A suspense-packed psychological study full of unexpected turns. A well-to-do family in Prague: His sister Anna is already a student who still lives at home. The seemingly pleasant, sensible teenagers soon grow bored however, whereupon they come up with ever more obscure dares and play computer games until late at night, whilst Erik falls in love and starts to neglect his studies. This seemingly careless existence is replaced by a sense of fear when the Skype calls with mum and dad suddenly come to an end.
Instead the plot focuses on excessive demands and neglect in a well-to-do, seemingly functioning family, the kind you see all across Europe. His minimalist and highly focused approach tells a suspense-packed tale, full of unexpected twists and turns. While being a student of archaeology he graduated in , he began to write prize-winning screenplays and won acclaim as an actor.
Keiner von ihnen hatte bisher viel Erfolg im Leben. Die drei Freunde sind nie wirklich aus der armseligen Neubausiedlung in Ljubljana herausgekommen. Eine Pizzeria soll der kulinarische Renner im Viertel werden. Es kommen keine Kunden, das Restaurant hat wenig Charme und die drei frischgebackenen Restaurantbesitzer werden hin und wieder von ihren alten Gewohnheiten eingeholt. Erst als Jana in ihre Leben tritt, kommt die Wende. Though the project initially appears doomed to fail, they refuse to lose heart, full of belief in the virtues of patience. Mile is probably the smartest of the three; he still lives at home with his mother, with whom he studies maps of foreign cities.
Once a skinhead, Fyodor is now divorced with a young daughter whilst Zekir, the third link in the chain, was until recently a punk. A bittersweet, down-to-earth comedy. Vasiliy Sigarev — geboren in Werchnjaja Salda, Sowjetunion. He studied pedagogy in Nizhny Tagil until he decided to quit and enter the Yekaterinburg theatre institute and study playwriting. Trotz Schutzengel fehlt ihr am Ende das halbe Hirn.
In the process a panorama of sexual obsession and asexual relationships is opened before our eyes, beyond the realm of good and evil. Sigarev forays into the world of comedy. Motivated by the absurdity of contemporary Russia and the collective delusion that has gripped society, he claims that the only escape is that of the fantasy world.
Mirlan Abdykalykov — geboren Mirlan Abdykalykov — born From — he studied journalism at the Kyrgyz National University in Bishkek, having already taken up acting at the age of eight. Upon graduation he took up employment as an assistant director at the Begym Film Studio.
Shaiyrs Mann ertrank vor vielen Jahren im nahen Fluss, doch aus Verbundenheit blieb sie bei ihren Schwiegereltern in den Bergen. Dort scheint die Zeit stehen geblieben zu sein: Ein Leben in scheinbarer Harmonie. A poetic work from the Kyrgyz mountains. A family of nomads, spanning three generations, braves the unpredictability of mother nature and resists the temptation to move to the city. Here time appears to have stood still; they live in harmony with nature and a sense of humility towards the myths and legends of their forefathers.
A Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler
Maja ist gerade neunzehn, im Heim aufgewachsen, hat ein Kind und versucht, sich ein eigenes Leben aufzubauen. Aber die alte Bindung an den Kindsvater und ihr eigener Charakter stehen ihr im Weg. Kredit und Beratung sind allerdings an Regeln gebunden und Reglementierungen machen Maja aggressiv. Trotzdem kann sie sich arrangieren, denn sie hat ein konkretes Ziel vor Augen: Sie will ihr Kind zu sich holen und mit ihm und Krisz, dem Kindsvater als Familie zusammenleben.
Sein Kind interessiert ihn wenig und Verantwortung ist nicht seine Sache. Unfortunately however old habits, and relationships, ultimately die hard. Darijan Pejovski — geboren in Jugoslawien Mazedonien. Darijan Pejovski — born in Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia. Zwei Frauen lernen sich im Zug kennen. Die eine ist Prostituierte, die andere Tochter eines ehemaligen Ministers. Im Zug lernt sie eine Frau in ihrem Alter kennen: Jana, der sie kurzerhand folgt.
Heute sind Janas Eltern tot und ihre Zwillingsschwester hat das Land verlassen. Two women meet on the train. One of them, a prostitute, is on the run from the police, whilst the other, the daughter of a prominent politician, is returning home in order to get even. Fate leads them both to a remote village clouded by dark secrets. Whilst curb crawling in Skopje a potential suitor turns out to be a pimp's right-hand man. In the heat of the moment Marika pulls a knife in order to defend herself.
On the run she encounters Jana, the daughter of a post-Tito-era politician on her way to a now ramshackle hunting lodge that once belonged to her father; having nowhere else to go, Marika attaches herself to the her new acquaintance. Despite some early misgivings the two soon become friends. Today both of her parents are dead and her twin sister has emigrated. Genz, the son of a local store-owner and her saviour back then, today is a policeman in a near-abandoned village. A calmly narrated and intricately constructed psychological thriller complete with repressions, violence and sexual abuse.
Doch mit dem Einzug serbischer Soldaten bricht sich jahrelang aufgestauter Hass seine Bahn und aus Nachbarn werden Todfeinde. Die zweite Episode setzt ein. Ein junger Kroate setzt ihr Haus wieder instand. Aber die Toten auf beiden Seiten stehen zwischen ihnen. Auch 20 Jahre nach dem Ausbruch des Krieges kann ein junger Student seinen kroatischen Eltern immer noch nicht gestehen, dass er eine Serbin liebt, die sogar ein Kind von ihm hat. Kinorama The second episode takes place in Instead he decides sebastien cercamon.
In all three episodes the www. Das ist wunderbar, weil meistens kurzweilig, anregend und besser auf den Punkt gebracht. Er verstarb im Juni In , he founded the international art magazine Panic Button. He tragically died in June Monika, Missy und Retro verbindet nicht nur ihr frivoler Lebensstil. Three boldfaced girls live a carefree existence; they dress up, party and eternally provoke. Suddenly however a misunderstanding puts this infernal trio to the test. Monika, Missy and Retro have more than a frivolous lifestyle in common; they at times appear close in a way that goes beyond friendship.
A visually-impressive coming-of-age tale on friendship and trust that proved to be the last work of a talented director who met a tragically early death. Meanwhile, he created short narratives and documentaries. After realizing that he would rather tell stories than merely report on them; he left television to study at Gdynia Film School. Was haben eine alte Frau und ein Skinhead gemeinsam? Und sie braucht krankheitsbedingt Hilfe.
A skinhead intends to cheat an elderly woman out of her money. What do an elderly woman and a skinhead have in common? He could be her grandson, and yet this minor criminal hopes to make a quick buck at the expense of a seemingly fragile woman. An enjoyable tale which furthermore touches upon a number of contemporary social problems. Sie haben tausende Kilometer hinter sich. Wohin ziehen die beiden, in welches Land werden sie im Laster geschleust?
Der Soundtrack gibt dazu Hinweise und macht die aktuell viel diskutierte Fluchtroute etwas greifbarer. Which border will be the next they are smuggled across whilst hidden in the back of a lorry? Ozana Nicolau — born in Bucharest, Romania. Die jugendliche Eliza paddelt mit ihrem Verehrer zum Ferienhaus der Eltern. Siehe da, das Liebesnest ist bereits besetzt und Papa ist nicht allein. Doch schnell kommt es zwischen dem gereizten Vater und Elizas Freund zum Eklat. Aggrieved, the young man hits the road, leaving behind Eliza to confront the two adulterers with her right to a happy family.
She has directed several shorts, video clips, and had numerous exhibitions as a photographer. Er lockt beide an einen einsamen See und provoziert sie. Prompt gibt es Stress zwischen den beiden. An audacious coming-of-age tale on a rivalry between twin sisters and an experience with the opposite sex. He entices both sisters to a secluded lake and proceeds to antagonise them; they argue, but nothing can cause them to fall out for long.
Soon they sit side-by-side again and talk in whispers of their latest adventures with the opposite sex. Tato Kotetishvili — geboren in Sowjetunion Georgien. Er arbeitet als Kameramann und ist Fotograf, dessen Bilder u. Tato Kotetishvili — born in Soviet Union Georgia. Murad und Masha wollen heiraten. Manchmal hat Masha Angst, dann sagt Murad: Oder es gipfelt in einem prachtvollen bewegten Stillleben. An inter-mixture of snap-shots of everyday existence, stop frame techniques and heartfelt irony is interwoven here to a fantasy carpet that speaks of a perfectly normal life.
Murad and Masha want to get married. He comes from a choreographic background and has been involved in contemporary dance in Latvia and Europe over the last decade. Ein Vater kommt aus dem Knast, ist ein ganzer Kerl und will seinen Sohn sehen und es jetzt besser machen. Doch der Sohn macht es ihm nicht leicht.
Das gelingt ihm prompt, aber der Preis ist hoch. Aksinya Gog — geboren in Moskau, Sowjetunion. Aksinya Gog — born in Moscow, Soviet Union. Ein Junge wird bei einer unbekannten Tante zwischengeparkt. Er geht mit erstaunlicher Neugier durchs Leben und sieht mit dem Herzen. Allerdings ist sein Universum nicht ein fernes Planetensystem, sondern das heutige Moskau.
Hier geschieht auch Wundersames: A soulfully narrated tale complemented by an absurd sense of humour and wonderful photography. Eine junge Frau reist an einem Wintertag in die Stadt. Nach einer langen Busfahrt sucht sie in der Stadt nach einer fremden Adresse. There she is to receive something that will go a long way towards determining her future. It's a momentous journey into the unknown. A woman opens the door. She could have at least called. Eine junge Frau, ihre Briefmarken, ihre Freunde und das Meer. Manchmal ist auch Petr dabei, wenn sie am Meeresstrand spazieren gehen und toben.
Yana mag es, zu warten: Egal — es ist ein FILM. Natalya Nazarova — geboren in Ramenskoje, Sowjetunion. Danach war sie Musicaldarstellerin, tourte in Theatergruppen und nahm Filmmusik auf. Sie ist zudem Schauspielerin und arbeitete als Regieassistentin. Natalya Nazarova — born in Ramenskoye, Soviet Union. She performed lead roles in musicals, toured with theatrical groups, and recorded soundtracks. She also worked as an actress, and assistant director.
A young woman speaks of her stamps, her friends and the sea. Yana speaks of her stamps, the wonderful images and the journeys around the world they make possible. All of this connects her with Kolya, who drops by for a cup of tea day in day out. Occasionally Peter also comes along, and then they go for a walk by the sea. Even though her disability complicates matters she has an attitude to life that emanates strength and clarity.
What is staged, what is documentary? Kateryna Gornostai — geboren in Luzk, Sowjetunion Ukraine. She studied biology, and later journalism at the Kiev Mohyla Academy. Kriegen sie noch die Kurve? She wants sex, he wants to sleep. Through the wall we can hear his parents; everyday discussions of plumbers and who should have the remote control. A dismal scenario with no end in sight; she longs for passion and wants a frank discussion, whilst Eugene attempts to appease her with empty words. Can they still turn the corner? A series of intimate, thought-provoking discussions on love and relationships.
Hartes Training und das Warten auf den Aufstiegskampf. He has been involved in alternative cinema and theatre. A promising young boxer whose trainer happens to also be her father. Furthermore, he has been a screenwriter and member of the European Film Academy. Ein Bett, von oben betrachtet.
Das Leben ist ein Karussell. Hier ist es ein Bett. A bed, viewed from above. A journey through time, unconventional and full of unexpected twists and turns. I made my way to the furniture factory under the cover of darkness and when I came back there was a power cut. Sie lebt mit ihrer Mutter, die noch verlorener im Leben ist als Romy. Who can a youngster turn to for a role-model when her mother has fallen hopelessly in love and her father is occupied with his new family?
Romy is forced to go through puberty together with a mother unable to offer her a sense of stability. Despite the concern and contempt Romy senses an intimate mother-daughter relationship, and nevertheless she feels increasingly alone. When her cat disappears she seeks refuge with her father; there is however no space for her with his new family. In manchen Jahren kristallisiert sich ein bestimmtes Thema heraus, das die U Filme wie ein Leitmotiv durchzieht. Wir bekommen verschiedenste Familienkonstellationen zu Gesicht und keine davon entspricht einem funktionierenden Modell verheirateter Eltern mit Kindern.
Ist es Zufall, dass das Familienthema in diesem Jahr so stark sichtbar ist? This year, we feature three current productions from both participant countries, four of which are feature-length, and the remaining two, to be shown together, medium-length. Occasionally a certain issue emerges that unites our featured works and serves as a guiding theme for the U18 Competition. Is it a coincidence that family issues have come to the fore this year?
Theresa von Eltz — geboren in Bonn. Sie studierte Geschichte und Politik in Berlin. Theresa von Eltz — born in Bonn, Germany. She studied history and politics in Berlin. Ausgerechnet kurz vor Weihnachten landet Lara in der Jugendpsychiatrie. Statt sich auf Weihnachten zu freuen, hat Lara ganz andere Sorgen. Shortly before Christmas Lara ends up in a youth psychiatric ward. There, together with three fellow inmates and an unconventional psychiatrist, she ends up spending a holiday to remember.
Lara has bigger problems to worry about than preparing for Christmas. Assisted by an extraordinary psychiatrist the young patients begin to open up, as a result of which they sample a most unusual Christmas experience. Julia Kowalski — geboren in Frankreich als Kind polnischer Eltern. Julia Kowalski — born in France to Polish parents. Her preferred themes are: Rose meets Jozef, the latter in search of his self-important son, who attends the same school as Rose. On trying to establish contact between the father and son she hopelessly falls in love. In the subsequent whirlwind of emotions the troubled youngster manipulates the information she receives on the missing son for her own ends, as a result of which she ends up ensnared in a game of seduction, manipulation and conquest.
Mascha Schilinski — geboren in Berlin. Mascha Schilinski — born in Berlin.
- Dereks Bliss: (Gay Futuristic Scifi Erotic Romance) (The Unwanted Book 2)?
- To Tempt a Rake (Circle of Sin Trilogy Book 3)!
- Die Unternehmenskommunikation von Siemens im Zusammenhang mit der Insolvenz von BenQ (German Edition)?
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She worked as a casting agent for children and young adults and graduated from the School of Writers at Hamburg Film Academy in , and subsequently worked as a freelance writer. Tomasz Jeziorski — geboren in Warschau, Polen. Tomasz Jeziorski — born in Warsaw, Poland. He graduated in culture studies from the University of Warsaw. He also works in theatres worldwide as video designer. In , he took part in the Locarno Film Academy. Then one day he meets a girl who truly turns his life upside down. On meeting an intriguing young girl he starts to realise that he has long neglected his own feelings and needs.
When a secret party spirals out of control he comes to understand who he can truly rely on. Dariusz Glazer — geboren in Sanok, Polen. Dariusz Glazer — born in Sanok, Poland. Mariusz renoviert schicke Wohnungen, lebt aber selbst in einer armen Gegend. Als er eine alleinerziehende Mutter kennenlernt, sieht er seine Chance zum sozialen Aufstieg gekommen. On meeting a single mother he sees his chance to climb the social ladder.
On meeting Agata he recognises the chance not only to fall in love, but also to have a shot at a better life. Sebastian Ko — geboren in Walsrode. Seit ist er zudem Filmkritiker. Sebastian Ko — born in Walsrode, Germany. Sarah gibt zu, etwas Schreckliches getan zu haben. Ihre geschiedenen Eltern sind entsetzt. Gemeinsam tun sie alles, um die Tat ihrer Tochter zu verheimlichen. Sarah lebt bei ihrer Mutter Christine, deren neuen Partner sie nicht ausstehen kann. Sarah admits to having done something terrible.
Her divorced parents are appalled. Together they resolve to do everything possible to cover up her misdeed. How far can they go to protect a loved-one?
DOK Leipzig Catalogue by VISIONAUTEN - Issuu
Sarah lives with her mother Christine, whose new partner she cannot stand. She spends the holidays with her father Paul, whose girlfriend she's also unable to get along with. When her best friend vanishes Sarah claims to have pushed her into an abyss. Paul and Christine are unable to cope with their erratic daughter; in order to protect her they attempt to cover up the murder. A classically-narrated parable on the lengths one can go to in order to save a family.
Von Genre-Filmen und Independents Spectrum: From Genre Films to Independent Productions. Visar Morina — born in Pristina, Yugoslavia Kosovo. Kosovo in den er-Jahren: Gesim will nach Deutschland, auch ohne Sohn. Nori klammert sich an den Vater. Sie leben bei dem Onkel, einem Patriarchen, der ihnen eine Bleibe gibt, sie aber sonst im Familienclan allenfalls duldet. Kosovo in the nineties: Gesim wants to try his luck in Germany, be it with or without his son, the youngster however refuses to be parted from his father.
Anatoliy Mateshko — geboren in Hostomil, Sowjetunion Ukraine. Studied diecting at the Karpenko-Kary National University in Kiev, which followed up with post-graduate studies in Moscow. Einer von ihnen will eine Information erpressen. In the snowy depths of winter in the middle of nowhere two ruthless policeman hold a prisoner captive in a barrack.
As one of the captors attempts to obtain some information an unsuspecting woman stumbles upon the scene, at which point the cycle of violence spirals out of control. In the struggle for survival no one remains innocent. A parable on the degradation of man during times of war. Das geheime Leben eines Tatortreinigers, der andere Leben beobachtet, weil er sich seinem eigenen nicht stellen will. In seinem Job als Tatortreiniger gelangt er in fremde Wohnungen, in denen Menschen oder Haustiere gestorben sind.
The secret life of a crime-scene cleaner who prefers to observe the lives of his fellow men rather than deal with his own. A psychological drama full of unexpected turns. On one occasion the owners return earlier than planned, whereupon he hides away and observes the hitherto unknown family, something which soon evolves into a habit, as well as substitute for his own lack of life. She received her diploma at the Zurich University of the Arts. In , fourteen-year-old Linda returns to Dubrovnik together with her father. Her new friend Eta leads her to a forest overlooking the city.
Quickly however, in a matriarchal world shaped by the loss of war, she appears in danger of having the rug pulled from under the feet, as Eta appears time and again, berating Linda for her misdeeds. Since he has directed several short and mid-length documentaries. Trotzdem muss man miteinander auskommen.
Wie aus dem richtigen Leben. Nevertheless you have to make do and get along. His school shorts received several important prizes and trophies. What is a sixteen-year-old girl to do when her every move is met with rejection? The focal point of this multiple-award-winning directional debut is Larissa, who lives together with her her stepfather and overburdened mother in a small town by the Black Sea.
Er begann seine Karriere bei Pannonia Film Studio, wo er an verschiedenen Fernsehserien mitarbeitete, u. Between and he worked as animation director at Cinemon Studio and founded Umatik Entertainment in Und das Beste ist: Johnny Cupido darf nach zwei Wochen wieder aus dem Knast. Ganz unbeobachtet sind die beiden Kriminellen dabei nicht. He has been a carpet salesman, university dropout, backpacker, and painter. Die Situation kippt und die Ereignisse werden zunehmend surreal.
Ein Ausdruck kreativer Freiheit. A small group lingers on a remote farm, where they have sought refuge from the war that war that surrounds them. Daniyar Salamat — geboren Daniyar Salamat — born In , he graduated from the screenwriting department of the National Academy of Arts in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Shot from a respectful distance and yet rarely venturing far from his protagonist, the director unobtrusively draws attention to the daily struggles of a woman abandoned by husband and society alike, whilst leaving room for conciliatory gestures between a mother and her daughters.
Ventsislav Vasilev — geboren in Pernik, Bulgarien. Ventsislav Vasilev — born in Pernik, Bulgaria. Bobi hat keine Ahnung, wo sein Vater das gemeinsame Raubgut versteckt hat. At home however his criminal uncle awaits, and he's keen to get his hands on some promised spoils, the hunt for which only opens old wounds. Bobi has no premonition of where his father might have concealed the coveted loot. Progressively the portrait of a sensitive young individual forced to grow up in heartless surroundings emerges.
Will his fresh start be shaped by forgiveness or revenge? Radu Muntean — born in Bucharest, Romania. He graduated from the Bucharest Theatre and Film Academy in He has shot more than commercials, for which he has been rewarded with numerous accolades. Ein durchschnittlicher Familienvater in Bukarest wird unabsichtlich im Treppenhaus Zeuge eines Streits unter Nachbarn, bei dem eine Frau ums Leben kommt.
Aus Angst schweigt er. Aber kann er noch in den Spiegel schauen? A situation that can happen to any of us, yet how would you react? Can he still look at himself in the mirror however? A casual meeting in the middle of the night. A young man encounters a strange elderly woman who cannot explain the location of her house. Aus heiterem Himmel unterstellt sie ihm, herzlos und egoistisch zu sein. Eines Tages wird er auf dem Bau mit seiner Angst konfrontiert. A provincial construction worker comes to Baku in order to make money.
One day at work he is confronted with his deepest fear. A detective story about gangsters and drug dealers, whom the Ministry of National Security attempts to capture. Despite the great discrimination that the Roma community has always faced, there is a century old Roma street in Prizren, Kosovo, where traditions have been well preserved: Von Menschen, die irgendwie immer dazwischen stehen.
Albanians, Roma and Serbs caught between a state of war and peace. Filmmaking and theatre production in Prizren's Roma community. Together with his girlfriend Sara he also wants to try his luck on the big state and so, together with friends and family, they proceed to research tales of love and emigration, ultimately staging a play of their own; not without teething problems however.
Studium der Slawistik, Nordamerikastudien in Berlin und Prag. Zudem ist sie Schriftstellerin. Isa Willinger — born in Munich, Germany. In , she lived in Moscow on a scholarship. Furthermore she works as an author. El Lissitzky meets real estate investment and Rodchenko goes neo-liberal as three Moscovites struggle for the heritage of the avant-garde movement and against the ruin and debasement of utopian socialist culture. Donatas, Vsevolod and Yelena live in Moscow, a city which a century ago embodied the dream of a better future.
Once an architectural stronghold of constructivism, today the city is the capital of neo-capitalism. Participation and community as social utopias of the modern era, and what remains thereof. Zudem ist sie Kulturarbeiterin und Projektmanagerin. In addition she is a cultural worker and project manager. Four East European capital cities, four attempts at recapturing public space. Economists refer to the transition of Eastern Europe from communism to a free market economy as a transformation. A cinema is occupied, an abandoned Soviet-era circus is brought back to life and public space is overwhelmed by a chorus of horns, as a series of performances puts the theory of civil revolt into practice.
Die Roma-Siedlung im bulgarischen Kjustendil. The Roma settlement in the Bulgarian town of Kyustendil. A journey through the multifaceted world of this Roma settlement; at once both fast-paced and relaxed, colourful and yet dreary, a place where music and dance coexist with boundless poverty and misery. In the middle of all this is Bobi, who with his unyielding energy merges these worlds into a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Ultimately life boils down to the three major questions: How do we want to live?
How do we actually live? And when we reduce both questions to a common denominator, what does happiness actually mean? Vor ihrer Filmkarriere arbeitete sie auch als Puppenspielerin. Diverse Handys und Fotoapparate hielten am Juni in Sarajevo den Jahrestag des ThronfolgerAttentats fest. On June 28th numerous smart phones and nonprofessional cameras captured the centenary of the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand.
The result is a patchwork of political opinions, social relations and the lasting consequences of history. Accordingly we observe Austrian monarchists alongside admirers of Princip intertwined with footage of an unemployed artist armed with a water pistol whose sense of humour nobody can relate to. For further information on the Festival of Film and Urbanism take a look at www. Aber an was eigentlich? Equal opportunities for the LGBT community? Equally they appear unable to decide on who is to blame — and for what; neo-fascists? A planned residential area typical of Eastern Europe, with running commentary from an end-user.
A father takes us through the Kiev neighbourhood of Rusanivka, a residential area typical of those constructed in the seventies: Einige siedelten sich zum Teil ohne Baugenehmigung an. Momentaufnahmen, die seit der Annektion durch Russland auch schon wieder Geschichte sind. Crimean life in and around Simferopol. In the nineties the Crimean Tatars, deported in , slowly returned home. Many of them settled and constructed homes without planning permission. Here they discuss the forced demolition of their homes, as carried out by the then Ukrainian government.
Of horses, people and the past. Once a busy place, the horse races at the Central Hippodrome in Kiev now play out to only a handful of spectators. A melancholic yet insightful, visually-impressive portrait of a once widely celebrated sport.
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Succinct encounters from Kherson, a city in southern Ukraine. Der britische Sender hatte Dokumentarfilme, die bereits auf Festivals gezeigt worden waren, angekauft und in seinem Farsi-sprachigen Programm ausgestrahlt. Iran und Syrien stehen derzeit im Schlaglicht der internationalen Presse. Dokumentarfilmer beginnen ihre Arbeit meist dann, wenn die Reporter weitergezogen sind. Sie reflektieren die Geschichte, die Gesellschaft und die Zeit, in der wir leben, mit zeitlichem Abstand, mit Geduld und Ruhe und richten ihren Blick auf den Menschen.
A short while ago the news agency Reuters reported the detention of six documentary filmmakers in Iran. They were accused of having painted a negative image of the Islamic state in their capacity as BBC staffers. The British broadcaster had purchased some documentary films that had already been screened at various festivals and broadcast them in its Farsi-language programme. The security apparatus of the totalitarian state of Iran is scared — scared of the authenticity, independence and power of documentary films. It terrorises journalists, intellectuals, opposition members, artists, bloggers and, last but not least, filmmakers, because it is scared of the power of words and images and the emotions and insights they provoke.
There are a number of regimes that are trying to stay in power by brutally oppressing their own citizens. Documentary filmmakers usually begin their work when the media have moved on. They reflect history, society and the time we live in from a distance in time, with patience and calm, focussing on the people. They open up new spaces for thought and a deeper understanding of the world by looking at change and stagnation, right and wrong, persecution and liberation, fear and courage from the point of view of the individual.
While many television editors, caught up in bureaucratic structures and dependencies, provide programmes that seem more and more irrelevant and self-referential, while at the same time complaining about the loss of the younger demographic, we festival organisers see an enormous range and variety of documentaries, powerful documents of the upheavals of our age which the audience are eager to see. They are motivated by a desire for orientation in a complex, seemingly confusing world, where radical upheavals seem to be on the brink of sweeping away fear-driven regimes, ossified structures and inhuman systems.
We will present six new films from Tunisia and Egypt in a Focus Programme that will allow us some very immediate experiences of the revolutions there. Welcome to the 5 4th edition of DO K L e ip z ig! Wie kurz die Lebensdauer von gegen den Willen der Menschen errichteten Systemen ist — zumindest historisch gesehen — hat die in Berlin vor 50 Jahren errichtete Mauer bewiesen.
Nachdem China im Festivalprogramm der letzten zehn Jahre immer wieder eine Rolle gespielt hat, widmen wir uns in diesem Jahr intensiv dem indischen Filmschaffen. The Berlin Wall, built 50 years ago, has proven how short the lifespan of systems constructed against the will of the people can be.
While China was frequently featured in our festival programmes over the last ten years, this year we are going to take a close look at Indian filmmaking. Every single animated and documentary film that we selected from a record number of 3, submissions has a quality that goes beyond the present moment. Almost all the films were made with great effort and at tremendous risk. We are particularly thrilled by films that cross boundaries — especially artistic and mental ones.
The parallel presentation of both genres in our festival programmes generates a tension in form and content that is unique and that we want to make fruitful in our DOK Industry events. Even in the media, many colleagues are amazed at the radical changes brought about by digitisation, which are rapid and radical on all levels. DOK Leipzig offers a lot of space for discussions, for learning and reflection.
It is an act of courage to support a festival like DOK Leipzig, which annually screens more than new, extraordinary, surprising and often uncomfortable and challenging works from around 50 countries. I thank all our supporters, sponsors, partners, prize donators and donors very cordially for their support, without which we could not have re-established DOK Leipzig among the top international festivals for artistic documentary and animated films and the most dynamic industry platforms.
And since we, too, want to make a contribution, our DOK Engagement initiative supports the independent aid and development charity Oxfam this year. Und jetzt lade ich Sie ein: And now I invite you to take a seat, fasten your seatbelt and set out on a fearless journey — to the end of the world or your own doorstep. Immerse yourself in daring visions, moving documents and tender explorations. Yield to the force and whirl of the upheavals you are going to experience — because they always generate something new! Founded in as an illegal off-space with 50 seats in an Upper West Side rooftop apartment in Manhattan, the Film Forum moved into a three-screen cinema in Greenwich Village in Today it is the oldest and the only independent non-profit arthouse cinema in New York.
Karen Cooper has served on numerous festival juries, including in Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Sarajevo, Naples and Vancouver. In she curated a special programme at the New York Museum of Modern Art on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Film Forum, screening more than 30 documentaries which premiered there. Seitdem hat sie als Autorin, Regisseurin, Kamerafrau und Cutterin sowohl im Dokumentar- als auch im Spielfilmbereich gearbeitet.
From to 72 she worked as an assistant at the School of Communications at Temple University, Philadelphia. Since then she has worked as a writer, director, cinematographer and editor on documentary and feature film productions. Commenting on her permanent tightrope walk between documentary and feature film, the director says: In she earned a second diploma in Mass Communications from the University of Leicester.
She also writes about social issues and media politics, conducts media literacy workshops and teaches filmmaking. From to he wrote a weekly column for the Assafir daily newspaper. Von bis leitete sie das Wiener Programmkino Filmcasino. Christine Dollhofer was born in Wels, Upper Austria, in Christine Dollhofer taught at various institutions, advises several distribution companies and has been a member of numerous film institutes, commissions and international festival juries. From to he worked as a trailer editor for Taurus Film.
Parallel sammelte er erste Erfahrungen im Kultur- und Filmjournalismus. Gandulf Hennig , sowie Mitglied zahlreicher Film- und Fernsehjurys u. In he began to work as a freelance writer for the Berlin magazine TIP, where he was managing editor from to He has been managing director of the German Film Academy since In addition to operating own workshops, film screenings, an e-journal and a fund for the promotion of Chinese filmmakers, Channel Zero Media concentrates on international co-operations and distribution.
Irena Takovski teaches at various institutions incl. Seine Arbeiten wurden in bedeutenden internationalen Museen ausgestellt und befinden sich u. Neben dem eigenen Filmschaffen organisiert er Filmreihen, Tourprogramme und Festivals. His works have been exhibited in important international museums, including the collections of the Centre Pompidou and the Tate Modern.
In addition to making his own films he organises film and tour programmes and festival. Andrea Martignoni, born in Bologna in , studied Geography at the University of Bologna until He regularly conducts workshops in co-operation with cultural centres and international film festivals.
Orly Yadin, geboren in Israel, lebt seit in London. Orly Yadin, born in Israel, has lived in London since She subsequently produced documentary films on historical topics for television and has been working as a writer, producer and director of animated and documentary films since The Ecumenical Jury awards its prize to a film that stands out due to its artistic quality, that expresses human attitudes or statements according to the Gospel or prompts a discussion with it and sensitises the spectator to spiritual and social questions and values. Festival Director, Managing Director: Claas Danielsen Head of Administration: Christiane Wilhelm Financial Department: Linus Maschke, Oskar Lemke Volunteers: Computer Leipzig System Administrator: Computer Leipzig Video Technics: Big Cinema, Ils Medientechnik et al.
Markku Tuurna, Filmimaa Oy Kontakt: Born in , Anu Kuivalainen studied photography in her home town Lahti before enrolling in filmmaking at the School of Art and Design, Aalto University, Helsinki — Wie schmeckt eigentlich Eis, das eine Million Jahre alt ist? Diese Frage stellt sich dem Team eines finnischen Forschungsschiffes beim Fund eines tonnenschweren Eisbrockens aus der Tiefe des Ozeans.
Wochenlang schon gleitet die Aranda durch die Wellen, das kleine Team ist unter sich. Im ewigen Eis sind Partikel eingeschlossen, die Millionen Jahre alt sind. Aber ist der Mensch mit all seinen ausgefeilten technischen Hilfsmitteln in der Lage, das Wesen des Wassers wirklich zu verstehen? Achtzig Millionen Jahre alt ist der Atlantische Ozean. Aber wie wenig wissen wir? What does a-million-year-old ice taste like? This is the question the crew of a Finnish research ship face when they haul up a chunk of ice weighing several tons from the depths of the ocean. The Aranda has been riding the waves for weeks; the small crew are thrown back upon themselves.
They have their daily routines of taking samples, setting up measurement series, studying unicellular organisms under the microscope. But is man with all his sophisticated technical equipment really capable of understanding the nature of water? Oceanography is a treacherous word — a promise of science which this film contrasts with images of doubt. Wanting to rule the sea seems presumptive. The endlessness of the ocean and the fluctuating horizon infect the scientists on board with increasing loneliness. The camera revels in the endless expanse and takes over the rhythm of the heaving ship, wanting us to share this feeling of being overwhelmed.
Accompanied by evocative arias the film becomes a hymnic swansong for creation. The Atlantic Ocean is 80 million years old. But how little do we know of it? And how flagrantly does mankind expose the element we came from to the devastation of plastic garbage, oil and noise? Apart from filmmaking he is also exhibiting photographs. Dieser Film macht einen stutzig. Und er macht keinen Hehl daraus, dass er Gestaltungsmittel des Spielfilms verwendet, um zum Kern einer Wahrheit vorzudringen, die ansonsten verborgen bliebe. Diesmal hat es seine Ehefrau als Polnischlehrerin nach Argentinien verschlagen.
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How can the two child protagonists be so unimpressed by the presence of the camera? And how come the camera is always there when events coalesce into dramatic highlights worthy of a feature film? The answer is easy: And he makes no bones about the fact that he employs feature film elements to uncover a core of truth that would otherwise remain hidden.
This time his wife finds herself in Argentina as a teacher of Polish. But the main protagonist, from whose point of view the story is told, is eight-year-old Janek, who goes through a classic coming-of-age story when he befriends eleven-year-old Marcia, who bravely copes with social problems. Heino Deckert, Deckert Distribution Kontakt: Giovanni Giommi was born in Milan in where he graduated from both the faculty of architecture at the Politecnico and the Scuola civica di Cinema.
Beisbol , with Antonio Cavallini , Nice! Die Frauen jedoch klammern sich an ihr Gewerbe und ihre Insel, wo sonst sollten sie auch hin? Die Suche nach der wahren Liebe haben die Prostituierten noch nicht aufgegeben. Eine hat sogar einen Mann, der gut zu ihr ist.
Am Schluss gibt es doch noch einen Hoffnungsschimmer. An island less than 10 metres wide and metres long rises majestically from the dense fog of the Bay of Bengal south of Bangladesh. Men sail from the mainland to the swimming brothel in small sloops and are literally pulled into the houses of the island women. There are hysterical negotiations and arguments; the women sell themselves for ridiculous sums. As if this was not back-breaking enough, the fragile island is constantly threatened by floods caused by storms and the rising sea level.
When a cyclone comes, everything, all their miserable belongings and makeshift shacks, sinks hopelessly into the mud. But the women cling to their profession and the island, for where else should they go? Everything is repaired in a gruelling Sisyphus-like effort to be ready for the next wave of customers. The director Giovanni Giommi picks out three women as examples for his great poetic visual narrative of this Sodom and Gomorrha. One of them even has a man who treats her well.
He brings the customers, whose sight he can barely stand, over on his boat. There is even a glimmer of hope at the end. Leonardo Heilblum, Jacobo Lieberman Schnitt: Ihre Gesichter lassen tief blicken. At the age of four she moved to Mexico City with her mother. Their faces say it all. A series of photograph-like portraits opens this quiet film which nonetheless has an immense power.
When the inhabitants of the village of Cinquera open up in front of the camera they reveal scarred souls and an unshakeable dignity. During the civil war in El Salvador, which shook the country from to , Cinquera was levelled to the ground because the village was believed to be a stronghold of the guerrillas who fought against the military regime.
But the survivors returned. They cleared away debris, bones and skulls and began to build a new life out of nothing. In breathtaking images by cinematographer Ernesto Pardo and a separate soundtrack of interviews Huezo talks about village life and coping with trauma in the midst of a forest where the voices of the dead can still be heard.
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Jian Du was born in Chongqing in During five years she made almost a hundred short films for China Central Television, working another five years as a creative producer of feature films for China Film Group Corporation, Warner China Film Hengdian Co-production, Chengtian Entertainment. Die kleine Textilfabrik von Old Liu ist nur eine von mehr als 3. Mehr als tausend Kilometer reisen die Arbeiter hierher, denn hier soll es einen freien Tag pro Monat geben. Jian Du reveals under which conditions they are manufactured, exposing a completely unregulated neoliberal production and exploitation system which is the ideal of many European politicians, too.
The small textile factory of Old Liu is only one of 3, in Humen in southern China. Workers travel more than 1, kilometres to get there because rumour has it that they get a day off per month here. What they find is the same as everywhere else: Jian Du manages, not without a sense of humour and with great warmth, to give faces and stories to the host of worker ants and to give them back their dignity.
Lucie Lambert, Les films du tricycle Vertrieb: Stephanie Holzhuber, Autlook Filmsales Kontakt: Subsequently he worked as an assistant cameraman on feature-length fiction films. Der Ruf der jungen Frauen? Producing such a film in pre-revolutionary Egypt, where no stone could be filmed without permission, is an impressive feat. Their guests are, you guessed it, exclusively male. This visually rich and authentic story is driven by the beat of the music, the dancing, the magic of the Cairo nights, the exhausting struggle for money, gigs, drugs and the ever-present fear of the police.
In this respect, the film also describes a deeply rooted balance of power, or rather violence, which reaches far beyond the Egyptian society. Bruno Fleutelot Produktion, Vertrieb: Marc Weymuller, Le Tempestaire Kontakt: Marc Weymuller was born in Marseille in Beginning in he has written and directed several fiction and documentary films.
Despite the Night , Four Walls and the World So jedenfalls sagen die Leute. Der Priester und der Poet, ein Daheimgebliebener und ein Wanderer. Beide haben ihre Krankheit. Ein langsamer und zutiefst melancholischer Abschied. The clouds hang low between the mountains, absorbing all colours. The life of its few inhabitants is shaped by the seasons and the rhythm of the animals driven to pasture every morning. But Barroso is not the right place to blame the present for the loss of the good old days.
In this exceptional film, Barroso serves as a magic mirror that shows us the past to ask what has become of us. The director links the biographies of two inhabitants whose lives are drawing to a close with the slow drift into irrelevance of a region. The priest and the poet, the settler and the wanderer, both have their ailments. They talk to us about a life that was lived and time that is irrevocably used up, about waiting without expectations and strange dreams. A slow and deeply melancholic farewell.
Leontine Petit, Lemming Film Vertrieb: Victor Kossakovsky, born in in Saint Petersburg, sees himself in the tradition of Russian documentary filmmaking. Bisweilen kurios sind seine Entdeckungen: Sometimes his discoveries are bizarre: A rock where a butterfly hatches here, a dying whale that looks like a rock there. Kossakovsky avoids showing social problems in favour of spectacular images of nature. Elise Shubs, Climage Kontakt: Fernand Melgar was born in Tangier in to Spanish unionists exiled to Morocco. In they emigrated to Lausanne where he is still living.
Starting with video projections and experimental films he soon became a self-taught freelance producer, director and editor of documentaries. So betrachtet, haben die sogenannten Illegalen einen schweren Stand. Da ist Ragip aus dem Kosovo. Er hat die Wahl: Alle haben diese Wahl. Das ist kein Knast. Kickern, Essen — soviel man will. But movements nowadays are busy with other things. The film records the daily life of a deportation centre in Geneva, where around 25 to 30 men are waiting to be sent back. Ragip, Mohammed, Serge, Wandifa, the same goes for all of them.
They all have this choice. You have rights, after all. One is struck by the deliberately civilian atmosphere of the institution. This is not a prison. The tone is understanding, all the table football and food you want. Not a single false note, a camera that is on the spot but never obtrusive and the clever placement of direct quotes and observations coalesce into a great story about governmental structures and individual hopelessness. In view of which the above stated is pure polemics, of course. Avner Faingulernt was born in the Kibbutz Bror Hayil in As a feminist activist and researcher she has lectured widely.
Als Israel am 7. Und die ist deftig. Phosphorbomben auf sie werfen. Sie empfangen die gleichen Bilder wie das Fernsehen und sind wie alle blinde Augenzeugen. Was also will Israel wirklich? When Israel began the war on Gaza on 7 December , two courageous Israeli directors grabbed their cameras to shoot material along the common border. The result of their journey is a disturbing essay about war and tourism. The camera eye observes the Israeli audience, who have picnics at raised view points to watch the war, from up close.
Drop phosphor bombs on them. They get the images television gets and are blind eye-witnesses like everyone else. The metaphor of the bullfight, which repeatedly interrupts the narrative to comment on it like an ancient chorus, is well-suited to their language of war. But for the matador, the bull in the arena is the means to one end only: So what does Israel really want?
Aliona van der Horst Kamera: Maasja Ooms, Aliona van der Horst Musik: She takes the viewers into a labyrinth of thousands of white silk dresses and leads them to the core of this almost sacred looking cloth structure. Once the first scepticism towards the subject is overcome, the film gives us access to the complex cosmos of the female cycle that women follow every month: In intimate conversations, men and women talk about children they lost or never had, about menstruation and sexuality.
A touching dialogue between the artist and the director reveals their personal motives for taking up this subject. Carmen Losmann was born in Crailsheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, in Aus diesem Film kommt man zu Eis erstarrt heraus. Futuristic buildings in which nothing is meant to look like work and where human resources deliver task-oriented performances at meeting points, after having been informed by the management of their daily key performance indicators, adjusted to their skill set and the team code previously: Carmen Losman competently illustrates a rather abstract subject with precisely chosen camera positions, in settings that look as cool and contrived as the world they describe, with a soundtrack where the permanent management speak is rarely interrupted by Industrial Electronic Sounds or occasionally turned off.
You leave this film frozen to the core. But if joy had been the subject, the film would not have gotten more than a measly three on the management assessment scale. Heidi Specogna, Sonja Heizmann Kamera: Johann Feindt, Thomas Keller Schnitt: Heidi Specogna, Specogna Film Kontakt: Swiss filmmaker Heidi Specogna was born in Biel in A trained journalist, she studied at the German Film and Television Academy, Berlin, from to If they are successful, warmongers and dictators everywhere can no longer feel safe.
Towards the end of , the Congolese commander is supposed to have given his militias carte blanche to kill, pillage and rape in the Central African Republic. Deliberately sober in format, the film gradually unfolds the Sisyphus work of the prosecution and the personal motivations and strategies of coping of the people behind the institution. Upon his graduation from high school Sebastian Mez, born in Essen in , gained work experience during an internship at a film production company, making several social spots and short films.
Remember How to Fly Die meisten von ihnen aber enden in ein und derselben Falle. Ihrer Papiere beraubt, in Kellern festgehalten und vergewaltigt, werden sie zur Prostitution gezwungen. In dieser tristen Existenz bleibt ihnen oft nur ein Lichtblick: Gerade der intime Duktus der Texte wird zur Zwiesprache mit dem Zuschauer, der sich all dieser Scham, der Reue und den Selbstrechtfertigungen nur schwer entziehen kann. Vor allem aber wird ein Wunsch laut: Love or hope, naivety or poverty — there are many reasons why young Eastern European women leave their homes.
Most of them end up in the same trap, though. Robbed of their IDs, locked up and raped in cellars, they are forced into prostitution. Still a roaring trade. Sometimes the only ray of hope in this miserable existence is to get off the street, work in a brothel at least. How do you approach this milieu ruled by fear and anonymity as a documentary filmmaker? Sebastian Mez, a student at the Ludwigsburg Film Academy, devised a clever stratagem — a kind of cinematic answer to the non-representable: One wish above all comes up again and again: The series of carefully framed images casting terse looks at hotel rooms and the drab aesthetics of red light container interiors coalesce into a maelstrom of mild shocks.
Artist and filmmaker Antje Engelmann was born in Ulm in Besides her artistic work she has directed several short films and lectures European Media Studies in a cooperative project between the University and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Das Licht kommt aus der Lausitz For example when she skipped across the dance floor with braids pinned up and in traditional costume. Born in Ulm in , Antje Engelmann grew up in the tradition-conscious culture of the Danube Swabians. Her greatgrandparents were Hungarian Germans driven from their home after the war.
For Engelmann, home is therefore not a place, but an act. And so the search for traces of the Danube Swabian idea of home takes the Berlin-based artist not just to Ulm, Hungary and Brazil, but also demands a huge effort in dealing with customs, values and memory patterns. Guided by an urgent need for her own point of view, the searcher wavers between attraction and repulsion and finds an adequate narrative form for this.
All this is accompanied by Danube Swabian folk music, comments and philosophical musings.
A contemplative and amusing film. Martin Gerner, Neue Maastrichter Str. Martin Gerner, born in , is a freelance writer, filmmaker and journalist from Cologne. Apart from his journalistic work he also acts as an instructor for several media NGOs. Was in aller Welt haben wir dort nur verloren? Keine dieser Fragen wird beantwortet. Zwischen mutigen Frauen, die eine Radiostation betreiben, und den starren Regeln der patriarchalischen Herrschaft. So wie alle Versuche scheitern, dieser Gesellschaft eine ihr fremde Ordnung aufzuzwingen. What in the world are we doing there?
On the other hand: Neither question is answered. Instead we follow with mounting tension the contradictions between the desires of young Afghans and the old social order. Between courageous women who run a radio station and the rigid rules of patriarchy. Between artists who shoot a romance movie and a harsh moral code that calls even a kiss on the screen un-Islamic. We hear that in Afghanistan lovers always fail. Just like all attempts to impose a foreign order on this society. Katharina Pethke was born in Hamburg in In she graduated with distinction. Ein Mensch, der anders als die Mehrheit kommuniziert, denkt auch jenseits der Konvention.
Ein kluger Gedanke angesichts dessen, in welchem Zustand sich unser Planet befindet. Louisa teaches us that hearing is much more than just the acoustic perception of sounds and language. She is 23 when tests show a total failure of her hearing organs. For her this is not a disaster but rather an occasion to take a decision.
Modern medicine could restore her hearing by means of an operation. But Louisa is averse to what is celebrated as progress. Does she want this operation with all its risks? Filmmaker Katharina Pethke makes us experience the wealth of our sensual perceptions. You can experience music physically in the vibration of space, understand by reading lips and talk by using sign language. Images and sounds are uncoupled in a way that is neither artificially nor obtrusively coy. A person who communicates differently to the majority also thinks outside of conventions. A clever idea in view of the state of our planet.
Before entering the documentary film department at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Academy, Ludwigsburg, in he spent internships at various film production companies. Stevens Frau leidet an einer geheimnisvollen mentalen Krankheit, die nur durch den massiven Einsatz von Medikamenten in Schach gehalten wird. Nein, das Leben ist nicht einfach. Recorded for all eternity: In Extension 11, one of the countless districts of the township of Mamelodi, Pretoria, all hell breaks loose. For a brief moment Steven forgets what he calls the most important thing in his life at some other point in the film: A big term for the little kiosk that feeds his family.
But Steven steadfastly pursues his plan. In one of the most beautiful scenes of this very intimate portrait of a family Steven sings the song about the boss while he serves his customers. Everything is better than working for the man. An insight that is true whatever the colour of your skin is. Stefanie Kosik Produktion, Kontakt: Author and director Sobo Swobodnik, currently based in Berlin, was born in and grew up on the Swabian Alb.
A trained actor, he worked as a stage director for various German theatres and as a broadcast editor. He shuffles ponderously, humpbacked and kilos lighter through his messy flat. Sobo Swobodnik observes Phettberg in the drab lowlands of his everyday life, a man whose body has ceased to obey him. The lonely hours belong to his diary, which he puts online every day. A marginal existence who once managed to entertain the people but now pays the price for his addictions and sublimations. Swobodnik depicts this state of uncertainty between wanting to live and having to die in a striking and radical passion play in black and white.
Hannes Lang, Mareike Wegener Kamera: Titus Kreyenberg, Unafilm Koproduktion: Mario Mazzarotto, Movimento Film Kontakt: Titus Kreyenberg, Unafilm, Alteburger Str. Hannes Lang, born in Brixen, South Tyrol, in , grew up in the mountains. A trained carpenter and design draughtsman he worked for some time as a production assistant in a film production company before enrolling at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne in Diese Alpen aber, so macht uns Hannes Lang schmerzhaft deutlich, gibt es nicht mehr.
Skigebiete, die sich wie industrielle Komplexe mit riesigen Schneefabriken online verbunden mit der Zentrale in Israel! Nur ein paar Alte sind geblieben. Die Jungen sind weg, bei den Liften und Schneefabriken. Wer wollte es ihm verdenken? The Alps are a symbol of home for us, their unshakeable, snow-covered summits defying the ages, conquered only by the likes of Luis Trenker and Reinhold Messner, if at all.
We see pictures of the relentless advance of technology, often filmed from above, which clearly show the extent of destruction: Ski-lifts, surge to a Fordist beat, and crowds of people that evoke the Tokyo Metro. Concrete as far as the eye can see, futuristic resorts where nature used to be, party noises where silence used to reign.
Silence can be found only in summer, when the tourist developments turn into abandoned ghost towns set in a residue of nature that has no life of its own any more. In contrast, former cultivated landscapes turn back into forests in deserted Ticino valleys. Lang shows the end of an alpine agriculture in which man lived in harmony with nature. While the camera records only crowds and long shots in the skiing areas, here it discovers the individual, endlessly carrying a bag through the mountains.
Only a few old people are left. The young are gone, to the ski-lifts and snow factories. Even the glacier is withdrawing, and who can blame it? Bernhard Sallmann, born in in Linz, Austria, studied communication science, German language and literature studies and sociology in Salzburg and Berlin diploma in He has lectured at universities in Kiel, Karlsruhe and Potsdam and published several essays. Die sachliche Art der Schilderung nimmt den Momentaufnahmen nicht ihren Schrecken. Die Kamera fokussiert sich derweil auf die vorbeirasenden Autos. Bernhard Sallmann was born in and grew up in the Upper Austrian Alps.
Or can memorial stones and cemeteries replace memories? Where does turning a blind eye stop and guilt begin? The factual tone of the narrative cannot take the horror out of these snapshots. Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Product details File Size: June 10, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers.

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