1. Never Use Something Just Once

Lessons from the Great Depression

The other paradox of our times is that for all the endless blather about globalisation, politics remains remorselessly national — and so do economic policies. Such efforts are potentially important, and not just for altruistic reasons. After all, the Depression also demonstrated the cost of not maintaining a stable and productive economic order.

2. Learn More Than One Trade

The rise of extremism, even in places such as the US, is a salutary reminder of the link between politics and economics, and just how vulnerable we remain to the possibility of collective madness in troubled times. Pets in Victorian paintings — Egham, Surrey. The history of pets and family life — Egham, Surrey.

11 Life Lessons From The Great Depression

Available editions United Kingdom. Mark Beeson , University of Western Australia. We produce knowledge-based, ethical journalism. Please donate and help us thrive.

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  • I. Introduction?

Even scraps could be sewed together and made into something new. Nothing was ever wasted. There was no such thing as job security, so being able to adapt to different fields wherever they could find work was absolutely essential. Most families grew their own groceries right in their backyard, like the feisty little lady pictured above. However, during the Depression, even when things seemed to be at their worst, communities still found ways to entertain themselves with simple and inexpensive fun.

Being savvy with coupons, haggling, and other ways to stretch their pennies kept families from going without for too long. According to the Encyclopedia , crime rates went through the roof during the Depression. And that seems to be what everybody is doing now with austerity.

Great Depression Survival Lessons: Pappaw Speaks

The Eurozone is still struggling with deflationary pressures because of an intensely austerian philosophy promoted by the Germans. In the US, the GOP also appears wedded to cutting government spending except, it seems, when it applies to the military. The United Kingdom, which has no particular debt problems, is doing austerity because the Conservatives are in power.

In other words, governments which have other choices are making the choice for austerity.

11 Life Lessons From The Great Depression Everyone Should Learn

In the s, they were doing austerity because they were adhering to the ideology of the gold standard. In their minds, austerity was the only way to preserve the gold standard, which would eventually restore prosperity. Today the justification for it is debt.