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Human energy and courage should, accordingly, be spent not in exceeding the proper limits of the human condition but in bearing it with style, pride, and dignity, gaining as much….

Greek Mythology/Minor Gods/Fates

Homeric society is stratified, from Zeus to the meanest beggar. The Greek Moira, for instance, is comparable to Asha and rita. The Moira in classical Greek religion is not yet fate as this idea was found in Greco-Roman times.

The concept of cosmic order may function either in a religious or in a philosophical context; e. Atropos , in Greek mythology, one of the three Fate s, the others being Clotho and Lachesis. Atropos is most frequently represented with scales, a sundial, or a cutting instrument, described by….


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They each had their own, unique characteristics. As you can see, Clotho was always associated with the beginning of life. She essentially created it by spinning the thread. Thus, the three Fates essentially represent Birth, Life, and Death. Unlike their siblings, the Horai, the Moirai were always depicted as ugly old women.

Note that the Horai were always depicted as young, beautiful women. The Ancient Greeks appeared to have feared the Moirai. As a result, most Ancient Greeks feared them and as a result, they imagined them with unflattering appearances. They were also depicted as crippled, stern, inflexible, and severe. They were usually depicted together as a group of three and they were often depicted with their objects.