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El cojo ilustrado and Caras y Caretas. Works by Alfonsina Storni and Tina Modotti. Jonathan Crary and Andreas Huyssen.

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Works by Lygia Clark. Contemporary Reflections on Arts and Consumer Culture: Poetry, Fiction and Consumerism: Edificio Master by Eduardo Coutinho. New Publishing Houses and Film Production. Jagdish Sheth and Naresh Maholtra. Introduction de Jean Piel. Paris, Editions de Minuit, Edited and with an Introduction by Hannah Arendt. Translated by Harry Zorn.

A social critique of the judgement of tast e. Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture. Viajes de un cosmopolita extremo. Advertising in Postmodern Times. Aesthetics and Consumer Capitalism in Mexico and Brazil. Austin, University of Texas Press, Spatial Transitions in Postdictatorship Latin America. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, Entre la pluma y el fusil.

Buenos Aires, Caja Negra, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, The Structure of World History: From Modes of Production to Modes of Exchange. Duty and Distraction in Weimar Germany. London-New York, Verso, Such homogeneity is unusual. In other regions, like Asia, we often see more diverse cultural models. There are no obvious reasons why campaigns cannot be shifted from country to country without much difficulty.

Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela are all highly masculine and indulgent, which makes them more exhibitionist, experimental and open to experiential experiences. In these markets, brands can benefit from getting in touch with consumers directly or delivering innovative media experiences that truly touch them such as virtual or augmented reality. Brazil is similarly indulgent but more feminine. This is a more subdued culture where experiential tendencies are often more powerful in small or closed groups.

Here, brands can benefit from leveraging existing clubs or societies to deliver experiences in environments where consumers feel most comfortable. The final group encompasses Peru and Uruguay. These markets index as more feminine and more restrained than their neighbours. Consumers are sensitive and require a greater push from brands before they take action. Brands might benefit by putting PR at the top of their list of priorities or accompanying experiential activity with a higher paid budget than in other markets. These nuances underpin a diverse Latin American culture map that brands need to understand in order to market efficiently across the region.

This includes recognising specific cultural attitudes — such as attitudes towards women, luxury, and health — that impact local shopping habits. For example, in Argentina and Chile women are viewed as having a diverse role in society. But in more conservative countries, like Mexico and Central America, women are still seen primarily as housewives. Attitudes towards luxury are just as different. In Central America, a certain amount of bling is regarded as a sign of success.

Cities and Citizenship at the U. Whistleblowing in the World.

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