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Call of the Angels

Jackie explains how The Angels delivered God's message announcing the birth of Jesus. Introduced by Matt Hebditch and Will Coomes. Paul then speaks about peace and how the accumulative action of normal people can make a huge difference. Following in the season of talks 'He is here'. Jeremy expands the Gospel of Luke and shows us that God is moving in the margins. This is an abridged version of the service where Margaret, Deisy, Hatty and Jenny were baptised. Actually Margaret was baptised earlier and you can see this in the MP4 video above.

This is the video of Margaret's baptism. After a reading by Chris, Jonathan bases his talk on this reading where Jesus walked along with some disciples who did not recognise him and explained why he had to die and rise again. Not the Jesus they were looking for but the real one who came for this very purpose. Sally considers the fact that Christian believers have the privilege of living their whole lives in the presence of God. Churches collectively praying for those people known them to come to faith.

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Do you feel like you've lost everything you can lose? This is it, can you hear me? When you cry do your tears ever chill up the room?

Calling All Angels

Calling out in a moment of need. Do you ever lay awake with a look in the eye? Asking God if a wish is too big to deny I will offer a line, and it's ready for use. Let me know are you ready for me? If you do, are you actually living in accordance with the faith you proclaim? They are finding out if we are living in according with God's Word. And where do we find the Creator revealed? We find Him revealed in the creation story and also in the 4th commandment concerning the sabbath.

About GameStop TV Commercial, 'Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Angels and Men'

Also, this is a call to keep the 4th commandment which states that the 7th day our Saturday is God's true holy sabbath day. A commandment that has been 'forgotten' through the vain traditions of men! Does the final message call us to worship the 'trinity' or '3 in 1 god'? It calls us to fear God and worship HIM. Who is this 'Him'? It is the Father, the one true God 1 Corinthians 8: Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is , and rested the seventh day: The 4th commandment is the only command that reveals who it is we worship.

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  • About GameStop TV Commercial, 'Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Angels and Men'.
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It is a sign that we are giving allegiance to Him, rather than giving allegiance to man and his 'traditions'. In the Bible a woman represents a church. A pure woman is likened unto God's true people, which means a harlot would be an apostate church. So who is this apostate church which is known Biblically as 'Babylon'?

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The majority of people wrongly identify who Babylon is, and therefore cannot respond to this urgent message to come out of Babylon. But is the pronouncement in Revelation And I will tell you why. The fact that this call is to a 'body' that is become fallen, means that at some point it was in good standing with God. Yet the Roman Catholic Church has been in an apostate, 'fallen' condition right from the very beginning of the church. So to say that the Roman Catholic Church is ' now fallen ' and has ' become ' the habitation of devils, is just the same as saying that Paganism, or Hinduism, or any other false religion has 'become fallen'.

And that, as we know is not possible, because these false religions have always been the 'habitation of devils'. Since this message follows the warning of the judgment, it must be given in the last days; therefore it cannot refer to the Roman Church alone, for that church has been in a fallen condition for many centuries. White, Great Controversy, p. So this specific end time call for God's people to come out of Babylon, isn't a specific message for the Roman Catholic Church or any other false religion, because the call has always been for people to come out of false religion, and to turn to the one true God.

And what 'body' is that?

Train - Calling All Angels (Official Music Video)

The fallen Protestant churches , which have rejected truth and are now even uniting back with their 'Mother', the Roman Catholic Church, in this ecumenical movement. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: Here is the patience of the saints: This is the most dire warning given for us living in the end times. And yet the majority of people will tell you that you are not being 'loving' or 'brotherly' by giving a message like this.

And yet this is a message from God! So is God not being loving by giving this warning to the world? We know that the lost will not only receive the terrible plagues to come, but will also be cast into the lake of fire. So is it not 'loving' to warn people so as to STOP them being lost? Of course it's loving. But Satan has unfortunately turned people from the clear truth and turned them 'unto fables'.