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Pet Dragon story

When Lin's pet dragon, caged for bad behavior, escapes back into the wild, Lin is heartbroken and sets out to find him. Lin faces numerous obstacles on her journey, and children are introduced to basic Chinese characters as they follow the story. Words by Christoph Niemann , Hardcover. Sunday Sketching by Christoph Niemann , Hardcover. Lord of the Fleas: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2 by J.

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The Pet Dragon

Please verify that you are not a robot. Would you also like to submit a review for this item? You already recently rated this item. Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. When Lin's beloved pet dragon disappears, she searches for him far and wide until a witch helps her to reach the dragon's new home.

Introduces a different Chinese character on each step of Lin's adventure. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private.

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Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Fiction, Primary school Document Type: Christoph Niemann Find more information about: Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. View most popular tags as: Similar Items Related Subjects: I also feel like I could start looking for Chinese classes. This book makes the characters so easy to understand and remember.

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He draws them right into the things they represent in a simple narrative. MsKathleen Jan 29, I had mixed feelings about this book after reading it. I liked the book because of the illustrations. The author used the simple illustrations, such as trees or animals, and wrote the Chinese symbol for the word using the illustration.

Sparkling Adventures -✯- The Pet Dragon

I thought this was a great way for children learning Chinese to associate symbols with pictures since the language is much different from English. However, I did not like this book because I found the story to be underwhelming and unbelievable. This may have been because I was too focused on the illustrations, but after reading I did not feel as though I gained anything from the story. The overall message of the book was for children to learn about friendship and adventure, but to also learn more about Chinese culture.

Not only did I learn some characters after this read, but I was also intrigued to learn more and couldn't help but practice writing the symbols in my notebook. Christoph Niemann made complex Chinese symbols feel less foreign and overwhelming. Instead I saw order and reason behind each shape, with the help of his creative illustrations. As creative as this story was, I couldn't help but feel the plot was rather thrown together to use as many Chinese characters as possible.

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The illustrations and characters within them were the focus of the story, not the actual little girl and her pet dragon. There were plenty of whimsical aspects including a dragon, old enchanting woman, and a magic bean, yet it didn't stick with me afterwards. There is rhyme and reason for almost everything so go explore! When the dragon mysteriously disappears, Lin sets off on a journey to find her best friend.

By ingeniously integrating written Chinese characters into the illustrations as the story progresses, Christoph Niemann has created a book that is engrossing, unique, and memorable.

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