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We will follow in a couple of minutes. Wir kommen gleich nach. We have to tighten our belts now. We must make tracks be off. We must live within our means. We must live from hand to mouth. We must stick together. There was no program, no clear philosophy, no consensus. Was this any different than the train and bank hold-ups Stalin used to fund the Bolshevik program? In fact, many members of The Order were outright criminals before they ever joined the movement. Was criminality to be the basis of our future society?

Were we going to replace one set of criminals in government with another set of criminals? Were we going to continue to hypocritically promote and espouse the Jewish-Christian blather? In conclusion, neither The Order nor The Turner Diaries had, or have, a meaningful, comprehensive answer to the dilemma that sorely befuddles the White Race of today. At best, The Order was a group of dedicated White militants, a group to be admired. We need more dedicated White militants, and cannot afford to have them wasted ineffectively.

Their intentions were noble, but their thinking was extremely confused. They reacted bravely in a violent, half-baked, knee-jerk reaction to a complex worldwide conspiracy they did not completely understand, especially the treacherous role played by Jewish-Christianity in this life and death struggle. Because of this, they reaped disastrous consequences in an ongoing racial war, a war that is going to demand millions of further White casualties. What we must make sure of is that when we do sacrifice our gallant warriors in the battle, we extract a much, much higher E. Wörterbuch :: edition :: Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzung

Factor, and not sacrifice ours wantonly. However, we of the C. Before we can launch open warfare or even covert warfare, we must first straighten out the confused thinking of our White Racial Comrades, and we must do it by the millions. It would cost us less than it now costs us to subsidize the niggers and the mud races for as little as half an hour.

It would be the best bargain we had ever bought for ourselves. We certainly have the resources to do so. By the time we did so, violence would probably not even be necessary. After all, Hitler and his Nazi party took over the German government without blowing up a single bridge or power plant, and with very little bloodshed. We can do the same. There are any number of people in the racist movement who claim that the solution is purely political, and we should leave religion out of the This is a shallow, naive and incomplete analysis of both the problem and the solution.

History over the ages has taught us that religion comes first. But religion is really the best all-encompassing word that embraces all. All major movements in history were motivated by their religious core, whether it was Marxism, or Catholicism or Protestantism, or Mohammedism or Judaism. These religions then found political, economic, cultural and nationalistic apparati with which to convey their goals and ideas. But remember, religion was, is, and remains the prime motivator that provides the force, inspiration, and direction to make those goals and motivations become a practical reality.

We see glaring examples of this in the world today. Communism or Marxism, which directly dominates three- fourths of the world today and indirectly perhaps all of the world, is a prime example. It is based on an ideology called Marxism. Then there is Zionism. It combines with, pervades and overrides Marxism. Marxism, Zionism, Christianity and thousands of lesser organizations, creeds, ideologies and movements have their seeds in Judaism. So, the problem is not purely political, nor is the solution. The root of it all lies in ideology or religion. The great White Race could have had the world, a beautiful world, all to itself a long, long time ago, had it only created for itself a racial religion to rally around, a religion that could and would unite it, give it concrete goals, direction and the inspiration to pursue those goals and directions for its own undivided benefit.

Only as recently as fifty years ago, before the devastating and suicidal event of World War II, the White Race was supreme and unchallenged throughout the world. The mud races in India, Africa and even China were either in the control of, or controlled by, the White nations of Europe. The only threat to the White nations, were other White nations manipulated by Jews. Today the White Man has been driven out of all these areas, not by force of arms, but through treachery of their own Jew-controlled governments.

We can look at Britain, France, Belgium, the United States especially the United States and find that betrayal and treachery turned over most of the land areas of the world to the mud races. But the treachery did not end there. The White Man especially in the United States is now feeding and subsidizing most of the mud races of the world, and the mud races are exploding in numbers at a rate unprecedented in all history.

Not only have the mud races exploded and taken over most of the land masses of this Planet Earth, but they are invading and colonizing the home territories of the White Man himself — England, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Canada, Australia, and the United States, again, especially the United States and the White Man is not lifting a finger to stop them. The United States is now becoming the dumping grounds for all the scum, criminals, free-loaders and mud races of the world.

It is all part of the Jewish program to mongrelize the White Race into extinction and replace it with a mongrelized mixture of brown zombies, dumb, subservient and thoroughly enslaved. Before we come to the solution of this abominable situation, there are a few more misdirected ideas that are being bandied about by our polyglot White racial groups. Divide the White Race into two opposing groups — then with a small leverage, control the outcome. We have belabored this stupid claim that we, the White Race, are the real Israelites, on numerous occasions, and will not take the space here to review it again.

He has not read ancient German history in German language in Palestine, namely the presence of the white nordic race exterminated and driven out by the Jews with the help of bribed Ceasar. This outdated relic from the Civil War is not an adequate symbol representing the hopes and aspirations of the White Race today. At best, it recalls a tragic blunder, instigated and manipulated by the Rothschild Jews of large armies of White Men killing other White Men in a stupid and disastrous war that never should have been fought.

It was a shameful, cruel, tyrannical war presumably fought over the emancipation of niggers, but in reality it was a war between Eastern Jew power and money power to destroy the wealthy White Southern plantation owners. In either case, it is a war of which we are not proud, and the Confederate flag represents the losers, just as the Christian cross with a Jew hanging on it represents a loser. The Confederate flag also symbolizes the defense of black slavery, an idea we Creators deem highly repugnant.

We do not want to enslave anybody, nor exploit the inferior races. What White Man or Woman today would favor the importation and exploitation of black slaves? In fact, we curse those greedy White exploiters who combined with the Jewish slave-trader and dragged the scum from black Africa onto our shores, only to now leave us with the consequences of an eve spreading black plague. This, far more clearly represents the goals and sentiment of the White Race on a global basis than does the Confederate flag. For the last forty years more than twenty thousand groups have come and gone deploring the effects of the Jewish onslaught but never coming to grips with the real cause — the Jewish master plan to mongrelize and destroy the White Race so that they can enslave the world without any threat from a formerly intelligent, vigorous, aggressive White Race.

Few of these organizations ever really identified the enemy the Jews , nor the means by which we were being destroyed Christianity and Communism nor did any of them ever come up with a comprehensive plan as to how to overcome this sinister menace. All we have heard from these groups is — deplore and lament! A rehash of past history for the umpteenth time of how we got into this mess! Having thoroughly depressed and discouraged our White Racial Comrades, these Jeremiahs then leave the reader hanging in his misery, never coming up with a viable solution.

We not only have a solution — but in a powerful comprehensive racial religion, we have the only solution. Our program reads as follows:. We Creators are determined that the winner take all — that the White Race colonize, occupy and inhabit all — and we mean all — the beneficent territory of this Planet Earth. It is too late to play Santa Claus and divvy up territories to our enemies. It is a stupid idea today, and it was a suicidal idea in the past.

We do not need the mud races to survive. Our unswerving attitude must be — to hell with the Jews! To hell with the niggers! To hell with the mud races! We will either take all, inhabit all, or we will drown in a sea of mud races. The world is becoming far too crowded to support both us and them.

In so doing, we do not want to ever again make the mistakes of history. We do not want to exploit or enslave any of the mud races. Nor will we further subsidize, educate them nor support them in any way. We just want to get rid of them by boycotting them and letting them wither on the vine and reach their own demise. This Planet Is All Ours. In this approach we are following the good American Way, the same program our illustrious ancestors pursued in building America and the Winning of the West. See Creative Credo No. We do not want to destroy, we want to build a Whiter and Brighter World, to unite the White Race under one powerful all-encompassing religion where the bottom line is the best interests of the White Race and the White Race alone — its survival, expansion and advancement.

You bet we can. We have the numbers there are still million White Racial Comrades on this planet , we have the intelligence, we have the energy, and yes, we even have the financial means. Just one White multimillionaire like one of the Hunts, or a Ross Perot, could bankroll the whole Creativity movement all the way to victory. We Creators will neither accept nor tolerate a program that would Burmaize or fragmentize our greatest of all White homelands, namely the United States of America. Nor will we condone or tolerate such a program of Apartheid for any other country on the face of this planet.

We are determined to pursue a course of unrelenting expansion for the White Race until we have colonized and inhabited all the benign and benevolent lands and territories of this Planet Earth. This planet is now too crowded for the White Race to survive in a sea of mud races, even If we wanted to, and we do not.

We sure as hell will not be so cowardly as to condemn our future progeny to be relegated to a horde of stupid brown bastards. We are determined and committed to a program of not only survival, but to insuring that survival by expanding to the limit of our ability. We want it all, and by Jupiter, we will have it all.

In order to do so we are determined to follow our unswerving program as previously stated and spelled out in Rahowa! We will then be able to control our own affairs, our own destiny, our own government, our own finances, our own education, and all the rest of the accoutrements that go to make up a brilliant, prosperous White. The rest of the mud races will then be of no particular problem, though they outnumber us 20 to 1. All we will then have to do is have the good sense to stop feeding and subsidizing these hungry freeloaders and they will wither on the vine and quietly shrink back into oblivion.

We now have the means, we have the intelligence, we have the numbers. We are determined to meet Fire with Fire. As far as the White Race is concerned, there is absolutely no future for us in collaborating with the mud races. Planet Earth is the only habitat the White Race needs or should ever want. We say mass distribution of W. Any White Man who would want to be a descendant of these fictional Jewish swine who at best are moral reprobates must be clear out of his cotton picking mind. We have no intention of being either overly modest nor being braggarts.

We are determined to stay on target and hit the enemy straight between the eyes. Contrary to the lies, Germany started neither war. And how many more genocides were there by Christians? The Poles murdered the Ukrainians a couple hundred years ago by the thousands because they would not convert from the Russian Orthodox Church to the Catholic church. With approval of the Polish Catholic priests, and they were present at the horror, the Ukrainian men were tortured to death deliberately by Catholic Poles before their wife and children.

This has been documented. The Jews invaded Palestine where the Nordic People lived Germans and invaded the Roman empire Nordic people bringing them all down by usurpation, deception, usury, bribery, and race mixing. That empire went down due to the Christian guilt-religion, threat of hellfire, and partly due to mongrelization.

Dark races were specifically imported by the Jews for that! I gather from old history that I have read or heard of that Jesus was a German freedom fighter in Palestine against the Jews because at the times of Jesus the white race populated all of Palestine as the leaders. The Bible is written from ancient German history, debased, changed, and lies added for the benefit of the Jews.

We never can really figure out the Bible, because it is purposefully written this way to keep us guessing, ancient true history mixed with Jewish fables. Furthermore the construction of the language is just as garbled up as the Jewish mind. Dubious language, multiple possible interpretations. It was a torturous journey for me as a Christian trying to read the Bible.

I made many attempts but could never get very far as I did not have the patience to put up with its contradictions and was appalled by its murders and threats. The same happened in the sisterhood. Further, good peoples of all races were murdered and genocided time and time again by the church for being heathen. After I found out how innocent our German people were in World War One and Two and how Christians were genocided, I could no longer believe in a just and loving God; such a God can be nothing but a human imagination in his desperation.

Of course, many Germans have been Judeafied, meaning have become criminal in their actions in business; and many Germans have mixed blood with jews and other races. Their Germanic gene pool is destroyed, and they cannot be trusted. Their actions have to be sharply examined and evaluated and one must be guarded in dealing with them. But with some of them, you will never know they have other racial blood.

Whatever evil the Jews claim of others, as a rule, I find reversing this gives me the truth. The Jews are the ones who are committing horrid evil and blame it on others! It was a Jewish revolution! Then they murdered between 66 to Million Russians, many of them tortured in the most bestial, heinous sexual ways. Then Jewish Hollywood makes movies falsely accusing German soldiers committing such bestial, heinous sexual crimes.

The Jews just simply transfer their own crimes upon others, foremost the 20th Century scapegoat, the Germans, as it is their goal to destroy the Germans first. See the Jew-Angela Merkel government and all the Jew-chancellors before that, what they have done to the Germans psychologically and physically, starting already in school in early childhood. By claiming this is the End Times, the Jews get away with genocide and omnicide, which they always do in hidden ways, blaming it on God. For their extermination plan they hire non-Jews.

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And the people, as good sheep, blame it on God, too. But for themselves, they have created a militant religion to kill us and kill all peoples. The Jews have psyched us out thoroughly with psychology they developed in Germany against the Germans and brought here in treating Americans without a scientific background of this psychology and without a degree. The purpose was to psych us out and screw up our mind, turning it against our own parents.

They know exactly how the white man ticks; and according to this the Jew manipulates the white man. Natures Eternal Religion-Ben Klassen. Was war ein Nazi? Auftrag von oben; von den Juden! Warum war dieses amerikanische Schwein auf den Knien? Hat er die Deutschen wohl in den Unterkoerper geschossen? Der Rechts, ist ein Mischling. US beasts sit full of pride on dead German soldiers and prison guards they have just murdered in front of the concentration camp. Die Deutschen waren die besten Soldaten, auch bei Auschwitz!

American murderers mowing down innocent concentration camp guards. Im Falle Hitlers hat sein Sozialismus nichts mit dem kommunistischen Sozialismus zu tun! Der Sturz ging fehl! Im zweiten Fall ist es gezielte Falschinformation! Diese letzteren Typen schleichen sich in Demonstrationen der ruhigen und geduldigen deutschen Buerger ein und sorgen fuer Unruhen und Falschsteuerungen. What was a Nazi? By the way, there are several meanings for socialist. Contrary to the lies by the Allied books and media under the control of the Jews, the Nazi was a patriotic, noble, just, disciplined and honorable man who loved his homeland.

The Germans are so intelligent, successful, prolific and inventive, that the only way to stop them from being the leaders in the world is to enslave them, keep their scientific inventions from the world and steal them for an elect group, murdering inventors, under a war occupation government, the ILLEGAL Federal Republic of Germany Bundesrepublik put on top of the Deutsches Reich that still exists, under Jewish control Andrea Merkel and many other former Jewish chancellors.

In the second case it is deliberate misinformation! Soldiers and Civilians from most of the main Allied nations participated in the rape, robbing, torture and murder of the German civilians and soldiers. This post is about the German civilians. In diesem Beitrag geht es um die deutschen Zivilisten. Das haben wir den Juden und ihren Handlangern zu verdanken. Ich frage mich, warum die Regierenden das verstecken? Es waren nicht die Deutschen, die den Krieg wollten oder ihn begonnen hatten! Das war so geplant. Deshalb hatten sie die Polen laufend aufgehetzt die deutsche Grenze immer wieder anzugreifen und tausende von Deutsch-Polen aufs Grausamste zu Tode zu foltern.

Die Juden-Alliierten planten und wollten diesen Krieg. Hinzu kommen die 3 Millionen deutsche Soldaten, die im Kampf gefallen sind. Natuerlich ist das folgende Buch voller Luegen ueber die Deutschen aber hier koennen Sie ueber die Rache der Jude lesen; dabei haben doch die Juden Deutschland den Krieg erklaert am Aber es war doch alles ein Plan die Deutschen Menschen auszurotten.

Mit Logik hat das nichts zu tun; nur mit Menschenhass eines Untiers: This was finagled by the Jews and their Henchmen. These wars against Germany were set up by the Jews and their henchmen and instigated with hate speech and endless lies since they control the media in most countries. The anti German agenda started already before WW1 to bring the successful German empire down and get rid of the German king. They lie about who started the war and who wanted war and have continued ever since. It was not the Germans who wanted war and not the Germans who started it.

The situation with Poland was a local conflict, and Poland started it. England and France turned the conflict into a world war by declaring war on Germany. That was the plan. Therefore, Britain had constantly incited the Poles for war, instigating the Poles to attack the German border again and again and to torture thousands of German Poles to death, from babies to grand parents. The Jewish Allies planned and wanted this war. Note, if I count the 3 Million German Prisoners of War who perished in the death camps as civilians and add them to the civilian death numbers of 12 Million, then the total civilian deaths numbers are 15 Million, as I frequently state on my blogs.

In addition, there are the 3 Million German soldiers who died in battle. Therefore, a total of 18 Million Germans perished due to the second word war that the Jews planned via the Jew-Kingdom England since They planned 3 World wars to eliminate the white race, and foremost the Germans, because we whites are so successful and creative, that we are a threat to them always have been over the centuries but have been tolerating the Jewish crimes and usury against our European peoples until we no longer could.

The Jews made it their business after the war as civilians or soldiers and during the war as partisans to destroy the Germans in the cruelest way. Of course the following book is full of lies about the Germans but here you can read about the revenge of the Jews; but they declared war on Germany on March 24, ! They deserved to be in a camp. But it was all along a plan to exterminate the Germans, and everything was instigated. Logic has nothing to do with it all; only human hatred by a beast, the Jew: Wonder why they hide this?

The crime of the century committed on the Germans has so far neither been honored nor are our former war opponents willing to officially recognize this tragedy. The design of the memorial site shows 12 graphite granite walls standing in a circle for the individual groups of victims with numbers of victims and coats of arms on the front side V and memorial words on the back side R.

In the center of the memorial stands an obelisk as a light beam turned into a stone made of reddish granite, for the future of our people. The defenseless and weaponless victims of the German people in mourning and in love. The million-fold sufferings of the Germans Endured even after the end of the Second World War The horror of the German prisoners in the camps Their dying in wet and cold, hunger and thirst Despair and agony Women, children and the elderly Chased away, fleeing from their house and land Expelled, shot, raped, beaten Drowned in the icy Baltic Sea Suffocated, charred, buried in bombing nights Through forced labour, hunger and torture exterminated.

Their suffering and dying calls loud into the silence of the World. In memory of the German civilians in their homeland Germany, who at the end of the war and after the war starved to death, froze to death, or committed suicide. Millions carried by a pure faith Perished in a merciless swamp, A whirlpool of despair in Hunger, ice and rain Fritz Michel. We loved this land But horror sank like dune sand upon it Gone as in the break of the moose track Is the track of man and creature Agnes Miegel. In memory of the Germans from West Prussia and Posen , expelled from their German homeland — , perished.

Loyalty and faith and the good law All went to sleep May God resurrect them again Before we all perish Inscription in a home in Danzig. In memory of the Germans from Pomerania 1,, driven from their homeland , perished. Loyalty comes first And is last in heaven and on earth Who puts his whole soul into it Shall wear the crown Ernst Moritz Arndt. In memory of the Germans from East Brandenburg , driven from their homeland, , perished.

In memory of the Germans from their homeland Silesia and Upper Lausit 3,, expellees of whose , perished. In memory of the Germans from their homelands Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia 3,, expelled. Unspeakable is your sorrow, Sudentenland There are no more tears left to cry for you Wilhelm Pleyer.

In memory of the Germans from the settlement areas in Eastern Europe , Deaths; 2,, expellees. In memory of the victims of the bombing , dead; Millions injured. How many died — who knows the number On your injuries we can see your torment Nameless numbers have been burned to death Through hell fire from human hand Inscription on the Heidefriedhof cemetery in Dresden.

He who has forgotten how to cry, learns it Again at the destruction of Dresden I have experienced the annihilation of Dresden. I cry May God teach people more love And clarify things for their salvation more than before Gerhard Hauptmann In memory of the victims of sunken refugee ships — 40, deaths. They lie in the depth of the Baltic Sea floor The flood is washing their bones in the bay and the tides. Manifold desecrated abandoned to unimaginable horror and dying.

God will wipe away All tears from their eyes And there will be no more death Nor sorrow, nor screaming Nor will there be any pain Revelation of John. Above are the Allied prison camp numbers for the Germans where they died, starved to death, or were murdered. They wanted to exterminate the whole German people. It was laid down in books by the Jews. In memory of the German prisoners of war The kidnapped and the civilian interns the murdered and executed 3,, deaths. Perished in death marches Consumed in the mines Walled in in caves Death as a friend approaches you He brings salvation from suffering Mourning are Mother and mourning are wife and children They never forgot you How shall your Volk forget you?!

The central obelisk carries following inscription. And those have traveled all over the world, and as time goes on those levels will increase, the damage will increase, and the entire infrastructure of this planet is now in a process of decay and disintegration — everything, and that includes the biosphere: We are in an accelerated state of our entire world disintegrating and the effects are very, very serious, and they will be more and more apparent as time goes on: The loud booms we hear around the world, say Dr.

Leuren Moret, geological specialist, and an engineer, are from the nuclear isotopes seeping into the earth at Fukushima non-stop and mixing into the groundwater [apparently heating everything up. Is this why we have gas coming out of the earth now in places where we never did? Fukushima Daiichi is thousands upon thousands of times worse than Chernobyl. I am sorry to say this. You can hear them say this at video 6 about Fukushima at 3: What can we do? Massive die offs of ocean creatures — fisheries devastated — land and sea animals, fish and other sea creatures with tumors.

It had a BMW later ray turbine motor. It was able to fly straight up. There were three models in sizes from 6 m to 24 m.

Some introductory notes

The first model was test flown in , per eye witnesses…. Contrary to the lies by the Allied books and media, the Nazi was a patriotic, noble, just, disciplined and honorable man who loved his homeland. When the truth [who it is and why] about the flying saucers will become general knowledge, and one day this will happen, then those who called them nonsense will be really shocked. This shock can be so great that governments will be toppled and chaos will remain until there will be new leaders with a totally new view of life.

Auszug aus “Das Gegenteil is wahr Band II” von Johannes Juergenson

Translated and summarized with some of my own comments from. There is proof that they worked on manned flights. Eye witness test pilot Roelicke has seen the earth from space or at least very far above. It was necessary to have pressure cabins and pressure suits in the craft, which eye witness Chief Engineer Klein stated they had. Already in the Germans experimented with these: It was disguised with a restaurant on each end.

The atmosphere at the height of 10, m 30, plus feet could be simulated there by suction technique. At the end of the s, Germany experimented with saucer-shaped flying machines. The problem was that the circular shape did not have any advantage when using conventional motor drives which only drive the craft forward. Better was the Delta wing,. Almost all high technology America has, has been stolen from Germany. Germany was very advanced in technology, compared to the United States.

For the circular flying objects, rotating rings were needed. In the s and s, numerous experiments were made with different types of saucers. Andreas Epp and Heinrich Miethe were some who were developing saucers. It was named V7. Otto Habermohl, Rudolf Schriever, Italian Giuseppe Belluzzo Bellonzo joined in started their developments in , and the first flying saucer was produced in June The first model was test flown in , per eye witnesses. But some of his high officials disobeyed Hitler because they thought they could work out a milder deal with the Allies by having the German military capitulate.

Were they in for a horrible surprise, even death for themselves and the murder of approx. I have several detailed articles on my blog about the capitulation. When the Wehrmacht capitulated, Prag, where most of the experiments with flying saucers took place, was still in German hands. But not for long. So the prototype saucers were removed or destroyed so that they would not fall into enemy hands. Miethe went to Egypt first, along with other Germans. Habermohl disappeared; rumor has it that he was kidnapped by the Soviets.

Rumor had it Schriever died under mysterious circumstances in the s. However, reliable sources claim he worked in the U. These conventional saucers were driven by propellers, had a starting rocket which helped the model to fly upright, and made a lot of noise! With the Walter-drive system it was also able to float and make soft landings. These are the flying objects that Wernher von Braun acknowledged having been built in Penemuende.

But these conventional flying saucers do not explain the modern, soundless machines that were already the second generation in Germany during the war. They must have developed a totally different system with strange lights, unusual acceleration, and extreme speed. No technical information was to be found by the Allies, only eye witnesses spoke of their technical capabilities during flight.

The whole technical departments in Prag had to be relocated to appropriate places due to the invasion of the Soviets. There were other locations where space crafts were built. The infamous Jonastal and the military training area in Ohrdruf had an extensive undergound tunnel systems. Many eye witnesses living after the war told of seeing the flying saucers.

Atom research was done there as well. When the Germans left, the tunnel system was either blasted by them or it was set with booby traps. Still, the Americans got away with 6 German atomic bombs [it was the Germans who had developed them first], and 6 flying saucers; of course, they were the early conventional ones because the more advanced ones were taken out of the country earlier.

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I call the Jonastal infamous because today, curiosity seekers travel to the Jonastal, and some of them, so the stories go, have gone deep into the tunnel system and have never made it back out. The traits of the newest flying saucers seen by many witnesses who spoke of them after the war was glowing and the ability to suddenly change direction at very high speed. Many newspapers in Germany and Austria wrote for decades about these flying objects. Starting in , the flying saucers were seen regularly in the United States.

How extremely important it is for the U. Their weapons have been proven many times when they were about to be attacked. There were many, many stories up to the 80s in German, Swiss, and Austrian newspapers about this. In the , when the Jews took more control of everything these reports were clammed down on and pilots were forbidden, under severe punishment, to speak of the saucers they encounter. The coming of the saucers — Kenneth Arnold. Since , these flying objects gave the bomber squads some trouble. Many bomber squadron pilots told that these white orbs would follow them causing confusion, disorientation in the flight pattern, and malfunctioning of the electrical system, and that they could not be shaken off, flew alongside the plane for some distance.

It was said that some bombers crashed because of this. Pilots of the Air Force report that they came across silver colored globes in the skies over German territory. The globes show up singularly or in groups. Sometimes the look half-transparent. In a few moments about 15 to 20 machines fell burning from the squadron. Toward the end of the war, Germany lacked getting to material resources in Germany, that were needed. The trail of this phenomena leads back to Zossen, 30 km from Berlin. In Zossen, cars often stopped in the middle of driving for no apparent reason.

These developments were kept extremely secret so that it took decades to locate documents about it. This is decisive disinformation. Before the s everything about the UFOs was classified. After the s people were purposely bombarded with half-truths, admitting what is well known, but adding so much phantasy to create a type of confusion that leads to people waving off the whole thing as nonsense e. Montauk Project ; in other words, throwing out the baby with the bath water, preventing discussions by reasonable persons.

That was the goal. Only two decades later much disinformation surfaced. George Adamski brought much of this disinformation. It is possible that the Vril and Haunebus flying saucers existed, but the sources writing about them are dubious. Austrian Nature scientist Viktor Schauberger discovered interesting natural principals and presented to Hitler in his natural techniques.

He worked together with the internees of the concentration camp Mauthausen and later with released engineers on this project. His work was independent of other German flying saucer projects. He ended up in an isolated place in Colorado. There he wrote down all his research experience and had to push hard to get back to his homeland after three months. I believe, that the stereoscopic format is a natural way for human beings to receive visual information, and this is true regardless of the fact, that two dimensional surfaces have been dominant in the field of audiovisual representations for ages.

I do admit, that it is justified to ask how can stereoscopic dimensions enhance an audiovisual experience — especially since audiences do not usually question the lack of depth of plain surfaces that are commonly used to display imagery. But throughout the history of development of transferring information using man made images, there has been a distinctive tendency to strive towards mimicking our natural way of perceiving our surroundings with the aid of technology — movement, color and resolution are clear examples. And I think that stereoscopy is a natural extension of this development.

Yet in both cases, there was more information provided to the receiver and despite the judgement of the critics the audiences demanded sound and color as soon as they were available. So far the stereoscopic technology has been ridiculed by critics using the same kind of arguments heard in the past, but it has not yet proved them wrong in the manner of sound and color. All of them were plagued by major technological and financial problems, which at the time were difficult to overcome.

And now, at the beginning of a new millennium, the audiovisual industry is pushing once more for the acceptance of stereoscopy into the mainstream. At the moment the success of this fourth major attempt is somewhat questionable. Yes, a major portion of the products from the Hollywood pipeline are stereoscopic, but the 3D TV channels have been a failure. Of course the history and the bad reputation gained over a century is hard to overcome. But in addition to fighting prejudice from critics and audiences alike, there are still practical conventions that the users find dissatisfying — the most noticeably the glasses.

The hardware producers have used famous designers and fashion brands to design aesthetically pleasing models of 3D glasses, but to me and perhaps to the buying audiences this looks like a desperate attempt to cover up impractical solutions by directing the attention to superficial qualities. I believe, that in order to become a household name in all visual communication, the technology most likely has to be autostereoscopic, meaning 3D without any glasses or other supplements.

But the first time in the history of stereoscopic culture there is light at the end of the tunnel. The advent of the digital technology has made it possible to address the issues that formerly were next to impossible to overcome. These challenges were noticeable in every part of the production process, all the way from initial planning to projections in theaters the latter being perhaps the most difficult one and the one that made most damage to the reputation of stereoscopy during the past decades.

And although were not there yet, we can see the development being made with the autostereoscopic technology. It might start with small apparatus such as the likes of Nintendo 3ds instead of the big screen, but it is happening. And when that is combined with the currently existing possibility for individual people to affordably create their own and high quality 3D content, there will be a change for stereoscopic culture to gain more ground in the world of visual communication and perhaps even become a dominant convention to represent visual information.

A medium is not restricted to being a technical device, like a radio, a newspaper or a browser. Any conceptual space that enables us to identify, interpret and generate signs in a specific, meaningful manner can be seen as a medium. So, what and how do you want to express with the exhibition itself, so that it resonates and references what you want to express with your foto series Marshall McLuhan? You could see the exhibition as a kind of painting, with your pictures as colors; or as a novel with your pictures as paragraphs; as a comic where your pictures are the panels, and the magic happens between the pictures Scott McLoud.

These are, of course, different aesthetic media as analogies for how you could see and arrange your exhibition: An exhibition trying to turn an individual or cultural construction visible as such. There is a third element, probably the most tricky one. Artists, therapists or educators each have a specific advantage touching this element: The European Commission for Research and Innovation started an initiative on June 21st to get girls into scientific careers: A video clip was produced by an ad agency for about This clip was meant to raise interest in the age group of year old females.

The video — unintentionally — succeeded as discussion starter because it failed to use the right contextmarkers whatever these are. Two approaches to initiate education, one obvious to inform and integrate; and one to question invisible medio-cultural givens. Addendum July 5th On July 4th the german newspapers are all posting articles on the campaign. It had thus been highly successful as awareness-raiser. Some connections to former concepts we disucssed:. Obviously we do not see that there are blind spots. Generating continuity where there is none is an effect of closure. No situation is exactly as any one we encountered before.

We need generalized context markers that let us decide upon a current context in a situation. By softening, recontextualising or sabotaging context markers, we may become aware of them as cognitive constructs: The awareness may be a temporary dip into a higher type of learning.


A father and his son are involved in a car accident, as a result of which the son is rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. A variant of this involves a father and son travelling on a scheduled flight; the father asks the flight attendant if his son may visit the cockpit and she takes him there.

Try this story with kindergarten-teacher, a dancer, or a hairdresser and see if the results are the same this kind of deceptive gender stereotyping can also be measured by an implicit association test. Have another story, a bit more complicated:. Two lovers that have died. Their bodies are near a table and surrounded by a pool of water. How did they die? Do you have a mental image in your mind after reading this text?