke, work too much, drink too much, use drugs, eat crap, watch TV, vote for predators, go crazy, etc. Their immune system gives in, and they get sick.

Doctors are biologists, but they betray their education. They could usually tell the sickos how to get well or die without drugs. They could help the sicko to get well or get out, leaving it at that. Doctors exploit the pseudo-suicide, selling them drugs, radiation, unnecessary surgery, and lies, refusing to let the sicko recover or die.

Existence has no discernable value beyond negative. If so, fuck them! Death gives us insensibility for who knows how long? Postponing it for any reason only amplifies the pleasure for the fiend s. We are only programmed to fear death for some purpose other than our own.

The medical industry is keeping us alive longer and sicker than ever before, but the irony also is that doctors are killing us as much as they always have. But, you feel doctors could do positive things overall by offing their patients. But, you are amusing, so I will endeavor to explain how you misread the point of my example.

Three out of eight ZSA citizens are addicted to prescription opioids. Doctors assist in giving Life in general auto-immune diseases. That is what human predators do. That is what human predation is, a planetary auto-immune disease, and it is going to kill us. Most human predation is socially accepted. Human predation has been rationalized so much into our society that we have become blinded to its existence and affects.

We even use our language to create words that euphemize the effects of human predation. Also, since we all use caedere money, none of us is entirely free of human predator qualities, and we are all parasitic to some degree. Some of us are indeed nearly strong enough for the task, but human life is too long, and the human race is implacably cruel. We need to awaken to the fact that the ruling class is rapidly taking our humanity from us in a number of ways.

There can be no human community where there is no freedom. The fate of the human race is the fate of the caedere poor. We must awaken to the knowledge that the caedere definition of wealth is wrecking the planet, killing hope of continuing evolution and ourselves with it.

We are obliged to change that definition of wealth from one with a symbol of death to one with a living symbol, such as wealth animans. If intelligence is a lethal genotype, one of its lethal manifestations may be in a death-worshipping phenotype. CoCs, new-way inclined people, will seek to live healthy lifestyles, retain their humanity, and find ways to maintain themselves as planetary custodians.

They will form communities of like-minded people that seek to rejuvenate the planet, moving all over the globe, destroying purveyors of death. The pursuit of truth, excellence, and biosustainability will be the most significant characteristics of these groups. They will be unstoppable, unconquerable, strong, free and have indomitable faith in themselves and their mission.

The wicked fool looked straight at the peddler and continued. They will consist of educated men and women unafraid of using violence as a tool to remove predators. They will face the consequences, undaunted, should they be apprehended in their quests. These privileged-predator-few are sanctioned bankers, lawyers, judges, compassion-vultures, priests, politicians, medical doctors, prison guards, thugs, etc.

Polery is a mental deficiency disease, often engendered from a deprived childhood. Like other pathetic predatory criminals — lawyers, most cops, and all mission-less convicts, pols are sick simians. Most come from dysfunctional families. The CoCs will start by aspiring to remove the most egregious offenders of biosustainability, the dynastic bankers and the minions of the State, the pols.

When there is a consensus among the guerrillas as to the facts, the period of due diligence will end. If the predator refuses to reform, seeks to mislead, or recidivates, the CoCs will euthanize the predator. If it proves too weak to change or it retaliates, the custodians will not again explain. Science has not yet found a technological way to remove predatory behavior, or predation-proclivity, from the parasitic-prone simian.

Immediately after, the CoC will euthanize the predator. CoCs cannot assist if they are sick and getting sicker by the micro-second. CoCs need to learn to recognize the people that make their living from predation, so that they do not become their victims. Predators and people that fall victim to predation do so because of inadequate education and vigilance. Those informed in biology, literature, philosophy and techniques of problem resolution, etc. Students leave the schools with a disdain for truth and freedom.

More often than not, those individuals, so slave-indoctrinated, will find contemporary regimented life worthwhile. They will consider searching for or speaking truth to be too arduous and even dishonorable. They have given up on Life and are among those who fear the most to examine what it is about their lives that they find worthwhile.

They see no value in biosustainability or anarchy, and they yearn for hierarchy. They feel they are only at risk when they act, so they keep their heads bowed, accepting their slavery. If Isaac Newton or Jesus H. Christ were to return as contemporary citizens, they would be seen as flakes and fags, perhaps even evil. Simian citizenry today is somewhat equal to a cluster of deranged rhesus macaques. Ignorance is politically-correct to them. If the citizenry does not learn true history, biology, critical thinking skills, healthful living habits, etc.

The super-predators are not wasting time. They have secret societies and opulent fraternal groups, abetting their closed-community, working very hard to place all simians into a political situation where the super-predators do all the commanding, control all contingincies. Our population is destined to be totally managed by them, unless we act quickly. They plan to separate all simians, predators and hosts, into only two classes, hoi polloi and aristocrats. Every peasant will have a computer connected to their brain, equipped with a suicide switch.

The society of cyborgs will perceive natural simians as super-ignorant animals, like domestic pets, dogs or cats. Soon, there will be little difference between people and phones. Jesus afirmou que eles eram corruptos por dentro: Em vez disso, Jesus desenhou uma linha bem definida na areia, separando seu evangelho do legalismo dos fariseus.

Jesus desenhou uma l inha bem definida na areia, separando seu evangelho do legalismo dos fariseus. Sem retorno A maioria dos fariseus odiava Jesus por isso. Muito antes desse incidente, os fariseus desprezaram muitos dos clamores que Crito fez pelo arrependimento Mateus 4: Eles rejeitaram todos os alertas. Nesse ponto, Lucas diz: Mas os fariseus e os mestres da lei o criticavam: Cobradores de impostos eram verdadeiros corruptos, odiados por todos.

Eram muito malvistos, tidos como os piores dos pecadores. Nunca se untariam com as pessoas com as quais Jesus comia. Eles se mantinham distantes de tais pessoas porque acreditavam que, dessa forma, protegeriam a pureza que julgavam ter. Por que ele comeu com pecadores? Qual era o ponto central que Jesus queria enfatizar em sua narrativa? Deusse ira com o pecado Salmos 7: Ele justifica de maneira completa e com liberalidade por causa do que Cristo fez pelos pecadores.

Era verdade que Jesus se dispunha a se relacionar com pecadores. Todos os membros da alta sociedade ficaram chocados em pensar que um rabino como Jesus, um mestre espiritual, aceitara a hospitalidade de um pecador como Zaqueu, e mais ainda por ele o fazer deliberadamente. Eles estavam convencidos de sua superioridade moral. Ele era uma autoridade entre os fariseus v. Eles deturparam totalmente e deliberadamente o envolvimento de Jesus com os pecadores. Jesus era verdadeiramente amigo deles. Nisso os fariseus estavam certos.

Nisso os fariseus estavam completamente certos. Note que Lucas diz: De fato, Lucas E quando a encontra, coloca-a alegremente nos ombros e vai para casa. Ali estava um pastor que perdera uma ovelha de um rebanho de cem. O que ele deveria fazer? Todos sabiam a resposta. Quando uma delas se perdia, em geral era por pura burrice do animal ou descuido. De um jeito ou de outro, a ovelha perdida estava correndo um perigo mortal. Qualquer um desses fatores ou todos eles untos pode ser fatal.

Ele buscaria diligentemente a ovelha perdida e, quando a encontrasse, a levaria com alegria para casa. Deus recebe os pecadores arrependidos com alegria e felicidade in contidas. Eles sabiam muito mais do que as pessoas sabem hoje como Deus odeia o pecado. Deus recebe os pecadores arrependidos com alegria e felicidade incontidas. Ele recebe os pecadores com alegria. Era um eco da famosa alegoria do Antigo Testamento que anunciava o Messias de Israel: E era precisamente isso que Jesus queria dizer.

Seu ressentimento, que contrasta enormemente com a alegria do pai, era um espelho exato da mentalidade dos fariseus. Tenha isso em mente. Mas esse relato continua, e encontramos o personagem que simboliza os mestres da lei e os fariseus: Cristo muitas vezes os reprovava por essa atitude. Por um lado, vemos como o arrependimento libera alegria celestial.

O pedido do jovem, como Jesus o descreveu, era ultrajante, atrevido e enormemente desonroso para o pai. O dever de manter seu legado intacto era bem compreendido por todos. O sistema fora criado para aumentar a riqueza em todos os aspectos. Eu quero a minha liberdade. Na verdade, ele conquistaria a liberdade que tanto desejava. Seria dado como morto. Tratava-se de uma falta muito grave. As leis de honra familiar eram claras para todo mundo na sociedade. Ele aceitaria de bom grado o pagamento em moedas ou notas. Em resumo, seus planos eram os de pegar o que conseguisse e ir para o mais longe que pudesse.

Basicamente, ele estava pedindo para sair. Eles tinham servos Lucas E tinha direito a parte do que era produzido. A maioria dos ouvintes de Jesus — em especial, os fariseus — veria isso como um ato vergonhoso do pai. Faltava alguma coisa para ele em sua honra? Ao aceitar o pedido insolente do jovem e simplesmente ignorar seu legado, o pai seria objeto de vergonha tanto quanto o filho. Ele tinha exatamente o que ele queria: Ele voluntariamente sofreu o que constitui uma das mais dolorosas agonias de todas: Agora que ele finalmente tinha os meios, mal podia esperar para sair dali.

Agora que el e final mente ti nha os meios, mal podia esperar para sair dali. A pressa com que ele agiu sugere que perdeu uma quantia tremenda do valor de seu legado no processo. Isso ilustra perfeitamente a tolice do pecador. Vende barato quaisquer presentes que possa ter recebido de Deus.

Isso foi ruim o bastante. Os mestres da lei e os fariseus deviam estar pensando algo assim a essa altura. Seu desprezo por pecadores imorais era conhecido. Esse foi, antes de tudo, o motivo que precipitou aquele encontro com esus. Tudo na cultura de gentios era sujo. Mas, por enquanto, repare: A bem da verdade, ambos os filhos odiavam o pai e se odiavam. Foi exatamente isso que aconteceu a esse sujeito. Todo mundo na cidade que sabia se divertir queria ficar perto daquele jovem. Por isso, foi com tudo. Por um momento, deve ter pensado que tinha exatamente o que queria.

Colheu o que plantou. Seu pai tinha provido todas as suas necessidades e lhe fornecido toda tranquilidade desde o dia em que ele nasceu. Uma grande fome nesse momento era a pior coisa que poderia acontecer a ele — pelo menos, a partir de uma perspectiva terrena. Ela seria vista — especialmente pelos mestres da lei e pelos fariseus — como um castigo divino. A fome podia ser causada, por exemplo, pela seca 1Reis Eles descrevem como as pessoas enlouquecem de fome. As pessoas passam a comer coisas como grama, couro de sapato, carne podre, lixo e excremento.

Cidades inteiras e vilarejos ficam sem nenhum habitante. Fim de festa A vida daquele jovem tinha se tornado um pesadelo. A festa, com certeza, tinha acabado. Todos os seus sonhos tinham se tornado pesadelos. Todo o seu prazer tinha mudado para dor. A rebeldia tinha acabado. As gargalhadas tinham se calado. Todos aqueles que ele considerava seus amigos se foram. Ele queria prazer sem limites. O texto grego usa um verbo muito pitoresco: A essa altura, ele provavelmente estavae imundo, desgrenhado, reduzido a extrema pobreza, tudo o que podia fazer era pedir.

Mas o garoto desesperado grudou nele como se fosse com cola quente, pedindo cada vez mais ajuda. O relutante juiz, por fim, concedeu seu desejo, ainda que contrariado, dizendo: Isso significava que qualquer tipo de contato com os animais era considerado espiritualmente sujo. Ele se tornou um cuidador de porcos em tempo integral.

Poderia piorar ainda mais? Vontade de comer lavagem Pelo menos, os porcos tinham algum tipo de comida. Contemplando esse fato, ele se viu queimando de inveja dos porcos! Eram longas vagens que nasciam em arbustos. As sementes dentro delas eram duras, e as cascas das vagens eram duras como couro. Era exatamente isso que estava acontecendo ali. Todo detalhe que Jesus mencionava ofendia a sensibilidade da elite religiosa. Equivale a desejar que ele estivesse morto.

A essa altura, o pecador tolo exauriu seu melhor plano B e deve perceber que ele nunca poderia funcionar. Mas ele estava buscando um estilo de vida que nada mais era do que insanidade moral. Contudo, em vez de luxo e liberdade, ele encontrou precisamente o oposto. Tudo o que ele tinha buscado, perdeu. Estava certamente fora de si em termos espirituais. Em vez do prazer que elas esperavam, elas se tornaram cronicamente deprimidas, zangadas, antissociais e cada vez mais irracionais.

Ele acordou para a realidade. Seu primeiro instinto ao recobrar os sentidos foi planejar como ele poderia voltar para seu pai e sua casa. Ele estava verdadeiramente no fim da linha. Eles acreditavam que tudo aquilo precisava ser observado por toda a vida para que todos se tornassem virtuosos. Ele pensou em cada aspecto daquele arrependimento.

O rapaz finalmente entendeu que era ele quem estava errado: Em vez de fugir, ele voltaria para casa. Ele finalmente via as coisas de forma clara. Ele sabia que tinha renegado permanentemente seu status como filho, mas mesmo ser empregado de seu pai certamente seria melhor do que viver cuidando de porcos. O jovem rapaz finalmente se lembra de seu pai. Mesmo os mais pobres dos empregados de seu pai estavam melhores do que ele. E o que ficou na mente do ovem foi a gentileza e a generosidade paternas. Seu pai sempre contratou empregados — muitos deles.

Ele realmente estava morrendo de fome. Era o fim de tudo. Agora ele estava disposto a voltar sob a autoridade de seu pai como um empregado. Escravos recebiam um lugar para morar, roupas e todas as necessidades da vida. Contudo, todas as necessidades dos servos eram supridas e eles viviam em relativo conforto.

Ele era generoso, gentil e compassivo. Essa ficha finalmente caiu na mente do filho. Era gentil, generoso, bom e misericordioso. Ele nunca tinha valorizado seu pai antes. Mas provar da realidade lhe deu uma perspectiva totalmente nova. Um observador externo poderia pensar: E agora, sem alternativa, ele finalmente estava pronto para voltar para casa.

Sabia que seu pai era misericordioso, mesmo que nunca tenha pensado nisso antes. Sua atitude estava diferente. Praticamente todos os ouvintes de Jesus compartilhariam desse pressuposto: Ele estava pensando da forma que qualquer um naquela cultura pensaria. Todo mundo entendia que, se o filho tivesse realmente se arrependido, ele precisaria voltar rastejando para o pai, como um mendigo.

Naquela cultura, onde a honra e a vergonha significavam tanto, tais coisas eram simplesmente compreendidas. Era isso que o garoto precisava fazer, e era justamente isso que planejava fazer. Acreditava em seu pai. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, comentando essa passagem, escreveu: Primeiro, o pecador cai em si. Isso poderia ser um eco de Esdras 9: Ele tinha pensado bem nisso. Era assim que as pessoas aprendiam a pensar na cultura religiosa do tempo de esus. Mas ele estavadisposto a fazer tudo o que pudesse para pagar pelo que fizera.

As melhores estimativas sugerem que trinta talentos provavelmente chegavam a uma soma de uns trinta e dois quilos de ouro. No entanto, o empregado implorou para poder tentar. Ele se jogou de cara diante do amo e implorou: Entretanto, ele estava disposto a sacrificar tudo pelo resto de sua vida para fazer o que pudesse. Os fariseus e praticamente todo mundo na plateia entendia exatamente o que o jovem estava pensando.

Era simplesmente o quetinha de ser feito. Ao que parece, ele cumpriu a promessa imediatamente, sem hesitar. Mas o filho mais novo permaneceu definitivamente dedicado a cumprir seu processo de arrependimento. Todo o resto viria a seu tempo. Ele realmente estava vendo as coisas de maneira mais clara agora. Agora era hora de agir. Sendo assim, agora que o garoto estava voltando para casa, os fariseus esperavam que ele tivesse o que merecia. De uma coisa eles estavam certos: Mas isso era tudo.

Ao fazer isso, ele perdeu todos os direitos que tinha na casa de seu pai. Mas ele ainda teria que trabalhar duro a vida toda como servo. Era assim que coisas como essa deveriam ser resolvidas. Um paralelo do Antigo Testamento: Ele certamente sabia que o tipo de vida para o qual o filho estava se dirigindo acabaria como acabou.

Ele esperava que o rapaz sobrevivesse e voltasse para casa. Era dia quando o pai finalmente avistou o filho desobediente. Isso significa que o centro do vilarejo estava cheio de gente. E por que ele correu para o filho, em vez de esperar por sua chegada? Cada uma dessas imagens mostra Cristo como aquele que busca fielmente.

Jesus sempre faz a primeira proposta. Em que o pai estava pensando? Correr era para garotinhos e servos.

Eles andavam solenemente, com um passo lento, mas deliberado. O pai levantou a barra de seu robe e correu da maneira mais indigna. O pai representa Deus. Como ele poderia correr? Mas o pai, no entanto, estava disposto a fazer os moradores sussurrarem entre si: Esse rapaz tirou vantagem do pai e pecou contra ele. Isso foi bem mais chocante para os fariseus do que a imagem de um homem crescido correndo em uma estrada empoeirada para falar com o filho moribundo.