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Nor does this thinking take into account the huge importance of perception, beliefs and local truths. Finally this rock logic exacerbates the worst deficiencies of the human brain, which is why we have made progress in technical matters and so little in human affairs. For the first time in history we do know something, in broad terms, about how the brain works as a self-organizing information system - and this has important implications. As I predicted the book was met with outrage that was so hysterical that it became comic and ludicrous rather than offensive.

Not one of those who attacked the book ever challenged its basic themes. The attacks were in the nature of childish personal abuse or picked on very minor matters - which is always a sure indication that the reviewer is not reviewing the book but prefers to attack the author. This is a pity because it is a serious subject which needs much more attention than it gets. It was Einstein who once said: To redress this balance, because the subject is important, I invited three Nobel prize physicists to write forewords to the book for future editions.

Those forewords put the matter into perspective. Because physicists spend their whole lives looking at fundamental processes and their implications. I had intended to add a section on water logic and 'hodics' to the book. In the end the book became too long and it was obvious that the section would have to be too short to do justice to the subject.

In our tradition of thinking we have sought to get away from the vagueness and instability of perception in order to deal with such concrete matters as mathematics and logic. We have done reasonably well at this and can now get back to dealing with perception as such. Indeed we have no choice because if our perceptions are faulty then perfect processing of those faulty perceptions can only give an answer that is wrong, and sometimes dangerous. We know from experience that both sides in any war, conflict or disagreement always have 'logic' on their side. How do perceptions come about?

What is the origin and nature of perception? How do the nerve circuits in the brain form and use perceptions? How do perceptions become stable - and stable enough to become beliefs? Can we get to look at our perceptions regarding any particular matter? Can we change perceptions—and if so, where do we start? This book does not provide all the answers but at the end of it the reader should have a good understanding of the difference between water logic and rock logic. The power pack produced by Lamor is designed to be used as a feed source for a small oil-skimmer and an oil pump.

LP 12 R can also supply power to the drum of Lamor oil-retention booms, to a high-pressure cleaning plant, a generator and a pressure blower. LPP 12R is equipped with an air-cooled hydraulic diesel engine. The power pack is positioned on a steel frame with hydraulic control. A hydraulic pump with a flexjoint and a flane is mounted on the engine to reduce the power. The engine has an electric starter that may be operated manually. Regulating valves of the hydraulic system Make sure the actuators are in an open position.

After the inspection the engine may be started to regulate its speed with the help of the throttle valve. SU, and its most recent developments: SU hotel reservation form on their websites. September is when the high tourist season finishes, and holding such an important event at this time offers a nice chance to sum up what has been achieved over the season and set out to plan for the next.

There is a theory that internationalization will create, or at least lead to, a common culture worldwide. This would make the life of international managers much simpler. There are, indeed, many products and services becoming common to world markets. What is important to consider, however, is not what they are and where they are found physically, but what they mean to the people in each culture.

As we will describe later, the essence of culture is not what is visible on the surface. It is the shared ways groups of people understand and interpret the world. So the fact that we can all listen to Walkmans and eat hamburgers tells us that there are some novel products that can be sold on a universal message, but it does not tell us what eating hamburgers or listening to Walkmans means in different cultures. If business people want to gain understanding of and allegiance to their corporate goals, policies, products or services wherever they are doing business, they must understand what those and other aspects of management mean in different cultures.

Consuming sea fish fat helps reduce triglyceride levels, but has almost no effect on those of both high and low-density lipoproteins. This is a finding of a systemic review of 21 studies on estimating effects of sea fish fat consumption on heart disease seromarkers the total number of patients monitored was 8, by Dr. Ethan Balk et al. This may be a result of both a reduced production of triglyceride-rich particles in the liver, as well as their increased extraction. According to this theory sea fish fat consumption has resulted in some increase in LDL cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins HDL levels — by 6.

The authors believe that, as it is quite weak, the effect is hardly of any significance for heart disease risk. Sea fish fat consumption at a rate of 0. The results may form part of the final documentation. Once assembled the pig is checked for correctness to manufacturing drawings. Prior to despatch a dimensional survey is conducted to confirm compliance to manufacturing drawings. If requested by the client, as-built drawings can be supplied and show actual final dimensions. Each pig can be indelibly marked with a unique identifier. The identifier may be systematic and may be designed to be legible on completion of the pigging operation.

On multi-bolt pigs, the identifier can be marked on the pig body. On single-bolt pigs, the identifier can be marked on the central spacer, or one of the retaining flanges. As far as design allows, identifiers will not be marked on any consumable item on the pig. On flexicast and foam pigs, the identifier can be marked on the pig material.

The unique identifier can be used to identify each pig on the Certificate of Conformity as part of the documentation if required. Excessive temperature and humidity combined causes deterioration of polyurethane elastomers. For long periods of storage, polyurethane products should be stored in an area away from direct sunlight and in low humidity. There are also moderate, low and very low pollution zones, with integrated, spread over large areas, problems in geosystems.

Key adverse impacts on the environment in the oblast include: Areas with the highest contamination levels in Murmansk Oblast are found near the towns of Monchegorsk and Nickel and take up 3. In terms of natural ecosystems these are human-caused wasteland with virtually all vegetation eliminated, with many species of mosses and lichens now extinct, as well as other species vulnerable to contamination, soils heavily affected and surface waters highly polluted.

Another important area, in terms of high levels of pollution there, is linked with the development of apatite and nepheline ores in the Khibiny mountains. The key source of environmental impact here is AO Apatite Company's apatite and nepheline ore enrichment factories and tailing dumps that account for up to 70 thousand tons of polluting discharges and emissions. In the area surrounding AO Apatite Company, over 30 million tons per year of waste materials containing strontium are dumped over an area of 3, km2.

Soil erosion processes are reported near quarries and tailing dumps. Yet another high pollution area is found on the south-west slope of the Khibiny, along the shores of Imandra Lake. The main contributors of pollution here include the Severonickel combine Monchegorsk and the dust coming from tailing dumps of apatite and nepheline ore enrichment factories and being carried over large distances.

Snow here has increased levels of metals. Strontium contamination in a large area south of the town-type settlement of Revda comes from the Lovozersk Ore Mining and Enrichment Company that specializes in rare earth metal ores. The components of the mixtures in question can include, in various combinations, the following substances: To calculate density, compressibility factor, and adiabatic exponent, this methodology is using a generalized fundamental equation of state GFES with affine transformations dependent of the mixture composition for reduced temperature and density of the base substance.

Methane and a fundamental equation of state FES were used as the base substance and its equation of state [1]. To calculate dynamic viscosity rate in rarified gas state, molecular-kinetic theory expressions were used. To calculate viscosity at working pressure, an expansion to higher orders of density was used, similar to the virial. In doing so, as the molecular interaction potential of all components but water vapor Lennard-Jones' potential 12 — 6 was used, with pure component parameters determined in the above range of temperatures and pressures from high accuracy dynamic viscosity rate data standard reference data, SRD, and recommended reference data, RRD.

To calculate the viscosity of water vapor, an empirical potential was used with parameters equal to those of the potential 12 - 6 - 3 , obtaned using standard reference data on water vapor dynamic viscosity rate. To account for dissimilar molecule interactions, the potential's parameters were calculated using semiempirical combinatory rules. Aside from the above thermophysical properties in one-phase state, this methodology allows determining the maximum equilibrium concentration solubility Xp of water vapors in a gas mixture, at a given temperature, pressure and concentrations of 'dry' components.

The values Xp are calculated using GFES for gaseous state, and the equations [2, 22] for the condensed phase — water or ice. This methodology is designed to help address issues in the flowmetry of dry and wet petroleum gases and similar multi-component gas mixtures. Everyone knows that values are Important. Some people realise that values are going to become even more important than they have been before. In a strongly competitive world, competence is becoming a commodity. Competence is essential but It is only a baseline. When everyone is equally competent, what then? Information is another commodity.

Information can be gathered or purchased. It is what you do with Information that matters. State-of-the-art technology is becoming another commodity with a few exceptions. It is what you do with technology — the value concepts — that are going to matter as much as the technology Itself. The design of projects, products and services is a matter of creative thinking that focuses on value.

The decision whether to go ahead with a new project or product depends on value assessment. The choice between different alternatives and opportunities In our personal lives depends on value assessment. Although values are real, they are also vague and intangible, and it is difficult to think about them.

This is largely a perceptual problem. How do we 'see' values? This book puts forward a concrete 'framework' for looking at values and assessing them. The practicality of such frameworks has been shown by the very widespread use of the Six Thinking Hats framework in business, In law courts and in family discussions. We need to be able to see things clearly and to communicate our perception to others. The Six Value Medals framework does exactly this. Each of the 'medals' allows us to direct our attention to a different set of values. We can now do one thing at a time instead of trying to do everything at once.

Tossing up one ball at a time is easier than seeking to juggle with six. Different perceptions and assessments of value can now be compared and discussed. Attention Is under our control instead of being pulled only to what appears 'interesting'. Each medal suggests an appreciation of the values present in a defined area: The value spectrum is covered with the medals.

It is sometimes useful to be able to see things at a single glance rather than remembering a lot of language. Two very simple visual notations have been put forward in this book. The 'value triangle' puts the different values forward in a simple flotation which can be taken in at a glance. The 'value map' is more detailed. The map allows both an instant assessment but also the possibility of following values up in more detail.

Both notations can be used on a personal level or for comparison between different people. The visual notations produced by individuals can be compared and discussed. It is not enough to know that values are Important. We need better ways of perceiving values, talking about them and assessing them. That is the best basis for action of any sort. This book provides you with the tools to do this. More than that, even to Europe. No, take it off. So, how is it? I've got a problem.

Send your boys to look out for my car. Some guy came as a buyer, but I gave no ads. And, one more thing, er, please don't bring any guests of yours in here. For cytology assays, cellular composition was determined using aural exudate smears, coloured according to Romanovski—Gymze. In all the patients, the assays were conducted at the time of admittance to the clinique; in the CPE and OICC patients the tests were repeated on the 5th—6th and 20th—21nd day after the operation and conservative therapy.

In total, 58 CPOM patients were operated, including extensive radical temporal bone surgery performed in 18 patients, radical ear surgery — in 28 patients, sanation surgery with tympanoplasty — in 4 patients. Six patients underwent conservative radical ear surgery, 2 — atticoantrotomy. The CPOM severity was estimated based on symptomatology reviews, surgery findings and the nature of the pathological process in the middle ear. Eighteen CPOM patients received conservative treatment — cleaning the attic with antiseptic solutions, glucocorticoids, antibiotics and antihistamines, applied locally in liquid or powder form.

Postoperatively, 58 were prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamins, ear dressings with tampons soaked in olive oil, or insufflations into the trephine cavity of a powder of sulfanilamides, antibiotics and diphenylhydramine conventional treatment. Of these, 24 patients received a 10 day immune corrective treatment using Thymalinum. The latter was applied intramusculary adults 20 mg, children 10 mg per day and as Thymalinum-soaked tampons into the trephine cavity.

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The Thymalinum treated patients were not given postoperative oil tampons and powder insufflations. The role of the body's immune responsiveness and middle ear tissue immunity in the onset and course of CPOM was reviewed based on clinical-immunological and microbiological correlations. In 6 out of 10 patients, chronic mesotympanitis was noted to have a benign course, in the form of circumscribed mucositis with flares once a year or every 2—3 years, and mucous discharge from the ear; other symptoms of note included edema and thickening of the tympanic cavity mucus membrane, a reduced number of mastoid aeriferous cells, and conductive type grade 1 hearing impairment.

In the remaining 4 patients chronic mesotympanitis mucositis was extensive in nature, with mucopurulent discharge from the ear, freaquent flares, presence of granulations and polyps in the typmanic cavity, sclerotic changes in mastoid and grade II to III sensorineural type hearing impairment. Federal Law of November 23, The law regulates issues regarding energy conservation and increasing energy efficiency so as to create a stimulating legal, economic and logistical basis.

It has definitions of such terms as power resource, secondary power resource, energy conservation, energy efficiency, etc. The provisions include government support for investments using stimuli such as compensating part of interest payments on loans and subsidies given by Russian credit institutions for the implementation of investment projects in energy conservation and increasing energy efficiency.

There offered stimuli for enhancing energy efficiency in industries e. The law requires that buildings, constructions and structures must be equipped with power meters till , and houses - till Another requirement is to have routine inspections for checking the compliance with energy conservation and increased energy efficiency requirements 2 or more times in every 3 years. In particular, the Urban Planning Code includes requirements related to improved energy efficiency and buildings, constructions and structures having to be equipped with power consumption meters.

The list of project documentation chapters now includes Chapter The contents of the parts is defined. In particular, Law of This Law also defines a right of Federal executive bodies to adopt procedures for rendering government services and performing government functions in the areas of their competence, and that of the top officials in the regions - to endorse respective procedures prior to their adoption at the federal level. Paracetamol, Phenylephrine HCL, starch, lactose and aspartame passes through 40 on sifter and sucrose pass through 0.

Clean vibratory sifter as per SOP. Mix for 15 minutes at slow speed. Purified water and add it to 0. Again knead for 10 minutes at slow speed or up to formation of big lumps. Pass the wet mass through sieve 10 m. Pass the dried granules through 2. Unload the dried granules from sifter or Multimill into polythene bags within fiberboard Drums. Check the weight of dry granules on Avery balance. The weight of dried granules should be not less than Ensure that bags at top are not torn.

Inspect screen before and after use as per SOP. Labeled the drum including above detail and number them. Send the granules to quarantine room and bulk analysis request slip to Q. After approval of Q. As per following specification granulation should be completed within five days after issuing the batch. The work to carry out the self-assessment of the existing capacity was done in strict adherence with a work plan approved by the Ministry of Environment, which is the government body primarily responsible for implementing the Conventions in Belarus.

To take, to the fullest extent possible, into account different opinions and positions on issues related to the Conventions and action to implement these, stakeholders have been actively involved both at the stage of establishing working groups and that of reviewing achieved results upon completing specific stages of work through workshops, mini-seminars, peer review of interim reports, etc. In pinpointing stakeholders such things were taken into account as: Capacity assessment for each of the Conventions was carried out article by article. Existing capacity was reviewed in the light of each article to identify constraints for meeting commitments, to make proposals so as to enhance the capacity at the individual, institutional and system level.

Collecting and reviewing information was done by individual experts and groups of experts by means of document reviews, interviews, field missions e. Luninets district , mini-seminars. Specific work objectives in each area were set out in a terms of reference approved with Minpriroda according to an agreed procedure. SWOT analysis was used to identify strengths and weaknesses in selected areas of implementing the Convention. To identify high priority issues in each area of a relevant Convention, a priority-setting matrix was used.

Criteria to evaluate priority were the scale of a problem, level of its topicality and possibility of addressing it adequately. To pinpoint constraints for building capacity needed to meet commitments under the 3 Conventions and identify some possible solutions, an analysis of root causes was carried out. For this the problem tree method was used. In carrying out such analysis primary focus was placed on the cross-cutting problems among the three conventions, not special cases. Drawing on the results of the capacity assessment exercise, the National Capacity Enhancement Priority Action Plan was developed.

It includes a list of unresolved issues and constraints lying in the 3 Conventions' domain, sets out priority measures to overcome the constraints, contains a roster of responsibilities and a timeframe, as well as sources of funding and indicators to measure progress against. Cross-cutting assessment was done while carrying out the pilot study on sustainable land management in Luninets district in Brest Oblast Polessye region. Many specialists engaged in agriculture, education, public administration, non-governmental organizations, mass media and private businesses were involved in the exercise.

Therefore NCSA experts had a chance to look at issues at hand from various points of view which is thought to have helped them to arrive at more accurate conclusions. Nothing in the wealthy Vershinins' family life is pointing to trouble. The head of the family, Mikhail Vershinin, who is a successful businessman, deals with construction projects; his wife, Lana, is a housewife, who is busy raising their three daughters. The eldest, Eugenia, has just defended her dissertation thesis at the History Department of the Moscow State University, and is going to marry Oleg Zharkov, a family friend.

The middle one, Lera, who has a good artistic talent, studies at a university, struggling to become a fashion designer, while hanging out with a semi-Bohemian crowd most of her time. The youngest, Sasha, goes to school, and does there very well. The girls adore their father and get along quite well among themselves, without meddling in each other's affairs much though — each of them has a life of her own, and they see each other mostly at family dinners and joint vacations.

However, one day everything changes. Mikhail Vershinin is killed in an explosion at one of the construction sites of his. Soon after his death it turns out that the family's cottage is mortgaged, the bank account is empty — since, for some reason, the father had invested all his money into a cancer centre under construction — one of his business projects. The family is left practically without a penny.

Understanding nothing in her late husband's business, Lana turns for help to Mikhail's friend — Andrei Reznichenko, who was indirectly involved in the construction business. However, Vershinin's sudden death affected his business partners to such an extent, that no one can really do anything to help the family out.

Even Oleg Zharkov — Vershinin's former closest aide and employee — asks Zhenia to put off their wedding. Reznichenko looks through the papers of Vershinin's and his advice is to forget it — he says, it is time now to start re-building their life, an additional argument for this being the fact that Vershinin's unfinished project just 'came under the hammer' — one developer liked the site, and a business plaza was being built there.

The Vershinins hold council between themselves to plan their life from now onward. Zhenia is planning to be a teacher at Sasha's school, Lera is going to start looking for a job, and there is a need to rent a flat. However, in reality it turns out harder than they thought — a teacher's pay is small, even in a good school, and Lera's attempts to find a job fail one after another, and, in the meantime, their cottage is close to be sold off.

On top of that, someone attempts to steal the rest of Vershinin's documents, which is something that looks very suspicious. As there seems to be no end to their rough times, the Vershinins decide to move to Lepinsk, a small town where Lana's father, Egor, lives and with whom they have not maintained relations for nearly ten years.

On arriving in Lepinsk, the Vershinins get a fresh start in Egor's decrepit house. Lana and her daughters need to start running their new home, get accustomed to their new, countryside life style. The old man does not give the Vershinins a warm reception — he hasn't seen his daughter for many years. Since Svetlana finished her studies in town, married and moved to Moscow for good, she has almost never been to her parents' house - first, the young family struggled economically, was busy putting their family life in order, then the three children were born, and later she was too busy raising the kids and running a household in the city.

She could not even find time to go to her mother's funeral, since one of the girl got very ill at the time. The old man gave the driver back the money she had sent with him and sent a message to say that he did not want to deal with both the Vershinins and his daughter any more.

Until Vershinin's death and the family's arrival in Lepinsk, he has never seen his granddaughters. Seeing that the Vershinins have nowhere to go, and learning about Mikhail's death and the troubles they went through, the old man give them permission to stay. He hopes in his heart, however, that they will not be able to cope with countryside realities: The girls have never lived in a village; they are accustomed to good life; they cannot cook properly; in a word, they cannot do anything that would be useful in these circumstances.

One is going to have to sleep on a chest since there are only two beds in the house. Referring to his daughter's city name — Lana short for Svetlana — Egor cannot help being spiteful: However, the Vershinins guided by Lana show a great deal of persistence in getting used to the countryside life style. Soon enough, they already bake pies, help the old man plant potatoes, do more and more chores around the house, and soon make good progress in running the household. Zhenia finds a job at a local history museum and is very keen about reviving old-forgotten customs and traditions.

Lana is busy running the household. Sasha is working hard to prepare for her exams. Is it possible not to like such persistent, hard-working and admirable folks? Everything ends with reconciliation, as it turns out that the old man, who has gotten used to their company and grown to love his granddaughters, has forgiven his daughter, but has simply not shown he cared as his stern nature would not allow him that.

The Vershinins, a united family now, celebrate Sasha's day of graduation from school. The Vershinins' story has a happy ending. Lera marries Martin, and his company signs a deal with the Lepinsk Factory, placing a large order — for locally produced motley lace. Kirill Potapov marries Zhenia who has been appointed the director of the Lepinsk History Museum since Yaroslav's disgraceful dismissal.

Sasha enters a college, and awaits Anton who is away on military service. The love story between Lana and Vova remains untold, but it has long been perfectly clear to everyone that they are going to be together, sooner or later. Once I was interviewed on a radio program. After my interview, the interviewer spoke with a representative from the mathematics department at a leading Australian university.

He said that teaching students to calculate is a waste of time, Why does anyone need to square numbers, multiply numbers, find square roots or divide numbers when we have calculators? Many parents telephoned the network to say his attitude could explain the difficulties their children were having in school. I have also had discussions with educators about the value of teaching basic number facts.

Many say children don't need to know that 5 plus 2 equals 7 or 2 times 3 is 6. When these comments are made in the classroom I ask the students to take our their calculators. I get them to tap the buttons as I give them a problem. Some students get 20 as an answer on their calculator. Others get an answer of Which number is correct? How can calculators give two different answers when you press the same buttons? This is because there is an order of mathematical functions.

You multiply and divide before you add or subtract. Some calculators know this; some don't. A calculator can't think for you. You must understand what you are doing yourself. If you don't understand mathematics, a calculator is of little help. Here are some reasons why I believe an understanding of mathematics is not only desirable, but essential for everyone, whether student or otherwise:. Is it true that some people are born with a mathematical mind? Do some people have an advantage over others? And, conversely, are some people at a disadvantage when they have to solve mathematical problems?

The difference between high achievers and low achievers is not the brain they were born with but how they learn to use it. High achievers use better strategies than low achievers. Speed Mathematics will teach you better strategies. These methods are easier than those you have learned in the past so you will solve problems more quickly and make fewer mistakes.

Imagine there are two students sitting in class and the teacher gives them a math problem. Student A says, "This is hard. The teacher hasn't taught us how to do this.

So how am I supposed to work it out? Dumb teacher, dumb school. Student B says, "This is hard. He knows what we know and what we can do so we must have been taught enough to work this out for ourselves. Where can I start? Which student is more likely to solve the problem? Obviously, it is student B.

What happens the next time the class is given a similar problem? Student A says, I can't do this. This is like the last problem we had. I am no good at these problems. Why can't they give us something easy! Student B says, "This is similar to the last problem. I can solve this.

I am good at these kinds of problems. They aren't easy, but I can do them. How do I begin with this problem! Both students have commenced a pattern; one of failure, the other of success. Has it anything to do with their intelligence? Perhaps, but not necessarily. They could be of equal intelligence. It has more to do with attitude, and their attitude could depend on what they have been told in the past, as well as their previous successes or failures.

It is not enough to tell people to change their attitude. That makes them annoyed. I prefer to tell them they can do better and I will show them how. Let success change their attitude. People's faces light up as they exclaim, "Hey, I can do that! The more complicated the method you use, the longer you take to solve a problem and the greater the chance of making an error. People who use better methods are faster at getting the answer and make fewer mistakes, while those who use poor methods are slower at getting the answer and make more mistakes.

It doesn't have much to do with intelligence or having a "mathematical brain. Speed Mathematics is written as a non-technical book that anyone can comprehend. By the end of this book, you will understand mathematics as never before, you will marvel that math can be so easy, and you will enjoy mathematics in a way you never thought possible. Each chapter contains a number of examples. Try them, rather than just read them. You will find that the examples are not difficult. By trying the examples, you will really learn the strategies and principles and you will be genuinely motivated.

It is only by trying the examples that you will discover how easy the methods really are. I encourage you to take your time and practice the examples, both by writing them down and by calculating the answers mentally. By working your way through this book, you will be amazed at your new math skills.

XXXXXXXX personnel have extensive experience in the design and operation of wastewater treatment facilities for the oil and refining industry. Water quality surveys, treatability studies, design and modification of wastewater treatment and sludge handling facilities, in-plant waste source reduction, and process optimization are some of the main areas of previous investigations. A partial listing of projects is provided in the attached table. A project summary for the most recent projects is provided below.

Summaries of selected projects are provided below. Stormwater from controlled areas and process wastewaters are treated in an on-site wastewater treatment plant WWTP prior to being discharged to Hurford Run. Due to new effluent discharge limitations for aquatic toxicity, U. EPA effluent guideline limitations for the Petroleum Refining industrial category and water quality parameters, such as heavy metals and cyanide, modifications and enhancements to the wastewater management program was required.

Ashland retained XXXXXXXX to perform those evaluations necessary to develop the conceptual design for enhancements to the current wastewater management system. Clicking Update allows refreshing the list of available card-readers;. In the state parameters, right-click on Field setting. In the dynamic menu that opens, select "Add parameter". This will create a new group of parameters for Field setting;. In case of an unplanned shutdown of a controlled module crash an entry is made to the log highlighted in yellow; the identifier of the shut down application also is written to the log.

In this case RestartManager. All this information is logged too. To review a transaction, the best way is analyze records in the XdcStateMachine object's logs. To display information about script execution it is necessary to set the object a log level of '2' debugging. A sample portion of a log:. All instrumentation shall give readings in metric units, ensure readings at any light conditions, and dials and gauges shall have digits easy enough to read. All sensors, instrumentation, monitors and gauges shall comply with climatic zone requirements.

The operator's cabin shall allow installing additional data panels and DDU controls, as well as a borehole geosteering system MWD board or monitor to supply data about the well shaft bottom-hole assembly orientation in space. Vibration-roof manometers shall be used. Video surveillance shall cover at least 6 work zones. There shall be a rest block-box for the shift equipped with a ventilation and heating system, seats, a V outlet, and lighting to be accessible from the drill pad.

The rotary table shall be level with the drill pad floor. The surfacing of the rotary table and drill pad shall be skid-proof in the setback maintenance area. The rotor drive shall be based on a variable-frequency AC asynchronous electric motor. The electric motor location shall provide ease of service access, and protect the motor against mud splashes and mechanical impact. The rotor drive shall have a blocking mechanism to preclude operation with power slips up.

Capacity assessment is carried out both within each of and across the thematic areas of the three UN environmental conventions: Since August , according to project work plan, the Ministry, jointly with the Ecological Initiative non-governmental organization, has been carrying out work to prepare an NCSA action plan and draft a proposal on Three Conventions Centre in Belarus. Pursuant to Terms of Reference it is planned to hold a final conference to discuss the results and conclusions of the national self-assessment exercise aimed at assessing the capacity Belarus has to meet its commitments under the three global UN Conventions as well as to discuss an action plan developed therewith.

A collection of conference papers and decisions is planned to be published afterwards as well. Your attention is also drawn to the fact that the Ecological Initiative NGO would not only be able to address effectively all issues involved in organizing the conference technically, but, what is more important, it would also act as a facilitator to organize discussions between ministries, institutions and NGOs concerned regarding urgent measures to raise capacity in the country to meet its obligations under the UN Conventions, as well as promptly publish conference papers and decisions.

The company has specialised in engineering automation solutions for single production steps or complete production processes — starting with the selection of the necessary components, continuing with PLC programming, installation, putting into operation and maintaining the machines and robots.

With this "full service" portfolio, ZZZ differentiates itself from many competitors who offer just single steps or parts of industrial automation. Furthermore, the company has acquired comprehensive experience in fully automatising processes like grinding, welding, handling and assembling. And being independent from any manufacturer, the ZZZ experts are free in their choice of robots and control tech-nology.

These advantage seem to be of great interest for Indian industry. As a result, we immediately received requests for automation projects. An important reason for the successful and fast market entry is the experience of the founders and owners of ZZZ in the demanding field of industrial automation. Furthermore, the managing directors have already gained high reputation in industry.

And they can rely on international expertise: ZZ, a renown specialist for robotized solutions of industrial automation, will support ZZZ in the engineering of very complex projects. This clause covers methods for hardness testing under field conditions. This test may also be used to determine compliance with contractual hardness specifications. Brinell-type testing using visually measured impression diameters is outside the scope of this International Standard. The owner shall specify the test locations and acceptance criteria hardness range.

A wide variety of portable hardness testing equipment is available. Some types of hardness testers are suitable only for general information and vary in accuracy as explained in ASTM E Hardness testers shall be calibrated at least once a year and after each repair. The calibration shall be conducted by a certified agency issuing a certificate showing traceability to a statutory authority. The certificate shall identify the date of the check, the specified values of each certified hardness test block, the mean value of the tester readings on each block, and the initials of the person performing the check.

The accuracy of hardness testers that were used during any four-month period shall be verified at the end of that four-month period. This shall be accomplished by taking five readings on each of two certified hardness test blocks of different hardness values on the scale to be used.

The mean of the five readings on any certified hardness test block shall be within the specified range of that block for the tester to be acceptable for use. Certified hardness test blocks shall never be used on both sides. Do each exercise carefully, consciously, and keep track of how you feel. Be ready to stop doing the recommended exercises at any time, starting to do some of your own instead. The proposed warm-up will be taking only 8 to 10 minutes, once you have learned it by heart. However, working out in the morning, or when the air temperature is lower, it may take longer, as more time should be given to walking or jogging.

At such times, a warm-up may take 15 to 30 minutes. Let's start from a light walk on the spot for 20 to 30 sec. If there is one nearby, use a park or an open-air sports arena. Walk freely, but without overdoing it. It is enough that you do it until you feel pleasant warmth in your muscles. Keep walking and start doing twists. As your right thigh is up, while exhaling, try to reach with your left elbow as much beyond it as possible your arm should be bent at the elbow, and your body above the waist is twisted slightly to the left.

Repeat it for your left leg and right arm. These movements can be either slower, or quicker, depending on how you are feeling. Match your movements with your breathing, exhale while making a twist. This exercise prepares your body for doing the main thing, the asanas. Make about 5 twists to each side intermittently. Slow down your pace and start lifting your thighs as high as possible.

Do this for about 20 to 30 sec. Then slow down even more, and when your thigh is up, leave it there for 5 to 10 s. Your back should be straight, arms and shoulders relaxed, and you should keep smiling! Do it times for each leg. This exercise warms up your leg muscles well and makes them stronger, as well as the small of the back and backbone muscles. When, your left thigh is up next time, make a wide step to the left with the lifted leg, as if you want to step over something big.

As your left foot touches the floor, set your right foot next to the left at once, and proceed walking normally, without ever stopping. Make a couple of steps, lift your right thigh high and step aside to the right, stepping over an imaginary large object. Try to lift your thigh as high, and make as wide a step, as possible. As the foot touches the floor, place the left foot beside it, and keep walking another 2 or 3 steps, then a step aside to the left again. Repeat the exercise times.

It improves the mobility of the hip joint. This exercise makes stronger your thighs, and improves the mobility of the knee joint. Set your feet a meter apart. Bending your legs, try to squat as low as possible. Start to walk, keeping yourself in a squatting position. Try lifting your thighs as high as possible, and accompany your walking with moving your arms bent at elbows like in walking or jogging the normal way.

With a good smile on your face, walk this way for another 10 to 30 sec. As you are through, stand still while squatting. Try to come to the erect position, bringing your legs together, with a jump. If you like, you can switch to a light jogging on the spot or in a park for anything between 20 sec to several minutes as long as you feel like it , or, if it seems hard to you, you can have a fast walk instead.

Light jogging or fast walking are a very good work-out for the whole of your abdominal cavity and internals, supplying them with plenty of blood. As a result, the heart gets a nice boost and the brain is supplied better. Keep an eye on your breathing all the while — it will allow you to get a better feel of your body, its physical limits, so that you never get too tired.

The whole thing should be fun! This exercise stretches, makes stronger and warms up the sides of the thighs, inguinal ligaments, and arms. Stand still and then start jumping. Your feet must be apart, arms high above, with palms set as if for clapping. As your arms go up, inhale. Then, as your body moves up, your arms move down, along the sides of your legs, and your feet, during an exhale, are brought back together. Keep doing this exercise for 10 to 30 sec: Try to jump as high as possible, and bring your feet as wide apart as possible.

Stop, and now you can shake your hands and feet. Bring your breathing back to normal. These instructions outline the requirements for ensuring a long and trouble free service life from the monitors. Attach mounting plate 1 to the actuator using fasteners 2 and lockwashers 2a provided with mounting kit if supplied by ZZZZ. Loosen indicator cover set screw 3 and rotate indicator cover 4 to desired viewing angle. Retighten set screw 3.

Secure the assembly using the bolts 10 and lockwashers 11 provided with the mounting kit. Fine tune the indicator cover 4 by loosening set screw 3. Retighten set screw when completed. Operate the actuator to ensure proper alignment between monitor and actuator. Eccentricity of the shaft must not exceed 0. If It should be necessary, re-align monitor by loosening mount bolts Retighten bolts when satisfied with alignment. Once the monitor is fitted to the actuator, remove cover On flameproof enclosures, the cover lock screw 13 must be loosened prior to cover removal. Bring field wiring into the enclosure via the conduit entries 14 fitted with a suitable cable gland.

Use blanking plugs to block off any un-used cable entries. Suitable IP rated glands and plugs must be used to maintain monitor IP rating. On flameproof enclosures, only certified cable glands and blanking plugs can be used. Connect field wiring to the terminals 15 within the enclosure according to the wiring diagram and terminal labelling. Drive the actuator to the first required indication position and set the bottom switch by lifting and rotating the bottom cam Secure the cam by allowing it to fully re-engage with the spline Once completed, verify that indication is required by fully stroking the actuator.

Then refit cover On flameproof enclosures, the cover lock screw 13 must be retightened. Only certified cable glands and blanking plugs are permitted for use with ZZZZ certified, flameproof enclosures. Monitor must be disconnected from the power supply and the cover screw 13 loosened before opening. Enters Zhora from sitting room. A shopping bag in his hands. He notices tears on Dima's face. Boys, as you're both here, I have a favor to ask. Have I told you our channel is planning for a charity event at Our Galaxy? While ladies are paying for the right to have them for a night.

Well, most of my lots have chickened out at the last moment. So you are my last hope. Ladies will trade me as though I'm a marketplace item! And then have me for money! I need your views to handle the request. If needed, we might add characteristic features from an additional item of the formula. This is likely to somewhat lessen legal protection for the claim. We might agree with the Expert's view here.

Product description

The replacement will not virtually affect the extent of legal protection for the claim. The Centre offers treatment and rehabilitation to children patients that come from areas affected by the Chernobyl disaster. The Centre is located 9 km away from the district capital town of Kobrin and 32 km from the oblast capital town of Brest. Visitors are given a free ride to the Centre from the nearest bus and railway stations. As they arrive at the Centre, visitors find themselves in a delightful nook of nature.

Crystal clear pine forest air is a nice experience for a city dweller's lungs. Types of rooms available: The canteen has three brightly lit spacious rooms with a total capacity of customers. The children staying at the Centre get 6 meals a day, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and sea products, and natural juices. The Centre enjoys state-of-the-art physical therapy equipment at the following medical facilities: All patients at the Centre are tended by top-class pediatricians, and there are medical personnel on duty around the clock.

Combined natural recuperation factors, physiotherapy, healthy diet, vitamins and medication allow achieving excellent results in treating heart, respiratory, locomotor, urinary and gastrointestinal disorders. During school months, the children can attend classes at the Centre's training facility according to a curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education of Belarus.

There are 9 study rooms, a play room, a library, and a hobby groups room. The sightseeing programme includes bus excursions to A. Suvorov Museum in Kobrin, tours of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the Brest Fortress, as well as steam boat rides on the Mukhavets river in summertime. Nine hobby groups are available: There are 6 sports grounds: Entertainment events, contests, concerts, shows, sports events, exhibitions etc. With justification, the automobile industry is viewed as a bellwether industry for many of the trends unfolding in manufacturing.

Confronted with the challenges of improving fuel economy, cutting emissions, and maintaining market share in the face of rapidly expanding Japanese competition, U. Developing and incorporating advanced product and process technologies have been necessities at the same time that reduced manufacturing costs and high quality have become fundamental market requirements. Such daunting and often conflicting demands have stretched resources and skills to the limit, but the success in achieving all these objectives should not be underestimated.

Given these pressures, it would be reasonable to assume that offshore manufacturing could offer attractive advantages, particularly as an effective way to lower production costs; therefore, an analysis of these costs as they affect global site location would be expected to provide useful insights both to managers in the industry and to policymakers. The dress is finished. All you have to do is put the hooks and eyes on. The pilot made a loop. Make a loop with this rope. I have a run in my stocking. We practically saved him from suicide. I'm in such a spot that I might just as well commit suicide.

We have three roosters in our chicken coop. We live like farmers and get up with the roosters. We chatted till daybreak. What a guy — always looking for a fight! She sings folk songs well. He sings at the Bolshoy theater. Who's singing the part of Onegin today? Listen to the samovar sing! I'm tired of your hard-luck stories! Why do you look so sad today? I don't like to recall this sad event. He left unpleasant memories behind him.

She looked at me so mournfully! It's just too bad that you don't understand it. Write this out in printed letters. They work with a hand press in this small printing shop. The certificate is invalid without a seal. The secretary has the seal. The manuscript has been sent to press. There was a series of articles in the trade-union press about it. The new play got a very good press. Look at this; your friend got his name in the papers. This type is too small. The years he spent at the front left a mark on his works. He does reviews of periodicals. He was a delegate at the journalists' convention.

This book has just come out. Today's special is calves' liver with onions. My liver bothers me. There are no more baked apples; take some kissel. Light the stove; it's very cold in here. She was baking pies yesterday. The sun is really beating down today. You can go there on foot. I walk to work. An upright piano won't pass through this door. Buy a dozen bottles of beer. You can't do business with him. I'll come tomorrow to help you saw the wood.

Take these pills three times a day. That was a bitter pill for him to swallow. As much as he tried to sugarcoat it, I still found it unpleasant. He was one of the pioneers in the labor movement. How come you don't know him? He's a well-known writer. Don't write in pencil; use ink. He's writing a book. Do you know how to write Russian? He writes for the newspapers. She paints from life. I'm learning how to type. She takes dictation well.

There's no telling what a fool will do. Well, it's as good as lost. Well, brother, it's not for us. You can buy ink at the stationery store. My written examinations begin tomorrow. I'd like to get a desk with large drawers. Put your request in written form. Seal the letter and take it to the post office immediately. I have a letter of recommendation from an old friend of yours.

#Naruto: #Shippuuden (OP 5) [Hotaru no Hikari] Ikimono-Gakari RUS song #cover

I sent him two letters and several postcards. Here's a registered letter for you; sign for it. Did you get my two letters by general delivery? He's already learned how to read, but he still has trouble with writing. Is there any mail for me? You've got a letter with ten kopeks postage due. This child needs an extra-nourishing diet. The patient was undergoing artificial feeding for a whole week. Only the most nourishing foods should be sent there. Do you drink tea or coffee for breakfast? We're drinking to your health. Do you drink vodka?

I never drank any wine like that. He's an habitual drunkard. We're going to have trouble because of that, sure as you're born. He knows how to hold his liquor. Give him only light food. The news gave fresh food for gossip. Canned goods are sold in the food department. He won a prize in swimming. We were on a three-month cruise. A big man deserves a big job. He swims like a fish. Do you swim the breast stroke? We sailed a lot this summer.

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  • The Making Of The Guns Of Navarone (The Magnificent 60s).

I've been to sea all my life. Why are you crying? Well, we can kiss our money good-by! The commission made up a plan of work. We made plans for the summer all last evening. I'll get a map of Moscow for you. I've already made an outline of my book. We promised not only to fill our quota, but to go beyond it. Our quota is already seventy per cent filled. Everything else has been pushed into the background. Did you plan your work? All industry in the USSR is run according to a master plan. We have all the latest records.

Where could I develop these plates? Cover the wound with adhesive tape.

  • Dictionary of Spoken Russian/Russian-English/Text2 - Wikisource, the free online library;
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Put some drawing plaster on the abscess. There's no extra charge for it. The rent, including heating, is a hundred rubles a month. This month I'll have to make large payments. The books have been sent to you C. One good turn deserves another. You have to pay for this room in advance. How much did you pay for the cloth? I'm just returning your favor. Is there paid admission there? Are you paid for this work or are you doing it voluntarily? I'll give you a kerchief to tie around your head. She threw a warm shawl over her shoulders.

There's a crowd of people on the platform meeting the train. The party's election platform was published in yesterday's paper. The train leaves from track number three. Trains rarely stop at our way station. The machines were loaded on the flatcars. We had so much furniture we had to hire two wagons.

Fortunately, the Allies found common ground for agreement. She's wearing a very pretty dress. You can buy men's and women's clothing in this store. All the reserved seats for today's train are sold out. The results were deplorable. He looked pitiful after the fight. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for loafing all day.

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You can never tell when you'll need a friend. I don't give a damn what they'll think about it. He succeeded in escaping from a prisoner-of-war camp. He was taken prisoner near Kiev. Look how skillfully she's weaving the basket! He's just talking nonsense. He has broad shoulders.

He has to do all the work all by himself. The floor was made of marble tiles. The streets here are paved with stone blocks. Our stove smokes something terrible. It's hard to read the inscription on this gravestone. We have a gas range with two burners. This chocolate bar is for the kids.

He lives over there in the house with the flat roof. That's a rather flat joke. Such heavy material isn't good for a summer dress. Our chairman is the tall, thickset fellow over there. See whether the shutters are shut tight. The snow is firmly packed down on the walk. No, I'm not going to have supper. I had a hearty dinner. They made you a good suit, but they used bad material. She's in a bad mood today. He's a poor writer. You must prepare for the worst. The worse that can happen to us is that they won't let us in.

The patient got worse. It's so bad it couldn't be worse. You treat him very badly. The laundry is poorly done. Don't you feel well today? He's in a critical condition. Exit by the front platform only sign on trolley cars. The train was overcrowded and I had to stand on the platform all the way there. He stood on the landing looking down. What's the name of this square? Red Square isn't far from here. What's the area of this park? In this oblast, one hundred thousand hectares have been sown with wheat.

Let's swim to the other shore and see who gets there first. Everything is swimming before my eyes. Where are these rafts floating to? There's nothing else to do. We just have to go along with the tide. Here you have a wonderful opportunity right under your nose, and you don't see it! He spit in the subway, and had to pay a fine. Don't waste your time! I can do it as easy as rolling off a log. How well our kids are dancing! He dances to her tune. You have to drive slowly on this road.

He gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. On holidays we usually go out of town. We get paid by the hour. You can get there by boat or by train.

Dictionary of Spoken Russian/Russian-English/Text2

Don't judge by appearances. I've been collecting a library for a long time, volume by volume. We're working according to plan. He's been all over the world. She dresses in the latest style. As for me, you can do as you please. I did it of my own free will. I'm telling you that out of friendship. He was absent for two days because of sickness. He's been longing for home lately. I can't understand it to this day. Sunday we got up late, as usual. I took your hat by mistake. These apples are five cents apiece. The youngsters lined up five in a row.

What are your first name and patronymic? He's a schoolmate of mine. Come back soon; we miss you. This suit fits you just right. Does he speak English? I think you're wrong. These shoes are a bad fit for me. I have no time to go visiting. I've been doing housework all day. What line of work are you in? Now, children, take your seats! The train is scheduled to leave at eight o'clock. I had a physics examination on Wednesday. At night we took our direction from the stars.

Their escape was arranged by the partisans. There are shoots appearing on the bush. We won a brilliant victory. The match ended in a victory for the visiting team. The winner of the motorcycle race turned out to be one of the chauffeurs of our factory. The winner is always right.

It wasn't just a matter of luck that our nation came out of the war victorious. We knew that we'd win over the enemy. Who won at yesterday's swimming meet? I overcame my dislike for him and talked to him. I admitted having lost the argument. I ran after him but he was already out of sight. We had a talk and were pleased with each other. The boy was badly beaten. The enemy was beaten. You'll smash all the china that way, you clumsy ox!

He broke the record at the last swimming meet. Don't forget to thank him for me. There is a good hotel near here. Is there a good doctor in the neighborhood? Drop in; we can talk a bit and have some tea. Shall I shave you? I still have to shave before I go out. Let's go for a stroll around the town. He's wandered quite a bit over the whole wide world. I didn't have time to visit anyone. Go see them without fail. I'll stay here about a week. The storm blew down a telegraph pole. Be careful you don't tip over the coat rack. The people just poured into the theater.

The snow started to come down heavily. We have a very good cook in our hospital. He's a chef in a restaurant. Your behavior puzzles me. I don't agree with his line of action. He got a zero for conduct again. I'll drive you to town on Monday. I had luck; somebody turned in his train reservation at the last minute.

The poor fellow had tough luck. He came here and got sick immediately. I'll never believe it. Take my word for it, it's dangerous to walk across the frozen river these days. Go straight ahead; then turn to the left. Turn over on the other side. You can't even turn around! I never expected this matter to take such a turn. How could you ever say such a thing? Put a raincoat over your overcoat. Don't worry; it's only a superficial wound. He's a superficial person. You're judging this superficially.

All right, we've had our fun; now let's stop it. Hang the picture a little higher. Hanging is too good for a man who does such things. I'll take you there by a new way today. Send out the notice about the meeting. What's on the day's agenda? He got a summons to court. Have you read the stories of Turgenev? When will I be able to see the director? Most probably I won't be able to see him today. Apparently the train is late. You evidently don't understand what's going on here.

What was the cause of the argument? I don't think I gave him any reason to talk to me like that. What would you say on that score? He gets excited on the slightest provocation. We'll talk about it further. I got down and led the horse by the reins. Don't you know that his secretary leads him around by the nose? Their house is right around the bend. There's a turn for the better in our relationship. You don't want to get into a quarrel with him, do you?

He likes to grumble a little. Have a drink; it won't hurt you. I'm afraid that your interfering will only do him harm. He's got a big bruise on his elbow and an injury to the bone. The telephone is out of order. Call the repair office. You'll find this newspaper anywhere. There are dramatic clubs all over the Soviet Union. There are good restaurants throughout the city. Repeat it, please; I didn't hear you. My homework is almost finished. I only have to go over my vocabulary. It wouldn't hurt you to run over your grammar. Don't repeat that; people will laugh at you.

All he knows is to parrot what other people say. We were able to raise our output a great deal. This review increased the interest in his book. Prices have gone up a great deal. Please don't raise your voice. When can I take the bandage off my arm? Fortunately, we were able to put out the fire quickly.

Put the candle out. Yesterday the lights went out suddenly in our house. I'm just dying of boredom here. You're wasting your talent; you should have been a comedian. He died at the front. My son was petting the dog and she bit him. All my wash is already ironed. They won't thank us for it. Look at what they are doing! You go to the theater and I'll watch the children. It's my impression that something's not right here. You'll have to talk to the manager.

They talked about it for about two days and then forgot about it. The weather was terrible all week long. Don't let grass grow under your feet. You've got to get out and do something. Wait, he'll be out in a minute. Wait and see, you're going to get it from your father! Call a little later. Everybody, without exception, is guilty.

How many men will you need for loading? Keep quiet — you'll ruin the whole thing. Let's go take a walk. You've had your fun; let's get down to work now. You'll have to put the suitcase under the bed. He's just under fifty. I keep these things under lock and key. She's been under a doctor's care for several years now. I served under his command. She's entirely under his influence.

He writes under a pen name. They used to live a floor below us. Put a sweater on underneath your overcoat. At that time they were fighting near Leningrad. This empty lot was made into a vegetable garden. I only fell asleep towards morning. The road goes downhill now. We had to stand in the rain for an hour.

I have everything handy here. I met him New Year's Eve. What does that term mean to you? He used clippers on me. Let me take your arm. He was put on trial for it. She was a waitress in a lunchroom. Will you serve us quickly please? We have to make a train. We always serve tea in glasses. He gave no cause for suspicion. You shouldn't have given him any false hopes. He sets a bad example for you. Be sure to show you know nothing about it. This violinist shows promise. There wasn't any word from him for six months. Yesterday at dinner I almost choked on a bone. If he's done it, there's all the more reason why you should be able to.

If you find it's hard to hear, think how much harder it is for her. I don't know what to give him for a present. The author himself made me a present of this book. I'd like to make him a nice present. I mean it as a gift. What time do you want breakfast served? Dinner is served; come on in, please. You gave us a good idea. He's threatening that he'll take them to court. I'd serve the ball better if I had a better racket. After that, I couldn't even shake hands with him.

Help him on with his coat. The carriage is ready. Don't pick these apples up from the ground. Fortunately the food supplies were brought up on time. Get in; I'll give you a lift. I don't want to expose you to danger. I can't understand why you want to be the butt of every joke.

His conduct was severely criticized. The horses were led up to the stoop. It would be a good idea to place a stone foundation under this house. I hope he won't let us down. You put me on the spot with your remark. Did you add up your expenses? Tomorrow we'll finish the job and we'll be able to take stock. Will the railroad run to our city? I don't know how to type him. We'll never forget the great deeds of our Army. You have a lot of courage to go out in such weather. Move the table closer to the couch. Will you move over, miss, and make room for me. Hire a horse and wagon to move the furniture.

Don't bring the child to the window. When did I ever let you down? She uses too much eye-shadow. There was a poor supply of vegetables on the market today. Do you think your boy is well prepared for the exam? Get your material together and get down to work. You have to break the news to her gently. She's a Dutch subject. Is this a genuine Persian rug or just an imitation? He's in prison for forging documents. Hold him up or else he'll fall. He supported my proposal. The entire shop supported her candidacy. He did it to maintain his prestige.

Be a good sport; come along with us. She supports her parents. He keeps things in order here. It was very difficult for me to keep this conversation going. We see him every so often. He's their sole support. My plan got his wholehearted support. I'll take over your duty for tonight. This treatment had a wonderful effect on me. Maybe you can use your influence and make him come on time. It just can't be helped; we'll have to crowd ourselves to make room for others. Divide this money among you. He'll share his last penny with you.

I came to share my good news with you. I haven't seen you in a long time. How're you getting along? Do you want to buy a secondhand bicycle? Will you please hold my package a minute? Should I fry some potatoes for you? He bought a topcoat with a silk lining. Now I understand what's behind this affair. He was standing next to me. This is not subject to duty. So far this news is not for publication. There's no doubt about it. Show me the original of this document. He's just a low person. They did a mean thing to us. Don't forget to sweep before you leave.

Who'll sweep the floor today? Put new soles and heels on my shoes. He's not fit to lick her boots. He always carries a large briefcase under his arm. He mustn't lift anything heavy. Competition undoubtedly arouses interest in work. There was no sense in arousing everybody in the house over such a trifle. Don't make a fuss over such a trifle. It'll be very hard for him to go upstairs.

Everything is coming up beautifully in our vegetable garden this year. It looks as if a snowstorm is coming up. The barometer is rising. He just can't sign this order. I jumped on the running board of the trolley. I can't lift it by myself. Will you help me pick this box up. They raised the American flag. Which one of you raised this question? They got me up very early today.

He boosted everybody's spirits with his jokes. They made fun of him. The newspapers raised a howl about it. Your task is to make them more active. He rose from his chair. The water level rose sharply. The dough had already risen. They rose as one in defense of their country.

I got up earlier than usual today. His temperature went up again. We climbed up the mountain. She's already out of bed. She lives on the floor below. He fell in and disappeared under the ice. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. Have you ever seen anything like it? They sent me some jam, cookies, and the like from home. Nothing of the kind! The medical corpsmen promptly picked up the wounded. She gathered her hair up under her kerchief. I just can't find a necktie to match this suit. She selected a number of suitable people for this work. Try to find a key to fit this lock.

Wait, there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding here. I don't suspect him of anything bad. I didn't suspect that you speak English so well. He's held under suspicion of robbery.

English to Russian translations, localization, IT, technical writer, manuals, online helps

It's an unwarranted suspicion. He came near the window. We approached the border on foot. This matter has to be approached seriously. He certainly knows all the ins and outs of this affair. I bought a pair of shoes with thick soles. I have a corn on the sole of my foot.

This roast is as tough as shoe leather. We already signed the contract.