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Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as Clara Malraux IV. A Collection of Critical Essays, The translation is. Subsequent quotations from this chapter are noted parenthetically in the text. See Jean Lacouture, Malraux, une vie dans le siecle, Paris: Le Seuil, , All references to Lacouture's study are to this second, edition.

The reader is told that around 15 August , following the disappearance of L'Indochine, Malraux left Saigon for Canton and that he only returned to Saigon in late December.

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No reference is made to the successor to L'Indochine - L'Indochine enchafnee - which began to appear in early November and to which Malraux was a regular contributor. See 'Note Historique' in O: Cultural Founding in Modernity New York: University Press of America, , See, for example, Malraux, 'Sur quelles realites appuyer un effort annamite? See Malraux, 'Sur le role de! See Malraux, Antimemoires, Malraux, 'Sur queues realites appuyer un effort annamite?

Malraux, 'Selection d' energies'. Rieder, , based on a series of articles entitled 'Notes d'indochine' published in Europe, 33, 34, 35 Sept.

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Pion, , Nevertheless even in , a special feature on Malraux in Le Point contained a chronology which lists ' Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as TO. Paul Valery, 'La crise de! Gallimard, , Malraux, 'D'une jeunesse europeenne' Paris: Grasset, 'Les Cahiers Verts', 70, , Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as JE. Malraux, La Condition humaine, Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as CH. Malraux, 'Andre Malraux et l'orient', 2.

Subsequent quotations from this article are noted parenthetically in the text as AMO. Gallimard, , Les Conquerants 1. Chicago University Press, , vii-viii. Subsequent quotations from this foreword are noted parenthetically in the text.

Un des chefs du gouvernement de Canton', L'Indochine, 24 16 July , n. There is also a striking similarity between a despatch entitled 'L' Attaque de Shameen Canton ' published under the heading 'Havas et Radios' in L'Indochine 26 June n. Christiane Moatti, Le Predicateur et ses masques: Publications de la Sorbonne, , Lucien Goldmann, Pour une sociologie du roman Paris: Subsequent quotations from this article are noted parenthetically in the text as ADC.

Malraux's use of the term 'Cheka' is anachronistic here. The Cheka, Lenin's political police force, was created in late but dissolved. Koltchak was a Russian admiral who was executed in for having tried to resist the Bolshevik revolution. See Les Conquerants, Significantly both Carine and Borodin are portrayed in the novel as being ill, western victims of the East, notwithstanding the metaphysical connotations of their illness.

Malraux, Le Triangle noir Paris: Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as TN.

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  6. Viggiani eds , , Cf. Italian economist and sociologist who maintained that society is based on the necessary distinction between the elite and the other social strata. Following its success in Canton the fragile Kuomintang-Communist alliance began a military campaign in against the warlords who controlled northern China. By early the successful army was poised to take Shanghai, an episode which provides the setting for Malraux's third novel, La Condition lwmaine. On this significant distinction see David Bevan, Andre Malraux: Towards tlte Expression of Transcendence Kingston and Montreal: Union Generale d'editions, , La Voie Royale 1.

    See Les Conquerants, In his preface to D. In his essay on Laclos, first published in , Malraux uses a term which is perfectly applicable to the case of Perken: Droz, , and passim. For a succinct analysis of the history of the AEAR, see: Bernard, Le Parti communiste jran9ais et Ia question litteraire Grenoble: See Chapter 2, pp and notes 19, Ilya Ehrenburg, Memoirs: Atlantic Monthly Press, , There are several references to this first uprising in the novel: Andre Brincourt, Malraux le malentendu Paris: Grasset, , 4.

    Stanford University Press, , For Malraux's own comments on Clappique's role in his work, see Frederic J. Grover, Six entretiens avec Andre Malraux sur des ecrivains de son temps Paris: Anne Greenfeld, 'The Baron de Clappique: In the final section of La Corde et les souris, Malraux brings together two of the basic leitmotivs of his work, alienation and death. He establishes a parallel between Gisors' explanation of Kyo's consternation, after hearing the recording of his own voice, and his own apprehension of the distinction between death and his death. For an analysis of this text see Geoffrey T.

    Harris, 'Le Miroir des limbes: Micheline Tison-Braun, Ce monstre incomparable Malraux au l'enigme du moi Paris: Goldmann, See for example, A. Life and Work London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, , In the , definitive edition of La Condition lzumaine, Malraux added a short paragraph to the Hankow confrontation between Kyo and Vologuine which contains a clear reference to 'the struggle against the Trotskyists' Ia lutte contre les trotskistes within the Soviet Party.

    Nicole Racine , 11a.

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    Duke University Press, Jean Freville, 'Les Livres: Andre Malraux', L'Humanite 11 December , Le Temps du mepris', Commune September , Subsequent quotations from this article will be noted parenthetically in the text. Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as TM. Andre Malraux, Le Temps du mepris Paris: Gallimard, , 5. This dedication does not figure in the 'Pleiade' edition of the novel. All subsequent quotations from this novel will however be taken from the 'Pleiade' edition. Frese Witt, See Les Conquemnts, ; cf.

    Vandegans, Malraux's first account of the expedition appeared in L'Intransigeant, the French daily which had put up most of the money for the venture, on May 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, Later Malraux retold part of the story in Antimemoires, For Malraux's full account of this burlesque episode, see Malraux, La reine de Saba: In Antimemoires, 'the return to earth' provides a glimpse of a human permanence after a close encounter with death.

    After flying through the storm on returning from the Yemen and landing in Bone Algeria Malraux felt he was rediscovering life in the streets of the town Antimemoires,. Berger's subsequent intuition of the power of metamorphosis embodied by the Altenburg forest Les Noyers, is also transcribed in Antimi! Harris, De l'indochine au RPF, une continuite politique: Paratexte, , Cf.

    La Table Ronde, , Gallimard, 'Galerie de Ia Pleiade'; Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as JR. Langlois, 'Malraux ala recherche d'un roman: Subsequent quotations from this interview are noted parenthetically in the text as 'Trotsky'. Malraux, 'Conversation avec Andre Malraux. Gallimard, 'Bibliotheque de Ia Pleiade', , Subsequent quotations from this novel are noted parenthetically in the text as E. Pelican Books, [Third Edition].

    For details of Malraux's activities in this context, I am indebted to Walter G. Thornberry, Andre Malraux et l'espagne Geneva: Droz, , Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text. Andre Malraux, 'Magnifique conference d' Andre Malraux a! Malraux's speech was made in Madrid on 22 May See Thornberry, , Harris , The International Brigades consisted of foreign, predominantly Communist volunteers who fought on the Republican side.

    At the height of the conflict they numbered some In L'Espoir their progressive appearance on the battle-front is used to indicate the gradually effective Communist organisation of the Republic's military response to the fascist war machine. Harris , and passim. One must assume that the reference here is limited to L'Espoir. Propaganda Rumble and Closet Journalists', North Dakota Quarterly LX, 2, 'Malraux, Hemingway, and Embattled Spain' Spring , Miguel Unamuno , the Spanish dramatist, philosopher and poet, was an inspirational force behind the Republican regime but his resolutely individualistic stance often made him a critical of Republican politics.

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    Subsequent quotations from this work are noted parenthetically in the text as Clara Malraux V. The Russian arms and the magnificent. See, for example, L'Espoir, , Reprinted in Revue Andre Malraux Review, 'From the "Escadrille Espana" to L'Espoir', For details of Malraux's North American tour, see Thornberry , There are many thematic similarities in the speeches and the novel, but stylistically there is an essential distinction between the frankly propagandistic speeches seeking an immediate emotional response from an audience, and the intellectual appeal of the novel's albeit limited discursive dimension: Thornberry, 'Malraux and L'Espoir: Nizet, , and passim.

    For Malraux's own views on the cinema, see his Esquisse d'une psychologic du cinema Paris: Greenlee, 'Malraux, History and Autobiography: See Chapter 4, Andre Malraux, 'Sur! Subsequent quotations from this article are noted parenthetically in the text as SHC. Maria Teresa de Freitas, 'Permanence et metamorphose: Unite de l'homme, unite de l'ceuvre Paris: Quotations from this study are subsequently noted parenthetically in the text. For a detailed analysis of these parallels, see Virginia Cunningham, 'T.

    Lawrence by his Friends London: Cape, , Pierre Boeke! The parallels between Lawrence and Malraux are tirelessly underlined in the more popular French history journals. Harris, 'Malraux et le communisme en Indochine' in C. In , when de Gaulle came to power, he was appointed first Minister of Information and then, a year later, Minister of State for Cultural Affairs.

    In , Malraux's autobiography "Anti-Memoires" was published. In it, Malraux mixed fact with fiction and excerpts from his novels. In "Felled Oaks" , Malraux tells of his conversations with de Gaulle, his political idol. After leaving politics, Malraux retired to a suburb of Paris and continued to write until his death on November 23, Je pouvais faire quelques pas.

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