Physical gold and silver in your IRA is held by a private custodian who is insured by a private insurer and is NOT controlled by the government. A gold or silver IRA protects your wealth from being confiscated and also adds a strong measure of inflation-protection.
It directly affects the personal life of every American, and it controls or regulates a complex sector of the American economy that is slightly larger than the entire economy of France. Four years ago, many health policy analysts, including those at The Heritage Foundation, predicted some of the effects this law would have on Americans. These are all coming true. As a candidate, President Obama worried that an individual mandate to buy insurance would be unenforceable.
He changed his mind once he became president. This year—the first year that the mandate penalties are to be imposed—he has already started backtracking on the enforcement of the provision he signed into law. The law, particularly the employer mandate, will impose new costs on businesses that undercut jobs and wages. The employer mandate has been delayed until , but the uncertainty Obamacare has created—and its 18 new tax hikes—have put a huge dent in job creation.
The law undermines competition and further consolidates health insurance markets. Heritage Foundation analysis of federal and state exchanges shows that the law has, in general, reduced competition and consolidated health insurance markets. Between and , the number of insurers offering coverage on the individual markets in all 50 states has declined nationwide by 29 percent. As Heritage predicted, the average annual premiums for single and family coverage in are rising in the state and federal health insurance exchanges all around the country.
In 11 states, premiums for year-olds have more than doubled since ; in 13 states, premiums for year-olds have increased more than 50 percent. Fewer Medicare providers, reimbursed at rates progressively reduced over time, will create access problems for patients. Medicare cuts have been underway for several years now.
The law compels taxpayers to fund abortion and weakens protections of the right of conscience. Obamacare mandates health plans that include coverage of abortion. It also spawned the Health and Human Services regulatory mandate that forces American employers to provide coverage for abortion-inducing drugs.
Benghazi ‘Spin’ Has Jay Carney’s Reputation Under Fire
It is safe to say that four years ago, millions of Americans did not expect that the national health care law would become a vehicle for an aggressive government infringement of personal liberty or coerce Americans to fund medical procedures and drugs in direct violation of their ethical and religious convictions. Is it any wonder public opinion is against this debacle? No es lo mismo una persona que ha llevado una vida ordenada que alguien que durante su existencia abusa de su cuerpo y mente con drogas alucinantes para obtener un placer artificial. En el Oriente se atesora los conocimientos acumulados en las neuronas de los ancianos.
Brigitte Gabriel had set this issue as a top priority for our organization. We worked closely with Congressman Frank Wolf, who introduced resolution H. Congress — over 80 percent of House Republicans cosponsored this bill. Congress recognizes our impact on national security matters like this one. Today, Speaker Boehner announced that the House will vote on legislation to create a Select Committee to investigate the September 11, terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Over the last year-and-a-half many voices have joined mine to see the achievement of this important milestone. One of the largest and loudest of those voices has been ACT! Their efforts back home in their towns and communities resulted in a groundswell of congressional support for a special committee and today, over 80 percent of House Republicans support my Benghazi resolution as cosponsors. While we applaud Speaker Boehner for listening to the American people, we also realize that, while we may have won this particular skirmish, the fight to get to the bottom of the Benghazi attack continues.
The specifics of the special committee will be determined during the coming days and I will carefully be watching as plans progress. I expect more political shenanigans and drama. There is still much work to do and it is important that our elected officials understand our continued resolve. S and abroad — are brought to justice.
Further, that we will not rest until processes are put in place to assure that something like this never happens again. I will continue to keep you apprised of this constantly evolving issue, so please watch for future updates and action alerts. Again, I thank you. May 3, TO: Please read the clipping below: Be perfectly clear, this was a straight up Second Amendment issue in its purest form.
And the Florida Sheriffs Association opposed your fundamental individual right to keep and bear arms at a time when you most need to be able to protect yourself and your family. Perjure struck down emergency declaration laws like the Florida laws we were trying to fix. They do not target dangerous individuals or dangerous conduct. Nor do they seek to impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions by, for example, imposing a curfew to allow the exercise of Second Amendment rights during circumscribed times. Jack Latvala in abandoning the Second Amendment for the convenience of law enforcement, blocked restoration of your constitutional right.
Knowing that if the bill were amended it would have to go back to House where it would NOT come up again, they voted for an amendment they knew would kill the bill. We believe the intention, all along, of the Florida Sheriffs Association was to kill the bill. They pulled out all the stops on the mandatory evacuation bill. Sheriffs repeatedly made it clear that the only thing they cared about was their convenience.
They also made it clear, they prefer to presume you are a criminal rather than an honest citizen trying to protect your family and your property. Below is the Roll Call vote on the amendment. Passage of that amendment killed the bill, as it was intended to do. Sometimes you need to lose in order to identify the real enemy. This was one of those times. Thad Altman R Sen. Aaron Bean R Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto R Sen. Rob Bradley R Sen. Jeff Brandes R Sen. Greg Evers R Sen. Bill Galvano R Sen. Andy Gardiner R Sen. Tom Lee R Sen. Joe Negron R Sen. David Simmons R Sen.
Wilton Simpson R Sen. Kelli Stargel R Sen. John Trasher R Sen. President Don Gaetz R. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla Sen. Below is the link to another clipping on the issue. Emergency concealed carry bill killed by last minute amendments. Finally, as always, we never quit. The bill will be filed again next year and as many years as it takes to pass it. Your rights are not just being violated, they are being denied.
I think people should start to calculate what are their advantages in owning a car. Or their cost annually. For gas, oil, tires, insurances, repairs, parking, tickets etc. Y yo si no creo en Nobama…ni en ninguno de sus adlateres, y ni me excuso, ni me escondo para decir , denunciar lo que pienso de ese tipo.. Si asi , como se merece llamarlo sin el menor respeto.
Following the terrorist attack of the U. The revelation only confirmed what many already suspected. While Boehner has taken some action regarding the Benghazi investigation, he has until now refused to appoint a select committee assigned to the task. This could be the lie to ruin his legacy and the future legacy of lots of liberals. Lost in the haze of claims and counter claims is the real reason why the White House is desperate to prevent the attack from coming under any further scrutiny — because it would likely reveal an arms smuggling scandal that could rival Iran-Contra.
Joe Scarborough on Benghazi: When questioned on Fox News if he had changed his mind on a statement last month regarding how Republicans should let Benghazi go, Krauthammer replied,. The point is that Republicans have done a terrible job in building the case. Even today, I have to say. The questioning was disjointed, it was not organized. But what I did say was the reason that it would not go anywhere was the lack of interest of the other media. This review has been going on for almost 3 years. People of all ages and from all ethnic backgrounds are rejecting the massive progressive A.
A communist control out of Washington. It is a rejection of the progressive agenda of both parties. For full details on this story and others open the attached report. Town Crier Committee Chairman. When it is finished, it will be cast in bronze and, the Satanists hope, eventually displayed in Oklahoma. State Representative Mike Ritze paid for the controversial statue with his own money, and therefore it was considered a donation and OK to place on government property.
Following that line of reasoning, the Satanic Temple submitted a formal application for their monument. He would be by far the most clearly qualified candidate for the job. More than two-thirds of Americans look on him favorably, and last year, 55 percent told Gallup they saw Clinton as an outstanding or above-average president.
Where the hell is our outrage with this so called president? We should be screaming bloody murder! But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize this country anymore…. Leaders are made, not born. Leadership is forged in times of crisis. On September 11, , we needed a strong leader more than any other time in our history. We needed a steady hand to guide us out of the ashes. But our soldiers are dying daily.
Gas prices are going to skyrocket again, and nobody in power has a lucid plan to open drilling to solve the problem. This country has the largest oil reserves in the WORLD, and we cannot drill for it because the politicians have been bought by the flea-hugging environmentalists.
Our borders are like sieves and they want to give all illegals amnesty and free healthcare. Where are the people of character, courage, conviction, omnipotence, and common sense? I may be a sucker for alliteration, but I think you get the point. Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo? How did this happen, and more important, look what Obama did about it! Name me a government leader who can articulate a plan for paying down the debit, or solving the energy crisis, or managing the health care problem.
The silence is deafening. But these are the crises that are eating away at our country and milking the middle class dry. I have news for the Chicago gangsters in Congress. What is everybody so afraid of? Give me a break. Make your own contribution by sending this to everyone you know and care about. Our future is at stake!! The apparently rogue unit of armed forces was tasked with patrolling the Mexican side of the Arizona border, reports indicate. According to a letter to U.
Customs and Border Protection, Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn alleges that soldiers within the unit crossed into Arizona and pointed their weapons at agents with the U. Her contention is bolstered by federal reports, released after a Freedom of Information Act request, showing Mexican soldiers have crossed the border more than times during the past 18 years.
Local Border Patrol Union President Art de Cueto explained how frustrating and inherently dangerous situations like the recent invasion can be. When confronted, the soldiers reportedly told U. Despite telling agents with the FBI and CBP about the encounter, he said he has yet to find out anything about the apparent Mexican incursion. Bank of America Finds a Mistake: Nunca habia de Visto Igual nada.
In the hospital where a family member lay gravely ill, the relatives gathered in the waiting room. Finally, the doctor came in looking rather tired and very somber. Some of the Democrats actually had to try not to smile,avoiding eye contact with the Republicans. Pero , se supone que debemos creer que los EE. Ninguna persona pensamiento adulto puede ya creer. Cuba es una isla y Castro no puede controlar todo el litoral. Sigue subiendo el precio del combustible en EEUU. Si acceden al enlace http: Este asunto de Donald Sterling es tan sencillo como complicado es el problema racial en los Estados Unidos.
Donald Sterling es de izquierda, pero como muchos de izquierda es un racista encubierto. Por eso digo que el racismo se ha convertido en algo muy complicado en los Estados Unidos. Resulta que el pueblo americano elige al primer presidente negro y tenemos al primer presidente abiertamente racista que atrasa los logros obtenidos para la igualdad racial en los Estados Unidos. Not sure the link works if you are not a subscriber to TheBlazeTV, but I hope it does and you can view it and share with friends. The media is burring its head in the sand, the government continues to lie, so it is up to us to tell the truth and spread the word.
Keystone XL supporters on Thursday introduced legislation they said was backed by 56 senators that would immediately greenlight the controversial oil pipeline. In the Obama Administration claimed they released all the emails related to the Benghazi talking points used by Susan Rice. But now, thanks to our tenacious investigators and legal team, we know that was a lie. Please help us keep the heat on by making a donation to Judicial Watch right now. You can see with this tremendous success how your support makes a difference. Several Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists attended the eighth annual event in Berkeley, Calif.
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Speaking about the conference to Glenn Beck on his radio show, Attkisson said too many news organizations are abandoning stories or failing to challenge government officials. You might even argue that his latest vendetta against the Koch brothers has reinvigorated his entire being, giving him a purpose once again. But the end of the speech is where things really get interesting. Watch, and let us know what you think below. The Reverend Al can not attend as he has contractual commitments to appear on his MSNBC show for which he is paid over two million dollars a year to complain that rich people do not care.
Now that we know that the White House was actively involved in pushing a blatant lie about the genesis of the Benghazi attack in order to deflect blame it is only fair to ask who came up with the story to begin with. On September 11, an Egyptian mob actual or astroturf, no one knows because astroturf mobs were the norm in Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood demonstrated outside, and on, the US Embassy in Cairo. From a timeline produced by Factcheck. Eastern Daylight Time 8: Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens steps outside the consulate to say goodbye to a Turkish diplomat.
There are no protesters at this time. There has been nothing unusual during the day at all outside. The attack began at around 4pm, EDT, by 8: I condemn in the strongest terms the attack on our mission in Benghazi today. As we work to secure our personnel and facilities, we have confirmed that one of our State Department officers was killed. We are heartbroken by this terrible loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those who have suffered in this attack. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.
Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind. In light of the events of today, the United States government is working with partner countries around the world to protect our personnel, our missions, and American citizens worldwide.
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While Rhodes was helping the lie get its trousers on for its ride around the world, Hillary Clinton was at Dover AFB to witness the return of the coffins of the Americans killed in Benghazi. She had this to say: This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable. Rice has been consistently silent on other important issues and ineffective when she does engage. Rice stayed silent when Iran was elected to the U.
When she actually does show up, she is a miserable failure. We also know that the State Department was aware that there were no demonstrations in Benghazi and all had been calm when the mission there closed for the day. The attack on Benghazi occurred around 4pm, Washington time. The statement Hillary released was not something cobbled together in the middle of the night. It was drafted with the full complement of staff at their desks and represents a deliberate distortion of the facts known to Hillary at the time she released the statement.
At the time, the Obama regime was under a lot of criticism for turning what had been a friendly nation, Egypt, over to our enemies. Hence the original statement issued shortly after our ambassador was killed. It was repeated when Clinton went to Dover to welcome home the remains of the slain Americans.
Now, though, the gravity of the lie seems to have been weighing on Clinton. If you were alive during the Clinton regime, you learned to carefully parse each and every word uttered by both Bill and Hillary. Here you will note that while Hillary seems to blame Innocence of Muslims video… but does she? In the context of what was being said and the occasion, the listener could not help but understand her as blaming the video for the deaths.
In reality, her statement shows she made two disconnected statements, both of which were factually true. There was an attack on Benghazi. There was rage and violence directed against at least one embassy. From the beginning, Hillary Clinton knew there were no protests in Benghazi. Despite having time to think about it and walk the statement back as something drafted based on incomplete information, she pushed the lie forward. The regime had adopted this lie as its version of events by September 14 and sent it out in talking points. There is no other conclusion to reach other than Hillary Clinton was the author of the lie about what caused the attack in Benghazi and she must be held accountable for that.
Como siempre Krauthammer ha dado en el clavo. Sabemos lo que es racismo porque lo vimos en nuestros mayores y sus prejuicios, pero sabemos lo que es racismo porque no lo sentimos en nuestra manera de ser. Podemos atacar a Barack Hussein Obama no porque es negro, pero a pesar de que es negro, porque no tenemos una mente institucionalizada para vetar el poder atacar a un negro porque es negro. Today, European heads of state make it a point to recall and honor the sacrifices of those who landed in Normandy, as do our Presidents….
June 6, , instead of honoring our fallen soldiers, Obama made a campaign trip to California on Air Force 1 at our expense to raise funds for his upcoming election. Every American, regardless the color of his skin or the language he speaks, needs to know this! The only American thing about Obama is the white side of his family, and they were communist sympathizers! His disdain for our country is abominable.
Outgoing Health and Human Services Sec. The committee accommodated her request. The other aide explained that HHS has not given the committee any reason for her refusal and that Sebelius has not suggested anyone to testify in her place. That same aide noted subcommittee Chairman Tom Harkin planned to call Sebelius Tuesday about the hearing. The last time Sebelius appeared in front of a committee was April 10, before news of her resignation broke. Se trata de la quinua, un fruto seco de aproximadamente 2mm, con muchas propiedades nutritivas y medicinales.
Casi nadie la consume. Es cierto que esa tendencia a obrar de manera tan poco razonable ha mermado con el retiro del comandante en Jefe, pero hay que estar alertas. Se sabe que no es un tipo de confianza en el eje bolivariano y sin embargo Granma lo utiliza para promocionar las bondades del producto andino. Some weird attempt at empathizing or sympathizing with the Islamic world? The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. They were not being un-American in trying to do this. They believed they were accentuating the meaning of the words as spoken regularly in English.
Speaking unintelligible words in Arabic in some way accentuates their meaning? That is an extremely weak argument in defense of an ill-advised decision. The Poudre School District communications director, Danielle Clark, said they understand why parents are upset. They do not control the public address system. It was a school choice. Somehow not learning from and expanding upon your previous mistakes is perceived as a viable defense for these educators.
An abdication of responsibility is also part of their defense. There is no school sponsor or advisor. Actually, the activity of reciting the pledge does come under the district. Choosing to put it into the hands of a group not regulated by their administrators does not provide absolution. This entire story has a deeper root issue running through the entire thread. The media, driven by liberal emotionalism, is constantly searching for evidence of American hatred of Islam.
The media hand-wrings over violence against Muslims after every terrorist attack against us — when in reality, any backlash is usually an isolated incident that has other issues at play. There have never been waves of violence or angst against Muslims in America. Even after , Americans were able to keep their cool and there was no rash of violence against American Muslims. While you are whining about feelings our enemies are killing children, persecuting Christians, and dreaming of ways to make us suffer. It came close to going off. The show said that we have nuclear missiles in the ground.
They did not mention MIRVed warheads: Some of the equipment was deployed in the Nixon administration. Will they be upgraded? Missile command is more like Missile Command than they admit: The phones barely work. They will be fixed. They are analog phones. They will keep the 8-inch floppy disks. They are immune from cyber attack. They are too old for the Internet hacks to get too them. Why not just deploy nuclear missiles on submarines and bombers?
The land-based missiles are targets. Why not switch to train-based cruise missiles? They can be called back. Because they are slow, they are defensive weapons only — launched after a first strike on the U. They cannot be targeted: I recommended this 30 years ago. The technology was there. It is better now. We stick with the old systems. Continue Reading on www.
Spanish English Translation
La contestas fue clara: Porque los comunistas son todos Globalistas! Que siguen chupando de los trabajadores. Su plan, es borrar las fronteras, para gobernar el mundo. I have said it all along: There was just too much at stake for the White House not to be involved in drafting the talking points. Remember that when asked who crafted the talking points, White House officials tried to blame the FBI and CIA, who immediately reminded us that these agencies create intelligence estimates, not partisan political talking points. Everything pointed to a deliberate attempt to deceive the American people during a contested election, but there was still no evidence to prove that… until now!
She did none of these things. Instead, she perpetuated a lie to the American people in order to make Barack Hussein Obama appear tough-on-terrorism before an election. Tell Congress that it MUST get to the bottom of the Benghazi cover-up to bring justice to these four brave Americans and their families! At the center of this new discovery is a man by the name of Ben Rhodes.
Rhodes is an assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications. Essentially, he takes foreign policy events and crafts talking points in order to paint the president in the best-possible light. But there is absolutely no justification at all for responding to this movie with violence. Remember when the Obama administration claimed that the CIA was responsible for pushing the idiotic YouTube video narrative? This email proves that was a LIE! Remember when the Obama administration promised that there was never an effort to mislead the American people during an election year?
Remember when the Obama administration claimed it had no involvement in coaching Susan Rice to lie on camera in front of the American people? This was a complete LIE! The problem is that the line between national security and reelection duties is often blurred or non-existent all together. That explains why a national security adviser would encourage a sitting Ambassador to the United Nations to deliver incorrect and false talking points on national television!
This is truly despicable. Rather than doing their jobs and providing the best declassified intelligence to the American people, these rats in the White House put partisan politics above national security! This is the smoking gun! This proves, beyond a doubt, that not only did the Obama administration coach Susan Rice prior to her television appearances but they coached her to deliberately mislead the American people! These released emails show that the White House had one goal and it was not to disseminate credible information to the American people.
We cannot allow the Democrats to get in between the American people and the truth! They want nothing more than to silence us and force us to just accept their narrative. That is something that we cannot do! We cannot stop until every ounce of corruption behind the Benghazi cover-up is revealed and those responsible for deceiving the American people are put behind bars! In our view, these documents only serve to reinforce what we have long been saying: There is no denying it.
We are on the verge of something huge. And we must strike again while the iron is still hot. Michele Bachmann hit the nail on the head when she recently uttered those words. But you are starting to change that delusion. His goal is to eliminate our constitutional republic. The folks at WND compiled a list of elected officials who are talking about impeachment: Steve King, R-Iowa; Rep.
Blake Farenthold, R-Texas; Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas; Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas; Rep. Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah; Sen. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Rep. And the list is growing daily. In spite of what you are not hearing from the lame-stream media, removing Barack Obama from the office he usurped is finally gaining major traction in Washington D. Removing Barack Obama is in your hands and your hands alone. Remember, it only takes one to file Articles of Impeachment. A usurper has determined that the Constitution is nothing more than a worthless piece of paper and that he alone can decree which laws must be enforced and which laws need not be enforced.
This usurper, in direct violation of the Constitution, changes laws as he sees fit and has repeatedly declared that Congress is irrelevant. He is the problem. He is a cancer that is attacking the body of this great nation and, for the good of the nation, the cancer must be removed. Draft Article of Impeachment against Barack Obama, and do it today. The American people are tired of waiting for you to act. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: Senate and the U. Para los trabajadores, a corto plazao, estos beneficios son agradables sin pensar de donde vienen y sus consecuencias. Esta es la gran mentira de los sindicatos.
Peterson, Michael Henderson y Martin R. Muchos empleados de Media Matters se sienten traicionados por el camino inesperado e inexplicable que ha tomado nuestro liderazgo en respuesta a nuestros esfuerzos para sindicalizarnos. En el criterio de un servidor de los lectores, el cinismo es preferible siempre a la deshonestidad. Todo en esta vida se juzga por los resultados y las mejores intenciones desde hace mucho tiempo descansan en el basurero de la historia al que pertenecen.
Empecemos por el final. En pocos minutos Buckner estaba muerto, justamente al mismo tiempo de obtener una aplastante victoria. Todos fueron actos esencialmente terroristas. A decision from the U. Journalist Chris Hedges was among the plaintiffs charging the law could be used to target journalists who report on terror-related issues.
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- Spanish English Translation.
The brief was submitted to the Supreme Court by attorneys with the U. The attorneys are Michael Connelly, Steven J. Morgan and Robert J. They were adding their voices to the chorus asking the Supreme Court to overturn the 2nd U. The brief was on behalf of U. Dick Black, the U. Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and others filed a lawsuit in against the Obama administration to challenge the legality of an earlier version of the NDAA.
Many of the plaintiffs are authors or reporters who stated that the threat of indefinite detention by the U. The instruction manual on how to restore America to what it once was: It overturns over years of law, which has kept the military out of domestic policing. What the NDAA does is open the door for the government to detain as a threat to national security anyone viewed as a troublemaker. In , the government rounded up thousands of Japanese Americans and locked them up, under the approval of the high court in its Korematsu v.
At the trial court level, on Sept. District Judge Katherine Forrest of the Southern District Court of New York ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and placed a permanent injunction on the indefinite detention provision. Obama then appealed, and his judges on the 2nd Circuit authorized the government detention program. The government chose not to do so — thereby ensuring standing and requiring this court to reach the merits of the instant motion.
Para devolver al pueblo cubano su soberania, su libertad y una verdadera Democracia. Casi podemos estar seguros de que han sido o bien infiltrados o bien sobornados por agentes del regimen en los USA. Este nuevo grupo deiera irse a vivir a Cuba por un tiempiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitooooooooo ja, ja!
Un reclamo que llega en un contexto favorable: Una vez mas vemos claramente, queese regimen antipueblo y tiranico, no quiere ceder a la razon ,ni vela por los intereses del Estado cubano, o sea del pueblo cubano al cual deroban de todos sus derechos democraticos y libertades individuales. Persisten en seguir gobernando monarquicamente, pasando el Poder usurpado al pueblo cubano , de hermano a hermano, de padre a hijos, y asi de familiar a familiar, con lo que podemos decir se ha constituido en una verdadera dinastia antipueblo, anti cubana, anti democratica.
Fox News and Newsmax have breaking news about new evidence that shows the Obama Administration deliberately mislead the American people about the Benghazi terrorist attack. According to the new reports, the watchdog organization Judicial Watch has obtained emails that show the White House deliberately trotted out former UN Ambassador Susan Rice to lie to the American people. The Obama Administration did not want the American people to think that Obama had failed in the fight against terrorism weeks before the critically important elections. This new report underscores that it is more important than ever for us to step up our ad campaign alerting the American people to the truth about the Benghazi scandal, including the coverup and lies by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
As the battle over Obamacare rages in Washington, the White House is quietly using a little known provision of the law to roll out a nationwide network of free gas stations for minorities and the poor. This is just another fine example of government stepping in and solving big problems. The plans are proving controversial with some taxpayers who are loathe to see their money go to subsidize others.
I could use some free gasoline too. So what we do is basically let all the black people pump for free, and charge all the white people the market rate. Finley says the blatant racial bias in the program is only one of its many outrageous aspects. This is something you normally only see in third world countries. Send this along to all your friends. YouTube — Homenaje a mi Habana. YouTube — Edificios de La Habana.
YouTube — Carnavales en La Habana. YouTube — Vendedores de mi Habana. YouTube — guarapo y la melcocha. Got this video on Cuba from a Friend earlier today. Thought you would enjoy seeing what it was like in BC…. Documentary edited 4 yrs ago in Miami. Background music by the famous late Cuban singer Celia Cruz. Pls notice the busy streets, traffic, modern buildings, hotels, carnival scenes 4 weekends in Feb of ea year and more….. Los 33 presidentes y dignatarios que visitaron La Habana se quedaron maravillados. Luego se ha popularizado. El modelo creado por los Castro es el Estado proxeneta. And sadly, it looks like the Ivy League elite who study our government hit the mark this time.
The definition proffered by the researchers is only slightly different: Members of the oligarchy are the rich, the well-connected and the politically powerful, as well as particularly well-placed individuals in institutions like banking and finance or the military. So the real question is: Did it slowly succumb? Was it secretly taken over? Or was it always in the hands of the elite? When America was founded, the central government was small and remote. Taxes were miniscule and were mostly collected as tariffs on goods coming in and out of a few harbor towns.
There was no personal income tax, no capital gains tax, and no corporate income tax. No hay otra alternativa. Para hacer una cita conmigo. Para dejar un mensaje en mi ordenador. Para presentar una queja o una pregunta general. No nos gusta estar viejos, por lo que no hace falta mucho para irritarnos. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay. For example, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius may have resigned in disgrace… but Americans remain unhappy with the effects of her Frankenstein creation, the Obamacare website.
Not surprisingly, a recent poll found that American citizens also believe Obama to be a liar. Obama has also claimed at various times that 7. To get that figure, Obama is counting everyone who selected a plan on the website, regardless of whether they actually became a customer. And how about the doozy that Obamacare is holding down costs? Most experts believe premium prices have tripled as a result of Obamacare. And that makes sense, since many plans with caps or exclusions and co-pays outside of the Obamacare framework cost less for insurance companies.
Of course, this is truly a disingenuous defense. Prisons are full of con artists who swore at trial that they believed the stories they told. The law requires people to check the truth before making claims. But listen to his words carefully… he never offers an apology.
Folks have lost access to their longtime doctors. People are unable to go to the hospitals closest to their homes. These are real damages. Our new infographic has more details on where your money is going. Barack Hussein Obama is a disease that is afflicting deadly the United States.
There is only one cure. Despite the concern, officials said it remains unclear whether Obama will commit significant new resources to the conflict. Iraqi soldiers say they are bogged down in a slow, vicious fight with ISIL and other Sunni factions in the city of Ramadi and around nearby Falluja. One former and two current U. Much of the pressure to do more is coming from the U.
After ending nearly nine years of war in Iraq, the United States has limited military options inside the country. The Obama administration has also started training Iraqi special forces in neighboring Jordan. In Anbar, militants have a major presence in Falluja, while in Ramadi there is a stalemate, with territory divided among Iraqi government forces, ISIL and other Sunni armed groups. Los pueblos no se equivocan, los enganan miserablemente los politicos con el apoyo de los medios de comunicacion. Y la historia se repite y repite. Todavia no sabemos, salvar de que?
Y que me dicen de Barak, una estrella, contruida por los medios, me imagino que a estas alturas nadie lo duda. Un engano verdaderamente professional y muy bien planificado. En el manejo de los medios y de la publicidad, en este pais estan los mejores. Y muy importante, la justicia divina, se inclina de acuerdo a tu militancia. No es lo mismo un republicano que un democrata.
Culpables del mismo delito, Joe Garcia es representante federal y David Rivera un pie en la carcel. Ahora los veo en la mesa de dialogo, pero en bandos distintos. Sin dudas, nos encontramos ante uno de los grandes escritores de la lengua espanola. Sus libros, creo estar seguro, que me los he leido todos. Aunque confieso, que mi escritor preferido es Alejo Carpentier, no puedo cambiar, soy chovinista. Su obra el Siglo de las luces, la considero junto al Quijote, lo maximo de la literatura.
Fidel no cree , ni confia nadie, que no sea el, asi lo demues- tran mas de 50 anos en el ejercicio del Poder Absoluto. Analicen la historia, su entorno, Fidel utiliza a todos en funcion de sus intereses y cuando lo cree necesario, sencillamente los desecha. Gabo fue utilizado por Fidel, en funcion de sus intereses de imagen, y le daba el beneficio de una amistad que permitia liberar presos politicos. Fidel le pagaba el apoyo, sobre todo con una Casa de Protocolo, montada con todas las de la ley del buen vivir, que en la practica era un palacio del sexo, donde Gabo podia satisfacer todas sus aberraciones con jovenes estudiantes, incluso el lesbianismo que era tan aficionado.
Explained by Mark Hudson in The Telegraph many years later, "horrified at the new developments brewing among their younger students, the college's academic old guard decided to make an example of someone. Despite his expulsion from the Royal College, in January Jones' work was included in the Young Contemporaries exhibit. One of the gallery's directors then introduced Jones to the work of American pop artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Claes Oldenburg, which proved inspirational to Jones.
In , he took a job teaching lithography at Croydon College of Art in London, where he would remain until Jones wanted to create a new kind of art that conformed to those principles He found the imagery that would allow him to do that in the seedy bookshops of Times Square. Intrigued by the "toughness" of American pop art, Jones moved to Manhattan in and took a studio at the Chelsea Hotel. In New York City, Jones recollects learning to "present what you were saying as clearly as possible," and he developed an interest in making his images tangible.
For the year Jones remained in the city, he "discovered a rich fund of imagery in sexually motivated popular illustration of the s and s. Fetishism and the transgressive world produced images that I liked because they were dangerous. They were about personal obsessions. Among other projects at the time, Jones "worked on a three-dimensional illusionism with obvious erotic components. Jones' style continued to develop, and his painting Perfect Match "made explicit [his] previously subdued eroticism, adopting a precise linear style as a means of emphasizing tactility.
In , Jones' work along with the works of artists such as Piero Gilardi and David Hockney were included in an exhibition for the wedding of Guglielmo Achille Cavellini's daughter. His set of prints, Life Class, was among his first works to incorporate elements of sculpture. I wanted to make a figure that was devoid of those props. There was an idea I'd seen in an adult comic strip where a person was used as a table, and that set off a whole host of resonances.
While living in the London neighbourhood of Chelsea in the late s, Jones began working in sculpture. His fibreglass sculpture Chair, which was completed in , marked the start of a series of "life-size images of women as furniture with fetishist and sado-masochist overtones. The first three sculptures were each sculpted from Jones' drawings, with Jones overseeing professional sculptor as he produced the figures in clay. The three female figures were then cast in plaster by a company that specialised in producing shop mannequins. Each of the original three figures was produced in an edition of six.
Jones first group of erotic fibreglass sculptures, of a Hatstand, Table and Chair gained international attention when exhibited in The works were met with strong protests for perceived misogyny, which succeeded in making Jones a "cultural hot potato". Laura Mulvey writing for Spare Rib magazine suggested the sculptures was inspired by latent castration anxiety. Almost a decade later, when they were put on display at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in , they were attacked with stink bombs.
Eight years later, on International Women's Day, Chair was damaged by paint stripper while exhibited at the Tate. According to art historian and curator, Marco Livingstone, writing in The severe reaction from the art world, feminists, and the mainstream press after the sculptures' debut would limit Jones' exhibition career in England over the next several decades.
I wanted to offend the canons of accepted worth in art. Jones, photographer Brian Duffy, and air brush specialist Philip Castle were commissioned to collaborate on the annual and often salacious Pirelli calendar in , resulting in a unique edition that Clive James would later jokingly call "the only Pirelli Calendar that nobody bothered to look at twice". In , Jones spent time as a guest lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles, and after visiting Japan in , the following year he toured Canada.
By the mid s, he was again focusing on canvas and painting, and among his notable works at this time were Santa Monica Shores in Now at the Tate, the work was painted while he was a guest lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles in , and later that summer he was a visiting director of studies in drawing and painting in Alberta, Canada, at the Banff Center School of Fine Arts.
Known for only very occasionally taking on commissions, Jones was commissioned to design a hoarding for Fogal, a hosiery manufacturer, at Basel station in The Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool held a large retrospective exhibition on his work in , and the exhibit later travelled to the Serpentine Gallery in London. Continuing to travel, he was invited by the Berlin University of the Arts to be a guest professor from to He has works held by the Cass Sculpture Foundation.
One of which, the outdoor sculpture Temple from , was a response to the artifice of cultivated landscape Jones sought to make a sculpture which used that artifice to distort scale and distance and to manipulate our perception of space. Jones's interest derived from eighteenth-century landscape architects, who did this when introducing decorative buildings and follies into their schemes. Also, with the figure at top of the structure Jones uses "colour to introduce the notion of movement in the figure, with the alternate arms of yellow and green in diagonally opposing positions.
Jones continued his artistic activity into the s, and among other projects he incorporated leatherwork by Whitaker Malem. In recent years, Jones has increasingly become known for his large steel sculptures, many of which are abstract in nature and feature intertwining figures.
A number of them were displayed in an outdoor exhibit in May at the Art in the Park event held by Lake Zurich. His works featured in the Pop Art Portraits show at the National Portrait Gallery in London, and had a dedicated room of watercolours, drawing and paintings at the Tate Britain. In , he was given a dedicated watercolour room at the Royal Academy of Arts. An example of Jones' Chair sculpture as well as over fifty other works remains at the Tate, which was acquired in Associated with the British Pop art movement of the late s, Jones is known for his work with lithography, painting, drawing, and sculpture.
The Cass Sculpture Foundation wrote about Jones' work that "on a flat canvas, painted forms appear sculptural and his three-dimensional works are painterly. He uses colour to describe form, at times with graphic precision, or conversely with an energy and freedom of gesture which is close to direct expression. Similar developments are evident in his printmaking. The Tate has described his output in lithography as "prolific," writing that it "proved an appropriate medium for his graphic flair.
Jones is known for incorporating erotic imagery into his works, including rubber fetishism and BDSM, and this sexuality has often been a focus of both art critics and the press. Mark Hudson wrote in that Jones' "subjects have included musicians, dancers and London buses, but in the popular perception his name is irrevocably linked to his peerlessly kinky fetish women, whether in two or three dimensions, with their machined surfaces and blank expressions — images that are as emblematic of classic British pop art as Peter Blake's Beatles paintings or Hockney's swimming pools.
Men use various strategies to neutralise or control desire. One is to fetishise the female body Dorment further explains himself by writing that turn to Jones's paintings, and you see that he explores the theme of men transformed into women again and again. A man dancing with a woman becomes inextricably fused into her body; another trades trousers and brogues for stockings and heels, as he walks from one edge of the canvas to the other Dorment further opines that "the paintings Jones' paintings provide a little counterbalance to the implied misogyny of his sculptures.
In these colourfully kitsch scenes he paints about power-play with cross-dressing inferences, of the dominate female, the submissive male, of the animalistic rituals of mating and the delicate interplay of coupling represented in the form of dance. Allen Jones RA born 1 September is a British pop artist best known for his paintings, sculptures, and lithography. His best-known work Hatstand, Table and Chair, involving fibreglass "fetish" mannequins, debuted to protests in I've never wanted to show the struggle involved in the making of the work and to make it part of the painting the way it is with Pollock or de Kooning.
That's just not me; constitutionally I couldn't abandon the figure. You couldn't go back to representing the figure through some moribund visual language. While a student at Hornsey, Jones travelled to Paris and the French region of Provence and was particularly influenced by the art of Robert Delaunay.
He also attended a Jackson Pollock show at the Whitechapel Gallery in , and according to Jones, "for me, it was outside any known frame of reference. I felt like using my teachers for not telling me what was happening in the world. As one of the first British pop artists, Jones produced increasingly unusual paintings and prints in the late s and early s, and in particular, enjoyed combining different visual languages to expose the historical constructions underlying them.
He was part of a unique generation of students at the Royal College, among which his fellow students were R. They stood outside the accepted canons of artistic expression and they suggested new ways of depicting the figure that wasn't dressed up for public consumption. Each print is made of two halves, the bottom being a realistic pair of women's legs in tights, while the upper halves are drawn in a s fetishist graphic style representing "the secret face of British male desire in the gloomy post-war years.

His fibreglass sculpture Chair, which was completed in , marked the start of a series of "life-size images of women as furniture with fetishist and sadomasochistic overtones. When asked about their effect on his career, Jones was quoted as stating "its collateral damage. I found the perfect image to do that, and it's an accident of history that these works coincided with the arrival of militant feminism.
Jones, photographer Brian Duffy, and airbrush specialist Philip Castle were commissioned to collaborate on the annual and often salacious Pirelli calendar in , resulting in a unique edition that Clive James would later jokingly call "the only Pirelli Calendar that nobody bothered to look at twice".
By the mids, he was again focusing on canvas and painting, and among his notable works at this time were Santa Monica Shores in One of which, the outdoor sculpture Temple from , was. Jones continued his artistic activity into the s, and among other projects, he incorporated leatherwork by Whitaker Malem] In recent years, Jones has increasingly become known for his large steel sculptures, many of which are abstract in nature and feature intertwining figures.
His works featured in the Pop Art Portraits show at the National Portrait Gallery in London and had a dedicated room of watercolours, drawings and paintings at the Tate Britain. In these colourfully kitsch scenes he paints about power-play with cross-dressing inferences, of the dominant female, the submissive male, of the animalistic rituals of mating and the delicate interplay of coupling represented in the form of dance.
Romanian postcard by Casa Filmului Acin, no. English actress Jacqueline Bisset has been an international film star since the late s. She received her first roles mainly because of her stunning beauty, but over time she has become a fine actress respected by fans and critics alike. She was the daughter of Arlette Alexander, a lawyer turned housewife, and Max Fraser Bisset, a general practitioner.
She took ballet lessons as a child. During her teenage years her father left the family when her mother was diagnosed with disseminating sclerosis. Jacqueline worked as a model to support her ailing mother and eventually her parents divorced, an experience she has said she considered character-strengthening. Bisset began taking acting lessons and started her film career in She appeared uncredited as a prospective model in The Knack The following year, Bisset made her official film debut with a small role in Roman Polanski's psychological comic thriller Cul-de-sac In , she appeared in the comedy drama Two for the Road Stanley Donen, Webb, , opposite James Brolin.
In the same year, she co-starred in the counter-culture drama The Sweet Ride Harvey Hart, , with French-Canadian actor Michael Sarrazin, with whom she became romantically involved for several years. Bisset played Steve McQueen's girlfriend in the popular action film Bullitt Peter Yates, , which was among the top five highest-grossing films of the year. Bullitt is notable for its car chase scene through the streets of San Francisco, regarded as one of the most influential in movie history. She was one of the many stars in the disaster film Airport George Seaton, She played a pregnant stewardess carrying Dean Martin's love child.
The film was one of the biggest box office hits of the year. With her role, she earned the respect of European critics and filmgoers as a serious actress. Then she returned to Hollywood for the action film St. Lee Thompson, with Charles Bronson. Her swimming underwater wearing only a white T-shirt for a top, helped to make the film a box office success.
Newsweek magazine declared her "the most beautiful film actress of all time" and the film inspired the wet T-shirt craze. Bisset hated the wet T-shirt scenes because she felt exploited. By , she was a household name. Lee Thompson, , loosely based it on Aristotle Onassis and his relationship with Jacqueline Kennedy.
It was a commercial flop. She also earned praise and success for her starring role in the British film High Season Clare Peploe, Since the mids, Bisset has appeared in many made-for-TV movies. One of her later TV movies was America's Prince: She starred in the lead role of Death in Love Boaz Yakin, For her work, she won a Golden Globe. Jacqueline Bisset has never married. Mas fotos, videos y post completo en mi Blog: El viaje maldito de Richard Stanley a la isla del Dr.
Para solventarlo, contrataron a Renny Harlin —'Jungla de cristal 2: Miller Drake y James Cameron. Estas fueron las declaraciones del director:. Por un lado, el realizador y guionista se encontraba desarrollando un remake de 'El cabo del terror' de J. Lee Thompson; por el otro, contaba con un drama ambientado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial titulado 'La lista de Schindler'. Facebook El Mundo del Cine: Blog El Mundo del Cine: Wordpress El Mundo del Cine: El Mundo del Cine: But the memory of what happened there in the early morning hours of August 9, , endures.
But its greatest legacy lies in who died there: Overnight, the house itself became indistinguishable from the horrors that took place inside it, its burgundy exterior serving as an eerie reminder of the bloodshed. Still, it is fascinating to consider both the slow chain of transactions and life events that led up to its single night of infamy, as well as the psychic darkness that has plagued it in the decades following. From its early origins as the home of a glamorous European star to its modern-day incarnation as a mega-mansion owned by the man who ushered in the era of TGIF, here is a history of Cielo Drive.
Forced to flee during the German invasion, she emigrated to Hollywood that same year and signed a contract with RKO Pictures, which hoped to mold her into the next blockbuster European import in the vein of Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich. But her American films never made an impact, and within a few years, she was ready to return home.
Still, Morgan remained in Los Angeles long enough to buy a house. Situated on a 3. Completed by builder J. Surrounded by trees, the rural oasis also featured stunning views of the LA basin, from Downtown to the ocean. Publicity images of Morgan on the property are plentiful. In one, the starlet sits in an upstairs window looking off at the horizon.
Morgan appears to have lived in the house until or early , after which she returned to France. It was subsequently sold to LA society-page regulars Dr. Hartley Dewey and his wife Louise, who rented out the home and guest cottage to high-profile tenants, from the Baroness de Rothschild to silent film superstar Lillian Gish.