Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention costa rica practical information foreign country moving to costa useful living move overview personal info care experiences geezer guide planning retiring tips. Showing of 19 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Thinking of moving full time or extended stay in Costa Rica? There are numerous books out there. Some are important, some not so much. This book is one of the best.
The first half of the book is simply stated, straightforward information in brief. The second half really gives you the author's personality as he tells of various experiences which happened to him on his move to Costa Rica. Perhaps best of all, he refers you to his web site and when I emailed him with questions, he wrote me back with answers. The John Howells book is also excellent. But if you're thinking of moving to Costa Rica, you don't want to miss Jay Schoonmaker's book. One person found this helpful.
I enjoyed reading about the authors real life experiences, it is the kind of brief and factual reporting of the things you will encounter as you make your own plans to MAYBE retire in Costa Rica. The cautionary attitude expressed by the writer, is refreshing and humorous. His accounts are detailed and up-dated as the facts on the ground in Costa Rica appear to be very fluid.
His effort to keep it real make this a valuable part of my personal list of quick references, and quick read books about living in a foreign country.
- Leadership and Learning.
- A Geezer's Survival Guide to Costa Rica by Jay Brian Schoonmaker.
- Static Pages.
- Because All Is One?
Recommended reading L swett. What a wonderful introduction to Costa Rica. The descriptions painted a beautiful landscape of the country even without the colorful pictures included in the book. The book is laid out in an easy to read format and flows effortlessly from one subject to the next. Read this even if you are only visiting Costa Rica. Definitely read it if you are remotely considering a move to the Central American country. I wish it had been available before our trip to the country a few years ago. It will be a must have reference for our next trip. This book is great for anyone relocating to Costa Rica.
Not as much fluff as some other guides; direct, to-the-point advice on issues that are constantly on my mind when I think about moving. I'm looking forward to hearing more from Mr. Jay as he updates this book. I made lots of highlights of useful info. Some is going to require further research but a good jumping off point.
I am reading everything about relocating to Costa Rica I can get my hands on. Here are a few of the idiomatic uses of this verb. A pico de botella — to dring a beer right from the bottle without a glass. Here is a good Spanish dictionary with pronunciation.
Hopefully this will help a lot of beginners. For advanced students I was just…. A telenovela or novela is a Spanish language soap opera. Telenovelas seem to be the opiate of the masses in Latin America. The first telenovelas were produced…. Saint Patrick's Day is an annual feast day that celebrates the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland, and is generally celebrated on 17 of…. Ebanista — a person who builds doors or cabinets Empotrable — built in Enchape — a stone facade Esacaleras - stairs Escalera de caracol — spiral…. Si usted quiere llegar yo le doy las…. Adhesivo para pisos - adhesive for ceramic tile Adoquines — paving stones Agregado — an addition Agregar un cuarto — to add on a room Aire acondiciona….
Quinta — Small Farm. Renovado — Renovated renovado total — completely renovated. Here are the English translations: I am sure there are a lot more. In Spanish many nouns are turned into verbs. Below are some of the parts of the body which can be changed into verbs. Bracear - to stroke as in swimming…. Boca de culo de gallina — a small mouth vulgar Bola de billar - bald Bola de manteca — a ball of fat heavy person Cabeza de huevo — egghead Ca…. Algo huele mal - something smells fishy. Hay un gato encerrado or me da mal espina - are similar expressions Andar de pesca - to go be fishing Ballena - a….
A su debido tiempo - in due time A tiempo - on time A tiempo de hacer algo - in time to do something Al mismo tiempo - at the same time Al poco…. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the many uses of the verb echar. Pasar probably has more uses than echar. Some of the uses are exactly the same as in….
I could write pages and pages about the many…. Spanish has a lot of ways to refer to stupidity. Below are some of the most common ones. Aguacate — stupid in Costa Rica Baboso — a slobbering…. Below I am going to explain the different ways of expressing this verb. It takes a long…. Here are some computer terms. Archivo — file Amigable para el usuario — user friendly Bajar or descargar —to download Base de datos — data…. All they have to do is concentrate on the English within….
A otro perro con ese hueso — go tell it to the Marines A paso de tortuga — to move slowly Al buey por el cacho, al hombre por la palabra — a man is…. Alimentar el ego — feed our ego Arrogante — arrogant Comer delante de pobres — to show off in front of lees fortunate people Creerse el ombligo del…. Agarrar con las manos en la masa — to catch red handed or with your hands in the cookie jar Amigo de lo ajeno — a thief Antisocial — a criminal Arrebat….
Learning the vocabulary below will help you understand what the…. Agua pluvial or agua de lluvia — Rain water Aguacero — a heavy rain storm Arcoiris — rainbow Baldazo — a lot of rain or bucketful of rain Escampar…. If you ever go to the movies or theater in a Spanish - speaking country, you will need to know some of the vocabulary listed below: Below are some idiomatic expressions using the Spanish words for feet.
Some of them are very funny. For example we often use bike instead of bicycle or frig instead…. Rajar — to brag. Jactarse is also used. Botar el rancho is also used. Ratada — a bad experience Rayar —….
Learn to really speak Spanish like a Costa Rican with this #1 best-selling Spanish phrase book
Be careful If you are a beginning Spanish student or haven't mastered the present tense yet, then save this series of articles for future reference. Perhaps the two most difficult concepts for Spanish students to master are object pronouns and the correct use of the subjunctive tense.
I will address the…. The purpose of these lists of words is to build your vocabulary. The more more words you know the better you will be able to express yourself and the more you…. Fuera, the first and third person singular of the imperfect subjunctive form of the verbs "ir" to go or "ser" to be , is often used in many idiomatic…. If you plan to reside or do business in Costa Rica, sooner or later you will require the services of a lawyer to handle legal matters which can range from…. One way you can improve your Spanish vocabulary is to open your eyes when walking along the street.
If you look around you will see Spanish words in the…. The following verbs are used to describe actions by different parts of the body. Arrodillarse - to kneel down El and un are always used immediately before singular feminine nouns beginning with stressed a- or ha. Here are some examples: Here is a list of vocabulary to help you understand the weather in Spanish. Hace buen tiempo - The weather is….
In my last article I discussed how to pronounce the five basic vowel sounds in Spanish correctly so that your Spanish accent would not sound so typically…. Correct Spanish pronunciation is very important.
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If you cannot pronounce a word correctly, how can you expect people to understand you when you are speaking…. Those of you who have read this column before are bound to have noticed that at the end of each article there is a definition of a Costa Rican expression or…. If you are seriously trying to learn Spanish here are some local usages of the language which are apt to confuse you. Here are a few. Gato is not only a cat….
All you have to do is concentrate on the English within…. Since the verbs "ser" and "estar" are both translated by the same English verb "to be," they create a great deal of confusion for most English-speaking…. Next to practicing with native speakers, watching Spanish television programs is one of the best ways to learn the language. All you have to do is own a…. Spanish is not a difficult language to learn. If you recognize the similarities between Spanish and English, you will realize Spanish is not as foreign as….
One area generally not covered in most Spanish classes is how to strike up a conversation with a stranger of the opposite sex. Here are a few useful phrases….
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The Spanish survival volcabulary listed below will come in handy if you ever have to buy tools in Costa Rica. If you ever have to buy a pair of glasses or see an eye doctor in a Spanish speaking country you wil certainly need the survival vocabulary listed below. Spanish like English has different names for different people.
By learning the words below you will increase your vocabulary, comprehension and language…. Having mechanical problems with your car is an unpleasant experience not to mention when you are in a country where English is not widely spoken. It's well worth your while to memorize these phrases if you plan to travel or reside in a Spanish-speaking country. Knowing these expressons will help you…. For those of you who intend to get romantically involved with a native Spanish speaker, there are many necessary phrases or lines you should master in order….
Ordinal numbers are first, second, third, etc. As you already know, for the average person full-time as well as part-time domestic help is prohibitively expensive in the United States - this is not the…. If your goal is to speak Spanish fluently, sooner or later you will have to know the names of all of the parts of a house. The survival vocabulary below is…. In both English and Spanish we use commands or mandatos for giving instructions. A simple way to form commands in Spanish requires knowledge of the three…. Have you ever wondered how to say you did something to yoursef in Spanish?
There is a way to talk about oneself in Spanish called "the reflexive verb. Below are more idiomatic expressions frequently used in everyday conversations by native Spanish speakers. This type of colloquial Spanish is often heard but…. The use of vaious Spanish expressions for "excuse me" is one of the most frequent pitfalls of native English speakers. Each expression in Spanish has a certain…. In Mexico and Central America a gringo is usually defined as a U. Most Gringos stand out by the way they dress,…. Spanish speakers customarily shake hands more frequently than Americans when greeting each other.
In general, people shake hands every time they meet and every…. A posessive adjective is a word which shows possession or who owns something. Sometimes it agrees in gender masculine and femenine and always in number with…. Last week I talked about the type of Spanish that is spoken in shops, offices, everyday conversations, movies, on street corners and among family and friends.
You may find it hard to believe that there is almost as much difference between the Spanish you learn in school and the Spanish spoken in everyday life, as…. In Spanish there are four different ways of talking directly to people other that yourself. In English, we use the single word "you' to express these four ways…. In Spanish there are two different verbs which mean 'to give' — dar and regalar.
Recently I wrote an article about a short cut to speaking in the future in Spanish. We call this method the "false future. In Spanish as well as English, we most often use the word "will" followed by a verb when referring to future events. For example, tomorrow I will go to…. A Anyone who has ever lived or travelled in Latin America knows from experience that it is very difficult to find your way around. This can be especially…. About a year ago I wrote an article about Spanish words that look like English words and appear to have the same meaning.
Appearances can be deceiving. Writing familiar letters in Spanish is similar to writing letters in English except that Spanish letters tend to be more cordial, use more flowery language and…. In English when we want to make a positive statement negative we use the words 'no' or 'not'. On the other hand in Spanish the word "no" is used to translate…. Knowing how to use these two verbs…. Here is a list of terms for all of you sport fans.
Try reading the Sports Section in Spanish to see how many of these words you can find. If you cannot pronounce a word correctly, how can you expect for people to understand you when you are…. Try to learn a minimum of five new words daily. Watch Spanish TV programs. Keep a note pad by your side and jot down new words and…. If you are seriously considering moving to a Latin American country, you should begin to study Spanish as soon as possible. Here are a few suggestions that will…. Spanish articles, like the or a, change depending on the context.
Learn how to speak authentically by saying spanish articles properly. Being a former Spanish language instructor at all levels and holding a Masters degree in Spanish Linguistics, I am in a position to evaluate different Spanish…. By the Georgetown University Medical Center news staff. A new study published in the journal Cerebral Cortex suggests people who speak two languages have more…. Piropos are flirtatious remarks or comments men often say to women as they walk down the street in Latin American countries. There is an alternative and….
New research reveals that bilingualism has a positive effect on cognition later in life. Findings published in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the American….
theranchhands.com: A Geezer's Survival Guide to Costa Rica eBook: Jay Brian Schoonmaker: Kindle Store
The first thing I always do is check out the section that has the…. I am a semi-retired Spanish language instructor. My specialty was teaching Spanish as second language to native English speakers of all ages. If you live or…. Costa Rica wire services Older adults who've spoken two languages since childhood have a distinct cognitive edge over their monolingual peers,…. Jugar de vivo is an idiomatic expression that is used frequently in Costa Rica. Pasarse de listo is a synonym and is heard more in other Latin American….
During my youth when I was living…. Costa Rica staffA rose by any other name may still smell as sweet, but if the name is said with an accent, there are unexpected complexities that…. Courtesy of AM Costa RicaAs many bilingual individuals know, their abilities to speak two or more languages fluently is like hosting several persons within the…. In Costa Rica the word pachuco refers to a person who has…. Being a former Spanish teacher at all levels with two graduate degrees in the subject, I am always looking for good programs for learning the language. Costa Rica With the World Cup just 18 days away the interest in soccer here is really heating up.
The Cup is contested every four years and…. Feet are used in many Spanish expressions. There are many uses of the words feet and foot in idiomatic expressions. The word for foot in Spanish is el pie,…. Throughout much of the Spanish-speaking world including Costa Rica, there is no more important time of year than Holy Week.
The week begins with Palm Sunday…. Costa Ricans approach the presidential elections with such enthusiasm that they celebrate Election Day as if it were a big party or national holiday. They can be defined as a superstitious beliefs. The material below should give you an idea about how to…. Having a good vocabulary is one of the keys to understanding and Speaking Spanish.
If someone asks you a question in Spanish and there is a word you don't…. The following expressions are used to express the idea of being tired of or fed up with something or someone. You are in shock and awe when someone shows up "on time". You are in shock and awe when YOU show up on time. You haven't looked at your wrist in years…. You point with your lips. You snap your index finger against your second bird finger when you think something's funny or incredible.
You miss the chaos…. Para aumentar un poco el l? Someone sent me this and I wanted to share it with all of you who are studying Spanish. Next time you want to lament over how 'Diificult' Spanish is, think…. In English we only have one verb which means "to play. Experienced businessman will tell you that doing business in any foreign country can be difficult, not to mention when one doess not speak the language. Learn essential phrases, cultural insights and travel tips that you can find in our Guide to Costa Rican Spanish….
Cabrear cabra is a goat: You snooze, you lose. How excellent or good! Hacer algo sin chistar: A pedir de boca — to turn out to be perfect or perfect Boca arriba — face up or belly up Boca abajo — face down Boca de miel, mano de hiel — A….

Al perro flaco se le pegan las pulgas — The weakest or defenseless person always gets the blame. Jalarse un pollada — to do someone a favor Le…. Amarraperros is someone who does not pay a debt Bochinche — a fight Camisa de madera is slang for a coffin Despapayar means to destroy in Costa Rica.
Bejucos are problems in a figurative sense. Bejuco actually means a type of reed or cane. Chispa is intelligence or smarts. Chispa is also a spark. A todo gas is to do something at full speed Andar de mano sudada is to have a boyfriend or girlfriend Cerchas — beams in the ceiling of a house …. Boronas — bread crumbs. The correct words are migas or migajas. Carebarro — a shameless person. Abuela — grandmother or slang for rocking chair. Mecedora is the correct word for rocking chair. Caer redondo — to…. Apargar velas — to have a birthday Avionazo — an accident in an airplane Boquear — to eat Costa Rican hors d'oeuvres appetizers Cuidapalos —….
A more correct word…. Almanaques or primaveras — are years when referring to one's age. How old are you? Acostar — to put someone to bed. In street talk to kill someone. Batear or pegarse una bateada — to guess incorrectly Comidilla — fodder for the press, especially the gossip column. Compinche or compa — a male…. A pedir de boca — Just what the doctor ordered or perfect Andar en la boca de todos — To be the talk of the town Boca abajo — Face down Boca…. A few years ago I compiled a long list of American football vocabulary in Spanish for those who have to watch the games in Spanish.
Just do a search and the…. Cada quien jala para su saco — people look out for their own interests El Buenpa — short for Buen Pastor which is a local jail for woman. Ave de corral — chicken or fowl Carne de gallina — goose pimples. Se me puso carne de gallina — I got goose bumps. Cuerpo de gallina — a woman with a…. Accidente — accident Autopista or pista - highway Brincarse un alto — to jump a stop sign Cambiar de carril — to change lanes Carril — lane Carril….
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A gatas or gatear — to walk on all fours A otro perro con ese hueso. To another dog with that bone. The English equivalent is: Ahorrarse el trabajo — to save oneself the…. De golpe todo se fue al diablo. All of a sudden everything went to…. The article below does not advocate the use of drugs. It is only intended to familiarize you with Costa Rican slang that you may hear on the local news or read….
A buen paso — at a…. I fail every step of the…. With all of the rain and the havoc it has caused I think now is a good time for the vocabulary below. Alud — a landslide Aislado or incomunicado —…. The former is the external part of the ear. A friend just emailed me this and I thought my readers would enjoy a good dose of tico humor. Costa Rican Employees From: De la mano a la boca…. Joe is undecided or…. Plato means plate or dish in Spanish and is used in a variety of interesting expressions. Whether you like it or not the rainy season is now upon us. Anyone who lives here knows that in Costa Rica there are more rainy months than dry months.
Antojar is a verb that has a variety of uses and is difficult for beginners to master. This should stat you on your way. A su antojo — to do as one…. In my column about Easter last week I forgot the Easter-related sayings or dichos below. This is a continuation of my series on Spanish legal language. The series will conclude with the next article Life in prison — cadena perpetua Probate -…. Valentine's Day or Saint…. Ropa interior is a more correct term. Chema - camisa Chingoleta….
Some of the abbreviations that appear in the newspaper are included below. Equipado — Equipped fully equipped. Esquinero — On a Corner. El activo neto Escrow: A pesar de todo - in spite of everything A toda velocidad — at full speed. The articles, pictures, news, opinions, videos, or information posted on this webpage excluding all intellectual properties owned by Alibaba Group in this webpage are uploaded by registered members of Alibaba.
If you are suspect of any unauthorized use of your intellectual property rights on this webpage, please report it to us at the following: Flanked by two oceans and host to a dozen microclimates, Costa Rica is a land of rare and varied beauty. Bask in natural hot springs at the foot of the majestic Arenal Volcano, hike through the Mont This new guide to Costa Rica is an insider's guide to one of the hottest destinations in Central America.
The strong focus on the rich biodiversity of the country, Costa Rican culture, and forthcomi To help visitors, as well as local residents, identify and enjoy the wildlife of Costa Rica, Carrol L. Follow along as the Roberts family goes zip lining, river rafting, volcano expl At the biological crossroads of the Americas, Costa Rica hosts an astonishing array of plants and animalsover half a million species!
Ecotourists, birders, and biologists come from around the world