The bad news is that the pattern does not always hold true. Wall Street did well under George Bush senior but that didn't stop him being a one-term president. It did badly under his son but George Bush junior still held off John Kerry in Studies of this sort inevitably only provide a partial impression of presidential economic records. A more comprehensive study would include unemployment, inflation, living standards and the distribution of the spoils of growth. It can also be said that, in some cases, a president can bequeath problems to his successor.

Herbert Hoover was the worst president for Wall Street in the past years, but he followed Coolidge. Similarly, it could be argued that the poor returns under George Bush junior reflected the unsustainable nature of the dotcom bubble under Clinton. Ironic, Sen John Thune R-SD proposed an amendment in March of this year to a tax bill before congress which would grant small business tax incentives to encourage new capital investment and hiring.

I wonder what happened?

Democratic Views on Small Business

I would take the "we love you" part and call it a day. But, then no tax breaks by the Dems will be welcomed by the Right. That would be nice, sammy, if you weren't forced to take the "we love you not part" too. Targeted tax breaks are unequal treatment.

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Targeted tax cuts go where the pols want them to, be it for good or bad reasons, but hardly for many valid economic reasons. Taxing a company, then handing some or all of the money back, simply means that the government gets to tell you how, where and when to spend the money. It is about control, not economics.

And any "gift" from the "we're here to help you" government is wrapped up with a big fat bow made of shiny red tape. This post is case in point. I agree, but you forgot to mention that prior to handing some of the money back, the big, fat government absorbs, wastes, pockets, and vaporizes most of it.

Prejudice against the wealthy and businesses is no different than prejudice against race, religion, creed, etc. If it were, then why would people keep, so confidential, the amount of money they make; it's taboo to ask about it. Sammy, if they are putting it in one pocket, and simultaneously taking it out of the other or usually more , you aren't "taking" anything. And how long do you think the write off will last, until the election is over?

Until they decide that "they can't pay for it anymore"? If taking the crumbs they throw you is what you want to do, then more power to you, brother. We are being bent over.

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Some people could use some "sensitivity" training. No need for any sensitivity training here. All Dims is saying is that the Obama administration and many if not most of the Democrats in Congress are basically telling taxpayers, especially small business owners, to lie there and take it for the good of the country. This provision is absolutely ridiculous. If it stays, if the whole Obamacare bill stays, I imagine a whole lot of business owners going John Galt.

  1. !
  2. Democrats Advance Small Business Priorities;
  3. Democrats Advance Small Business Priorities | Small Business Committee - Democrats.

I think there should be a new requirement in order to run for or hold an elective office, especially on the national level. The candidate must have real world experience — either working for or running a small business.

Democrats are aware that small businesses are the engines that drive the economy of this great nation. From high-tech startups to family-owned restaurants, small business owners and entrepreneurs are crucial elements of our economy and our communities. Like Republicans, Democrats see the value of small businesses, but they take a different route towards trying to support these businesses and their owners.

Democrats better for Wall Street than Republicans, research shows

Traditionally, two-thirds of all new American jobs are created by small businesses. They exemplify a huge boon to our economy. This is the reason that Democrats strive to eliminate barriers standing the way of small businesses — by assisting more small businesses to get off the ground, grow, and hire new workers. Democratic views on small business revolve around the theory that, while government cannot guarantee the success of a small business, it can implement the conditions that support hiring of new workers through providing tax relief and increasing the availability of Small Business Administration SBA resources.

During the Obama administration, President Obama cut taxes for small businesses no less than eighteen times. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that was signed into law by President Obama states that business that hire previously unemployed workers are eligible for tax cuts and can write off the purchase of new equipment.

Most of the small businesses are eligible under the Affordable Care Act ACA for tax credits to offset the insurance costs for their employees.