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Main page Picture gallery 1 Rating statistics If you like Silvia Soler Author of Petons de diumenge Includes the names: Top members works joanvilardell 7 , Agutzil 5 , mmv 5 , gamoia 5 , mescoi 4 , finavila 3 , chesirekatua 3 , ConxaM 3 , Montserratmv 3 , bugaderes39 3 , Biblioteca-AB 2 , elucinschi 2 , Sisif 2 , mdpc 2 — more Recently added pereilla 1 , MIARES 2 , bibliotecaborgonya 2 , MerceCR 2 , Sisif 2 , rovica 1 , Mazinger 1 , afigueres 2 , marciliogodoi 1 , msegurar 1.
Events on LibraryThing Local. Abacus — Badalona , Monday, April 15, at 6pm. His last work so far is the novel Nocturn de Sant Felip Neri. Meteora Catalan pp. The story is as curious as intriguing. He contributes regularly to radio and TV shows, as well as newspapers. Editorial Gregal Catalan pp. It narrates the full story of the famous statue of Delphi, using the memories of the charioteer who served as a model to its sculptors in a time when the Greek world was in collision with the barbarians — Persians and Carthaginians.
Ara Llibres Catalan pp. And, probably, he would be that today, too. This book studies in depth the most polemic side of Jesus: A fighter and — like all those in the margins of the official doctrine — a reprobate. Which was the environment where Jesus was born and grew up? How did his faith mature? What was his true heresy? Can we say that he failed? In , Isdavat took the risk of publishing his first novel, Novapatria, and survived the experience happily. F El brigadista Rights sold to: Penguin Random House Castellano pp. In the s, an African American veteran of the International Brigades recalls his experiences in Spain during the Civil War, and confesses to his family that he fell in love in Catalonia with a young woman called Anna.
The memories start when Raimond, the veteran grandfather, meets Joan, a Catalan young man who is dating his granddaughter Sarah. Later on, with La Querosenca The Cooperative , he tackled with optimistic irony the consequences of the economic crisis. Although business is his professional midst, literature, painting or creative activities in general are his great passions. That is why he never lets go of the pen, be it as a columnist, a novelist or a playwright. He is a scriptwriter for the Catalan webseries Solisombra.
Count Ramon Berenguer IV, the abbot Gausfred and master Ermengol have worked for a long time to carry out their dream: For a couple of years Ripoll has bustled with activity. Laborers, cutters, stonemasons, sculptors have reached the village attracted by the good wages the abbot offers. The workload ahead is huge. Among so much agitation, it is not surprising that a young prostitute falls ill mysteriously and agonizes in the oddest circumstances.
They guide us into a novel that combines skillfully history, art and intrigue. She began her career at Cadena SER and 40 Principales, and later on worked at Onda Cero and Radio 9, where she was in charge of several sociocultural shows. Afterward, she focused in corporate and institutional communication in diverse sectors — from the political to the social —.
Silvia Soler
Worth mentioning is her passage through the world of football, where she held the position of External Relations Director for the Hercules Football Club. She currently works as a journalist, talk show host, and columnist for several media, while she also engages in creative writing. Her first novel is the thriller La muerte del 9 F La muerte del 9 Rights sold to: Turpial Spanish pp. But this murder is just the latest in a series of scandals coming from a second division club that hides a few dark secrets.
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Maria Moreno, a journalist who lands in the club as Communications Manager, is slowly discovering a world of shady deals, homophobia, match fixing, corruption In the Real Triunfo FC everyone seems to have a motive to kill. It is set in an environment she knows well — one the public has a particularly festive vision of. She writes often for magazines, and is a regular contributor to the newspaper La Vanguardia and several radio and TV shows. She is an expert in diet cooking as well as a unique food critic. She is also a consultant for prestigious restaurants, and several food companies.
In , she published her first book Alimentarse bien al ritmo de hoy. She is now the author of many titles, where she has combined practical and informative works with handbooks, diets, food reviews, and studies that mix together culture, communication, and food — always with a fresh and friendly approach, and vouched by her knowledge of Medicine and nutrition. Her lastest book is El chef en casa. NF El chef en casa Rights sold to: Eleven internationally renowned chefs open the doors to their homes for us to sit at their tables and enjoy ourselves as one of the family: With delicious creative recipes, very easy to prepare, you will feel like a chef at home.
F La mascara veneciana Rights sold to: Sheltered and pampered, she lives placidly as long as she accepts the rules of a game others have devised for her. Being a smart an intelligent woman, she realizes soon what a powerful influence her beauty exerts among men. F Avions de paper Rights sold to: The new situation, aggravated by age and the social crisis, causes anxiety, insecurity and makes them reevaluate their lives. She has a degree in Pharmacy and studies in Catalan Philology. He promised Maria he loved her to death and would elope with her to star a new life. However, those words turned out to be smoke and mirrors.
She works at her own psycho-pedagogic centre treating kids, teenagers and young people with behavioural and emotional disorders. She is co-author, along with Dr. Estivill, of different books in which analyze, among other subjects, children insomnia, the proper nutrition during the age of growth and the relationships between parents, children and teenagers. She is as well the co-author of the children series Lila. She has also published other essays on her own discussing matters within her professional profile, and compilations of tales in order to transmit ethical values that can be useful for their personal developing.
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- Silvia Soler | LibraryThing.
- Colby and Me:Growing Up in the 50s!
This book is addressed to all the families that have children of any age. All parents experience coexistence problems with their children at some point, be it schedule conflicts, unexpected behaviors, jealousy, lack of interest for school, or despondency, just to mention a few. These problems are normal in some stages of their development and they all have a solution when treated with common sense and tenderness. She explains the problems parents bring to her office most often, and teaches us the simplest and most effective way to handle them successfully.
He has worked as a journalist, screenwriter, writer and other — less glamorous — jobs. He also writes opinion pieces occasionally in his blog AraGirona. F Segui vora del foc Rights sold to: Lynch sodomizing Josep Pla. A tripper trooper follows a semi-autistic degenerate who makes his living recording the death of others, and dreams of killer pink stuffed rabbits. Come, sit by the fire. She was the first of five siblings, and grew up in a house full of light, foster pets and books. The girl who, barely 8, hid under the sheets with a lantern to read, and decided to study Journalism. Her passion for written and spoken words became a vocation as much as a profession.
She works as a corporate communication manager for social and educational intitutions. For years she has been giving back some of her luck by teaching adults to read and write. One day, by chance, she published a book: F El invierno que tomamos cartas en el asunto Rights sold to: Winter has come to Porvenir bringing bad news: Sms, e-mails and whatsapps seem to have won the game even on the mountains. Sara, the only postman in town, was born and lives there with her three small children. She spends many hours with her neighbor Rosa, an eighty-year-old woman who would do anything to spare Sara and her children afflictions.
But what can an old lady do to prevent the lives of her loved ones from being disrupted? She lived abroad for ten years mainly in Paris , and has travelled to over 70 countries. She welds the best of Eastern and Western philosophies, spending long periods off Europe — especially in Asia, where she studies the development of the mind with great Tibetan lamas in India, Nepal and Tibet , and takes lessons regularly from the Dalai Lama in the Himalaya.
She also helps companies motivate their staff, and is a praised lecturer around the world. NF Mensajes para el alma Rights sold to: Many people find very little light in their hearts, and feel at a dead end. However, changing is always possible. This book teaches us that we can move toward a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow. The good news is that it depends on ourselves. He combines writing with the management of a farming and olive family business.
He is currently pursuing a degree in Humanities at the Open University of Catalonia, and is a regular contributor to radio programs about books. This is a story from the past that projects onto the present. F El fin de los secretos Rights sold to: He trained at the Sleep Disorders Center Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, and is a member of the most prestigious Spanish and foreign associations in this field.
All children need their hours of rest, as well as routines and simple habits that satisfy their physical and emotional needs. They learn how to study, eat healthy food, perform hygiene practices, while we have to help them also relax before going to sleep, so they do it willingly. This is a practical and simple book that shows how the hours previous to sleeping time can be happier for everyone. And it teaches us that a child who keeps a few good habits and clear routines at home is a happier child — a child who goes to bed and gets up happy and eager to face the day.
This book promises a more peaceful coexistence for the whole family. Sometimes, good habits — in eating, in hygiene or behaviour- are difficult to teach. This book tries to show parents how to educate their children through some games, while they grow up with them. She has a degree in Humanities and a PhD in communication specialized in metaphors of wine tasting. When she was 20 years old, she became the youngest sommelier in Spain, and at the age of 25 she won the Young Golden Nose Award.
Meritxell contributes to several TV and radio programs. She has also worked for some prestigious brands such as Damm, Givenchy and Loewe. She is an accredited teacher of sommelier studies and a member of the Catalan Gastronomy Academy. Her second book was Los vinos de tu vida, where explained which are the most suitable wine choices for each situation in our daily life.
NF Los vinos de tu vida Rights sold to: We should live and drink without complex, boldly. In this book you will find all the advice you need to select and taste the right wine for every occasion: This is why she will recommend wines that you will surely enjoy, help you discover your interests in the world of wine, provide you with a bit of theory and lots of practice To taste every moment with higher spirits!
Due to her illness, she decided to investigate the relationship between cancer, diet, lifestyle and emotions. After compiling extensive scientific information, she introduced important changes in her life and overcame a life-threatening cancer. Here, the author encourages us to take an active role toward the disease, both for prevention and healing. She proposes nutritional and lifestyle guidelines, paying attention to the management of our emotions and psychological well-being to enhance the self-healing ability of our body.
In the book she explains which were her anticancer recipes —recipes of life that helped her —, wishing they are useful to every one suffering from cancer. NF Mis recetas anticancer Rights sold to: Under which circumstances can you get it? Is it possible to prevent it? After researching for some time, she found out that making a series of little changes in her diet and the lifestyle might not only prevent catching the disease, but also help improving when already suffering it. In this book, she teaches us something many people did not know: She has published two works of fiction using her scientific knowledge to enrich the plot.
Two titles that have been really successful, Quantic Love and La puerta de los tres cerrojos, published in six and eleven languages respectively. Francesc Miralles Barcelona, has a degree in German Philology and has worked as a publisher. He has been awarded with several prestigious literary awards and lots of his books, both for young readers and the adult readership, have become bestsellers. Some of his books are: Quantum theory is one of the most beautiful and astonishing of sciences.
The rules it follows are mad in comparison to our daily life. As we sink into the quantum world, our beliefs about reality and our common certainties are questioned. Among muffins, toasts, orange juice and coffee, we will embark on a fascinating and revealing journey towards the origins of the universe. For more than 25 years, she has been treating eating disorder. Since she is a member of the facultative staff in the Medical Center Teknon in Barcelona. She has given courses of nutrition and dietetics and has participated in different nutritional, medical and cosmetic surgery conferences on a national and international wide scale.
In this respect, the Mediaterranean diet arises as a paradigm of enzymatic regeneration, due to its high nutritional value. During the past ten years, since she had her first daughter, she has been working as a freelancer. This has allowed her to perform a wide range of tasks in the publishing industry. She has written books about art history, patrimony, and gastronomy; articles on culture, travel or ecology.
She has also coordinated projects for several publishing houses. Her passion for her hometown, Barcelona, led her to study the local culture. El barri del sorral is her first published novel not the first one she has written, since she has one in the drawer. F El barri del sorral Rights sold to: A group of women are put together to work cleaning the city and the destiny will them to find a little poisoned treasure that they will have to keep in secret. Although he graduated in Philosophy, he ended up working in advertising, a field where he has won a number of awards.
NF La vida es fabulosa Rights sold to: And that … that is fabulous! In he joined the programme En Directe at TV3, the Catalan public television where he is still working. Among his books, El pont dels jueus reached the bestseller lists just a few days after it came out, and has now sold more than F Strappo Rights sold to: He ordered to pull them out to an Italian expert on the technic of Strappo: Franco Steffanoni, who saved many artworks from being destroyed during the Austrian bombing of Firs World War. Stefanoni and his men arrive to Vall de Boi with the first intention of working for Plandiaura, until discovering the main intention of the businessman and his right hand, Ignasi Pollack, of selling them to the best bidder, beginning a race between Plandiaura and the Museums Committee of Barcelona, one to obtain the murals on his own benefit, the others, to save a cultural heritage from the plundering.
His first novel, El silenci Destino, , obtained the Josep Pla Prize and became the bestselling fiction book in Catalonia that year. In he published La terapeuta Planeta , about the relationship between a psychologist and her patient. F La terapeuta Rights sold to: After being an accidental witness in the murder of a young girl, he is suffering an anxiety block.
Their relationship is at first merely professional but, as time goes by, he becomes increasingly dependent. He is unable to perform unless she is present at the theater every night while he plays Dick Diver — the character in Tender is the Night. He is passionate about historical fiction, and literature in general. His favorite age is the Modern Period, specially in relation to the social repercussions of war. He has won several awards, such as the Baldiri Reixac. Father of two boys — Joan and Ignasi — he will have to face the enemy.
While the siege advances, life in town goes on. This is the story of those who had to fight to defend what was theirs. She is married and a mother of two, working presently as a dubber and script adaptator for movies and television. La joya de mi deseo The Jewel of My Desire is her first novel.
F La joya de mi deseo Rights sold to: After the death of her husband, Luisa Estrada assumes the reins of the family business, one of the best jewelry shops in the city. Yet some difficulties thwart her: Practically ruined, he dreams of starting his own theatrical company, which would require a great deal of money. So, when Catalina poses the possibility of marrying Luisa Estrada, he runs swiftly to meet her and falls enthralled by her beauty.
She began working as a graphic illustrator for Argentinian newspapers and magazines as well as several educational publishers. For a period of time, she was a TV scriptwriter, and during the eighties published erotic cartoons in a few European media. Nowadays, having a fully developed personal style, she contributes with different kinds of vignettes to newspapers all over the world: Her first book of comic strips, Flo Ediciones de la Flor , was followed by the successful series Mujeres alteradas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, that became consecutive bestsellers and a mass social phenomenon both in South America and several countries in Europe.
Later, she published her first novel Rumble. F Lo mejor de Maitena Rights sold to: I shortened titles, erased speech bubbles and supressed entire frames … It was sort of a dream: If life gave us an opportunity like this, happiness would be guaranteed. However, eventually he decided to quit everything, change his life and devote himself to writing and lecturing. His daughter Sofia is following her grandmother's steps, and very early on started learning from her the secrets of the mountains.
Tired of hardship, Joan leaves for Argentina to seek fortune, and leaves the women on their own. They live by the rhythm of seasons and, when winter comes, they get ready to travel around selling their healing herbs and remedies. This will be their first journey together.
- Viaggio nella mia vita (Italian Edition).
- New Love (Love Series Book 2).
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- The Ghost In You (MotsErotica Threesomes);
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Ramon and Pau from Cal Sisquet are two brothers in love with Sofia. Ramon, maddened by jealousy, kills his brother with the help of his man of confidence, Pere. Sofia witnesses it and writes to her father to explain everything in careful detail. Pere, who is watching her, steals the letter, and when Ramon reads it, he writhes in anger: It is the beginning of the new year and all the women are excited. Only Sofia is restless. Dolors senses that something is eating her granddaughter. When she turns around, she has the feeling that someone is following them.
He played with the F. Barcelona, the Joventut from Badalona, and the Athenes Panathinaikos. He graduated in financial analysis and equity markets and then began his business career by founding Global Sports Advisors, a sportsmen representing agency — and the Leaders factory consulting firm. Currently he works as a business consultant, and as a financial and patrimonial advisor for sportsmen and artists. Why do some people with very modest salaries do extraordinary things while others are unable to make ends meet at the end of the month?
Thus, he helps correct mistakes and achieve the goal of living better with less. After writing two essays on Franz Kafka and Hermann Hesse addressed to school readers, he decided to write novels. He recently wrote the novel Pulsaciones, with Javier Ruescas. Another important part of his production is focused on the self-help, coaching and inspirational field.
He has written several books of these genres such as El zen de la empresa, ideas para cambiar tu vida or La dieta espiritual. After receiving two postcard of Kyoto from a mysterious sender, Samuel decides to pack up and dedicate oneself in adventure. While studying wabi-sabi in Japan's ancient capital, the door of love is about to open up where least expected.
After attending university in Spain, she was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to do a Masters in Financial Journalism in the U. Elena worked in newspapers in Barcelona and Reno, Nevada, and settled in London in She has been a business reporter for The Guardian, having worked at Bloomberg and Reuters newswires previously. She lives with her partner in North London.
F La maestra republicana Rights sold to: La maestra republicana is the vibrant story of a woman struggling to preserve the dignity of her own past and that takes us into the impenetrable world of Eton College and the almost unknown Residence for Women, the female version of the Student Residence. Her story and the characters that relates are also a metaphor of our time, political corruption and social despair in which we live, and how a fighting spirit can put them in check while restoring values of honesty and justice almost forgotten.
For this reason, at the age of twenty-four he renounced the counsel of psychiatrists and the help of antidepressants. He undertook, then, a solitary journey that led him to travel for seven years through Latin America, Africa and Asia in search of transformative experiences and useful knowledge to give a new meaning to his existence. An expert in Transpersonal Psychology, Perennial Philosophy, and Enneagram, he teaches at several universities, where he gives talks about spiritual development.
Before consuming it, read the entire prospectus. Never before have we been so rich in a material sense, and so poor spiritually. A proof of this is the growing consumption of drugs such as Prozac or Tranquimazin, which have become inseparable travel companions for millions of people.
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But there are also those who believe that medication is not the solution. They want to understand the causes of their discomfort, work through and neutralize them because they do not want to suffer anymore. It promotes stoic philosophy and provides the necessary dose of wisdom to learn how to be happy. Clay Newman defends that values such as humility, selfacceptance, compassion, and confidence, among others, are inherent to the human condition.
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However, it is necessary to know and activate them to make them effective. You will soon discover that the only thing that keeps you from being happy is yourself. She undertook her process of self-knowledge in her early youth, by learning such techniques as Enneagram and Neurolinguistic Programming PNL.
This integral self-knowledge process is meant to coach professionally people who want to develop their potential to build a life style in accordance with with their true values and needs. And for all the parents and mothers — anonymous heroes — who face every day the titanic, exhausting and — sometimes — delirious challenge of trying to educate their adolescent children. The purpose of this book is building a bridge between parents and young adults, with reflections and useful tools to help them bury the hatchet.
And the best way of starting is from the foundation. What do our adolescent children say about us? And, what are we going to do about it? He has contributed to several newspapers and publications, and has translated Katherine Mansfield, Gertrude Stein, Willa Cather and Jack London, among others. He has written the screenplay Ojos de invierno, based on his novel Tanta vida , whose rights were acquired by Filmax.
In he was finalist to the Award Ciudad de Torrevieja for novels with his book El secreto de los Hoffman, which was adapted for the stage in In he published El tiempo que nos une and El cel que ens queda. On that same year, he was finalist to the Primavera Award of Novel with El alma del mundo. His work has been translated into eight languages. In Palomas published a poetry collection, Entre el ruido y la vida, and in his novel Una madre.
F Una madre Rights sold to: At last, after several failed attempts, now that she is 65, Amalia has succeded to have her dream fulfilled: Una madre tells the story of a dinner, and of the seven attendants who are bound to share the beginning of a new life none of them are envisioning. With her sense of humor and determination, Amalia weaves around the table a net of invisible threads meant to unite and protect her three sons, her daughter in law and her brother.
She mends the silences of ones, and channels the present and future of others. She knows, as everyone senses, that this is going to be a long night: She knows this it the time to take action, and she is not willing to let anything get on her way. La Galera Spanish and Catalan pp. Guille is an introverted child with a permanent smile.
He has only one friend. So far, so good. But this calm facade hides the most fragile world, and a mystery to solve. The pieces are a father in crisis, an absent mother, an intrigued teacher, and a psychologist who tries to understand what the child hides. A choral novel where there are mixed feelings, silences, gaps and an enthralling mystery.

Her parents did not want her to work in the restaurant industry, so she started to study law. However, her passion for cooking led her to find her way into every kitchen she could until finally, together with her future husband, she opened the innovative restaurant Semproniana in Barcelona, as well as the restaurants Coses de Menjar, also in Barcelona, and Acontecimiento in Lisbon.
Ada Parellada collaborates with many media and local Catalan television channels. Sal de Vainilla Vanilla Salt is her first novel Planeta, F Sal de vainilla Rights sold to: He is rough and eccentric. Annette is a young Canadian, with no experience whatsoever in a kitchen. They are opposite characters, though sharing one thing: Alex and Anette are two broken hearts who will find, among the stoves, the perfect condiment for their own happiness.
An acid, fresh and witty novel — as well as tender and enigmatic —, Sal de Vainilla hovers over a mystery, a restrained attraction, on top of that, an unconditional passion for cooking. Currently he also moonlights as a consultant for self-help publishers, while travelling all over the world seeking new sources of inspiration for his books. He is the author of: Shakespeare para enamorados Rights sold to: In all his theatre plays, and his sonnets he dealt with love from a lucid perspective.
Shakespeare is stll the cure to the most powerful muscle of our body. A fresh and inspiring book for those who feel that love is a vital matter. Born in Madrid in , is a graduate in Economic and Managerial Sciences. At present he is a high executive in an investments company with interests in several sectors.
This is a novel about love and the loss of innocence, with the warm colors of the Pacific coasts and the rhythm of jazz in the background. At the feet of the mountain, in the calm boulevards, a macabre incident shakes the foundations of the building where countess Violeta de Guevara dwells: There are many and very diverse suspects but, among them, someone stands out: After making several documentaries as a screenwriter and director for the most important TV stations in the country, he decided to write a series of black novels on the former bank robber Miguel Angel Soto -aka Dani el Rojo-.