Tithing is leaving many confused and scratching for funds to avoid condemnation. I rarely notice joy at this time but rather the forced grin of obedience. The Pentecostal tithing teaching holds strong ties with the Old Covenant way of life. Materialistic gain being the proof of our favour with God. Does this hold true to New Covenant living? I am surprised that tithing is still accepted by many churches all over the world. It is regarded by many as an infallible biblical truth. A desire for truth has brought me to Jesus, God being the ultimate truth.

What is the Tithe?

It is this truth that has set me free and led me to write. Though I hold few earthly qualifications, I try to the best of my ability to keep a critical view, exposing my work to other brothers, pastors, teachers and friends. I have many referees which are honest and not afraid to refute.

I love my Lord Jesus Christ which has called me to join Him on this journey. The Pharisees said they have faith but they were more interested in the money, in fact Jesus said: The poor man entered where the faithful were, finding rest in Abraham's bosom but the rich man entered torment. The rich man was punished, not because he was rich but because he lived for self, he had no compassion for poor Lazarus whom he walked by and ignored each day as he sat by his gate.

The weightier matters of the law, what are they? The Christians are to focus on giving to those in need. The principle is to help others, especially the less fortunate brethren following in principle Deut. You'll notice that those promoters of tithing will always use the Old covenant law to justify their teaching this method of blessing. What the prosperity teachers do is bring people out from grace and under law.

Under the New Testament covenant there is no specific amount required to give, you determine the amount you can freely give.

Tithing in the Bible - Is Tithing for the New Testament Believer?

So on the question of tithing in the New Testament. Nowhere does Paul or any other apostle mention a required amount. On the other hand, Israel was under the law, being a theocratic nation they were obligated to tithe. Jesus had kept the law before He was crucified, for this reason Jesus had Peter pay the temple tax Matthew One cannot conclude tithing is required under the New Covenant the same as the Lord's Supper and Baptism. Not once does any epistle contain any admonitions or a rebuke for failing to tithe.

The necessity of giving is mentioned but only with the right attitude, to help and support others. You do not have to tithe to have God's blessing, in fact, those who are well off are asked to give away their things away when necessary. Today we find the poor desiring to be rich and the rich often look upon themselves as blessed and using their abundance as proof of their spiritual condition. They have trained themselves in covetousness ignoring Mark 4: We have Jesus saying this about the church of Laodicea.

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We have too many examples of spiritual giants who have followed this path of abundance to their own demise, Solomon for one. Jesus spoke about money probably more than any other subject, but often with warnings and rebukes, not as a blessing promised for all who follow Him. We are cautioned through the whole body of Scripture to be careful of coveting and pursuing riches. Solomon who had more money than most of us will ever see wrote in Proverbs To show partiality is not good, because for a piece of bread a man will transgress. A man with an evil eye hastens after riches, and does not consider that poverty will come upon him.

He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue. A faithful man is one who serves the Lord no matter what he has, much or little. In other words, we are to be content no matter what we have. We can mistakenly focus our pursuit on only the blessings without realizing that we have abandoned a spiritual life and moved ourselves into a position of severe chastening.

Tithing is a Matter of the Heart

We already have promised what we need according to the love and provision found in Christ Jesus. It is doubtful we can pinpoint where or when tithing as a legalistic requirement came into the Church, but we can certainly trace its current popularity to the modern prosperity teachers with their promotion of seed faith giving. Many teachers use Mark Jesus was not speaking about giving, but leaving these things and relatives to follow him.

In fact, neither money nor giving is mentioned in association with the hundredfold found in Mark. There is no excuse for teaching this and leading the congregation into collective coveting by their giving. Read the passage carefully! Regardless of what they say it says , did you ever consider that it is because they only want to be on the receiving end? Some teach from Malachi 3 that you are cursed! If you want to understand the book of Malachi, read Malachi 4: If you choose by obligation to submit yourself to even part of the Law of Moses, you are obligated to keep it all.

It is actually the opposite, if you tithe by obligation then you are bound by all the law. The Apostle Paul said in 1 Tim 5: If you have set aside money for your family needs, but do not use it for them and instead pay it to a church or a ministry as tithes, or as an offering of seed to get out of debt your are not being a good steward. They are feeding on your carnal nature and making you covet--be responsible to God.

Scripture does not teach to give more than you can afford, nor give so God can give you more.

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There was no mention of the poor becoming rich in the gospel, Jesus did not promise a hundred-fold blessing. Their motivation is money, what is your motivation? What did Jesus tell us, you can't serve God and Mammon at the same time. If your family is hungry and you need help to pay the rent you shouldn't be obligated to tithe the church should instead be helping you-willingly.

That is what they are there for. We have this example in the early church Acts 4: For it is the heart of God to help those in need, in money if necessary. We as the church should be looking for opportunities to give to those less fortunate around us not to those who already have it all. I hear of too many stories of rich ministries being supported for years and then someone who is hurting asks for some help and they get none. Where is your motivation? Is it of legalism, by law, or from the heart. It is to be the Lord Jesus reaching out and meeting the needs of others through us -- love is the principle that governs the Christians life, it is active not passive.

Yes you can actually give it all away as required and still not do it as a response from your heart.

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  7. Then there is the rich young ruler who gives us all an example. Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me. Jesus did not tell the man to tithe to him. Want to be blessed, don't give to get more, give from your heart to others that are needy because it is the right thing to do. We should not be supporting false teachers and those who abuse the money and the gospel for gain.

    We should be looking to support those who are sincere and are in need of help in doing the Lords work. Those who are involved in full-time ministry are to be supported by the people they serve 1 Cor 9: A careful review of New Testament giving reveals to us that our contributions should not only be to support our local church and ministries, but also meet the basic needs of our fellow Christians Acts 2: There was organized giving within local assemblies to care for believing widows and orphans who had no other family to rely on Acts 6: Was it for the apostles?

    Are you Tithing

    No, but for the Christian community, those in need. The apostles distributed it. The only time we find a judgment having to do with money is in Acts 5: Ananias and Sapphira were condemned for lying, because they held back part of the proceeds from the sale of the land that they had promised along with everyone else. The poor, the homeless, the fatherless, and the widow have always been the focus of God Exodus Today they are neglected you can expect not to see those who teach tithing as an obligation to practice the third year tithe.

    How much consideration we have for the poor and needy, is an indication of our spiritual condition 1 John 3: Seen any poor or needy invited to any big parties at the ministries expense lately? Our giving is to be voluntary, willing, and cheerful as an offering.

    The Truth About Tithing // Francis Chan

    As believers we are to be generous by sharing our material possessions with the needy and support Christian ministries authentic ones. Every Christian should give to the place they are fed by and support the work that is taking place in their own community by the local church they attend. Giving to our church, missionaries, wherever we think the need is greater or where the Holy Spirit may put on our heart. Other offerings would be for ministries they would like to bless in their work.