The tracks sunk 35 centimeters into the ground meaning whoever made them had to have weighed, literally, a ton. Thinking there might have been a terrorist incursion, the army was called in. Military trackers were totally stumped. The tracks carried on for 8 kilometers. The heel dug in only 5 cm. If you can call it walking. Sometimes the distance between tracks was twelve feet, meaning the intruder was a world record holding broad jumper weighing about a ton. The Yatzitz incident confirmed, even to the deepest skeptics, that giants were indeed sighted and they left proof that was nearly impossible to dispute.
The best the Israeli authorities could come up with to explain the tracks was they were left by an unknown cult. It would have to be very unknown for records of cults whose ceremonies include dressing as giants and leaving miles of unidentifiable tracks are undoubtedly quite rare. And became a vintage year for UFO evidence gathering with a good dozen craft filmed.
Two incidents stand out. The results include a closeup of what appear to be rows of square-shaped vents on the craft. In December, a Netanya household reported constant contact with small greys, the first such report from Israel. The witnesses backed up their claims with an abundance of physical evidence, including stones that melt ice immediately without a known energy source. The Israeli UFO experience is unique and very complicated. I have touched on just one aspect of it; but it is vital to understanding the Israeli puzzle. Of the seven best documented close encounters with alien beings provably connected to UFOs, six involved giants.
These giants were determined to leave evidence of their arrival in the form of cadmium-imbued landing circles, miles of impossible boot tracks and deliberate communication with witnesses. Indeed, the abundant evidence more than indicates that there are giants roaming Israel today. As there were 5, years ago and they also left proof of their existence. The giants were descended from the nefilim, literally the fallen ones. In ancient time, entities fell on Israel from the heavens and later became the mortal enemies of the Hebrew nations.
The site is enormous. The outside circle has a diameter of meters and over 37, tons of rock went into the construction of the complex. Two openings in the circles may have been used to measure the solar solstice and the rising of Sirius in BCE. The fact remains that Israeli archaeologists are totally mystified by the Gilgal Refaim. No other complex built in the Middle East resembles it and it predates the pyramids by over years. The indigenous nomads of the time did not engage in this kind of megalith building, so outsiders were probably the builders.
According to the Bible, the only outsiders living on the Golan Heights back then were giants. Maybe it's a longshot, but no one has come up with a better explanation for Israel's current UFO wave. I believe the ancient giants may be coming home. I conclude on a somber note.
The biblical giants were God's enemy and Israel's armies were the means to their utter destruction. There is a legitimate reason to contemplate the recent rearrival of giants in Israel with a good measure of dread. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Jesus Christ explained to his apostles what events would immediately precede his second coming, "It shall be exactly as in the days before Noah entered the ark". What is the significance of this statement and how does it relate to Ufos? The Flood epic Gen. The "fallen ones" sought to merge with the bloodline of Adam, because of the promise to send a redeemer through Adam's kinsman. The Hebrew says that the Sons of God saw that the women were a fit "extension", for they sought to extend themselves into this realm from the spirit realm, as well as to extend themselves into the "children of the promise" the lineage of Adam.
Satan tried to prevent the eventual birth, in the distant future, of the Messiah. Scripture uses other names to describe these degraded fallen angels and their descendents in addition to the word Nephilim, they are. The book of the Jubilees remarks that Jared or Yeh-red , an Old Testament patriarch, was so called because in his days the angels descended upon the earth - Yaw-rad "descend". It is interesting to note that "Jordan" comes from that same root word denoting "descent, coming down or falling" - Yar-dane "the place of the descent".
Jordan, "place of the descent", is located in the ancient boundary of Israel. Israel is currently a major location for sightings , and the fallen angels in disguise as "aliens". The Book of Enoch explains that the Sons of God descended first onto the mountain called Hermon which in Hebrew means desolation, in the land of Jordan the place of the descent. The rebel angels intended to thwart God's plan for the earth by destroying the descendents of Adam. The plan is now to prevent any flesh from being saved.
By gentically manipulating human genetics, whether through the guise of "alien abduction" or by supplying willing mortal accomplices with the proper technology These gentically altered humans are no longer Sons of Adam, and no longer able to be saved by the Kinsman Redeemer. The more diverse, the better. Welcome to Historical Fictionistas! If you're looking to expand your HF horizons, you've come to the right place.
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Vadym Balev rated a book it was amazing Prophet by Frank E. Cancel Thanks for telling us about the problem. Birthdate of King Rudolf I whose subjects included Meir of Rothenburg who was born three years before the monarch and who bring additional persecution to the Jews of his realm. A party that included John of Marignola, who would report on his conversations with Jews in China, stopped in Constantinople before going on to The Middle Kingdom.
While Jews had been expelled from England in and readmitted under Cromwell in the middle of the 17 th century, Jews had been living in Scotland without interruption, possibly since Roman Times, but certainly since the 12 th century. Within a decade and a half after the Act of Union, there were 20, Jews living in Glasgow. Birthdate of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. It was here that betrayed those Jews who had supported him by defeating the attempts at Jewish emancipation first when he served in the House of Commons and then, even more viciously when he served in the House of Lords.
The Duke had been able to support a bill emancipating seven million English Roman Catholics but he could not bring himself to do the same for thirty thousand English Jews. Handel drew on Biblical tales for many of his oratorios. In Prussia, Alexander Wolff and his wife gave birth to their second son, Michael, who would become Michael Solomon Alexander, the convert who became the first Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem. Birthdate of Sir Henry Francis Goldsmid, who "after receiving careful instruction, was called to the Bar in Hilary term, making him the first Jew who ever obtained that distinction in Great Britain.
Birthdate of Ignaz Kuranda, the native of Prague who ended his career in journalism to concentrate on a political career that included serving in the Reichsrate for 20 years. Isaac Bernays, Chief Rabbi in Hambrug, passed away. Then he went to Munich as private tutor in the house of Herr von Hirsch, and afterward lived at Mayence as a private scholar. In he was elected chief rabbi of the German-Jewish community in Hamburg, to fill a position where a man of strictly Orthodox views but of modern education was wanted as head of the congregation.
After personal negotiations with Lazarus Riesser father of Gabriel Riesser , who went to see him in Mayence, Bernays accepted the office on characteristic terms; namely, that all the religious and educational institutions of the community were to be placed under his personal direction; he wanted to be responsible to the government only. Based on an article in the Jewish Encyclopedia. Salomons, the elected Member of Parliament from Greenwich, was fined for voting against the law that excluded the Jews from sitting in the House of Commons.
Apparently he was found guilty of three separate violations since the court imposed three separate fines, of pounds each. Students at the Union Theological Seminary began taking their final exams today. One of the subjects in which they will be tested during the next week is the Hebrew Language.
His principal works have been received with enthusiasm, and although inordinately expensive to produce -- when compared with others of the Italian repertoire equally celebrated -- have never failed to pay a handsome dividend to the enterprising manager who produced them.
If incessant applause means anything, it surely guarantees a long run for the "Jewess. In common with the rest of their fellow-citizens, the Israelites assembled in their respective places of worship and carried out the precepts of the President's Proclamation. Most of the Synagogues were opened and he Psalms appointed to be read on penitential days, read on the occasion. A very eloquent address was delivered by Rabbi Morris J. Raphal, at the Greene-street Synagogue. He remarked that it was a curious coincidence that on this, a fast day appointed by their own religious observances, they met in compliance with the Proclamation of the President of the United States, to fast and pray.
He had been in this country fourteen years. During the first ten years no public proclamation had ever directed their thoughts and feelings to humiliation and fasting. Once in every year the highest functionary in every State proclaimed a day of general thanksgiving, and with that the debt of national gratitude was supposed to be paid. But now the rulers of the nation come year after year and call upon the people to weary Heaven with fruitless professions of a penitence they did not feel, and of a humility they did not practice.
These proclamations fast days, on which no one fasts, are but the repetition of those so strongly reproved by the prophet Isaiah; and, though the people dare not put his questions, "Wherefore do we fast and Thou seest it not? Afflict our souls and Thou will not notice it! Like our fathers, the Israelites of old, for whom pious Nekeiniah made such fervent supplication, the people of this country are justly amenable to his confession made for Israel: What were they to say for the citizens of the United States who already and so long possess the two greatest earthly blessings, Education and Freedom, and yet make so bad a use of both.
Education should be the guardian of freedom and of virtue, it was the birthright of every American, bestowed on all and withheld from none. But what principles did it actually inculcate -what virtues did it really teach? Did it inculcate respect for free institutions? Answer, ye place-hunters, ye ballot-box stuffers, ye shoulder-hitters, who reduce self-government to a disgusting farce. Did it teach patriotism? Answer, ye spoils-men, ye office-teekers and holders, who cement party lines with the cohesive force of public plunder.
Did it teach common honesty? Answer, ye peculators and speculators, who fatten on the blood of the hard-worked masses, and who dignify roguery by the name of smartness. His heart ached as he spoke to them of the effects of perverted education; it would ache still more were he to direct attention to the bitter fruits of abused freedom. He need not remind them that while the best men North and South had long been driven aloof from the affairs of the country, demagogues, fanatics and a party Press had so managed matters that they found themselves in the third year of a destructive but needless sectional war, which has armed brother against brother, consigned hundreds of thousands to an untimely grave, and to ruin and devastation tens of thousands of square miles of flourishing and happy land; and what was worse than all this, while humanity weeps we must suppress our sympathy.
However, our hearts may yearn for peace and brotherly love, our reason convinces us that the present is not the time to expect, or even to hope for the cessation of blood. On the contrary, though we may detest the cause and course of events, it is our duty loyally to stand by our section of the country, to maintain her quarrel and defend her rights, while we have the consolation to know that our side did not begin the fray, and that the cause of Union was the worthiest in the field.
During the Civil War, they played a leading role in selling United States Government securities to Europeans which helped to finance the Union victory. The brothers would take a leading role in financing the boom in railroads and in supporting Jewish charitable endeavors. It was reported today that the late Dr. According to a report published today, Michael Isaacs and Isaac Goldstein, two Jewish packpeddlers who had been indicted on charges of rape were found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison by the Suffolk County court in New York.
Birthdate of David M. He was widely known for his activities in Jewish, State and municipal relief and in charity organizations. His work with the Removal Office was aimed at diverting the flow of Jewish immigrants from eastern cities to areas in the South and the Mid-West and providing them funds and training to acclimate them to their new homes. Based on reports from the Forward. Petersburg, the Russian capital. In the past six months, Alliance has opened 9 schools in the Ottoman Empire.
All told the Alliance is supporting 33 schools serving a total of 6, pupils. Sixty-eight thousand francs have been raised towards the establishment of primary and professional schools in Palestine. The funeral of Isaac Hendricks, a member of the prominent Hendricks family, is scheduled to take place today at the New York home of his brother-in-law, H. Admirers wore the primrose, the favorite flower of the late Benjamin Disraeli. It was reported today that General Nicholai Ignatief has issued a denial of claims that the anti-Jewish violence is the result of a lack of action by the government.
Amid reports that Jews are living Vilna en mass, two hundred families are to leave for America today. Anglo-Jewish architect David Mocatta passed away. The Institute had occupied the Broadway facility since January of when it opened with 24 pupils. Plans to use the structure for a synagogue came to naught when it was determined that the building was unsuitable for that purpose and that it would be too small for the number of congregants who would be using the synagogue.
Following a fortnight of attacks on Jewish shops in outlying provinces, Austrian authorities fear that there will be a May Day attacks on Jews throughout the empire including Vienna. An unnamed anarchist has called for May Day attacks in Paris including the assassination of the Rothschilds. The old Hebrew Orphan Asylum building on 77 th street is going to converted into a public school that should accommodate 1, children. Members of the American Federation of Labor, the union organization headed by Samuel Gompers will be taking part in a large demonstration this evening in support of the eight work day.
As of today, people were residing at the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews. Among the delegates attending the meeting was Benjamin Schlesinger, a delegate from Chicago who would become the business manager of Local 5 in Chicago. Oscar Hammerstein held a reception for newspaper men in which he discussed his plans to build a new opera house in New York. Approximately 4, Jewish who work in the clothing trades held a pro-union parade on the east side of New York. Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveichik passed away. The youngsters were coached by Professor Herman Weber.
A lease was signed for a building at Mott Avenue and th Street which was to the home for the Hebrew Infant Asylum. Jacob Eduard Polak was brought to Persia to teach medicine and surgery to a whole generation of Persian physicians as part of an attempt to modernize the kingdom, was assassinated today. The Jews had remained at Larissa since they expected to be protected by the Turks. He also said that he never intended to criticize the United States for the war with Spain. Isaacs, President of the Hirsch Fund has read about the bequest of the late Baroness Hirsch in the newspapers but has received no official communication on this matter.
A native of Philadelphia who holds both a B. After twenty-three years of service, Dr. Joel Deutsch who had been principal of school for deaf-mutes established in Nikolsburg and moved to Vienna in passed away today. Wolf Israelski was accused and arrested, while Count Plucker promoted riots against the Jews. After Israelski was proven innocent, two others, Adolf Levy and Rosenthal, were arrested on the same charge.
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Rosenthal was acquitted and Lewy sentenced on a perjury charge to four years. Dutch Zionist leader Jacobus Kann resigns as director of the Bank designed to finance the purchase of land in Eretz Israel and help settlers make Aliyah. Birthdate of Endre Bohem, the native of Arad who became a successful American screenwriter and producer.
In his poem "Tale of the Slaughter," the famous Jewish poet Chiam Nachman Bialik chastised the Jews for not defending themselves in the Pogrom at Kishinev that had taken place in April, Herzl was also affected by the massacre and he decided to visit Russia and give consideration to the Uganda Plan. The Uganda plan would be rejected but it would cause a painful split in the infant Zionist movement.
The massacre also provided the impetus in America to lay the groundwork for the American Jewish Committee, casting American Jewry into international prominence. There would be another pogrom in Kishinev in with more loss of life. Birthdate of movie director Henry Koster. A refugee from Nazi Germany, Koster directed numerous famous films. He saw their comedy act and convinced Universal Studios to sign them to a contract.
Birthdate of comic Louis Nye. As the investigation into the death of Mary Phagan continues, E. Nissim Mazliach is appointed to the Turkish Chamber for Smyrna. Abraham Shiplikeff of the United Hebrew Trades is scheduled to preside over an assemblage those delivering speeches demanding equal rights for Jews the world over…in a dozen different languages. Labor activist Bessie Abramowitz and Amalgamated president Sidney Hillman announced their engagement while marching at the head of the clothing workers' contingent of the Chicago May Day Parade. The rabbis of Palestine hold a first conference.
Young anarchist Mollie Steimer began a year prison term for distributing leaflets opposing American intervention in the Russian Revolution. She was later deported. Though casualties were relatively light, the British decided to appease the Arabs and "redefined" the borders of the Balfour Declaration. This was neither the first time nor the last time that the British would violation the terms of the Mandate. It was also one of the many examples in which the British sought to curry favor with the Arabs, even if it meant betraying the Jews.
Birthdate of author Joseph Heller who created Catch, the literary masterpiece that gained additional fame as a film. Leonard Hill and Dr. According to reports by John Martin published today, famed ballerina Belle Didjah has set sail from New York to begin her European Tour which will include performances in Tel Aviv and other communities in Palestine. The performances are being sponsored by the Cultural Committee of Histadruth. Following the Anschluss, Austrians forced Jewish men and women to scrub the streets with small brushes and with the women's fur coats.
In Hungary, discriminatory laws were passed against Jews engaged in law and medicine. Jewish participation in the economy was restricted to six percent. Birthdate of Colette Avital, the Bucharest native who made Aliyah in and developed a career as a diplomat and political leader. In all, only a few thousand Jews from the region manage to escape. The Lodz Ghetto is closed. At the outbreak of the war, Lodz was the second largest Jewish community in Europe, Warsaw being the largest.
When the Ghetto was sealed, it imprisoned over , Those who did not die of starvation, pestilence, etc. Mankiewicz and a score by Bernard Hermann. Thousands of Jews who had fought in the French Foreign Legion against Germany in are deported to slave-labor camps in the Sahara to build railroads. Jewish cemeteries, synagogues, and businesses in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, are destroyed. A concentration camp is established at Natzweiler, Alsace, Germany. Gross-Rosen, formerly a satellite camp of Sachsenhausen, Germany, becomes an independent camp.
From today through the 31 st of the month, more than Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto die of starvation. Nazis force their way into Jewish apartments in Warsaw , shoot and club the residents, and throw the bodies from windows. During May a slave-labor camp opens near Minsk, Belorussia. During May small groups of Jewish youths manage to escape into the woods outside Lida and Stolpce, towns in Belorussia. During May, in the Eastern Galicia region of Poland, Jews aged 14 to 60 are driven to isolated spots and killed by hand grenades and machine guns after being forced to dig their own graves.
Other victims of this Aktion include orphans, residents of old-age homes, and women in the streets. During May inmates at Auschwitz-Birkenau are put to work as slave laborers at the camp itself and at a synthetic-oil and rubber plant at nearby Monowitz. A Jewish inmate at a labor camp at Schwenningen , Germany , is buried in earth up to his shoulders as punishment for having an attack of diarrhea outside a barracks; after more than ten hours in the ground, the man dies.
During May, a slave-labor camp opens at Maly Trostinets, Byelorussia. It is charged with the roundup of Dutch Jews for deportation to the East. The Bund's appeal contains detailed information concerning the systematic mass murder of Jews. It reports that , Polish Jews have already been executed. Hundreds perish from heat and hunger, and others die during Allied bombings after being forbidden to use air-raid shelters.
Approximately Jews are murdered at Dvinsk, Latvia. Only about Jews are left in Dvinsk, down from 16, from the previous year. Trucks began transporting the Jews out of the Dvinsk ghetto. Dvinsk was a town in the Baltic state of Latvia. At the end of the war, only had survived.

The first of four trains carrying nearly 11, Jews arrive at Auschwitz from Salonika, Greece. This would mark the next step in the end of this ancient Jewish community that lives on in their unique music including that which is used in chanting Psalm The Warsaw Ghetto uprising had lasted eleven days. By now, the Jews knew that the Polish Underground would not come to their aid. The Jews fought on even as they awaited the inevitable. Of course, this fun won't last very long. But it shows what is to be expected of the Jews when they are in possession of arms.
Jewish writers and artists, inspired by the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, gather in the Vilna Lithuania Ghetto for an evening of poetry, with the hopeful theme "Spring in Yiddish Literature. Many members of the Jewish community in Brody, Ukraine, are killed at the Majdanek death camp. Starting today the Nazis begin the liquidation of the Lodz Poland Ghetto. Itzhak Katzenelson and his son Zvi were murdered at Auschwitz.
Born in , he was a teacher, poet and dramatist. His wife and two of his other sons had already been murdered at Treblinka. Katznelson participated in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and was one of the few survivors. For more about his epic work see http: After 68 months of war, just one of every ten of Poland's prewar Jewish population of 3. A Jew in a group of laborers from the camp at Sonneberg, Germany, chants and dances with joy upon word of Hitler's death.
A German guard calmly shoots the man dead. The concentration camp at Stutthof, Poland, is liberated by the Red Army. Just inmates remain alive. The Death Marches to Mauthausen continued even as the U.
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Army approached, and even though Hitler committed suicide the prior day. The Jews were being marched to Mauthasan in Austria from the various death camps and concentration camps that had fallen in the wake of Allied and Soviet advances. Approximately , people were imprisoned at Mauthausen. In a draft of a letter to British Prime Minster Clement Atlee, Winston Churchill reiterated his belief in Partition as the only realistic was for settling the conflict in Palestine.
The British continued to maintain the blockade keeping the Jews out of Palestine. It was at this time that Golda "proposed a hunger strike by fifteen Zionist leaders" as means of forcing the British to change their policy. Meir asked the head of the British government in Palestine if the hunger strike would make a difference he ask asked her," She replied, "No, I have no such illusions. If the death of six million didn't change government policy, I don't expect that my not eating will do so. But it at least it will be a mark of solidarity" with those Jews being turned away by the British military.
If the Arabs could take the settlement, they would be able to keep the Palmach from sending reinforcements Safed. In the end, the settlers held and Jewish forces were able to take control of Safed after an extremely difficult battle later in the month. Abba Eban makes his maiden speech in the U. Israeli forces liberate the Qatamon neighborhood of Jerusalem.
The party, which is more conservative than those represented by the labor movement, had been offered the Commerce and Industry ministries as an enticement to join the new government but the leadership felt that Ben Gurion had not made a strong enough commitment to adopt some of their economic and educational reform policies. A right-handed opening batsman and a very occasional off spin bowler, he is the only known Jewish Australian to represent his country at cricket…Wiener's mother and father, Vella and Sasha, were Polish and Austrian Jews respectively, and both escaped the concentration camps of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.
The surname Wiener came from Vienna, the home of Sasha. His parents married in in Paris, before coming to Australia as refugees on the famous Dunera ship in Wiener's father ran a successful textile business, which allowed him to send Wiener to the private Brighton Grammar School. Wiener's father had early sporting success in table tennis, which Wiener applied to his cricket, playing for Prahran in Melbourne grade cricket.
He subsequently completed his university education at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in business management, before moving to England to pursue his cricket career. The polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk is made available to the public. For all those who like to talk about greedy Jews, considering the following. Salk refused to take out a patent on his vaccine. Some things, he said, were more important than making money. He opened the batting for Western Province with his brother Jonathan Seeff. Birthdate of actress Maia Morgenstern. The Center for Jewish History marked today as the beginning of the public movement for freeing Soviet Jewry.
Born in , Malamud wanted to be thought of as great writer, not just a great Jewish writer.
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In other words, even though he often used Jewish themes and motifs, he was writing about the human condition. Nasser repudiated the cease fire agreement with Israel. Elton John became the first pop star to perform in Israel. President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation today declaring the week starting on May 3, as Jewish Heritage Week.
Today, the American Jewish World Service AJWS was established in Boston when Larry Phillips and Larry Simon, together with a group of rabbis, Jewish communal leaders, activists, businesspeople, scholars and others came together to create the first American Jewish organization dedicated to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among people across the globe. Its title was inspired by Herman's autobiography of the same name. Birthdate of Shahar Pe'er, Israeli female professional tennis player. Born Edith Stein, she became a Carmelite nun.
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She was arrested by the Nazis in Holland when the Germans were rounding up Jews who converted to Catholicism. She was gassed at Auschwitz. For those who question the role of the Pope during the Holocaust, the fate of Edith Stein, and others who had converted to Catholicism before World War II, raises an interesting dilemma.
There are those who can understand why the Pope did not move to save the Jews, but wonder why he did not move to save Jews who had become Catholics. In the end, did he not consider them real Catholics? This is something for use to ponder at this season of the year which often coincides with Yom Hashoah. At an Arab summit meeting held in Baghdad, President Saddam Hussein of Iraq threatens to use "weapons of total destruction" in response to an Israeli attack against Arabs.
The main item on the summit agenda is immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel , which is denounced as a grave threat to Arab security. Syria and four other Arab states do not attend the meeting. Greece establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel. Asher Wallfish journalist for the Jerusalem Post passed away at the age of Pollard also requested a temporary injunction ordering the Government of Israel to reveal who had been in charge of his case and what steps had been taken to secure his release from the American prison.
The petition queried the official Israeli position, according to which Pollard had been part of a rogue operation. It called for a temporary injunction outlining what he was paid for his services. The High Court issued a temporary injunction, apparently at the request of the security services, forbidding the publication of Pollard's petition.
This ban was lifted following an appeal by the "Yediot Aharonot" newspaper. The Jerusalem Post reported that Mr. Ochs, who bought the paper in and remained its publisher until , to his 13 great-grandchildren is scheduled to be completed today. He passed away in Three Ring, filly owned by Barry K.
Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails begin a hunger strike to draw attention to their poor conditions. After almost seventeen months in prison, the trial of the 13 Jews opened in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Hearings were held every Monday and Wednesday until May The thirteen defendants were brought to the courtroom in shifts over the five-week trial. Former government intern Chandra Levy disappears. Yasser Arafat's five-month imprisonment in his Ramallah headquarters draws to an end as the Palestinians hand over six high-profile prisoners to Anglo-American custody.
Noa Achinoam Nini and Gil Dor, together with the noted Israeli rhythm and dance troupe Mayumana, gave a joint performance between the two final games of the Euroleague basketball championship, broadcast to thousands of television viewers around the world. Stanley Fisher began serving as Governor of the Bank of Israel. Rene Rivkin an Australian entrepreneur, investor, investment adviser, and stockbroker passed away. He was a well-known stockbroker in Australia for many years until his conviction for insider trading.
Koprowski was one of three Jews the others being Salk and Sabin who played a key role in developing a vaccine against polio. Local elections are held in Great Britain. Community organizations have come together to encourage the British Jewish community to vote in these local elections being held across the country because of a fear of gains that could be made by for the ultra-nationalist British National Party BNP. The Board of Deputies of British Jews - working with the London Jewish Forum and Community Security Trust - had launched a new campaign, with the slogan, "Your Voice or Theirs," to raise awareness of the importance of first registering to vote and then voting in the May 1 local elections.
The BNP has enjoyed some electoral success which alarms the Jewish community as well as ant-fascists organizations and other minority groups. BNP literature is described as anti-Semitic and the party is viewed by some as latter day Nazis. Rabbi Stephanie Alexander will be the speaker. Nearly lost, the music was rediscovered in the seventies and is now thriving in Europe and America. The UI student band, Kosher Tom, will also be performing. Fieldwork in Jewish Settings.
Sam Cohn, whose nearly endless client roster of top actors, writers and directors and imaginative engineering of deals for them made him the most powerful talent broker in theater and film during the s and s and a progenitor of the Hollywood superagent passed away today at the age of As reported by Bruce Weber http: The proclamation read as follows: Twenty years later, a plaque was affixed to the completed statue, inscribed with her words: Our Nation has always been both a haven and a home for Jewish Americans. As they have immeasurably enriched our national culture, Jewish Americans have also maintained their own unique identity.
During Jewish American Heritage Month we celebrate this proud history and honor the invaluable contributions Jewish Americans have made to our Nation. The Jewish American story is an essential chapter of the American narrative. It is one of refuge from persecution; of commitment to service, faith, democracy, and peace; and of tireless work to achieve success. As leaders in every facet of American life—from athletics, entertainment, and the arts to academia, business, government, and our Armed Forces—Jewish Americans have shaped our Nation and helped steer the course of our history.
We are a stronger and more hopeful country because so many Jews from around the world have made America their home. As they honor and maintain their ancient heritage, they set a positive example for all Americans and continue to strengthen our Nation.
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I call upon all Americans to observe this month with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies to celebrate the heritage and contributions of Jewish Americans. A memorial service for Maj. Orde Wingate, who trained members of the Haganah, is scheduled to take place today at the Arlington National Cemetery. Start of Jewish American Heritage Month. The March of the Living participants are scheduled to visit Auschwitz on Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, on May 1, to commemorate the Nazi murder of 6 million Jews and to pledge to fight intolerance and prejudice in the future.
Moshe Landau, the fifth president of the Supreme Court and an Israel Prize laureate, died on today, only two days after his 99th birthday, and 50 years after presiding at the trial of Adolf Eichmann. The 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust will be honored at ceremonies held across Israel this evening, the start of Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day. Benny Gantz and other dignitaries will attend the official state ceremony at Yad Vashem. This year, the central theme of the ceremony will be Fragments of Memory: The Faces Behind the Documents, Artifacts and Photographs, a campaign launched by the Holocaust museum aimed at collecting and preserving documents so that future generations may learn about the genocide of the Jewish people by the Nazis from first-hand sources.
During the ceremony, six Holocaust survivors will light torches in memory of those who suffered under Nazi persecution before and during World War II. Yona Fuchs, whose nickname is Janek, will be among the honorees at the event. In he escaped from a concentration camp and found work as a translator for a German company in Kiev. In that capacity he managed to save over a dozen Jews by recruiting them as workers for his employers. Later, he evaded arrest by posing as a German soldier. He arrived in British-controlled Palestine in , fought in the War of Independence and settled in Haifa.
He has 14 grandchildren. Israel's new Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino was sworn in today, replacing David Cohen, who served in the post for four years. Danino was formerly the head of the Israel Police investigations and intelligence branch, and comes to the commissioner's chair from his last posting as the commander of the Southern District Police. Distinguished composer Gilbert Levine, whose grandparents emigrated from Poland and whose mother-in-law was a survivor of Auschwitz, will be among the hundreds of thousands of people converging on the Vatican for the beatification of Pope John Paul II.
As reported by Ruth Ellen Gerber. Osama Bin Laden was killed by U. Navy Seals a compound in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. Gravestones and bones from an ancient Turkish Jewish cemetery were unearthed during construction work. The remains in the Turkish city of Izmir were found more than 20 feet below the ground, during construction work on an underground tunnel, the Hurriyet Daily News reported today.
Israel needs to reach peace with the Palestinians to prevent becoming a bi-national state, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said today, stressing — however — that the core of Israel's conflict with the Palestinians is not territory, but a Palestinian unwillingness to recognize Israel's legitimacy within any boundaries. A Reader co-edited with Jonathan D. American Jewish Heritage Month opens with a special tribute to the American Joint Distribution Committee that is celebrating its centennial anniversary. Assi Dayan passed away today.
Fred Spiegel author of Once the Acacias Bloomed: Lewis Black is scheduled to perform in Atlanta, GA. Opening of Jewish American Heritage Month. The Sixteenth Council of Toledo, which had opened on April 25, met for the last time. Among its other accomplishments, the council took further steps in the on-going, ever more vicious, suppression of the Jews by the Christian Visigoth. King Boris I of Bulgaria died. At the time of his death, Boris was actually a monk having abdicated his throne in During his reign, Bulgaria continued to provide a refuge for Jews fleeing from Byzantine persecution.
According to some reports, there was an attempt to convert the pagan Bulgars to Judaism. True or not, Christianity would become the state religion. Solomon Ibn-Farussal was murdered shortly before the forces of Islam defeated the Christians at the battle of Ucles. In the Montpellier region of southern France, an agreement was concluded according to which every priest who stirred up the people against the Jews should be excommunicated.
The Jews in return pledged to pay four pounds of silver every year on Palm Sunday. The Jews had paid a disproportionate share of that ransom. The 5, marks the Jews were compelled to pay was triple that paid by the citizens of London. There is no record of any Jews having lived in Portsmouth during the Middle Ages, though there were a scattered few in nearby Bosham, Chichester and Southampton, and an important community in Winchester.
Fawcett Road cemetery was still in use until it became full in the early s. Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg passed away. The last of the Tosophists, he was the leading Rabbi in Germany. Convinced that there was no future in Germany, he agreed to lead a large contingent of families to Eretz-Israel. While waiting for the other families, he was seized by the Bishop of Basel. The Emperor ordered him held in prison as a lesson to any of "his Jews" who would try to leave Germany and thus cause him a financial loss.
He refused to be ransomed, saying that it would serve as an impetus for further extortion's. He died in a prison near Colmar, and his body was held there until it was ransomed some years later. The Pope called upon all Christian princes to send back to Spain the Jews who had fled from the Inquisition. Massacre of the Jewish community of Bisenz, Austria. Regardless of how history views this German princess who replaced her husband on the throne of Russia, she was responsible for Russia acquiring most of its Jewish population.
Under her reign, Russia acquired much of Poland and its large Jewish population. Her record of treatment of the Jews, is mixed to negative. As a follower of Voltaire, she could not help but be swayed by his low opinions of the Jews. Her policies led to the creation of what would be called the Pale of Settlement. A year later the solidarische Haftung collective responsibility and liability of the Jewish community for non-payment of taxes and crimes of theft was abolished.
In London, American born physician, Dr.