Merker Vienna , - Music and Letters London , Musical Quarterly New York , Musik Berlin - Leipzig , Two numbering systems for volumes. Musical Standard London , Musikalisches Wochenblatt Leipzig , - Nation New York , Nation [and Athenaeum] London , - Merged with NSN q. Neue Musik - Zeitung Stuttgart - Leipzig , - New Statesman and Nation London , Before , called New Statesman vols. Nuestro Tiempo Madrid , - New York Times Book Review. Opera News New York. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America.
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. Philological Quarterly Iowa City. Papeles de Son Armadans Mallorca. Quaderni Ibero - Americani. Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos. Rassegna d'Italia Milan , Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire. Revue des Deux Mondes.
Review of English Studies. Revue Paris , - Also Revue des Revues and Revue Mondiale. Revista Castellana Valladolid , - Revue de France Paris , - ?
Revue Latine Paris , - Revue Musicale Paris , Revue des Revues see Rev, above. Revue Hebdomadaire Paris , - Revue Hispanique Paris , - Revue des Langues Romanes Montpellier. Revista de Occidente Madrid , - Revista Portuguesa de Filologia. Revue des Sciences Humaines. Revue Universelle Paris , Formerly Saturday Review of Literature. Schweizerische Musikzeitung Zurich , Spectator London , Studien zur Vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte Berlin , - Theatre Arts New York , Theatre New York , - Texas Studies in Literature and Language.
Formerly University of Texas Bulletin: Theatre World London , University of Kansas City Review. Weekly Review New York , - West Virginia University Philological Papers. Year's Work in English Studies. Merged with Musikalisches Wochenblatt, etc. The following symbols have been employed: Contemporary articles on versions, where known to be merely reviews, are marked thus: Since this publication is commonly found in most libraries and lists not only reviews of many current American books of all kinds but also gives generous excerpts from the reviews themselves, I have usually not included under the studies on individual authors items already given in this publication.
I have, however, mentioned the number of reviews contained and the year to check. Under such basic versions as Byron's, Zorrilla's, Mozart's, etc. Cross references citing a name rather than a number also refer to versions. Imitations and continuations of Byron's Don Juan, motion pictures, paintings and objets d'art, "viveurs," and versions derived from Le Tellier's Festin de pierre and from Richardson's character "Lovelace" have been listed separately, under special headings, as well as individually.
A separate list, not repeated elsewhere, is given of various uses of "Don Juan" as a place, brand name, nom de plume, etc. To this new edition I have appended a chronological listing of Don Juan versions. See section VIII itself for details. All versions have been cited in italics, regardless of length including such items as short stories and sonnets, etc.
The following abbreviations have been used in indicating the nationalities of authors of versions: The following numbering system has been used: Thus, Mozart's Don Giovanni bears the number Criticism of that work will be found under The number after the decimal point merely indicates the sequence number in the alphabetized list of all the books, articles, and essays which I have been able to find on that particular work. Baldensperger, Fernand, and Werner P.
Oldenburg - Leipzig, Also in his Zusammenstellung der Faust - Schriften vom Jahrhundert bis Mitte 2nd ed. Oldenburg, , pp.
Important early listing of stage versions and criticism. Reichenberger, HR, XX , pp. B4 and B5 - 11 are not analytical; all critical works are listed alphabetically regardless of subject matter, which ordinarily is not specified. Contains short bibliography of versions and criticism. Contains a fairly extensive listing of works dealing with the folklore side of the legend, on pp.
Lists versions and criticism. Contains good list of critical writings, pp. Lists many versions in the course of the article. Simone - Brouwer, F. A Bibliography of the Don Juan Theme: Atkinson, MLR, L , p. This compilation lists more than two hundred names of authors and critics, some with two or more entries devoted to them, though some of the multiple entries consist of different eds. Versions and criticisms and reviews are intermixed, usually without comment or clue.
Errors in spelling and citation are not infrequent. Of the two hundred or so entries, over one hundred and ten are references to newspaper articles and reviews. Almost all the latter are omitted from the present list on the grounds that the articles in question appeared in newspapers rarely available in the U. Perhaps the principal value of his listing lies in its Latin American emphasis, with reference both to versions and to criticism as well.
B19 contains over items, about of them being articles and reviews from Latin American newspapers largely unobtainable in the U. B19 is about one-half longer than his previous compilation, No. I have borrowed another twenty entries from his new listing. The same general comments on the strong and weak points of senor Valle's older compilation hold here. Good sampling of versions. Important early compilation of versions, etc. Many errors in names, dates, titles. Lists over versions, pp. B14, with additions and changes, but listed chronologically under separate languages and countries: Separate lists of musical versions by countries; paintings, etc.
List of critical writings used in his study, pp. Mentioned in an article in the Soviet Encyclopedia. No record found of the existence of this periodical in the U. A Bibliography, - A Bibliography of Robert Browning from to A Catalogue of Books. Byroniana und Anderes aus dem englischen Seminar in Erlangen, etc. Contains fine Byron bibliography. Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. New York - Cambridge, Eng. Byron's Don Juan in vol.
Most of these are not included in the present bibliography. And see Trueblood, below. As in the case with Coleridge's list, these are omitted from the present bibliography. Cambridge History of English Literature. Bibliography by Ward on Don Juan, pp. A Bibliography of Writings London, - For editions and translations of Don Juan, see especially Coleridge, op. Saintonge, Paul, and Robert W. Brings Desfeuilles up to Saintonge takes over from on.
Items up to ca. Reprinted from Le Bibliographe Moderne, X , pp. B3, bibliographical section, part 2, "Mozarts Don Juan," pp. Chronologisch - thematisches Verzeichnis Ann Arbor, Michigan, For editions and translations of Don Giovanni see Loewenberg, No. The Shaw Review vol. Lewis and Violet M.
This is virtually identical with one part of Hesse, No. Also see Hesse, Nos. For translations of Don Juan Tenorio, there is no good listing. Best known translations are Johannes C. Fastenrath's in German and Henri de Curzon's in French There is also G. And there are, of course, others. They consist 1 of the legends and Ur - versions in folklore and literature, which either supposedly supplied Tirso with his "Burlador" or became integrated into subsequent versions of the story or show pre - Tirso use of Don Juan material; 2 of certain persons out of history or mythology, whose deeds or character may have influenced Tirso or later writers; 3 of themes parallel to that of Don Juan, which at times have become fused with it.
Most of these items have been noted by other critics and scholars, and some cannot claim very strong grounds for inclusion. The hero who faces a specter or statue unafraid. El Negro del mejor amo. Animated statue of Benedicto Sforza appears. Statue falls on Mitys, its murderer. I, BAE, X, p. A similar legend is told of the athlete Nicon of Thasos. Legend of Juan del Sole, who murdered people, seduced a woman, and was finally killed by the cenotaph of his adulterous mother, which fell upon him.
See Kurz - Bernardon, No. The exact form in which Tirso used this old folk tale is that of the double invitation. Two more folk versions from Chile of the double invitation theme, one in prose, one in verse, are reported by Campbell, No. The works of literature listed come during or before Tirso's day. Such a compilation could well prove endless; I have given a substantial number of the more commonly noted ones. An ode, possibly by Anacreon, ca. A primitive version of the "list" in Mozart's Don Giovanni, which has been taken as his possible source by one commentator.
But see Fletcher, No. Samuel Buck has trans.
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- Outdoor Sketching (Work of Composition, Mass, Water-color and Charcoal) - Annotated the Authors Bibliography and work!
Tokyo - Rutland, Vermont, Perhaps by Jakob Gretser. Oldest of the Jesuit "Klosterdramas," it played in Ingolstadt in ; reworked as Thanatopsychie, Many examples in it of immorality. El Alcalde de Zalamea. Man saved through a woman's faith: No hay burlas con el amor. Hilborn, A Chronology of the Plays of Toronto, , p. No hay cosa como callar. Character Don Juan de Mendoza. El Purgatorio de San Patricio. Ludovico the seducer fights his own skeleton, then repents. Epigram of six lines. Variously numbered 31, 32, or 33, by different editors. It concerns Epicydes, the huntsman, who chases animals until he catches them, whereupon he loses interest.
Calaméo - Kaléidoscope - L'actualité des livres
The poet says that he resembles the hunter, for he does not want girls once they surrender themselves to him. The title is the one selected by Frank L. Lucas for his trans. Macmillan, , p. The Shipman's Tale in the Canterbury Tales. Character of Daun John. La Fuerza de la sangre. Tisbea and Diego Tenorio are characters. It contains one novella concerning a priest named Don Giovanni who loves a married woman, Tonia. The Wild Goose Chase. Character Mirabell, a Don Juan, who keeps a list of the women that he has loved. George Farquhar's comedy The Inconstant, , is based upon it.
Gives first literary form to the "guest at the gallows" story, possible source for Cokain. Said to have inaugurated the cycle of erotic and ideological - religious works so prevalent during the Renaissance, in which general class El Burlador may be grouped. Both citations are from Book II. Jean de Meun, Roman de la Rose, ll. Paris, , IV, pp.
El Esclavo del demonio. Religious play, early 17th century. The freethinking philosophy of follow nature. The Story of Genji. Tenth century Japanese classic about a donjuanesque prince, a figure out of history. Ars amatoria; Remedia amoris; Amores; Heroides. These books already depicted, two thousand years ago, in the words of a poet who was something of a Don Juan himself, the sensual philosophy that the Renaissance was to rediscover with Tirso and many others.
Prototype of the warrior cum ladykiller. El Condenado por desconfiado. Character Enrico the brigand. Escarmientos para el cuerdo. La Santa Juana, part 1. La Santa Juana, part 2. Interesting principally because of its date and the title. Mid-fifteeenth century Italian treatise. Holds the vow of chastity up to ridicule. Advocates the pursuit of pleasure as the goal of life.
Other Italian humanist philosophers, such as Jovianus Pontanus, held similar views. Name of two poems, See "circes" under "viveurs"; really no connection with Don Juan legend. Las Flores de Don Juan y rico y pobre trocados. This work, occasionally alleged as a Don Juan play, actually has no connection. Torquemada's story see No. Purgatorio de San Patricio. Manuel, Don Juan, legend of. El Rayo y terror de Italia. Verse - prose satire, first century, A.
The Emperor Claudius is depicted witnessing his own funeral. Also attributed to Lope. Annunzio, Gabriele d', - Byron, - Casanova de Seingalt, Giacomo, - Constant, Benjamin, - Francis I [of France], - Once said to have been called "El Convidado de Piedra. Gramont, Philibert, Comte de, - Don Juan of Austria, ? Napoleon III of France, - Oliveira, Francisco Javier de [O Cavalheiro de --], - Peter I of Spain [The Cruel], - Philip I of Spain, - Philip IV of Spain, - Ponte, Lorenzo da, - Queriolet, Pierre Le Gouvello de, - Rais [Retz], Gilles de, - Restoration "beaus" in England.
Richelieu, Armand, Duc de, - Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, - Stendhal [Henri Beyle], - Tenorio, as a family surname. Theseus, King of Athens. Tilly, Jacques - Pierre - Alexandre, comte de, - Vega, Lope de, - Villanueva, Don Juan de. Viveurs in France, etc. See "viveurs," under "Versions. Zamacois, Eduardo, Aspasia, daughter of Hermotimus, 5th century B. Bonaparte, Pauline, - Borgia, Lucrezia, - Catherine the Great of Russia, - Giovanna I, Queen of Naples, - Giovanna II, Queen of Naples, - Isabella II of Spain, - Name of three Greek courtesans, fifth century B.
Margaret of Burgundy, - Messalina, the Roman Empress. Poppaea Sabina, the Roman Emp. Sand, George, - Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scots, - Fra Diavolo [Michele Pezza], - The Man who Sees his own Funeral. The woman he pursues turns into a skeleton. Probably earliest Don Juan opera. Libretto and music both by him. First staged in Rome. Adapted by Apolloni, according to Loewenberg see No. See "lions" under "viveurs. Don Juan of Haggerston. Short story in With the Gilt Off.
Juan de la Rosa. Dramatic poem in 5 acts and an epilogue. Also issued in with new title: In his Cuentos amatorios Madrid, Among the dozens of novels, plays, etc. One-act farce parody of Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio. First staged, and printed Las Mocedades de Don Juan Tenorio. Also called Il Convitato di pietra. Les Conquistes de Don Juan. Don Juan de Manara. Libretto by Ettore Moschino. First staged in Florence, May Revision of next entry below.
L'Ombra di Don Giovanni. Given in Farinelli, No. Probably misprint for Aicard, q. Preparatory study and Don Juan minuet. Don Juan y la estatua del comendador. Apparently a reworking of his earlier opera. Mentions Don Juan, according to one critic. Lyra dos vinte annos. Part 3 contains the poem Sombra de D.
Imitates Byron's Don Juan. Don Juan, buena persona. Pepita y Don Juan.
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Don Juans erste und letzte Liebe. Three-act farce, turned into Italian by J. Giraudoux's Amphitryon 38 [], the title signifying the author's belief that his was the thirty-eighth version of the story. In Rassegna Nazionale, Aug. Character Count Andrea Sperelli. The author did many erotic novels and led a life in keeping with that of his characters.
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Included are titles which I found without an author noted and was unable to verify. Aggiunta al Convitato di pietra. The famous early Italian will - o' - the wisp mentioned by Shadwell and later by Coleridge, and others. Les Aventures du charlatan X El Burlador de mozas. Cited by Simone Brouwer, No.
See Espinosa de los Monteros. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Spurious continuation of Byron's Don Juan. At this time, only Cantos i and ii were out; thus the continuer is asking us to skip Cantos iii to x. Second half, 19th century. Eine Comedie von dem zu Gast geladenen Stein. Constantin Kooznetzoff of Heidelberg, who sent me the reference, thinks that it is a Don Juan play, but is not sure.
The same group did do a D. Play known only by title. Continuation of Don Juan. Munday and Slater, Spurious continuation of Byron. Las Conversaciones de Don Juan. Copy in Boston Public, with title page missing. O Convidado de pedra. Il Convitato di pietra: Insisted in an Italian book catalogue.
Il Convitato di pietra, o sia Don Giovanni libertine. Played in the King's Theatre, London, Dec. Des Don Juan zweiter Theil. Des Don Pedro Gastmahl. Fantasia for cello and piano. Burlesque of Mozart's opera, given in Prague in Overture from Mozart's opera, arr. Don Giovanni, a Poem in Two Cantos, etc.
Sherwood, Jones and Co. Edward West and Co. More or less a spurious continuation of Byron. Giovanni di Marana ossia L'Ora del rimorso. Reported given in Parma, Don Giovanni in Gotham. Given in New York, Don Giovanni in Ireland. See Moncrieff and No. Don Giovanni in New York. Given in Edinburgh, April 17, Don Giovanni the Second. Press, , p. Don Joan ou le Festin de Pierre. Don John, or The Libertine Destroyed. Given at Bartholomew Fair, Reference from Nicoll, No. But for the date, the title is strangely reminiscent of No. Given in Hungary after being translated into Hungarian.
The law at that time stated that only plays previously given in Vienna could be given in Hungary. This may be Gluck's No. Given at Drury Lane, Cited in Nicoll, No. So listed in the British Museum catalogue. Probably this is Hornigk's play q. Given in London, Feb. References out of Nicoll, No. With songs and chorus. This playlet was in print in France in New York Public Library has a typescript. Names of characters suggest Zorrilla; story is original in details; Don Juan takes holy orders at the end of the play. In Des Knaben Wunderhorn, ed.
Berlin, , pp. Seemingly titled by eds. Cantos xix and xx. Don Juan at Athens.
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Satire on Edinburgh, imitating Byron. Published by the editor, etc. Copy in Harvard Library. Scribner, Welford, and Co. Don Juan, Canto the Third. The British Museum catalogue lists its copy thus, adding that "H. However, this poem is not by Byron, but rather, a spurious continuation.
It would seem to be the same as the one given just above, in spite of a slight difference in the name of the publisher. However, the Harvard copy, which I examined, and which does have "Greenlaw" , does not mention the initials "H. Printed for the Booksellers by Duncombe, Found also in Byron's Don Juan. Don Juan Considerably Aided. Given in Bradford, England, Nov. Probably late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. A Faust-type story, vaguely donjuanesque.
Don Juan de Escobar. Don Juan de Espina. Don Juan de Marana. Don Juan de Sevilla. From Tirso de Molina. It has been ascribed to Christian August Vulpius, Extremely slight donjuanesque flavor; probably no connection. Yale Library has a copy. Don Juan in Leipzig. Harvard dates its copy " Odell, Annals of the New York Stage, vol. See below, Kun for Herrer, etc. Un Don Juan moderne. Don Juan oder der steinerne Gast. Gliven in Vienna, Yale Library copy has 23 pages. Part of a series of plays shortened and revised for children, including Othello, King Lear, Wm.
B3, seemingly has reference to the same play, though he dates it earlier and gives another place of publication. Don Juan, oder, der steinerne Gast um Mitternacht. Don Juan, of, De Martelaar der eer, als meede een Oostersche vertelling. Library of Congress Union card lists as "Dutch fiction, n. Don Juan; or, the Battle of Tolosa. Poem in three cantos. In it, Don Juan steals Inez from her home near the Guadalquivir, puts her on his fiery steed, and makes away with her.
They are pursued by her brother. Juan is a typical Romantic, ardent but not basically evil. He marries the girl eventually. It might well have served Byron as a source for some of the adventures of his own Don Juan. Museum lists it under "spurious cantos and imitations" of Byron, in spite of date.
Don Juan; or, The Feast at the Spectre. A "serio - comic pantomime. Don Juan, or The Libertine Dest[r]oyed. Earliest performance date I find listed is in Nicoll, No. Editions vary in length, title, and details, but all give the same plot, in outline form only. Dates and "first" performances are somewhat confused. I know the following editions: The item is 18 p. Others that I have seen are about the same length. Despite the quaint title, apparently just another summary. However, it is listed separately from several other eds. Revived under the direction of Charles Antony Delpini.
Songs, choruses, duets, etc. In the preface, Delpini says that the pantomime was produced by Garrick several years before, at the Drury Lane Theatre, and Garrick died in Nicoll gives the first perf. The name Oulton is sometimes mentioned along with Delpini. Wrighten, sold by C. This edition was also sold, under the identical title, in the United States, Philadelphia: Carey, , and constitutes the first American ed.
Except that the first American edition read: The pantomime became very popular in the United States: Don Juan, ou le Festin de Pierre. Sette amanti; sette peccati. See "L'Homme des Foules"; see Arderius. Don Juan Tenorio, leyenda tradicional. Don Juan Tenorio o sea nuevo convidado de piedra. Ein Don Juan wider Willen. Also see Trautmann, and Ney. With a Biographical Account of Lord Byron. A spurious continuation of Byron's poem. This poem appeared with Byron's name on it, but it is a spurious imitation of the Byronic manner.
London, no publisher's name on the volume , Only vaguely related to Don Juan. An earlier, pre ed. The Feast of the Statue; or, Harlequin Libertine. Played at the Drury Lane Theatre, Dec. Le Festin de pierre. Given also May 2, , with new staging I, p. These latter two dates correspond with those in Brenner, No. But Brenner lists in all sixty-five performances for the play between Jan. The play was done in Italian. In the group ceased giving plays in Italian and dismissed its Italian actors.
Authors' names are not given in these annals and we can only guess the author. Le Tellier is too late for Possibly Cicognini, with French title. This group did commedia dell'arte work. Given in London at the New Haymarket Theatre five times from to , but not again as far as , according to No. Spelling as given in my source. Georgian Revel - Ations Possibly by Clark himself. Some Rejected Stanzas of "Don Juan. Same as the work above, but containing the Don Juan verses only. Giftelystne Damer eller Naar man averterer i Aviserne efter en Livsledsagerinde. Listed in a Danish book catalogue with "Don Juan" in parentheses.
Giovanni in Botany, or The Libertine Transported. Given in London, March 12, Given at the West London Theatre, Jan. Apparently the same as No. The date would be ca. Given in London at the Royal Amphitheatre, July 31, Nicoll adds that this theater always specialized in equestrian melodrama and spectacle. Since Nicoll notes that Astley's was another name for the same playhouse, we may assume that we are dealing with the same play.
Dubois and Stodart, Firth and Hall, --? Gran convitato di pietra. Le Grand Festin de pierre. See Nos - Harlequin's Vision; or, The Feast of the Statue. An Historical Account of the Tragicomic Pantomime A Twofold Journey with Manifold Purposes. Imitation of Byron's Don Juan. Sometimes attributed to Eustace Clare Grenville Murray. A second canto was promised, but apparently never appeared.
Musical drama or "melodrama". Given at the Coburg Theatre, London, July 24, Turkish plays for the people and for children feature this Don - Juan - like figure. Duet with piano accom. Der Laufner Don Juan, so called. Salzburg, end of the 18th century. The text as we have it was written in by a group of actors called the "Schiffsleute von Laufen.
Der Donn Joann; ein Schauspill in 4 Aufzigen is the same thing. It has been wrongly attributed to Metastasio. Les Libertins en campagne, etc. See "libertines" under "viveurs. Liebesabenteuer einer alten Wiener Jungfrau. Life of Don Giovanni. La Mascherata di Don Giovanni. Elle retrace ici place du cosmopolitisme au sein de leur famille. Un roman de politique fiction.
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Cet ouvrage raconte Christian Andersen. Et que veulent dire les basilic de la Reine des Neiges: A partir de 9 ans. Alors que tout le monde le prend pour un illustrations. Mon Premier Doc-Puzzle Date de parution: Une enveloppe atterrit sur le parquet. Amos Date de parution: Tu en auras besoin Des messages pour ne pas oublier Livre CD Date de parution: Une merveilleuse aventure commence SEP processus de momification.
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Beaux-Arts Date de parution: Entre 8 et 12 ans. Rentrer chez lui… Facile, tu crois? Quoi de mieux que de construire un fort de neige! Lorsque trois nouveaux venus se pointent dans son grand manoir, Paul Tergeist en a assez. La seule chose Date de parution: Un site Internet magique. Tu trouveras des jeux extraordinaires, des infos, des labyrinthes Sinon, il faudra compter sur Batman, Superman et Wonderwoman pour te retrouver!
Mais personne ne veut le croire. Il en est convaincu: