From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alchemy in art and entertainment. Nicolas Flamel, des livres et de l'or , Chapter 1: Metamorphosis of a death symbol: University of California Press. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Alchemy. Explorations in the City of Light. Princeton Book Company, From Captivating Culture to the Magic of Disneyland. Retrieved May 15, And other historical figures". United States National Library of Medicine. Retrieved 22 November Nigredo Albedo Citrinitas Rubedo.
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Reste einer Biilderhandschrift des Hrabanus in Berlin. Paris, Didier ; every alternate month, 60 fr. The Tudor and Stuart Club, quarterly, 2. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University ; 8 numbers a year, 5 doll. Groningen, Wolters, quarterly, 8. Iowa, University of Iowa ; quarterly, 2 dol. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, quarterly, one guinea a year. Paris, Didier, monthly, 30 fr.
Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, von Wolfgang Keiler. The University of Toronto Press, quarterly, 2 doll. Old and middle English notes J. Die Runeninschrift des Holzschwertes von Arum A. Die Runeninschrift der Schnalle von Szabadbattyan A. Zut Textkritik von me. Genesis und Exodus A. Malone reviewed by F. Three notes on Widsith J. King Oswald's death in old English alliterative verse P. The study of anglo-saxon in America E. The Waegmundings, Swedes or Geats?
Nicolas Flamel
Weohstan was not a native Swede but a Geat who was attached, to the king as a personal retainer and the Waegmundings Beowulf Weohstan, Wiglaf were a Geatish family. Beowulf-epos und Aeneis in systematischer Vergleichung A. Girvan reviewed by F. A note on the helm in Beowulf M. B Middle English period. A satirical proclamation M. London, thow art the flowre of cites all R. The seege of Troye reviewed by von Hibler L. Sir Lewis Clifford's French mission of M. Chaucer, der Freund des einfachen Mannes, I A. A Chaucer allusion in a pamphlet M. Unnoted Chaucer allusions P.
An allusion to Chaucer in the 17th century M. Chaucer and Aulus Gellius M. Spring in Chaucer and before him M. Chaucer's seasons-descriptions, particularly that in the prologue, are a sort of amalgam fusing many lines of development ; Ch. The miller's head M. A textual note on Chaucer: A thirteenth-century Chaucerian analogue M.
On the subtly creeping wine of Chaucer's pardoner M. Chaucer at work on the complaint in the Franklin's tale M. A new Lydgate-Chaucer manuscript M. Zu Lydgate, Troy book, I, Studies in the diction of Layamon's Brut L. C Renaissance and Elizabethan period. Towards a scientific method of textual criticism for the Elizabethan drama J.
Peter Mundy, traveller N. Mythology and the Renaissance tradition in English poetry reviewed by H. The early English Carols reviewed by W. Three Beaumont and Fletcher plays. Notes on the bibliography of Th. Thomas Deloney,two notes M. Drummond's debt to Donne P. New light on the life of George Gas- coigne R. N, '37 march Die Familie im Drama von Th.
Hey- wood reviewed by Nicolai H. A '37 may Die dramatische Technik Th. Kyds reviewed by Nicolai H. A Marston note M. Sammelreferat von Wolfgang Keiler. King James and Shakespeare's literary style A. Shakespeare of Olditch in Balsall N. An early eighteenth century note on Falstaff P.
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A Shakespeare allusion M. Notes on a Shakespearean first folio in Padua M. On three passages of Shakespeare N. Shakespeare and shorthand P. Timothy Bright's shorthand System and the possi- bility that some of Shakespeare's plays may have been printed from texts which were taken down in shorthand during their performances. Shakespeare, Handel and Gervinus N. The pragmatic Shakespeare S. Shakespeare und das deutsche Volkstheater. Shakespeare Imagery and Clemen W.

Shakes- peares Bilder reviewed by Schmidt W. The text of Hamlet R. Wilson thinks it is. The Hauptman Hamlet P. Hauptman's reconstruction of the drama is that of a poet, not a scholar ; it satisfies his own feelings for economy and form which are born of a Continental and classicistic tradition and a life-long training in the art of the drama. That monster custom P. The sources of 1 Henry VI as an indication of revision P. More about the Prince Hall legend P. Probe einer vergessenen Lear-Ubersetzung S.
Shakespeares Macbeth als drama des Barock Leipzig reviewed by H. Bassanio, the Elizabethan lover P. Bassanio's apparent faults were to the Eliza- bethans mere conventional commonplaces arising from the economie conditions of the age. Cassio the puritan N. Shadwell and Ramon de la Cruz M. Shakespeare's probable confusion of the two Romanos J. Robert Southwell the writer reviewed by Woesler R. Spenser with lord Grey in Ireland P. Spencer's Rosalind, a conjecture P.
Vergil in Spenser's epic theory E. Arthur's diamond shield in the Faerie Queene J. Literary relations of England and Scandinavia in the 17th century reviewed by E. Spiritualismus und sensualis- mus in der Englischen Barocklyrik reviewed by Gluny H. Senecan style in the seventeenth century P. Jeremiah Rich's short- hand new testament N. Topographical comedy in the 17th century E. Songs from Restoration drama in contemporary and 18th century poetical miscellanies E.
The matchless Orinda M. Richard Crashaw reviewed by H. The rhetoric of Donne's Sermons P. Donne, a great writer and preacher of significant sermons. Dryden and Eton M. The pseudonyms of Francis Godwin P. Robert Hooke on his literary contemporaries R. The site of Diodati's house R.
Milton and Thomas Brown's translation of Gelli N. Milton and Cornets E. Sumatra and not Ceylon. Calderon, Boursault and Ravens- croft M. Walton's use of Donne's letters P. The Antagonism of forms in the 18th century E. Projected English dictionaries J. The metrical tale in 18th century England P. The English people as portrayed in certain French journals M. Unrecorded Eighteenth-century plays N. Re- ligious thought in the 18th century reviewed by M. Church and State in England in the 18th century drama , reviewed by Korn in B. Notes on some eighteenth-century dramas M.
Eighteenth-century quaker love-letters N. English travel books and minor poetry about the near east, Joseph Addison's letters to Joshua Dawson P. Boswell and Wilkes in Italy E. The civet- cats of Newington green: Charles Macklin's lost play about Henry Fielding M. Notes on three of Fielding's plays P. The Irish background of Goldsmith' social and political thought P. An inconsistency in the thought of Goldsmith M. The literary career of Richard Graves reviewed by Deckner E. Johnson and English poetry before , reviewed by Meissner P.
Thomas Birch as transcriber of Johnson P. A contemporary comment on Dr. Bruno in Macpherson's Ossian B. Robert Mudie, N. Evelyn and Kirk R. Pepys upon the State of Christ-Hospital reveiwed by P. New attributions to Pope M. The early career of Alexander Pope reviewed by Papajewsk H. William Shenstone , reviewed by A. Shenstone's birth- place M. William Huggins and Tobias Smollett M. Steele and the Molesworth family R.
A '37 mai Two Swift imitations M. Manuscripts of Thomson's poems to Amanda and elegy on Aikman P. Walpole and a Dublin pirate P. Joseph Warton's classification of En- glish poets M. F Nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Dostojewskis Einfluss auf den Englischen Roman reviewed by A. The contemporary novel, its subject matter L. Neue Englische Literatur, critik und Sprachbetrach- tung B. Fortyyears of verse L. Yeats and notes on modern poetry especially its addiction to alien style, i. The red white and blue E. Contemporary English Poetry T.