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What we say — review by Nikki Mason: Ready for another complex, piratical adventure? This is the third Solar Wind book I've read and I've loved each one more and more to the point where now I'm desperate to have questions answered and I'm missing the characters not being part of my life Oh, alright, I'm missing not being on board a pirate ship in my imagination!

Smashwords – Freedom Fighter (Solar Wind 3) – a book by Lyz Russo

But this series is becoming progressively darker and more mysterious and suddenly The Solar Wind doesn't seem quite as much fun as a traditional Jolly Roger. The captain and his senior crew members are all involved in peace talks, leaving his daughter as stand in captain.

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When she becomes sick everyone turns to Federi, the assassin, to be in charge. But doesn't he have enough on his plate fighting terrorists, saving lives and fending off over-sized marine life?

Reward Yourself

And things are becoming unbearably strained between him and Paean. Maybe being soulmates just isn't enough sometimes?

Especially when she's tinkering with her own secret weapons and vowing to be the captain's little Freedom Fighter. While Captain Lascek implements his grand Master Plan to bring the warring parties together into a coalition and negotiate a new world constitution, someone has to captain his Solar Wind and his motley and damaged crew of survivors to one of the safe bases - Prime Oil.

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This task falls to Lascek's daughter Rushka, trained and groomed for years in captaining. With her crew of teenagers however the enigmatic young woman has a problem. It is Federi who has to ensure they show her the due respect, and Federi who has to pick up after everyone, finishing every job and keeping it all running - under fire from a hot-headed Ronan who considers himself as temporary First Mate as the gypsy's superior.

Freedom Fighter

But all these petty problems fade when the Solar Wind comes across real disaster - Prime Oil has been attacked and is sinking. Amidst attacks from an unknown enemy force, sudden extreme terrorism hitting the world capitals, and something decidedly strange lurking deep under the surface of the sea circling them, Federi dances a fandango to keep things from going too far wrong. In the middle of this, young Paean slips out under his control and signs on as Captain's Freedom Fighter. She is out-Tziganing him, outslinking the fox.

Federi's fight against his own ego begins You can download Apple Books from the App Store.