20th August 2017

When you sit in meditation, your breathing naturally slows. Quietly focusing your attention on your breathing is a way of slowing down and settling into a deep meditative awareness of oneness with God. Breathing out, be quietly aware of breathing out.

Weekly meditations — LWPT

Breathing in, be quietly aware of breathing in. Each time you realize you have drifted off into thoughts, memories, sensations, and other ego-based modes of being, simply return to your breathing as your anchoring place in present-moment attentiveness.

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Your efforts in following the path of breath awareness might be enhanced by repeating a word or phrase with each breath. As you inhale, be aware of the air as being God flowing into you, as the divine gift of your very being. Simply sit, open to God breathing divine love into the depths of your being, as you breathe your whole being, as a gift of love, back into God.

You discover how foolish it is to imagine that you could in any way hide from God, who is wholly one with all that is within your mind and heart, your very being. Adapted from James Finley, Christian Meditation: James Finley, Christian Meditation: For this meditation, use a lit candle. Daydreaming can help expand your imagination and bring creative solutions to problems. It can also give you a visual to creating the life of your dreams. Try this meditation to awake your inner-creativity:. A gratitude meditation can cure this mindset and allow you to focus on everything you do have.

Holding onto things you no longer need invites toxic memories and harmful impressions on your body. In this meditation, concentrate on letting go of things that are no longer serving you.

27th August 2017

Using these seven meditations on a daily basis can help you stay centered and connected to your Self. Make them a regular part of your routine by repeating them from week to week. Take your practice one step further when you join Deepak Chopra and Chopra Center master educators at our gateway meditation retreat, Weekend Within. With your eyes closed, bring your awareness to your body and to your breath.

Weekly Meditation Group & Classes

Scan your body from head to toe, recognizing where you might be finding signs of stress or discomfort. Set the intention to let that go. Place your awareness and even a hand on your lower abdomen, and feel the rise and fall of your belly as you inhale and exhale. Once you feel calmer, you can continue to think the mantra as you allow your breathing to follow a more normal pattern. Try not to manipulate or control the breath.

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Allow it to naturally go where it will. When you are done with your meditation, simply stop repeating the So Hum mantra and sit quietly for a moment or two, and then gently open your eyes. Chakra Clearing Meditation Chakras are wheels of energy within the body.

Sit with your spine tall, and take a couple of deep belly breaths in and out. Place your awareness at the base of your spine, the root chakra, muladhara. Imagine, think, or feel the color red as a swirling, whirling wheel surrounding the base of the spine, circulating from back to front. Say or think the mantra sound LAM.

Free Guided Meditations

Next, move your awareness to the second chakra, svadisthana , the creativity and sexual center below the navel but above the pubic bone. Imagine the color orange and use the mantra sound VAM. Move your awareness up to the area of the solar plexus, the third chakra, manipura. Imagine the color yellow like the sun and repeat the sound RAM.

Place your awareness on your heart, the fourth chakra, anahata. Imagine the color emerald green and repeat the sound YUM. Public Transport — Train: Parking — on-site parking is limited, however ample parking is available at Northland Shopping Centre or Bunnings Northland just 3 mins walk away. Public Transport — Bus: Parking — on-street parking is available on Warburton Highway, off-street parking is available behind the Arts Centre via Thomas Avenue.


Parking — on-street parking is available on Fehon Street, as well as around the perimeter of Beaton Reserve, in which the venue is located. Class Map Loading Map Kensington Wed 15 Nov.

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