Paul Goetsch, Monsters in English Literature: Anne Ferry, Tradition and the Individual Poem. An Inquiry into Anthologies Susanne Schmid. The Cambridge Companion to William Blake , ed. Morris Eaves Ralph Pordzik. A Selection , ed. Seamus Perry Neville Plaice. Clara Tuite, Romantic Austen. Gesa Stedman, Stemming the Torrent: War and the Cultural Construction of Identities in Britain , ed.
Paul Neubauer, Zwischen Tradition und Innovation: The Rhetoric of Canadian Writing , ed. Conny Steenman-Marcusse Ute Kauer. User Account Log in Register Help. My Content 1 Recently viewed 1 Besprechungen: Anglia Journal of English Philology. See all formats and pricing. See all formats and pricing Online. Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include postage and handling if applicable. Volume Issue 4 Nov , pp. Volume Issue 4 Dec , pp. Volume Issue Dec , pp.
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The need for training is also evident in the provision of peer feedback Kamimura ; Rahimi , which is considered a low-threshold form of support Bruffee If learners comprehend its different function, they show a high acceptance of peer feedback and are able to use it to improve their writing.
This may be one of the reasons for the negative attitude towards peer feedback in L2 learners e. In general, peer feedback is considered a useful supplement to teacher feedback as it focuses on comprehensibility rather than on correctness. Learners need to be prepared to both give and receive feedback. Furthermore, an atmosphere of trust is essential to allow helpful feedback.
It must then lead to action, which again requires a setting in which the revision of texts is valued e. Writing portfolios are used as a tool to reflect on strengths, weaknesses, personal objectives as well as those specified by the teacher, the individual writing process, and more. As it is assumed that the monitoring and control of the writing process does not automatically develop with writing experience e. The reflection in the portfolio and in conferences with peers and teachers are shown to have positive effects on the writing performance.
What the above-mentioned studies have in common is that their authors strongly emphasize the potential of portfolio use and that their findings point in this direction as well. In general, more research into considering the settings and the way in which portfolios are used is required in order to better understand the described effects and the conditions that are necessary to achieve these effects.
Another field in which portfolios are expected to have much potential is assessment. As language learning is considered a complex activity that requires knowledge, meta-knowledge and the capacity for self-directed learning Kohonen In a modern understanding, learning achievements are product- as well as process-oriented, individual, diverse, describable by the learners themselves and by others, communicable, reflectable and made cooperatively Breuer This can neither be assessed using standardized tests that focus on vocabulary or morphosyntactic correctness, nor can it be assessed using essays.
If learning takes place in complex contexts and in interaction with others, assessment cannot be detached from the context Lissmann Portfolio-based assessment can take account of most of these ideas. Products and processes are both shown and contextualized. It must be considered that portfolio-based assessment may cause difficulties: The portfolio concept has to fit the respective learning culture or the learning culture has to develop in a way that allows for new approaches to assessment Breuer These positive consequences are chiefly attributed to the frequent feedback sessions with peers and teachers.
The students who were working with a writing portfolio achieved better results in an IELTS essay test than those in the control group. For the examined aspects of writing performance, portfolio-based instruction and assessment seems to have clear effects. The broad understanding of learning outcomes discussed above, and also described by these authors as a major benefit of portfolio use i. It can be assumed that the idea of learning achievements and assessment described above is hard to introduce into the classroom and into research likewise.
As stated above, portfolio work is based on a set of assumptions and techniques of foreign language teaching. Only few of the studies cited in this article that show the positive effects of portfolio use in the L2 classroom describe how portfolios were actually used in the classroom and thus which aspect of the portfolio has ultimately led to these positive effects.
Therefore, my study Ballweg a aimed at exploring the use and the perception of writing portfolios in German as a Foreign Language at tertiary level. In this chapter, I will present one aspect of this bigger study and elaborate on it. The study is based on the assumption that there is a major gap in research on portfolios because apart from an action research study on the introduction of the European Language Portfolio by Kristmanson et al.
However, in practice only few teachers in Germany using writing portfolios have actually been prepared to use them. For that reason, I focused on how an experienced language teacher with no prior experience in portfolio work introduces and uses this tool. The results show how the teacher is constantly struggling to find an adequate way of using the portfolio while a multitude of options is available and difficult decisions have to be made Ballweg a: Moreover, the data show in detail which prerequisites make portfolio work positive and useful to learners and to the teacher Ballweg a: The teacher was an experienced teacher for German as a Foreign Language.
She had heard and read about portfolios and worked with checklists from the European Language Portfolio before. In the semester before the study was conducted, she had tried to introduce portfolio work into a course with the same title. Still, she considered herself a novice in using portfolios in the classroom.
The students were asked to keep a portfolio with several drafts of texts. Apart from three shorter texts of only one paragraph, the students were asked to write a summary, a discussion essay, a further essay, a CV and a cover letter for a job application. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher had intended to give more writing assignments but as portfolio work proved to be time-consuming, she refrained from this. Classes were used to give input on how to write a good text and to prepare for the writing assignments. The texts were written as homework and discussed with the peers in the session that followed.
Two of the texts had to be handed in via e-mail for feedback but the teacher encouraged the students to hand in more than two texts so that she could better support the students. However, only one student made use of this opportunity. The others sent in two texts or even fewer. She offered them information on the structure of texts as well as on strategies for planning, writing and revising texts. She did so by discussing these aspects in class and working with sample texts from the students.
Moreover, she used peer feedback to encourage students to reflect on text quality in general and especially on the quality of their texts by applying the criteria discussed to the texts of their peers and to their own texts. The teacher gave several suggestions on what to include in the learning log but did not give any guidelines.
So in most cases they consisted of notes on the content of each class and a list of vocabulary. The teacher encouraged them to include material from other language or engineering classes if they considered them useful to demonstrate their writing skills in that semester. For this reason, the portfolios that the students submitted for grading at the end of the semester differed significantly in length. In addition to the weekly classes, the teacher held a portfolio conference with groups of two to four students at the weekend before the last session in class.
While portfolio conferences can have a wide range of foci, for this specific conference, the teacher asked the students to prepare general questions on the organization of their portfolios and to present their most recent versions of them. In most cases, the students took turns reporting on their work with the teacher giving feedback to each of them while the others were listening. Only in one group, the students started discussing their portfolios and their questions with each other. Whereas previous research on writing portfolios placed a strong emphasis on the effect of portfolio use on writing proficiency e.
More specifically, the following questions will be addressed:. How is the portfolio used and perceived as an assessment tool? As the research questions indicate, the study aims at an in-depth exploration of portfolio-based writing instruction over the course of nine weeks. Portfolio work is supposed to be understood from the perspective of teacher and students, considering that their views and perceptions are influenced by numerous individual factors and subject to change in a constantly changing environment Gibbs To this end, a qualitative research approach was used, which is characterized by the aim of exploring and understanding a phenomenon with a focus on the individual, a holistic perspective and a consideration of the context Mayring The result is not the presentation of causal connections but rather the identification of patterns in the data that allow an understanding of a phenomenon on a more abstract level.
For the generation of data 3 , the lessons and the portfolio conferences were audio-taped. The core of the 25 hours of audio-taped and transcribed data, however, was formed by four interviews with the teacher and three interviews with each of the seven students participating, which were conducted over the course of one semester. Four of them were enrolled in degree programmes in engineering, three were exchange students in the same field. Four of them were female, three were male. The time they had already spent in Germany ranged from one month to two years at the start of the semester.
After transcription, the data were coded in accordance with Grounded Theory. This step was followed by focused coding. Focused coding is used to bundle codes into categories. Hints to what aspect might be relevant are, among others,. The second step of data interpretation in accordance with Grounded Theory is axial coding. Here, the data are taken to a further level of abstraction. Data that have been segmented during the phase of the open coding are put together again.
In the case of the study at hand, data from the portfolio conferences were added. In this manner, all facets of a phenomenon as well as its conditions and influences can be reconstructed. The data in this study were coded and interpreted as described above to answer the research questions and to shed some light on the way the teacher used the portfolio in the writing classroom 5. The findings can best be summarized by the term of a gain-loss effect 5.
Thermal-hydraulic experiments and analyses for cold moderators. Cold moderators using liquid hydrogen are one of the key components in a MW-scale target system working as a spallation neutron source. The cold moderators directly affect the neutronic performance both in intensity and resolution.
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Cold moderator vessels are designed to be flat and cylindrical type vessels, which are required to realize and uniform temperature distribution in the vessel to obtain better neutronic performance. Velocity distributions in the moderator vessels, affecting the temperature distributions, were measured by using moderator models under water flowing conditions.
In the experiments , jet-induced flows such as recirculation flows and stagnant regions were observed. However, for the cylindrical type moderator vessel, especially predicted heat transfer coefficients on a bottom of the vessel were much lower than the experimental results, which gave conservative analytical result of temperature. Free volume from positron lifetime and pressure-volume-temperature experiments in relation to structural relaxation of van der Waals molecular glass-forming liquids.
Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy PALS is employed to characterize the temperature dependence of the free volume in two van der Waals liquids: A comparison with the macroscopic volume from pressure-volume-temperature PV T experiments delivered the hole density and the specific hole free volume and a complete characterization of the free volume microstructure in that sense.
An extension of the latter model allows us to quantify deviations between experiments and theory and an attempt to systematize these in terms of T g or of the fragility. The experimental data for several fragile and less fragile glass formers are involved in the final discussion. It was concluded that, for large differences in the fragility of different glass formers, the positron lifetime mirrors clearly the different character of these materials.
For small differences in the fragility, additional properties like the character of bonds and chemical structure of the material may affect size, distribution and thermal behaviour of the free volume. Testing the process of drilling - analysis of drilling performance in variegated sandstone and Keuper in Northern Germany; Der Bohrprozess auf dem Pruefstand - Analyse der Bohrleistungen im Buntsandstein und Keuper in Norddeutschland. The aim of the project launched jointly by DGMK and 5 companies from the German oil- and gas industry and two institutes for drilling technologies was to find suitable ways in which the drilling progress in formations with bad drilling conditions in Northern Germany, i.
The borehole sunk in Northern Germany were surveyed and inventorised. Data were subjected to a thorough statistical analysis in order to obtain optimal drilling parameters and improve the drilling tools. Basic studies on rock damaging were also to be included in order to better understand the processes. Finally, the project aims at realising the optimal drilling parameters, increase drilling progress, use improved drilling machinery and thus cut costs. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, sollte eine Bestandsaufnahme der in Norddeutschland abgeteuften Bohrungen erfolgen. Die Daten sollten einer eingehenden statistischen Auswertung unterzogen werden.
Hieraus sollten optimale Bohrparameter und Verbesserungen der Bohrwerkzeuge abgeleitet werden. Ferner sollten grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Gesteinszerstoerung herangezogen werden, um ein besseres Verstaendnis fuer die ablaufenden Prozesse zu bekommen. Durch die Realisierung optimaler Bohrparameter und den Einsatz verbesserter Bohrwerkszeuge sollte schliesslich die Erhoehung des Bohrfortschritts und damit eine Senkung der Kosten erreicht werden.
Kontrastive analyse der Wortbildungsmuster im Deutschen und im Estnischen am Beispiel der Aussehensadjektive. Dissertationes philologiae germanicae Universitatis Tartuensis. The value of magnetic resonance imaging MRI in the treatment planning of vertebral metastasis considering economic aspects. Is magnetic resonance imaging MRI based target volume definition for treatment planning of vertebral metastasis effective under economic considerations. From to , a total of patients with bone metastases affecting the vertebral column underwent MRI of the cercival, thoracic, or lumbar spine for the treatment planning of palliative radiation therapy.
The following radiation treatment consisted in a irradiation of the affected vertebral region up to a total dose of Gy. The cost calculation for radiotherapy and magnetic resonance tomography was done using the common tariff model EBM of the German Health Insurances. Consequently, the higher cost of MRI of The transport expenses for the second treatment could be saved as well.
Portfolios as a means of developing and assessing writing skills
Even under economic considerations MRI is effective. Die nachfolgende Strahlentherapie bestand aus einer Radiatio des betroffenen Wirbelkoerperabschnitts bis zu einer Gesamtherddosis von Gy. Fuer die Berechnung der Kosten wurde der einheitliche Bewertungsmassstab der Deutschen Krankenkassen zugrunde gelegt. Research and experience report - Developments in the technical and legal basis of nuclear oversight; Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht - Entwicklungen im Bereich der Grundlagen der nuklearen Aufsicht.
The inspectorate's fields of activity - fuels and materials, significant internal and external events and occurrences, human factors, system behaviour and accident sequences, radiological protection and waste disposal - are reviewed. The Research and Experience Report also provides information on a selection of particularly instructive incidents in nuclear facilities outside Switzerland.
Incidents are analysed with a view to identifying any potential relevance to Swiss nuclear facilities. International co-operation is mentioned and current changes and developments related to plant surveillance are noted. Organisational aspects are discussed and various guidelines and directives are presented and discussed.
Research and experience report Developments in the technical and legal basis of nuclear oversight; Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht Entwicklungen im Bereich der Grundlagen der nuklearen Aufsicht.
Besprechungen : Anglia - Zeitschrift für englische Philologie
ENSI supports and coordinates safety research, the results of which influence directly its Guidelines, individual decisions and resources. Research projects also serve training purposes and maintain competence within ENSI and its experts. The research in fuels and materials covers the reactor core and the graded approach to barriers used for the confinement of radioactive materials. Based on test results from accidents involving a loss of coolant ENSI instructed the operators of Swiss nuclear power plants to review whether they were relevant to their own facilities.
Ageing mechanisms affecting structural materials are crucial to the long-term operation of nuclear power plants. Specialised thematic databases are being created in order to facilitate a systematic analysis of relevant operating experience from numerous countries. In addition to damage that may result from events within nuclear power plants, the safety analyses also reflect external events. ENSI supports international projects conducting complex experiments and simulations of aircraft accidents and earthquakes. It is involved in some projects relating to flood risks. The effect of operator behaviour on accidents in nuclear power plants is the focus point of research into human factors which identifies and analyses certain operator errors influencing negatively the course of an accident.
Proposals to improve accident procedures were developed. This research area also focuses on the influence of the control room layout on the performance of operating staff. System behaviour and accident sequences in nuclear power plants are analysed in conditions ranging from normal operations through to accidents resulting in core melt-down.
The results are used for the quantitative evaluation of the plant risk in probabilistic safety analyses. Applied research in radiological protection ranges. Developments in the technical and legal areas of nuclear monitoring; Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht The research into regulatory safety carried out by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI serves to clarify outstanding issues, establish fundamentals and develop the tools that ENSI requires for the fulfillment of its responsibilities.
The programme is divided into seven areas: It is concentrated on high burn-ups and safety criteria. Research into structural materials is focused on ageing mechanisms. Specific data bases facilitate a systematic analysis of relevant operating experience from numerous countries. In the field of damage to the influence of pressurised conduits, an overview report on flow-accelerated corrosion was submitted; 3 ENSI supports international projects on external events, including complex experiments and simulations of aircraft crashes and earthquakes. Earthquakes were simulated by shaking-table tests on models of reinforced concrete structures.
The structural load-bearing reserves of safety-critical buildings in the event of an earthquake were studied. The Extreme Events Platform is looking at issues related to flood risks; 4 concerning human factors, the research is looking at the reliability of operator behaviour under various conditions.

A methodology developed by PSI analyses operator errors with a negative impact on the course of an accident. Research continued into the optimum way to design simulator tests and into the effects of earthquakes on the reliability of operator behaviour; 5 System behaviour and accident sequences in nuclear power plants are analysed in various conditions ranging from normal. European environmental tax on automobile traffic? Empirische Analyse der Kraftstoffnachfrage. Using panel data, two different theoretical approaches are compared.
On one hand, the neoclassical approach assumes that fuel demand is dependent on income and fuel prices. On the other hand, the theory of household production proceeds on the assumption that it is not the fuel that gives utility to the consumer but the end product, mobility. Hence fuel can be seen as one single input among many others, especially the technical design of the car.
European countries differ widely not only in the price of fuels, but also in the cost of purchase and taxes levied. Employing an econometric cross section model, large elasticities of demand for fuel with respect to the price of the fuels, the cost of purchase and the vehicle tax are found. By only referring to the fuel price, it is evident that the calculated elasticities are too large due to the multicollinearity between fuel prices and capital costs.
In the discussion on effective climate protection policies, not only fuel prices but also progressive taxation of the fixed costs should be taken into consideration as potential means of regulation. Sie bedient sich dabei der Methode der Querschnittsanalyse, zielt also darauf ab, Preis- und Einkommenselastizitaeten aus einem Vergleich der Merkmalsauspraegungen in unterschiedlichen Laendern zu einem bestimmten Zeipunkt zu bestimmen.
Use of modeling and simulation in the planning, analysis and interpretation of ultrasonic testing; Einsatz von Modellierung und Simulation bei der Planung, Analyse und Interpretation von Ultraschallpruefungen. Lehrstuhl fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung. Acoustic testing methods such as ultrasound and impact echo are an important tool in building diagnostics. The range includes thickness measurements, the representation of the internal component geometry as well as the detection of voids gravel pockets , delaminations or possibly locating grouting faults in the interior of metallic cladding tubes of tendon ducts.
Basically acoustic method for non-destructive testing NDT is based on the excitation of elastic waves that interact with the target object e. From the signal received at the component surface this interaction shall be detected and interpreted to draw conclusions about the presence of the target object, and optionally to determine its size and position approximately.
Although the basic underlying physical principles of the application of elastic waves in NDT are known, it can be complicated by complex relationships in the form of restricted access, component geometries, or the type and form of reflectors. To estimate the chances of success of a test is already often not trivial.
These circumstances highlight the importance of using simulations that allow a theoretically sound basis for testing and allow easy optimizing test systems. The deployable simulation methods are varied. Common are in particular the finite element method, the Elasto Finite Integration Technique and semi-analytical calculation methods.
Das Einsatzspektrum beinhaltet Dickenmessungen, die Darstellung der inneren Bauteilgeometrie ebenso wie die Ortung von Kiesnestern, Delaminationen oder u. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to high-resolution analysis of ion distribution in cement-bound solid; Laser-induzierte Breakdown Spektroskopie LIBS zur hochaufloesenden Analyse der Ionenverteilung in zementgebundenen Feststoffen. The Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy allows imaging and quantitative analysis of the ion distribution of all relevant elements on the surface of mineral building materials.
The measuring system has been characterised by investigations on specimens of hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete. Transport and accumulation processes are visualised. Besides, results are introduced for the peripheral zone close to the surface and the extraction is shown. Das Messsystem wurde durch verfahrenspezifische Untersuchungen an Proben aus Zementstein, -moerteln und Betonen charakterisiert, Transport- und Anlagerungsprozesse wurden visuell dargestellt. Zudem werden Ergebnisse fuer den Ionenhaushalt in der ungestoerten oberflaechenahen Randzone sowie bei deren Auslaugung bzw.
Moderne Diagnostik reduziert Stoerungsrate. This contribution presents a condition based maintenance concept which is based on the IRC-Analysis. With this concept a major German utility was able to reduce the amount of failures in a part of the 20kV-cable network. The general tendency of increasing faults was broken.
Die-Verfasser beschreiben ein zustandsorientiertes Wartungskonzept auf Basis der IRC- Analyse , mit dem es gelungen ist, in einem Teil des kV-Kabelnetzes eines Energieversorgers die in der Vergangenheit stetig steigende Stoerungsrate drastisch zu reduzieren. Safety of tank vehicles. About 68 percent of the total emissions of hazardous materials result from turnover accidents of tank trucks. The authors describe the results of turnover experiments: The first three experiments were carried out with a box tank segment without longitudinal velocity in order to test the sensors and measuring systems, to evaluate different impacting conditions and to obtain data for validating the model used for the calculations.
Further tests were carried out with moving vehicles, i. The upsetting experiments were carried out with the aid of a ramp which lifted the right-side wheels of the vehicles until turnover.
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Six of the turnover experiments were carried out on an asphalt road, two on a road with additional impact on an obstacle, and one with direct impact on an obstacle which was hit by the semitrailer in the center plane of the tank. Zur Ermittlung der auftretenden Belastungen wurden zunaechst drei Umsturzversuche mit einem Koffertanksegment ohne Laengsgeschwindigkeit durchgefuehrt.
Diese dienten dem Test der Sensoren, der Messtechnik, der Bewertung unterschiedlicher Auftreffbedingungen sowie der Ableitung von Daten zur Validierung des verwendeten Rechenmodells. Zur Einleitung des Umsturzvorganges wurde eine Rampe gebaut, die die rechten Raeder der Fahrzeuge soweit anhob, bis das Fahrzeug umstuerzte.
Der Umsturz erfolgte bei sechs Versuchen auf eine Asphaltstrassendecke, bei zwei Versuchen auf die Fahrbahn mit Sekundaeranprall an ein Hindernis und bei einem Versuch unmittelbar auf ein Hindernis, das bestimmungsgemaess vom Auflieger etwa in der Tankmittelebene getroffen wurde. Enhancing the dewatering properties of sludge through aimed building-up of floc structures on the basis of detailed morphological analyses ; Verbesserung der Entwaesserungseigenschaften von Schlaemmen durch den gezielten Aufbau von Flockenstrukturen auf der Basis detaillierter morphologischer Analysen.
Aimed building-up of aggregates as they originate in flocculation processes, for instance in sewage and sludge treatment, have especially lately been meeting with increasing resonance: As conventional mathematical methods for the characterization of flocs - as a basis for process optimization - are inadequate or flawed, a concept for the effective characterization of the inner getup of such structures needs to be sought. One approach is cluster analysis, which is demonstrated and discussed in the present paper by means of the evaluation of sectional views of floc structures.
Da herkoemmliche mathematische Methoden zur Charakterisierung von Flocken - als Basis fuer eine Prozessoptimierung - nur unzureichend bzw. Ein Ansatz ist die Clusteranalyse, die im Beitrag durch die Auswertung von Schnittbildern von Flockenstrukturen vorgestellt und diskutiert wird. It provided a more realistic picture of the understanding that operators have of individual situations and the limits of their resilience; 5 System behaviour and accident sequences in nuclear power plants are analysed in various conditions ranging from normal operations through to accidents involving core melt-down.
Computer models are developed and validated by experiments. The results are used as a basis for the quantitative identification of the plant risk in probabilistic safety analyses. The sequences of events during the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant was analysed ; 6 research in radiological protection includes the technology used to measure radiation as well as the development of new methodologies for radionuclide analyses. The development of international norms contributes to cross-border harmonisation of radiological protection methods; 7 in the field of waste management, there is an increasing focus not only on projects related to deep geological repositories and decommissioning but also on the treatment, transport and interim storage of radioactive waste.
The comparison of the management of radioactive and conventional waste showed possible improvements in the treatment of radioactive organic and metal waste. ENSI has been supporting a project of the University of Bayreuth developing a simulation program for the thermal and mechanical design of transport and storage containers.
The approach used differs from the calculations of manufacturers and licensees, and thus provides an independent assessment capability. ENSI works with international organisations and regulatory bodies with the aim of identifying international standards in the field of nuclear safety and of promoting the ongoing development and improvement of nuclear safety and security systems.
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Switzerland received positive reviews with regard to the. Influence of clouds on earth climate. Modellings, measurements, and data analyses within the framework of an interconnected project; Einfluss von Wolken auf das Klima der Erde. Modellierungen, Messungen, Datenanalysen im Rahmen eines Verbundprojektes. At the beginning of the project there was considerable uncertainty as to the influence of clouds of all kinds on the energy budget of the atmosphere, the quantities and impact of aerosols, and, especially, the physics of high curl clouds.
There was neither a possibility to model such cloud systems, nor did reliable measuring methods exist. This interconnected project contributed to the solution of these problems with the aim to create a solid basis of work for future climate researches. Simultaneously, measurements were carried out, satellite data analysed , aerosol data by different authors compiled and evaluated, and numerical simulations of cloud sheets carried out. Es gab keine Modelliermoeglichkeiten fuer solche Wolkensysteme - noch existierten zuverlaessige Messmoeglichkeiten.
Das Verbundvorhaben sollte zur Loesung dieser Probleme beitragen mit dem Ziel, eine solide Arbeitsbasis fuer zukuenftige Aufgaben der Klimaforschung zu schaffen. Es wurden gleichzeitig Messungen durchgefuehrt, Satellitendaten analysiert, Aerosoldaten unterschiedlicher Autoren zusammengetragen und geprueft sowie numerische Simulationen von Wolkenfeldern durchgefuehrt. Product analyses and kinetic studies on gas phase oxidation of the fuel additive ethyl tert-butyl ether and its products; Produktanalysen und Kinetikuntersuchungen der Gasphasenoxidation des Kraftstoffadditivs Ethyl-tert-butylether und seiner Produkte.
The widespread use of the additive ETBE in gasoline leads to an increased release of this compound into the atmosphere via evaporation or exhaust fumes. In order to determine the influence of this additive on trace gas cycles it is first necessary to carry out studies on the degradation mechanisms and pertinent kinetic properties of this substance. The aim of the present study was to examine the degradation mechanisms of the fuel additive t-butyl ethyl ether under atmospheric conditions. The reactions of the main degradation products t-butyl formiate and t-butyl acetate, together ca.
This was to permit an assessment of the influence of ETBE and its products on tropospheric trace gas cycles and ozone formation. Um den Einfluss des Additivs auf die Spurengas-Kreislaeufe zu bestimmen, sind daher Untersuchungen noetig, um die Abbau-Mechanismen und die zugehoerigen kinetischen Daten zu ermitteln. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Abbaumechanismen des Kraftstoffadditivs t-Butylethylether unter atmosphaerischen Bedingungen. Common lessons drawn from different laboratories analyses of super-phenix start-up experiments.
Common lessons can be drawn from the different analyses and recommendations made on the definition of the characteristics of a common European formulaire and in the actions in support of its qualification. Analysis of financial measures in the energy area; Analyse finanzieller Massnahmen im Energiebereich: Theoretische Reflexion der Wirkungsweise und Auswertung empirischer Studien. Based on 17 years of experience with the use of financial measures for the support of energy policy in Switzerland, the mechanisms involved and the effects obtained are discussed.
Financial measures are looked at in the light of theoretical economics and applied psychology. The so-called 'deadweight' effect, i. Finally, the importance of measures is examined and the strengths and weaknesses of financial measures and subvention mechanisms are commented on. Research and experience report - Developments in the technical and legal basis for nuclear oversight; Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht - Entwicklungen im Bereich der Grundlagen der nuklearen Aufsicht.
Research in radiological protection includes the technology used to measure radiation as well as aeroradiometry and the development of new methodologies for radionuclide analyses. Aspects relating to the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants are to be enhanced. The field of radioactive waste management comprises not only deep geological disposal but also treatment, transport and interim storage.
In the FS experiment at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, water is injected into a geological fault, simulating the possible triggering of earthquakes in a deep geological repository. The current report gives information on some events in facilities outside Switzerland which could be relevant to Swiss nuclear facilities. In the Belgian nuclear power plant Doel-4, internal flooding occurred in the building containing the emergency diesel generators. In Swiss nuclear power plants, the emergency diesel generators are contained in different buildings; due to spatial separation, flooding of all emergency diesel generators is virtually impossible.
In the Czech nuclear power plant Temelin-2, due to a leaky valve an activity discharge from the controlled zone to the non-controlled zone occurred. A single fault during assembly was sufficient to cause the defect; also, organizational defects in error detection and their rectification were highlighted. All Swiss nuclear power plants had to investigate the interfaces between the zones. At the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant deep geological repository in New Mexico, there was a release of americium and plutonium into the environment in spite of the filter systems.
The network of dump design. A report on experience ; Das Netzwerk der Haldenkunst. On the basis of long experience in the planning of the most diverse mining projects consideration was already given at the end of the last century in the Hermanns architects' office to the planning of dirt heaps from specific points of view differently from the conventional way. The office was concerned in particular with the potential for subsequent use of dumps under the premises specified by the mining companies.
Hence the idea of considering dumps from architectural and artistic points of view arose at the end of , because in association with the region chosen in to be European city of culture in - Essen for the Ruhr district - an opportunity arose to place the subject of dumps in an artistic and cultural context with the result that the hypothesis of implementation of new ideas in a regional context would be more easily formulated. Das Regulativ der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Vegetable oils in the agriculture. Experience reports; Pflanzenoel als Kraftstoff in der Landwirtschaft.
Kemnitz, Dietmar [Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. Germany ; Maurer, Karl [Hohenheim Univ. In the agriculture, bio fuels increasingly meet with great interest. The use of bio diesel and vegetable oil as alternative fuels in diesel engines requires clear technical adjustments. The brochure under consideration reports on realizations of farmers who switched their tractors to an operation with vegetable oils. The brochure consists of the following contributions: Interdisciplinary analysis of the chances of implementation of an energy conservation and air pollution abatement policy.
Adverse and favourable conditions for rational energy use in private households and their responsible decision-makers from an economic and social psychological perspective; Interdisziplinaere Analyse der Umsetzungschancen einer Energiespar- und Klimaschutzpolitik. Hemmende und foerdernde Bedingungen der rationellen Energienutzung fuer private Haushalte und ihr Akteursumfeld aus oekonomischer und sozialpsychologischer Perspektive. The investigation attempted an analysis of the causes and remedies of the gap between ecological and climate-relevant requirements on the one hand and public and political action on the other hand.
It presents a theoretical concept for an ecologically oriented social restructuring process which will support rational energy use and the appropriate research and development measures more strongly than it does now. In view of this, the contribution of the German government is interpreted as a necessary but still insufficient contribution to sustainability.
Weitergehend erbringt sie einen theoretisch-konzeptionellen Ansatz zum oekologischen Umbau der Industriegesellschaft. Dadurch wird konkret dazu beigetragen, die Politik zur rationellen Energieanwendung einschliesslich der Forschungs- und Entwicklungspolitik besser als bisher zu unterstuetzen. Dieser Beitrag der Bundesrepublik zum internationalen Klimaschutz kann als notwendige, wenn auch noch nicht hinreichende Voraussetzung fuer eine 'zukunftsfaehige Entwicklung' sustainability in der Bundesrepublik interpretiert werden.
This article takes up both the scientific discourse about the Millenials Generation Y as well as the debate on how to impart information literacy and library didactics. Both topics are discussed in combination, with respect to successful didactics in libraries. The test reactor is a nineteen element water moderated and reflected thermal system. A series of integral experiments have been carried out to test the capabilities of the radiation transport codes to predict the performance of PBR systems.
MCNP was selected as the preferred radiation analysis tool for the benchmark experiments. Comparison between experimental and calculational results indicate close agreement. This paper describes the analyses of benchmark experiments designed to quantify the accuracy of the MCNP radiation transport code for predicting the performance characteristics of PBR reactors. The DER 's activity is presented through 82 ''outstanding events''. Each one is a stage in the effort of research and development of the DER.
These events concern the following fields: In the production field, one deals more particularly with nuclear reactor safety studies: Evaluating the implementation of the energy consumption labelling ordinance. The main objective of the study was to examine the present degree of compliance with the Energy Consumption Labelling Ordinance for large household appliances in Germany in an empirical inventory.
Concrete proposals to improve the degree of compliance with Directive among manufacturers and retailers were to be elaborated based on this inventory and the analysis of possible deficiencies in implementation and and their causes. A further objective of the study was to examine whether there was an increase in the share of appliance sales in the highest efficiency classes, so as to be able to judge the success of the measures provided in the Directive in accordance with the underlying energy and environmental objective of further reducing energy consumption in households.
Furthermore, experience of other European countries in implementing the EU Directive was to be considered. Ausgehend von dieser Bestandsaufnahme und der Analyse moeglicher Umsetzungsdefizite und ihrer Ursachen sollten konkrete Vorschlaege zur Verbesserung des Befolgungsgrades der Verordnung bei Herstellern und im Handel erarbeitet werden. Als weitere Zielsetzung war auch der Aspekt einer Erhoehung des Anteils der verkauften Geraete in den sparsamsten Effizienzklassen zu beruecksichtigen bei der Beurteilung des Erfolgs der Massnahmen im Sinne der energie- und umweltpolitischen Zielsetzung, den Energieverbrauch in Haushalten weiter zu vermindern.
Die Erfahrungen anderer europaeischer Laender bei der Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie sollten dabei beruecksichtigt werden. Significance of the agreement and results of the Bonn and Marrakesh Conventions with respect to long-term reduction of greenhouse gases. An analysis of supply-side and demand-side aspects; Bedeutung des Bonner Beschlusses und der Ergebnisse aus Marrakesch fuer die langfristige Senkung der Treibhausgasemissionen. Eine Analyse der Angebots- und Nachfrageseite. The article examines in great detail the Bonn resolution and the results of the Marrakesh Convention of the Parties to the UNFCCC with respect to the achievable contributions to a global reduction of greenhouse emissions.
The analysis looks at the most important action plans and the relevant mechanisms agreed upon and derives global demand-side and national supply-side estimates and develops relevant projections of lasting greenhouse gas reductions, also indicating further required measures. Zunaechst werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Konferenzen erlaeutert. Anschliessend kann die internationale Nachfrage bzw. Es ergibt sich ein Ueberblick, ob und in welchem Masse eigene Anstrengungen der verpflichteten Staaten noch notwendig sind. Numerical model experiments on the variation of the ocean-atmosphere carbon cycle during the last years: The impact of variations of the thermahaline oceanic circulation; Numerische Modellexperimente zur Veraenderung des Ozean-Atmosphaere-Kohlenstoffkreislaufes waehrend der letzten Jahre: Der Einfluss von Variationen der thermohalinen Ozeanzirkulation.
In order to quantify the variability of the ocean-atmosphere carbon-cycle on glacial-interglacial time scales numerical biogeochemical models are required. In this work, a modeling approach consisting of a coupling between a newly developed biogeochemical box model 16 oceanic boxes and a three-dimensional 3D ocean general circulation model OGCM was pursued.
The simulation of biogeochemical processes by the box model is almost identical to state of the art 3D-models. The global OGCM 4 x 6 , 12 layers is forced by temperature and salinity fields obtained from paleoceanographic time-slice reconstructions, and model-derived wind fields. This model setup offers several advantages: This approach results in hydrodynamically consistent water-fluxes for the box model.
Die Simulation biogeochemischer Prozesse erfolgt im Boxmodell analog zu hochentwickelten 3D-Modellen. Das globale 4 x 6 , 12 Schichten Ozeanmodell wird mit Temperatur- und Salzgehaltsfeldern, die. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Bilanzanalysen. State of the art for noise reduction in biogas plants. Sound technical analyses , research, investigations; Stand der Technik zur Laermminderung bei Biogasanlagen.
Schalltechnische Analysen, Recherchen, Untersuchungen. Approximately biogas plants are currently being built in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, which were mainly built in an agricultural context. At the beginning of about 15 percent of the country's electricity was generated by domestic biogas plants.
This publication is intended to serve as a guide to the authorities, planners and engineers, in order to be able to plan, erect and operate biogas plants in the most conflict-free manner. Anfang des Jahres wurde etwa 15 Prozent des Stroms im Land durch einheimische Biogasanlagen erzeugt. Diese Veroeffentlichung soll den Behoerden, Planern und Ingenieurbueros als Handlungsleitfaden dienen, um Biogasanlagen unter Beruecksichtigung des Standes der Technik moeglichst konfliktfrei planen, errichten und betreiben zu koennen.
Results of radiotherapy for meningeomas with high risk for local recurrence. A retrospective analysis; Ergebnisse der Strahlentherapie bei Meningeomen mit hohem Rezidivrisiko. Retrospective assessment of the efficacy of radiatiotherapy for meningeomas with high risk for local recurrence.