2018 Alaska Incident Business Management Handbook (PDF)

Communicate professionally and effectively with a range of stakeholders, using a variety of modes of communications and appropriate tools. Engage professionally and effectively to the success of a multicultural, team, in a manner which is respectful of the needs, values, personalities and capabilities of others. Utilise digital technologies to identify, source, analyse and communicate information relevant to business and social challenges.

Meet the disciplinary knowledge and skill requirements for graduates seeking to commence a career in business management. Course requirements Two not-for-credit online modules: A common core of fourteen subjects is designed to: An eight-subject disciplinary core provides the disciplinary depth required of a management professional Five elective subjects provide you with the opportunity to extend the breadth of your course.

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  • Alaska Incident Business Management.
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This degree is designed to be completed within three years of full-time study, although part-time study is possible. Not all courses are offered in Full-time mode. Unrestricted Electives Students must choose eight 8 unrestricted electives either by:. Completing a joint study in another discipline area which will be included on the testamur, and adding the number of electives needed to bring the total number of subjects to 24; or by.

Selecting eight 8 unrestricted electives.

C10342v2 Bachelor of Management

An elective is any undergraduate subject offered by Charles Sturt University provided prerequisites and enrolment restrictions have been met. Students must ensure that there are no more than twelve 12 level one subjects in their degree. Students must also ensure that they complete a minimum of five 5 level three subjects in their degree. The level of a subject is designated by the first digit in the subject code, e.

How to Order

MGT is a level one subject. A joint study is a prescribed set of subjects taken from a discipline other than the chosen specialisation.

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  • Course code/s: LBABM?
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Students are then able to use the title of the joint study in conjunction with the specialisation e. Established sequences are determined by Faculty Board.

Bachelor of Applied Business (Management)

Students must ensure that they take the necessary prerequisites. No more than two subjects can be counted towards a Joint Study if they have already been undertaken as part of a specialisation. For examples of the choice of units available in first year, search the first-year study plans. To fully understand the structure of an undergraduate course, read the course structure information and the Undergraduate Degree Course Rules. The following example illustrates how the Management degree-specific major can be included in the Bachelor of Commerce course.

There are more choices open to you. For more examples, search the study plans.

Alaska Incident Business Management

You also have the option to choose a second major from those available in the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Biomedical Science, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Design Only available to re-enrolling students. The following example illustrates how the Management degree-specific major can be combined with a second major in the Bachelor of Commerce course. For more examples of combinations of majors, search the study plans. Management can also be taken as a second major. The flexible structure of an undergraduate course allows you the option of including a second major.