A towel partially wrung out of cool water will give all the needed stimulation. Begin by washing the face, neck and ears, then the arms, chest, back and legs in succession. Then take a coarse rough towel and rub the body briskly until the skin is dry and pink with the accelerated circula- tion. The value lies not in the amount of water used, but in its cool tonic effect and in the rubbing, in its effect on the pores, nerves and circulation.
Draw three or four inches of cool water in the ordinary bath tub. Sit down, with the back leaning against a turkish towel hung over the slant- ing end of the tub. Keep the knees bent and spread so only the feet, seat and sexual organs will be in the water.
Dash the water over the abdomen and rub it vigorously, also the sides and back as far as you can reach. Then lower the legs and dash the water over the upper part of the body. Step out of the tub and dry by rubbing vigorously with the bare hands only. Aside from the increased metabolism and all the effects of chemi- cal and physiological action of the actinic, infra-red and ultra-violet rays of the sun, exposure to light and air is stimulating to the mentally depressed, to the neurotic, the anemic and those suffering from melancholia, worry, lassitude and insomnia.
Daily exposure of from five minutes at first may be gradually increased to several hours. Hence there is no adequate excuse for catering to exhibitionism through complete nudism. Such technical exercises should not be taken except under the personal guid- ance of a qualified teacher. Hence we will give only some simple fundamentals. The breathing exercise recommended while walking is given chiefly for its physical effect, that is, increasing the intake of oxy- gen and expelling as much of the volatile wastes gases as possible.
Hence the neces- sity for deep breathing for complete aeration of the blood, as it takes at least ten- full breaths to clear the lungs of the old stagnant, poison-laden air. Uses of the Breath. Happy, positive and constructive thoughts and emotions ex- pand and illumine the electrons, while negative or 14 BREATHING 15 destructive thoughts and emotions shrink and deaden them and retard or even pervert their proper func- tioning.
Breathing can be used to correlate mind and body, because it alters the circulation and brings more oxygenated blood to the brain. Slowing the rhythm of the breath slows the circulation to the brain and so calms both thoughts and emotions, and produces a quiet, calm mood, like pouring oil on troubled waters.
Such frequent deliberate relaxation is a potent safeguard against fatigue and worry. The Calming Breathe — Assume the posture for meditation as follows: Sit in as quiet a place as possible where you can be free from interruption. Sit on a straight-backed chair, always in the same place and chair, facing the East, in the morning and the North in the evening. Allow the hands to rest comfortably on the thighs with the palms up and with the thumbs touching the tips of the first fingers.
Do not let the back touch the chair. The position is exactly that in which the Egyptian statues are seated. The position should not be stiff or rigid, but comfortably erect and well poised and with the clothing loose. Inhale slowly and quietly through both nostrils a comfortably deep, steady breath, with the mouth closed. First fill out the abdomen and then slowly fill up the lungs comfortably full, yet without ten- sion or straining.
Be careful that the muscles of the neck and throat are not tense or rigid. To be sure of this, turn and bend the head from side to side for a moment to remove all strain and rigidity. Inhale quietly for 6, 8 or 10 heart- beats. Hold the breath for half the number of in- take counts — 3, 4 or 5 — then completely empty the lungs during the same number of counts as used during the intake.
Hold the breath out and the lungs empty for half the exhalation counts, then slowly and rhythmically begin to inhale again. After you have learned your rhythm, you will not need to distract your attention from the object of the bream by counting. When you exhale, relax completely, and let go all tension of body and mind.
BREATHING 17 "During the inhalation hold the thought that you are breathing in the forces of lore, strength, cour- age and purity or any other virtue you desire; that during the pause they are filling you full to overflow- ing," 1 and that during the outbreathing you are breathing out all your troubles, anxieties and cares, and dissipating them like exhaust steam. Repeat this from seven to fifteen times or until you feel re- laxed and calm. At any time of day or night when you find yourself hurried, worried or under a nerv- ous strain, sit down quietly and practice this relax- ation and quietness.
The power of this simple exercise to calm and restore the normal rhythm to both body and mind will scarcely be believed by those who have not tried it It alone can calm an agitated mind or cheer a sad heart and restore one to peace and harmony with the world. The Cleansing Breathe — Inhale slowly your reg- ular number of counts. Hold the breath for half that number of counts and then exhale it in seven short expulsive puffs, with the lips puckered as if about to whistle.
As you exhale, relax your erect po- sition, allowing the lungs to deflate and collapse, while the body slumps forward in complete relaxa- tion as the last bit of breath is exhaled. Thea raise the body to its erect posture again and repeat. This breath starts all the vital energies into activity all over the body to purify it by dissolv- ing and washing out all poisonous waste materials.
Therefore, hold the thought of its purifying and up- lifting you in body as well as in mind. With each outward puff hold the thought that you are expelling all mental irritations, inharmonies, impurities and imperfections that you have recog- nized during your period of self-examination the night before, together with anything disagreeable that you may have dreamed about or experienced during the night Since this exercise increases the elimination of waste materials, quite naturally one of its first effects will be to stir up the wastes in your body which have been allowed to accumulate more or less.
Hence you should be especially careful to use proper food combinations, plenty of green vegetables, especially natural laxatives," etc, also a glass of water or fruit juices every three hours or so between meals during the day in order to stimulate and facilitate elimina- tion. Repeat this Cleansing Breath seven times or until you feel cleansed and purified. If you feel dizzy, stop and rest awhile. There is the vital life-force of the ethers which is called prana. This force can be consciously drawn in, absorbed and used to charge the body with life-force or vitality so that it will prevent fatigue, resist disease, endure extremes of heat and cold and change the tone of your thoughts and emotions, and hence of your bodily reactions.
Make a habit of doing this every morning after your bath, breathing and prayers, whether you feel that you need it especially or not Stand facing the East, in the sunlight if possible. Hold the arms forward shoulder high, with the palms facing outward toward the Sun. Hold the head level, but turn the eyes upward as though you were looking through your eyebrows.
This brings the proper tension on the optic nerve. As you slowly inhale your normal number of counts, draw the hands straight back until they are opposite the sides of the shoulders,' but with the. Have the shoulder blades touching in the back. See it pouring in as a stream of radiant white light which fills your body full to overflowing. Hold the breath half the num- ber of inhalation counts, and as you exhale and re- lax, gently flood the entire body with its life-giving radiance and warmth. Repeat seven times the first ,week, then increase one time each day until twenty- one is reached.
This will so charge your body with dynamic life-force and magnetism that you will be able to meet all the conditions and problems of the day with a positive attitude and under the guidance of the Christ within. Realize that your elimination, and the inflow of the spiritual forces, makes die body more resistant to all forms of inharmony, weariness, sickness and disease. For no disease can attack a body that is normal in tone and radiating positive vitality. Try it and prove it, then use it daily. To maintain control, deliberately turn your thoughts to other things or perform some kind of creative work with hands or mind.
Also you may sit facing the East and use the following Prayer to the Divine Mother. Hold them there during the pause, and exhale them through the center in the forehead Adjna. Repeating this from seven to twenty-one times, or more if neces- sary, will lift up the forces and give quick relief and a sense of lightness, purity and power. Thou art anchored in me and I in Thee. Thou art mine and I am Thine. Thou art my eternal pattern. Make me more and more like Thee. As you inhale draw down a ray of brilliant white light from your radiant I Am Presence, or Higher Self, through the top of the head Sahasrara.
Repeat seven to twenty-one times or until thoroughly charged with the warm glow of the spiritual fire. This permits continuous absorption of poisons from the intestines and produces auto-toxemia which is the greatest underlying cause of all diseases. But if the bowel movement —called peristalsis — is sluggish, the bacteria nor- mally present to help disintegrate the food are re- inforced by putrifying bacteria, and the sluggish movement of the debris, gives the latter time to multiply and produce their poisonous toxines and gases — indol, skatol, etc. Therefore, when you are constipated every celt and tissue and organ is also constipated and clogged up with uneliminated or reabsorbed poisons.
These may produce mental sluggishness or brain fag, even temporary insanity; nearly all insane persons are badly constipated. Headaches, neuralgia and rheu- matic pains that are considered only local are merely symptoms of the filth that has been absorbed from the colon. Therefore, regular, full and free bowel movements, at least two or three times a day, are essential and basically important. Do not expect perfect health without them. Hence the frequent use of sour milk, clabber or buttermilk, which contain lactic acid forming bacteria — bacillus acidophilus and b.
Bulk is also needed to gather up and sweep out particles of residue too small to be pushed along by themselves. This bulk is usually supplied by the undigestible cellulose, lignin, xylose, etc. Where this bulk is insufficient it can be supplied by the use of substitutes of little or no food value, but which swell and give great bulk, such as the sea-weed, agar, Irish moss, flax or psyllium seed or preparations thereof such as Konsyl, Kondremul, etc But these adjuvants should be taken either with, or immediately after the meal so they will mix with remnants of the food and help pass it along, other- wise they may form lumps by themselves and thus cause obstruction.
All foods must be digested into a fluid state before they can be absorbed into the blood which carries them to the tissues. This' requires consider- able water or other fluids. While the digestive juices should not be unduly diluted during meals, at least one cup of soup or other fluid should be taken with or after each-meal.
But each mouthful of food should be thoroughly chewed to a thin cream and not be washed down with drink. Since the" fluids, are rapidly absorbed during the first two hours after a meal, there is usually left in the stomach a residue which is too thick to be absorbed without dilution. Therefore, always take a glass of water an hour and a half to two hours after each meal. If water is not furnished freely, it will be absorbed from the colon, along with its acids and toxins, leaving the bowels dry and constipated.
Therefore, make a regular practice of drinking a glass of water or fruit or vegetable juice every three hours. Always stop in mid-morning and mid-afternoon for your drink. Thinned BloooV-The water is absorbed directly into the blood, so that within a half hour after drink- ing you have a half pint more blood. It is therefore that much thinner and more fluid, and hence is more able to wash out the waste products from the tissues and eliminate them.
As you sip the water, hold the mental picture of its flowing' right through you, washing out both your tissues and your bowels. The excessive drinking — 16 to 24 glasses — advo- cated by some, only stimulates rapid excretion and puts an unnecessary strain on the kidneys, but at least six to eight glasses of fluids-should be taken daily. Among such foods are most fresh fruits, particularly figs, prunes, 1 grapes, cherries, etc Among the vegetables, all the leafy or salad vegetables, and onions, are also laxa- tive. On the other hand, cheese and berries, particu- larly blackberries, are constipating.
In fact, an old-time remedy for diarrhoea is blackberries or a tea made from their dried leaves. But diarrhoea should not be checked until after a large dose of Pluto Water or salts has been taken to sweep out the irritating cause. Habit, — Another helpful factor is habit. Always go to the stool as soon as the impulse comes.
If put off over a few minutes the impulse may pass by and disappear for hours, thus allowing accu- mulation and absorption to take place. Never neg- lect a call of Nature. Excuse yourself and go at once. Let other things wait. This is vitally im- portant if you ever expect to be cured. Therefore, train the subconscious mind to be ready to evacuate regularly at certain times of day. Undue straining is apt to bring on piles or hemorrhoids when the colon is congested.
A perfect stool should be so soft that it is barely formed, about the shape of a good sized banana, and should leave the rectum as clean and free as your esophagus is after swal- lowing. Even if you have a perfect stool every day, there are many pockets in the intestines where feces may collect in large masses. Therefore, make a regular practice of washing out, not merely the rec- tum but the entire colon. This will wash out the acids and toxines, even if there is but little solid matter to remove.
Repeat this daily until you have two movements a day besides the enema. Hence constipation may be persistent and con- tinuous in spite of some daily discharge. Long re- tention of this filth allows it to harden, forming dry incrustations which often adhere to the bowel walls sometimes for months and years, stretching the colon to two or three times, its normal size.
The high enema should be continued until no more solids come away. The more irritating or "active" the drug, the more profound the exhaustion of die sensitivity ultimately becomes. This lessens the size and motility of the bowel and adds to the constipation. This is needed, not merely to flush out the lower rectum, but must contain enough water to fill the entire colon — descending, transverse, ascending — way over to the appendix on the lower right side of the abdo- men. This large amount of water is needed gradu- ally to dissolve the accumulated masses from which so much toxic absorption has been continually taking place, and wash them out For when the bowel 30 HEALTH HINTS has been greatly stretched by accumulations it can- not empty itself.
The water should always flow downward or it cannot get by the kinks caused by the accumulations or the sag- ging organs. First wash out the rectum and then take a Knee-chest Position. If too weak for this, lie on the left side or on the bade with the hips considerably elevated. The water rapidly puts the poisons in" solution and unless the soda is used they may be absorbed sufficiently to cause headache,' dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms.
The drinking before- hand and the soda prevent this. Then inject slowly as much as you can hold comfortably without a spasm of ejection, then massage the bowels upward on die left side, then let in more water and massage across the stomach and down on the right side until you can feel the water reach down to the appendix.
If a spasm of expulsion occurs, as soon as you feel it coming on, shut off the water and hold it in tight until the spasm passes away without ejecting any water. Then turn on the water again until you have taken as much as can be absorbed without pain. You will notice a distinct improve- 1 Walking about will hdp bring on the expulsion. The thirst resulting from this dehydration will make the free use of fruit juices very gratifying.
Fast from everything but fruit juices — unsweetened orange, lemon or grape- fruit, or alternated with grape or pineapple juice if desired — during the purge. This may in- clude headache, dizziness, nausea, even skin eruptions and symptoms of the major diseases you have had even years ago a trace of which has been left in your system. So be faithful in keeping up the three day purge until completed. Keep on with nothing but fruit juices until kungerreturns, as it will when the detoxi- cation is sufficiently complete, even if you eat no solid food for a week or two. The Hay plan is as follows: The first two days afterward eat only broth, 1 salad with dressing and a fruit for dessert.
For the next three days use broth, salad, one cooked vegetable, and a fruit dessert. For the main meal for the next week, broth, salad, two cooked vegetables, fruit dessert. The next two weeks, broth, two cooked vegetables, bacon if desired, fruit dessert. Then you may have the first starch meal of broth, vegetable salad, two cooked vegetables, whole baked potato and a sweet dessert No acid in dressing or dessert, as this is a starch meal.
After this you can return to full diet as below of broth or soup, salad fruit or vegetables , two cooked vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, or any other 1 The word broth always refers to vegetable broth. A one day purge and fast should be taken at least once a month. But if it is a habit, it is a cleanly one and conducive to health and normality. People have used the enema daily for. Outgrowing Its Usew — With proper food combi- nations, fluids and exercise, when once regulated, there will be no constipation, hence no need for the enema, only the weekly high colonic.
Drop the end of the taper into the toilet before it burns your fingers. The Use of Salts. There- fore, in practically all cases — except appendicitis, stomach or intestinal ulcers, cancer, etc. If it persists, try chopping the' vegetables very fine or making a puree of them, so as to decrease the irritation of too coarse particles. Hay tells us that: They are accumulated with the feet under the table, and in no other way. Toxines impair the nourishment of all tissues, devitalizing especially the mucous membranes through which they are excreted, and thus allowing bacteria to invade the tissues and the system.

The old adage, M If you feed a cold, you'll have a fever to starve," is a well known fact The main idea is to stop food and eliminate in every way, through bowels, kidneys and skin. Immedi- ately take a generous dose of the purge, then take a high enema every three hours while awake the first day, even if, and especially if, the patient is in 1 The New Health Eta, Hay, Repeat the enema night and morning each day afterward in addition to the purge. After the foam- ing has subsided, add the mixture to two glasses of hot water.
Immediately sip it as rapidly as you can drink it comfortably until the entire amount is con- sumed and a good sweat is started. Hold the idea that the liquid is going right into the blood stream, thus thinning it and making it more capable of dis- solving and flushing out the impurities through the skin, kidneys and bowels, while the lemon juice will help to neutralize the acids and toxines. Then drink a glass of water, or fruit juice if desired, every hour while awake to keep up the flushing process.
Or instead, take a hot wet pack, as follows: Fold a sheet to the width that will reach from the armpits to the hips. Wring it out in water as hot as the hands can be held in, and wrap it around the body. Wrap around this a dry sheet folded wide enough to overlap the wet sheet Wrap up in a blanket and allow it to remain on from two to eight hours or until sweating has ceased. Then remove and sponge with tepid water. Begin feeding as directed after the purge on page Put an ice bag over the appendix and take a high enema every two hours. Usually unloading the bowel relieves the pain and causes the temperature to drop within a half hour, and the acute attack is over within two hours.
Most patients are up and often at work the. Of course, this is heresy from a surgical standpoint, but the proof of its soundness is the results. What surgeon can match Dr. Hay's record of over five hundred cases and thirty ruptured appendices with- out a single death f Acute attacks of other diseases ACUTE DISEASES 39 yield corresponding results;' if the above mentioned procedure is faithfully followed, recovery taking place even before the trouble is sufficiently estab- lished to be diagnosed.
See also page Excessive food overwhelms the sys- tem with imperfectly oxidized and toxic products. Faulty diet and improper elimination are prob- ably the most prolific physiological causes of lack of health, hence we will go into some detail con- cerning mem. Recent researches and laboratory tests have proved the possibility of indefinitely prolonging life through complying with the laws of life. Therefore, there is no reason for early death barring accident ex-. Such tend to indiscriminate eating without regard to cleanliness or purity — stale, partly putrid, and unclean foods — and gluttony, and are subject to all manner of mor- bid appetites, thoughts and destructive emotions.
The passionate type craves animal foods, and foods that are pungent, bitter, saline, sour, overhot, ice- cold, spicy, etc. The spiritual Sattvic type possess an innate discrimination in everything pertaining to their lives, not only thoughts and emotions, but also foods, naturally tending to choose that which is pure and healthful and conducive to peace, harmony and health. But even this class often errs through igno- rance of the fundamental chemical laws which are presented herewith. While spiritual unfoldment does not come from the stomach, but from the heart, never- theless, what and.
Thus the craving for particular kinds of food depends upon the stage of evolution of the individual. But if you have a craving for a special food, it is well to satisfy that craving, but subject to moderation and the laws of chemical compati- bility. Most acid fruits and green vegetables are base-forming after they are digested, hence neutralize the effects of the acid-forming foods, i.
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William Howard Hay estimates that we eat ten times as many proteins as. Proteins also produce the most irritating debris which both clog the system and irritate the mucous membrane of the organs of elimination. Another source of great acid formation is the use of refined and bleached white flour products and white sugar. Great acidity comes both from too much of the wrong type of food and from wrong combinations. But all will disappear when their mucous membranes are relieved of the irritation of acid end-products of digestion and auto-toxemia through thorough de- toxication, fasting and proper diet Germs of colds and other infections are always present in the mouth and nasal passages, but they cannot grow if the vitality of the tissues is not depleted by acidosis and toxemia or by destructive mental and emotional storms.
How extremely important it is to reduce our daily dose of poison and eliminate as thoroughly and promptly as possible all such poisons. The Greek Orphists, the Pythag- oreans, the Manichaeans, the Neo-Platonists, the Trappist monks and nearly all religious orders practicing monasticism abstained from foods rich in proteins — among the Pythagoreans including beans 1 — with that end in view. Modern records show that the use. Spices, pepper, tobacco, pickles, shellfish and alcohol have a similar sexually stimulating effect due to their irritation of the mucous membranes.
FOOD IN GENERAL 45 months showed a lowered blood pressure in those on a low-protein diet, while the reduction in or extinc- tion of their sex desire and its usual manifestations in dreams and habits and their mental attitude toward women was of a striking nature. Even the sex- appeal of dancing with women was either entirely absent or negligible. After the second or third day after the return to uncontrolled rich-protein diet, the former sex impulses and experiences returned, thus showing the specific influence of rich-protein diet on sex.
This women can easily prove for themselves. During the rapid develop- ment of the sexual system throughout puberty, chemical stimulation of the organs can be avoided and the desire for gratification largely eradicated by a low-protein diet. So many parents teach their children the principles of chastity, and virtue in the nursery and yet unwittingly stimulate their passions at the table.
Plenty of outdoor exercise, but especially active interest in using the creative force in making things with the hands or mind, will divert the attention and the force from these centers. Irving Fisher with Yale athletes at the Battle Creek Sanitarium years ago were all won by a wide margin by the vegetarians. This shows that a high- protein diet also decreases endurance and produces toxines, and helps bring about deposits, while a low-protein diet increases endurance and keeps the system free from toxines and mineral deposits.
Undesirable Foodsw — Among the worst foods are anything with an offensive or spoiled odor, such as certain old or "sharp" cheeses, "high" poultry, game or odorous fish or shell-fish, also sweetbreads, h"ver, kidneys and brains. Excessive use of fish- especially raw, as in the Hawaiian Islands — tends to the development of skin diseases, such as ulcers, rashes, leprosy, etc This also applies to nations which eat a great dead of salted, pickled or smoked fish, such as the Scandinavians.
Do not "fill up" the stomach just from force of habit, and always stop eating while you are enjoying the' food, and respect the 'variation in amount as the animals do, according to appetite, a little at one meal, none at another. Especially avoid any food for which you have an aversion, for your subconscious or animal- soul knows what is best for you. Life-long aversions may thus be formed. Let their hunger guide. Do not try to "clean up your plate," nor force children to do so. Undesired food is far better left out of your stomach than in. Eliminate it by not eating it To restore lost appetite, drop out a meal or two.
Animals refuse all food when ilL So should you. Far better eat too little than too much. Nephri- 48 HEALTH HINTS tis, diabetes, skin diseases, asthma, all recover in the absence of all food; also all other diseases resulting from wrong chemistry will readjust themselves when the body is free to give all its attention to. That comes from God through your astral body. Food, water and air are but materials and energy-fuels needed to replace those used up by the expression of your life and con- sciousness through the body. Proteins and minerals replace the tissues used up. As these die and need replacement at an even rate, whether we are active or sedentary, according to Dr.
One important factor is overload- ing the system by overeating. All the food in ex- cess of that necessary to replace waste tissue and supply energy must be thrown off or stored up as fat The excess puts excessive work on the organs 'The New Health En, Hay, The proof of this is that if you bolt your food you can gorge your stomach almost to bursting and still feel hungry. On the other hand, if you chew each morsel slowly and deliberately until it is so thor- oughly mixed with saliva that it is a creamy fluid before it is swallowed involuntarily, your hunger will be satisfied long before your stomach is full.
One glass of fluid slowly sipped and rinsed around in the mouth and relished, will satisfy your thirst better than several glasses just poured down until your stomach is full, but leaving you still thirsty. These facts are the basis of the paradoxical Hindu aphorism: Definitely and consciously enjoy your food by giving your attention to its appetizing ap- pearance and its delightful taste.
If the food is worth eating, it should be worth enjoying. Ex- - press this by quietly smacking your lips and saying aloud to your hostess, or to yourself if alone: The com- binations should be not only chemically compatible, but they should be pleasing and appetizing to look upon, as well as palatable to the taste. Qo Not Hurry w — Therefore, make your eating and drinking happy functions! Do not allow them to be hurried or rushed through by either bolting your food or gulping your liquids.
Many people erroneously feel they have "so much to do," that they have not time to do it. You can do only one thing well at a time. Therefore, take the time to do it well. This is most important as regards eating. If you "haven't time to eat" properly, then do not eat at all. Strive to have nothing but happy, constructive conversation, jokes, laughter, etc, at meals. Recognizing your dependence upon the Father for food as well as life, tunes you in to His forces. Giving thanks to Him should bring a thrill or a glow of satisfaction and happiness, if through the sincerity of your thanks you make actual con- tact with His forces.
By the power of my spiritualized will I consciously gather all the forces from this food and use them to manifest health, strength and harmony in all my bodies. And we thank the Father for this manifestation of His bounteous supply. May we use it to His glory in His service. A young man who a few years ago was scarcely able to drag himself into the sun in Colorado, when he was endeavoring 52 HEALTH HINTS to rid himself of tuberculosis — not only succeeded by dint of following substantially all the rules here laid down, became an athlete and capable of running twenty-five miles for sheer love of sport" T Meat Eatings — The question of the ethics and morals of meat eating is an individual one which each must decide for himself according to his stage of unfoldment and the degree of transmutation of his atoms.
This problem is quite fully dealt with in. Spiritual Unfoldment— As we have said before, you should remember that spiritual unfoldment does not come from the stomach but from the heart. As far as meat being a necessary food is concerned, The International Food Commission reports that: FOOD IN GENERAL 53 ration, in view of the fact that no absolute physio- logical need for meat exists, since the proteins of meat can be replaced by other proteins of animal origin, such as those contained in milk; cheese and eggs, as well as by proteins of vegetable origin.
Introducing starches and sugars before the teeth are developed The Igprots of the Philippines ruin their naturally fine teeth whenever they turn from their coarse diet to our soft, processed foods. Brush the teeth thoroughly after every meal, espe- cially before going to bed, so particles of food will not decompose and produce acid and promote bacte- rial growth over night.
Brush down and up. Hard Foods, — Use a considerable amount of hard foods, such as hard toast, stale crusts, grape nuts, nuts and fibrous vegetables which require much chewing. The chewing not only brings out the flavor and increases the relish, but it also exercises the jaws and improves the condition of the teeth and teeth: In experiments on animals," those deprived of jjjta, min C gave every symptom of pyorrhea, but liberal use of citrus juices or fruit punch quickly restored them to normal. It should be sipped and chewed. The tendency of milk to- form mucus. Fresh, certified raw milk is recommended, especially for children, as it is alka- line, whereas pasteurized milk is add.
If nothing but pasteurized milk can be obtained, then orange juice should be added to the dairy diet. For sweetening, use brown sugar, maple sugar or honey, although rock candy may be used 'between' meals. Sugar should not be used in tea or coffee or with proteins.
Dates, figs and raisins may be used freely in place of candy. They are very nutritious and satisfy the taste for sweets. Women should not strive for a "boyish figure," but for a well rounded' womanly figure. For it is the generous curves which Nature has given their sex which make their figures so attractive, not the immature stringiness of school girls or "pony ballet" girls. Fat — Naturally, excess fat comes from excess food, for most stout persons eat three times as much food as is necessary. No "reducing diet" is neces- sary.
Eat all that your appetite demands, but cut out all fat-producing foods. With the cause re- moved, results follow automatically. Avoid all "fat reducers. Stop all starches, that is, all white flour products, bread, crackers, macaroni, etc, all cereals, potatoes, rice, etc,- if you would reduce. Stop all sugars, candies and sweet dishes, also all butter, fats and oils.
Omit breakfast entirely or use only grape fruit, oranges or pineapple. Use all fresh fruits except ba- nanas. Ask for canned fruits without syrup. On this diet you will have plenty to eat and you can lose a pound or more a day until you get down to the normal weight for your height When down to normal you may add a glass of milk, buttermilk or clabber, or an egg yolk beaten up in milk, to your fruit breakfast.
You may then also add a moderate amount of meat or fish, if de- sired, to your main meal, so long as you keep to the compatible combinations. To do so would overbalance die proper proportion you had planned Salt. Some au- thorities report experiments proving it to be a direct cause of high blood pressure. The use of celery or vegetable salt is recommended. Use lemon in place of vinegar. This gradually accumu- lates in the body and causes many gastric and nerv- ous symptoms whose origin is obscure unless it is recognized as aluminum poisoning.
The high priced modern ware is made of an aluminum alloy which the makers claim does not give aluminum poisoning. But you can still use your old aluminum ware if you cook everything tin patapar paper. So the cleansing and rebuilding of your body is up to you. And since the matter is under your own control, you have no one to blame but yourself if you are sick.
Putrefaction of Meat — Some vegetarians claim that meat putrefies in the stomach. Physiologically this is not possible, as the acid and pepsin of the gastric juice digest the meat so quickly that even if putrefying bacteria were present — which is extremely unlikely — they would have not time in which to bring about putrefaction. They combine anything that appeals to their taste or appetite, and yet seem healthy and vigorous. They therefore con- dude that their way of eating must be correct or they would not fed so well.
This is usually due to the fact that they have in- herited a vigorous constitution. And if they are doing hard manual work or taking vigorous outdoor exercise their muscular work will oxidize almost any food. This rebellion may localize as indigestion, diabetes; kidney or heart trouble, high blood pressure, apoplexy, etc But these are not conditions which have suddenly attacked mem. They are but the focal symptoms and end-results of years of abuse.
William Howard Hay, and con- curred in by many other food specialists who follow along the general line of the school of dietetics founded by him, is that c on ce n trated starches should not be eaten at the same meal with either proteins or add fruits. As this enzyme must be thoroughly incorporated into the starch, chewing the food to a creamy consistency is essen- tial, for the ptyalin can act onlyjn, alkaline solution. Although the gastric juice of the stomach is nor- mally slightly acid, when starch is being eaten it reflexly inhibits the acid secretion to a minimum, hence the digestion of the starch can continue for some time in the stomach.
This produces gas, heart- burn, water-brash, excessive acid stomach and toxic accumulations. It is this excess of acid of fermen- tation and decomposition, not the normal acid of secretion, which causes acidosis. The amount of acidity is measured by comparing it with the strength of hydrogen ions in water. With water having a formula of pH 7, and normal blood alkalinity represented by pH 7. Unless excessive, this indicates high func- tional activity and ample alkaline reserve with which to combat excessive acidity.
A pH of less than 7. Drowsiness, tiring easily, catching cold easily, short- ness of breath, skin eruptions, mild eye troubles, pyorrhea, brittle or falling hair, etc. Counteracted by a purge, followed by citrus fruits or fruit punch. When the buffer salts and the respiratory system are overtaxed by acid, the body rids itself of the excess acid by 3 excretion through bowels, skin, and chiefly through the kidneys. It is this continual irritation by the acids and toxines that is largely responsible for kidney breakdown nephri- tis. All of the above are markedly controlled by 4 diet of compatible foods, largely fruits and vege- tables.
SodiL — While alkaline drugs temporarily raise the alkaline reserve, they tend to accumulate in the tis- sues and are difficult to eliminate, and upset normal acid-alkaline balance. The only natural way to build up- a normal alkaline reserve is through a diet in which alkaline-forming foods predominate over acid- forming foods in a ratio of 80 to Proteins demand an acid medium and pepsin for their digestion, hence are digested in the stomach, where those very conditions prevent the digestion of starches.
Any of the non-starch vegetables may be combined -with the proteins. Do not combine proteins with sweets, except maple sugar and honey, unheated preferred. Tu- pola honey is recommended for its high percentage of levulose or predigested sugar. Do not combine starches with acid fruits. Starches may be combined with any vegetables and with sweets. Proteins combine with all vegetables and fruits and fruit juices, except the concentrated starches.
You can use much the same foods you usually do when in the right combination. And even then they lack a correct understanding u n- less they have studied it not merely from the stand- point of calories and vitamins, but from the standpoint of the chemical end-products of digestion in combination. And most of that miserly six hours is given over to statistics as to calories, vitamins, etc. Hay, and those who follow the general reforms introduced by him, by repeated chemical analysis of stomach contents at various stages, and by years of clinical experience in curing thousands of chronic cases — indigestion, ca- tarrh, rheumatism, arthritisj kidney, bladder, liver, sinus trouble, asthma, hay fever, gall bladder, skin diseases, etc.
For those -who follow them are cured. Egg yolks and bacon are classed as fats and can be used with cereals or starches. But when plenty of other vegetables are used with proteins, you will soon become accustomed to the absence of starch. If you wish one starch meal a day, using potatoes, rice, macaroni, etc. But do not use more than one concentrated starch in the meal.
You do not need to skimp your meals, espe- cially when changing to the new diet, as there is a great variety of foods to use. Citrus fruits should be eaten at least an hour before a cereal or starch meal. Bran should not be eaten alone. Its action is due to its irritation of the intestines, and its continued use often causes grave bowel troubles, even becoming embedded in its walls and having to be scraped out Its sharp edges are said even to amputate the minute villi of the intestine, which absorb the food. Raw foods are called "live foods" because they have not been killed nor their prana altered by cooking.
They still retain much of their living prana and magnetism unless they are stale. They digest more easily than when cooked, and they pass through the system more rapidly, hence there is little time for fermentation or decomposi- tion, therefore no formation of toxic poisons. In general, do not cook any food which Nature has made palatable when raw. This includes salads, fruits, nuts, raisins, figs, dates and other dried fruits, berries, celery, carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, grapes, onions, green peppers, cauliflower, asparagus etc It also includes butter, cheese, milk, cream, sour milk, buttermilk, honey, olive and other vegetable oils.
Cooking destroys some vitamins, 1 and boiling also 1 See advertising pages for our booklet pa Vitamins.
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A teaspoonful of powdered kelp a day is recommended by some to re- place many of the lost vitamins and minerals. Where water is used, it dissolves out of the vegetables many vita- mins and minerals.
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If it cannot all be cooked down and absorbed by the vegetables, it should be saved to use in gravy or as a juice-drink with or between meals. This, preserves all their flavors, juices, vita- mins and minerals. And there is no comparison in their flavor. Once eaten cooked in patapar paper, you will never cook them any other way. The paper can be obtained, at any ten-cent store, and can be washed and used again and again.
If the wide range of diet, recommended herein, especially the raw foods, is followed, you will obtain all the vita- mins and minerals in generous amounts. While all -salad greens and vegetables grown above the ground are generally rich in potassium, in addition to their use we recommend as especially important the frequent use of potassium broth at least two or three times a week. A quantity can be made once or twice a week and kept in a closed jar in the refrigerator ready for use aa needed.
Into two quarts water put: Celery 3 cups when finely shredded or cut 1 lb. The vegetables may be put through a food chopper or finely cut or shredded. When shredded or cut vegetables are used, the broth will have a very delicate flavor and will be clearer in color. There is no objection, however, to the fine particles of vegetable matter which will be found remaining in the broth after it has been strained when ground vegetables are used in the preparation.
The cooking time is most important in the preparation of tins broth. The vegetables should be put in cold water and brought to a boil slowly— in about twenty minutes. After the boiling point is reached, die broth should be allowed to simmer for -from five to ten minutes. Five minutes is sufficient if the vegetables have been ground.
Eight to ten minutes if cut or shredded. This applies to squints, divergent vision and crossed eyes, as well as to accommodation. Since perfect darkness re- laxes the tension, his remedy, which he calls "palm- ing," is to place the crossed palms of the hands gently over the eyes in such a way as to exclude all light, but without touching the eyeballs. Since we see or interpret our vision with our minds and not with the eyes, thought and memory play an important part in correcting our vision.. Remember how intensely black an automobile is or black doth, espe- cially black velvet, and mentally shift from one black object to another.
Then try "palming" and "thinking black" a minute or two and then see how much better you can read the finer print. Then look away at some distant object, but without strain. This also relaxes the eyes. These are very simple exercises, but are of the utmost im- portance, and if persisted in will cure almost all eye defects.
But palming and ''thinking black" and testing your eyes with an advertisement or chart is the most' important factor. Practice reading without glasses for a few min- utes. Do the best you can without strain. When the letters blur, rest the eyes by palming, and repeat many times during the day. Palm and blink and focus on distant objects, especially green fields or trees, many times during the day.
Do not read in a waning light or in the bright sunlight, or with lamplight directly in front of you. Detosdcation and correct diet will also help the eyes. This we bring back with us to recharge our physical body. During sleep is when we assimilate most of our food, grow and make repairs. Some who are psychic sometimes return quite tired or depleted. This is because they have indulged in too. Make up your mind mat, as a rule, you go to sleep to rest and recuperate, and not to work in the astral; your real work and lessons are here on the physical plane.
That is why you incarnated here. Five or six hours sleep should be enough when properly detoxicated, although some mental workers need seven or eight. Then drop off to sleep in calm confidence in His lore. If these psychic disturbances occur frequently, it sometimes helps to crush some gum camphor and cloves together and keep them in a closed jar during the day, but open it in your bedroom during the night Undeveloped entities do not like these odors.
Some sensitive persons sleep better with the head toward the North, but this is not important Alcohol. Hence the frequent use of alcoholic beverages should be posi- tively refused by those who seriously desire spiritual advancement and mastery. Al- cohol, numbs the sense of fatigue and so deceives the user. People who indulge in alcohol show less resistance to infectious diseases than abstemious in- dividuals.
It does, however, inju- riously affect the heart and nervous system. From an occult standpoint one of the greatest objections to its use is its tendency to form a habit It goes without saying that the aspirant for the spiritual life must be master of all conditions and functions and.
Health Hints for Four-Fold Health 2nd Edition (Paperback)
Pack, of the Uni- versity of Utah, finds that tobacco-using athletes are distinctly inferior to those who abstain. There is also much experimental evidence to show that to- bacco induces arterial changes. Their nervous and excit- able conditions usually have a basis of acidosis and toxemia, hence should be soothed by detoxication instead of by tobacco. If vac- cination prevents smallpox, then those nations en- forcing, vaccination should be free from the plague. Yet the opposite is true, as anyone can prove by consulting the vital statistics of every civilized country keeping health records.
With detoxi- cation and proper diet their uncertain aid will not be needed. Charles Mayo of the great Mayo surgical clinic said a few years ago that nine-tenths of. Far from it We recognize that thousands of noble men are devoting their whole lives to reliev- ing suffering humanity.
To teach you how to eliminate these causes is the object of this volume. The in- struments using such radio tubes are able to diag- nose the condition by its vibratory wave-length, and to charge the patient's body with the wave-length which will neutralize the diseased condition and cause complete recovery in an amazingly short time. But to remain relieved or cured, the patient must, of course, change his habits of life, as herein out- lined, which caused the condition.
Wherever such radionic instruments can be found in the hands of competent practitioners, such as our own staff, we recommend that you be treated by them for serious ailments. The one known as the "Radio- clast" is the most specific in diagnosis and treatment of all we have seen. It is not necessary for the pa- tient to be present to receive an accurate diagnosis, for with this instrument a. As the body clears of waste material with which it was formerly loaded, the mind soars to heights not formerly glimpsed by toxic minds, and new worlds seem to open.
And this expression de- pends upon the condition of the body as an instru- ment. Slow thinking, poor reasoning power, loss of memory, lack of the power to concentrate are all evidence, not of a defective brain, but of toxemia. Usually nothing is wrong with the brain, but its functioning is interfered with by the toxic character of the blood supplied to it.
A mental shock may cause fainting. Worry interferes with both digestion and sleep, etc Mental Healths — As we have already said: There- fore, we must learn so to order our thoughts that they shall be constructive and helpful. We must train our minds to work in har- mony with our ideals and principles of life, and it will then radiate harmony and health. This, of course, is obviously untrue, for all physical injuries, external and internal poisonings, psychic disorders, and all disorders resulting from improper diet, are not caused by the mind; they come from without.
But all the sensations and symptoms of illness are experienced through the reaction of the mind to the inharmonious cause of the sensation. A brain so nourished cannot act normally. A thorough cleansing of the body will not only change the chemical condition of your blood and tissues, but will also change your mental reactions and. Yet it controls the body's desires without over-indulging them.
When inharmonious, both body and mind derange each other by confusion of elements, which wastes the force of each. Subconscious MiruL — Especially do your emo- tions have an enormous effect. All negative "emo- tions have a most devitalizing and disintegrating, in some cases an actually poisonous, effect upon the body. In addition to this, under normal conditions it suggests or gives us a craving for what we should eat, what we should wear and how we should protect and take care of our body through diet; exercise, recreation, etc, even -if these suggestions are overruled by our preconceived, environmental and family ideas; by our vanity, our indolence, or the ideas of others which we impose upon it If we learned to follow the guidance of the subconscious as to the welfare of the body, we would seldom be sick or get rundown and stagnant.
Yet this instinctive mind must not be given full and unlimited sway, for it also ex- presses the passions, desires and appetites of the animal body which must be checked, governed and directed by the two higher aspects of the mind which are above it and which are responsible for the de- gree to which it is indulged. Every thought tends to express itself in action unless counteracted or neutralized by an opposite thought of greater power. Therefore, we must refuse to think the kind of thoughts that we do not wish expressed through us.
But never fight them ; for to do so we are concentrating upon them and giving them greater power. Instead of resisting or fight- ing them, we must simply turn our minds away from them by concentrating on and filling our minds with the opposite kind of thoughts, ones which we do wish to have expressed through us. Power Over Yotti — ''Another fundamental law is: Every thought that we admit into our minds and contemplate we give a power over us.
But we do not have to admit into our minds, contemplate and go over and over every thought that may arise in or be presented to our consciousness. We can turn away from and refuse to dwell upon those thoughts which do not measure up to the ideals of our lives. Therefore, remember that we do not have to admit or contemplate thoughts of evil or ill health unless we choose to do so. The supreme importance of carefully choosing and controlling our thoughts as the basis of our lives lies in the fact that every word and act is but the ultimate expres- sion of a thoughtor instinct Good thoughts beget 82 HEALTH HINTS good words and acts, and vice versa, and all have their reflex action in the body.
It is possible to be made ac- tually ill by being continually told how ill you look. And you can greatly encourage and help others by telling them how much better and happier they are looking today. Do Not Accept — "You do not have to respond to suggestions, unless you deliberately choose to do so, if you keep your mind poised, discriminating and positive.
RepercussioiL — "If the power of the mind to ac- tually alter the structure of the body is so great that by the continued morbid conce n tration on the five wounds of Jesus, the stigmata: Some tissues are replaced more rapidly than other more dense ones, such as the bones, but science estimates that at the end of. And it is upon these sensitive new cells thus constantly formed that the subcon- scious mind impresses the characteristics of the thoughts we habitually hold or hold temporarily but, under great emotional stress or concentration.
Thus we are constantlychanging the make-up of our body by the character of the thoughts we hold. We, therefore, have to withdraw from the physical world because the functions of our instrument of mani- festation have become so stagnant that the life-force. We must keep returning again and again until we learn to live in and be dominated, not by the subconscious mind of the body which is mortal, nor by the consciousness of the rational mind which is limited in expression, btitby the Super-conscious Mind of the Higher Self or Divine Indweller who is immortal. We must reincarnate until we can build up and perfect a body that will express the Real or Spiritual Self instead of merely that manifested fragment of that Self which we call the human per- sonality or personal self.
But, as the Lord said to Job: A mere weak wish to be relieved of suffering is not enough. There must be a positive desire, a burning resolution that is not only willing to "take the trouble" to change your habits of life, in spite of the opinions of those who do not under- stand your reasons. And there must be a determined will to carry it through to success, to joyous radiant health.
Then you should be Irish in this sense. Never give up, but always be looking for a better hold. But astrology teaches you to "Rule your stars" and not give way to their forces as though they were fate. If the body is kept detoxicated and alkaline, and the mind kept positive and responsive to constructive forces only, any ad- verse astrological conditions can be neutralized or turned into constructive channels, just as the sailor adjusts his sails to make adverse winds push him onward to his port.
Love suffuses the body with a warm constructive glow, while prayer and spiritual aspiration tune your mind into the uplifting -vibrations of the spiritual world, and your body responds in harmony and health. Also see Psalms, acd, 5 and 7. Fear is bred of ignorance or misunderstanding, and causes worry over health or other conditions, thus depleting the vitality. Hay it is evidence of devitalization due to toxemia. If so, that fear paralyzes your natural immunity, lowers your vitality and aids in bringing the disease upon you.
For fear causes weakness, disintegration and hence weak spots, and the weak spots ultimately break down and make gaps which let the evil forces enter. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. North Carolina Fights a Rising Tide". Macneil, Caeleigh "Hog waste threatens North Carolina's rural poor". National Institue of Environmental Health Science. Centers for Epdemiology and Animal Health. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Food and Agriculture Organization.
Stanford Environmental Law Journal. World Bank Working Paper No. Machovina, Brian, et al "Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption". Science of the Total Environment A comparitive study in different countries and production systems". All of Our Recipes". Barnard, Neal D, et al "A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of diabetes: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ;89 suppl: Barnard, MD, Neal D, et al "A low-fat vegan diet elicits greater macronutrient changes, but is comparable in adherence and acceptibility, compared with a more conventional diabetes diet among individuals with type 2 diabetes".
Journal of The American Dietic Association. Gottlieb, Scott "Early exposure to cows' milk raises risk of diabetes in high risk children". Muntoni, Sandro, et al "Nutritional factors and worldwide incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes". What to Do if You are One of Them". Komen for the Cure". South Dakota Beef Industy Council. Kentucky Beef Council Annual Report. Thank You to Our Sponsors: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Tom Brenna, PhD, Director". Center on Aging and the Life Course. Herman, Jeff "Saving U. Dietary Advice from Conflicts of Interest".
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Center for Responsive Politics. Broxmeyer, Lawrence "Thinking the unthinkable: Alzheimer's, Creutzfeldt-Jacob and Mad Cow disease: Walton, Don "Why line speed is 'non-negociable'". The Vegetarian Resource Group. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietics. Volume 6, November 1st, How Much Do You Need? Food and Agricultue Organization of the United Nations. Koeth, Robert A, et al "Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes artherosclerosis". Wang, Zeneng, et al "Gut flora metabolism of phosphatidylcholine promotes cardiovascular disease".
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National Cancer Institute Greger, M. International Journal of Cardiology 99 Greger, M. Chapter 44 "Genes and human disease". American Heart Association "Pork". Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Maslova, Ekaterina, et al "Low-fat yoghurt intake in pregnancy associated with increased child asthma and allergic rhinitis risk: July 6 Greger, M. September 25th, Yadav, Vijayshree, et al "Low-fat, plant-based diet in multiple sclerosis: Volume 8, May 9th, Kost, Natalya V, et al "B-Casomorphins-7 in infants on different type of feeding and different levels of psychomotor development".
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Health Hints for Four-Fold health 2nd Edition
Milk Facts Cow's milk is 3. Lactation Resource Library Human breast milk is 0. March Greger, M. October 18th, "Antibiotic Resistance: Newsroom "Livestock's Long Shadow". Scientific American Gerbens-Leenes, P. American Diabetes Association Alexandria. April "Everyday Recipes".