Scientists have long noted that naked mole rats—burrowing rodents with wrinkled, pink skin and large protruding teeth that live in large, subterranean colonies—show few signs of aging and far surpass the life span expected of a rodent this size. Mice in captivity live at most 4 years; based on their size, naked mole rats would not be expected to live past 6 years.
Instead, some live beyond 30 years, and even at that age breeding females stay fertile.
The Naked World
For each animal in her care, she recorded the date of birth and when it died, and whether it was killed for an experiment or given away to other researchers. What she found was astonishing, says Buffenstein, who works at the longevity-focused Google biotech spinoff Calico in San Francisco, California: In , British mathematician Benjamin Gompertz found that the risk of dying rises exponentially with age; in humans, for instance, it doubles roughly every 8 years after the age of But Buffenstein did not see this trend in her lab animals.
Studies have shown that naked mole rats have very active DNA repair and high levels of chaperones, proteins that help other proteins fold correctly.
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But Finch cautions against overinterpreting the data. More—and older—mole rats are needed to be sure that the risk of dying really is flat, Finch argues.
Route | World Naked Bike Ride St. Louis
But Buffenstein says the data simply do not show the typical aging pattern seen in mammals or any other animals. It's also possible that aging does happen, but much, much later than usual in mammals, Magalhaes points out.
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Indeed, the big mystery now is what happens in naked mole rats after 20 or 30 years, says Matthias Platzer, a biologist at the Leibniz Institute on Aging in Jena, Germany. Google sometimes has a mind of its own.
Ride 1 week away! World Naked Bike Ride Going clockwise is fine; however, Cherokee between Gravois and Grand is a one way going the other direction. And please, oh, please, do not make major changes in the route with only two weeks to go.
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You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. The ride will start and end on Manchester between Sarah and Kentucky. If you know of a turn I missed, let me know.