They go right back to the end again. Is that the control..?! If he's wearing a hat, or that thing's wearing a Bartlet button — I'm hiding snakes in your car. Come on, don't say that, not even to joke! You're never gonna know where they are Gonna lay their eggs right in your glove compartment.
- Vegetarian Cooking: Mini Cakes with Lemon-Rose Jam (Vegetarian Cooking - Snacks or Desserts Book 76).
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- Satan World Wide Secrets Revealed: How He Has Been Keeping the Body of Christ in Sin.
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- Morocco - Hitchwiki: the Hitchhiker's guide to Hitchhiking;
Dah nah dah nah dah nah Violate Heaven's dress code? Enjoy your eternity being subjected to some of the greatest annoyances the big guy upstairs can think of case in point: Peter's constant screaming of the song's refrain. Classical Mythology was rife with brutal physical torture, but also featured several bizarre and less obviously torturous punishments.
A few potent examples include Tantalus, whose punishment for killing his son and serving him as a meal to the gods was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any. Thus was born the word tantalize.
Sisyphus was a sly and crafty king who was cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity. Atlas, who Zeus condemned to hold the sky on his shoulders. This is usually misinterpreted as the Earth.
Brutal Horrifying Fuck Of Unfortunate Hitchhiker Woman
Medusa was already a little too pretty for Athena's liking, but the last straw was when she had the sheer gall of getting raped inside one of Athena's temples, and by a God at that Poseidon, if you're curious. Most wise Athena must have been in a blaming-the-victim mood that day because she turned her into, well, the Medusa or, it could be that she had no authority to punish her uncle. That was the version given by Ovid in The Metamorphoses.
Most earlier versions aren't clear on the "rape" part, a term that has an ambiguous meaning in Greek myths, and in this case would have more to do with Athena's consent, not Medusa's. In another version, Aphrodite turned Medusa into a monster for the crime of being prettier than the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Athena is also on record for turning Arachne into a spider. There are various versions of just exactly why: Arachne was punished for hubris.
She proclaimed that she was a better weaver than Athena. When you're dealing with the Greek pantheon, it's really not wise to make those kinds of boasts. In another version, Arachne challenged Athena to a weaving contest, and while Athena admitted that Arachne's weaving was technically flawless, the image that Arachne wove was one of the gods and goddesses acting like idiots and making fools of themselves. So the punishment was for, on top of everything else, not showing proper respect to the gods.
Athena was generally one of the more level-headed deities in the myths, but apparently one can push even her too far. Still a third version has Arachne hanging herself after seeing how much better Athena was. Athena saw her bloated, hanging body, and took pity on her, restoring her to life as a spider arachne in Greek , a creature with a bloated body that hangs from a thread and weaves it to live. Echo, a nymph with a bad habit of gossiping, was stripped of her voice by Hera when the goddess realized that Echo was distracting her from searching for her wayward husband, Zeus.
Later, after seeing how utterly miserable Echo had become, Hera had a slight change of heart, and returned Echo's voice to her, changing it so that she could only repeat whatever she heard. Things got worse when she fell in love with Narcissus, and Eros tried and failed to make him fall in love with her: Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection, and broke Echo's heart when he proclaimed his love for his own reflection in stereo.
Heartbroken, Echo pined away until all that was left of her was her voice, while Narcissus stared at his own reflection until he starved to death, whereupon the first of the eponymous flowers sprang up at the site of his death. Some versions of the story have his ashes being scattered at the spot where the first such flowers shortly started growing. In the tale of William Tell , Albrecht Gessler punishes Tell for not bowing to his hat by forcing him to shoot an apple off his son's head with a crossbow , knowing that if he failed he would have a very high chance of maiming or killing his own son.
Give Gessler some villain points for creativity, but take them away again for failing to realize that Tell's Improbable Aiming Skills would make him a Folk Hero on the spot. The pointy-haired boss punished Wally's lack of performance, by forcing Wally to watch him eat! There have been several times in which Phil, Prince of Insufficient Light has "darned" someone to "Heck", sentencing them to no change in their situation whatsoever.
But then for most Dilbert characters, that's certainly a horrible thing to do. In an infamous strip, Wally suggests wearing an "uncomfortable hat" as compensation for working from home one day a week. The pointy-haired boss approves, but adds that it "has to be really uncomfortable". The joke's on him! It isn't that uncomfortable. Your fingernails are dirty. Oh dear, I must have forgot my manicure appointment.
I'll take the python. When Miss Brooks accidentally derails Mr. Conklin's promotion in "Rumors", Mr. Conklin punishes Miss Brooks by forcing her to do his family's laundry. Seagoon's collapse is immediate. In Old Harry's Game , while many punishments of the damned are quite gruesome and sadistic, a couple are like this. In one instance, the protagonists are tortured by having demons act out dialogue from Jeffrey Archer novels.
Another instance involved Thomas, the Butt-Monkey and a reprehensible person in life being stripped and painted like a zebra and sentenced to be eaten by crocodiles. However, the actual punishment was that the crocodiles would come up to him and open their jaws, but do nothing- thereby torturing him with the anxiety of waiting for the punishment to begin. Except for that time he made you strip naked and fry that extremely fatty baby. For the audience's sake only short bits of it are heard between the screaming and the Guide's explanation. The villain Mr Benevolent has his nemesis Pip Bin at his mercy, and rather than kill him, decides to do this.
It starts off low-key serving him red wine with overdone fish, flicking him with a wet towel then moves on to more insidious acts giving him the latest novels, then spoiling the endings Mr Benevolent: By the way, the first Mrs Rochester still lives in the attic. In the Paranoia adventure "Clones in Space," an alien race with a highly developed aesthetic sense uses torture methods based on poor taste Waylon Jennings records, Three Stooges videos, etc.
Played with in Warhammer 40, There's a tale told about a group of Orks that ventured into the Eye of Terror and landed on a Khorne-Controlled world. Every day they are forced to fight to the death against enemies they can never beat, only to be raised the next day to repeat the cycle. What would be living hell for anyone else is basically an Orky Valhalla. In Gilbert and Sullivan 's The Mikado , the Mikado the Emperor of Japan sings a song about clever ways to "let the punishment fit the crime".
In Princess Ida King Hildenbrand "tortures" King Gama by ensuring that everything is exactly the way he likes it and everyone is extremely polite to him. Therefore King Gama has absolutely nothing to complain about—to a misanthropist like him, a horrible torture.
No Exit is famous for this. In it, Hell is a normal-looking hotel where three sinners, chosen specifically to get on each other's nerves, are locked in a room together And it's not even really locked- the door pops open at the end. Nobody leaves, since they all have some flaw that prevents them from leaving the others Garcin wants Inez to validate him, Inez is in love with Estelle, who in turn wants to get together with Garcin. In the finale of the former Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast attraction at Universal Studios , King Goobot, having gained control of the ride vehicles, forces them to do the chicken dance, which he deems "a fate beyond your worst nightmare!
In the preshow to The Simpsons Ride , the family is horrified by " a legally required safety video. In Sam and Max: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball , our heroes interrogate card shark Leonard Steakcharmer by torturing him with Seems Steakcharmer is rather sentimental about his late mother. Each of the personal hells in "What's New, Beelzebub? At one point in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney , Gumshoe informs Phoenix that the chief of police, Damon Gant, punishes cops who break regulations by sitting them down and playing the pipe organ at them for hours on end. Well that's not so bad, music does sooth the soul.
After listening to it the officer can't hear anything except for the ringing in his own ears. So it's an instrument of torture Oh my god, Stupei! I can't sleep like this! If you don't hear from me in a month, you will DIE. Zelda, Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Ganon.
If you don't scrub Duke Onkled in a month, send Link. Squadalah, after you've scrubbed all the floors in Hyrule, scrub all the floors in the pit! Then we can scrub your face. All the floors in Hyrule is enough. If you don't hear from me in the pit, you must DIE. If you don't squadalah in a month, you will DIE! Forced to watch The Golden Girls. Subverted by the denizens of the Dimension of Pain. Even they have limits in that they won't force you to watch Susan Powter commercials.
Sadistically spoofed in this Exterminatus Now strip. My master was right. You inquisitors are all alike. Actually we were going to have Lothar here cut your bollocks off , then start asking you some questions. I think you have that the wrong way around. I'll start bawling like a toddler who dropped their ice cream on the sidewalk. In front of your friends, your teachers, any girls you like.
And I'll tell them it's because you won't be my friend. I think I'm misting up already. But instead of just being really hot and flaming and stuff, it turns out that hell is just really humid. That is the most agonizing hell imaginable. Apparently, the headmistress of the Academy has done this. Some rule-breaking devisers read: They had to do clean-up outside. This was considered to be almost as bad as making rulebreakers do menial work in Hawthorne cottage. The Academy is numerous square miles of pathways, forested areas, and the like, and the grounds are occupied by several hundred superpowered students, some of whom can't control the chaos they create.
Add in oversight which prevents those geeks from using their tools, or the fact that it's a New Hampshire winter Anvil, who made a few rather careless errors: He decided to roll the fat kid for laughs, and B. Revenge, while largely a Noodle Incident , included a pie toss with Anvil as the target - and several of those pies had a Mad Scientist 's concoctions in them Abusive administrators and faculty are on the receiving end of psychological warfare in The Saga of Tuck.
The Halloween 'toon "Doomy Tales of the Macabre" consists of Strong Sad's imagined revenge on all the people who didn't invite him to their Halloween party, in increasingly odd ways. For example, the King of Town is dunked into a vat of boiling-hot mutton stew, Bubs has his Concession Stand brought to life and bite his head off, and Homestar is turned into a macrame owl.
Protectors of the Plot Continuum: Also, agents are not allowed to physically harm canon characters, so revenge upon a canon character for attacking an agent has on at least one occasion consisted of forcing him to participate in MSTing a Bad Slash Fic starring himself. In numerous Sonic Shorts on Newgrounds , Doctor Robotnik's favoured method of torturing Sonic the Hedgehog has been with music, dance and getting naked. I have doomed you to exist in your own worst nightmare: A world where everybody's breasts are bigger than yours!
With an impossibly huge rack My brizzeasts are off the hizzle fo' shizzle! For this, you must recite three Hail Marys. But you have also broken numbers 1, 78, and of the Bro Code. For this, you must suffer the grieves of all punishments Loss of Permanent Shotgun Status!
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Hitchhiking the World
Wizzrobe, I'm beginning to sense some insolence from you. Don't make me turn the fog machines on again. No, no, please , sir! I can't find anything when the fog machines are—. Room starts filling up with fog much to Wizzrobe's chagrin Yes Robert is forced into one of Sally's tea parties, with Robert completely dressed for the part. All the websites we have are porn sites!
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- Brutal Horrifying Fuck Of Unfortunate Hitchhiker Woman -
- Cool and Unusual Punishment - TV Tropes.
- The Battle of El Alamein (True Combat);
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How is that bad? We only have dialup! The Snorch on Aaahh!!! Real Monsters deals these out to students who break the rules or otherwise get on the bad side of The Gromble, including being forced to walk through a field of flowers or listen to opera. In Adventures of the Gummi Bears , Toadwart warns Tummi that if he doesn't do what he says, he'll resort to the deluxe torture plan. You'll be forced to listen to a medley of popular folk tunes sung by Gad and Zook.
Tie 'em to the yardarm! Tie 'em to the Get ready for the Industrial Revolution! Man will pay, for all his misdeeds When the treetops are stripped of their leaves! I don't know where you'd get that! No leaving the house, not even for school. Second, no egg nog. In fact, no nog, period. And third, absolutely no stealing for three months. I spent the next three years in a POW camp, forced to subsist on a thin stew of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice.
I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States, but they just can't get the spices right. The Russians' execution of the first Impersonator of Dmitriy. They shot and burned him, put the ashes in a canister, put the canister in a cannon, and shot the canister towards Poland. After Napoleon Bonaparte had been defeated in the Battle of Laon, the victors exiled him to the island of Elba. They gave him sovereignty of the island and its inhabitants. They couldn't match Napoleon's cool, though, given that he escaped while they were distracted.
It was a meaningless island with barely working infrastructure. A few months under Napoleon's governorship, and the island was running like clockwork. It was at this point he got bored again and thought about taking back France. There was a judge known for his unusual sentencing, among the examples: Forcing a man to stand on a street corner with a pig, holding a sign that says "This is not a police officer" after evading arrest and calling a cop a pig.
Michael Cicconetti from Painsville, OH. Similarly, a Denver man who got caught using a dummy to sneak into the high occupancy vehicle lane on the highway was sentenced to stand by the road with a sign saying "The HOV Lane Is Not For Dummies. He loved doing that kind of thing. According to this article , police officers in Bangkok may be punished for minor infractions by being forced to wear a Hello Kitty armband. Rumors have circulated that when Saddam Hussein was detained by the US military, he was forced to watch the scenes from South Park: Over and over again.
Antanas Mockus , mayor of Bogota, Colombia, hired mimes to curb traffic violations by ridiculing jaywalkers and reckless drivers, and encouraging other pedestrians to do the same. Legal humour blog Lowering the Bar categorises these incidents as " Creative Sentencing ". Noise Ordinance Violators Sentenced to Easy Listening Aspiring artist allowed to post bail for illegal drug use if he comes to court for three days to draw lawyers Convicted vandals sentenced to trash their own cars Corrupt justice on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered to send a handwritten apology letter and a picture of herself in handcuffs to every judge in the state in addition to fines, house arrest, and volunteer work for using her judicial staff to help her campaign for reelection.
Courts in Singapore are big on punishing criminals by embarrassing them. For example, they often sentence someone to community service, picking up trash while wearing a sign on a his chest describing the crime he comitted. Considering Singapore's draconian laws against littering, picking up enough trash to fill the quote might Not to mention that corporal punishment for some crimes is legal there and the subject of controversy. Ever been to Arlington National Cemetery? That's one huge example of this trope.

Union Quartermaster-General Montgomery C. Meigs was asked to find a new place to bury the Civil War dead. What did he do? He chose the house and property of the man he felt was responsible, Confederate General and Virginian Robert E. We should note there was no shortage of bad blood between Meigs and Lee, as each regarded the other as a traitor: Meigs, a Georgian who remained loyal to the Union, saw Lee as a traitor for rebelling against his homeland, the United States, while Lee, a Virginian first and foremost, saw Meigs as a traitor for abandoning his homeland, the State of Georgia.
It gets even better though, when Meigs' son was killed in battle he buried him in Mrs. Oh the delicious irony. The small town of Mason, Texas had a problem with the influx of prisoners to its tiny jail. Deter re-offenders by painting the inside of the jail pink and forcing the prisoners to wear pink jumpsuits and making them eat bologna sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In Ohio, if one is convicted of a DUI, they're required to place bright yellow license plates with red lettering, known as "party plates", on their vehicle in order to drive.
Not only is it embarrassing—and a reminder every time the offender looks at their car—but it's a proverbial red flag to other drivers: Gallagher used to have a joke like that, saying that drivers should carry toy guns that shoot suction cup darts for when they see another driver being a jerk; and that when a car gets four darts, the other drivers can pull him over and each take a tire. Needless to say, he picked Door 2. You also have some of the more minor ones that drive people insane.
Lock someone in a room with it and most people will go insane, especially if it is at a slow random pace, like Chinese water torture. The playing of a kiddy song over and over was just plain cruel. An especially interesting one as well is not allowing someone to go into deep sleep, so even though they slip out of consciousness, when you wake them up to interrupt them they don't feel like they've slept at all.
Although after a few days they start hallucinating and go batshit insane but it's better than some of the other ways. Two old men in Britain were convicted of making the lives of everyone nearby a misery with their endless feuding. The judge ordered them to be handcuffed together for 12 hours per day. They became fast friends, since the alternative was unthinkable.
The above example may have been inspired by the two-man version of the shrew's fiddle called a "double fiddle" , a torture device used in medieval Germany and Austria. If two people were arguing excessively over something trivial, a judge could order them both put in this device facing each other, forcing them to talk to each other and likely be laughed at by everyone in the town until the argument was resolved.
Hear a story once, where people were playing loud rap music in a dorm. It was keeping people in the next room awake, so what did they do? If you guessed blasted classical music through the walls back to them, then you're today's winner! An episode of Nickelodeon Magazine had an article about a judge whose punishment for teens blasting rap music in public places was to put them in a room and force them to listen to Beethoven for several hours. Maybe he was a fan of A Clockwork Orange.
In a similar vein, there was a story about two students in a dorm who got into a loudness war with their sound systems. Every night, one would turn up his rock, the other would turn up his rap, until it was impossible to hear anything on the floor. It stopped when one student down the hall, sick of the noise, woke them up at 8AM with a 2-stroke chainsaw revving at full volume outside their doors. Since they couldn't go in and get him, they instead enacted a campaign of psychological warfare known as Operation Nifty Package , which including blaring loud rock music until the Papal ambassador convinced Noriega to surrender himself.
In the Ottoman-Saudi War, Abdullah bin Saud was forced to hear his victorious enemies play a flute before being beheaded. This is because he belonged to a fundamentalist Islamic sect that explicitly forbid listening to music , with such sentence being essentially torture for him. There was a instructor in ROTC, a Captain , who would have a cadet stand at attention in the back of the room if he caught him nodding off.
If the cadet STILL managed to nod off while at attention, the instructor would have them hold a chair over their head. This is akin to proper military behavior. If someone is nodding off during a briefing it was perfectly understandable to get up from your seat and stand in the back. It only ever gets more creative when you get into the real military, where they're allowed to humiliate you on a grand scale in front of dozens if not hundreds of your peers. Picture things on the level of fraternity hazing, only it's not hazing because it's punishment rather than a membership requirement.
Take for example, "The Dying Cockroach," in which the soldier being punished was forced to lie on their back while kicking and flailing their arms and yelling "I'm a dying cockroach! Leave your weapon unattended? Do a series of Iron Mikes to 'buy' it back. Fall asleep in a class session? Stand at the back of the room, holding a canteen, looking through the loop that holds the lid on playing sniper it's called.
Get caught watching the TV in the mess-hall? You get put on your elbows and toes to 'watch TV', and occasionally change channels. Caught doing something in the chow line you aren't supposed to? It's safe to say that since the days of a Drill Sergeant beating the snot out of you ended, it just encouraged them to get creative in the HOW they punish you and your whole unit.
They're not allowed to beat you, but they are allowed to make you exercise until you wish they were beating you. Called "Beasting" in the British Army, and every bit as horrible as the word implies. An Air Force drill sergeant was once extremely pissed because his men failed an inspection. After spending a half hour loudly dressing them down, he announced that all that yelling had made him thirsty, and he wanted a refreshing beverage from the soda machine on the first floor. No, he was tired and didn't want to walk all the way down there.
No, he didn't want someone to go get him a soda because he didn't know what he wanted and needed to look at all the choices. Ordering his men to go get the soda machine and bring it to him. An eight hundred pound soda machine. Up three flights of stairs. Once they did so, he bought his beverage, popped the tab, took a long drink, then ordered his men to put the soda machine back where they'd found it, and reminded them that there'd be another inspection tomorrow.
The royal Military Academy at Sandhurst has a punishment called "Show-clean". If a single item is out of place or showing even a speck of dirt, everything gets tipped out on the ground regardless of weather, and the hapless cadet officer is instructed to truck it all back to his quarters and do it all over again. Until the duty NCO is satisfied.
Russian cadets are forced, if they're caught doing something forbidden or violate army rules, to carry around big wooden objects reminding of their misdeed. Here's a few examples. In Britain, a deathwish driver from Lincolnshire was forced to see the consequences of his driving by going to the accident and emergency department at the local hospital.
Needless to say, this was An Aesop in itself on how not to drive. Arnold Schwarzenegger has gone on record as threatening his political opponents with having them watch his Red Sonja movie.
His weaponization of Jingle All the Way. Famous case from the s: Yup, Joe Pesci's The Super was based on a true story. A Malaysian political aide tweeted defamatory comments about his friend's employer. They responded by suing him, and he was forced to apologize times on Twitter. Man prefers jail over arguing with wife. Long story short, dude was sentenced to house arrest, pleaded to be put in jail. They denied the request, and sent him back to house arrest, thinking that arguing with the wife was more than enough punishment.
A small example, but as punishment for stealing soap in the Mohave county the thief is forced to wash themselves with said soap until it is completely used up. The German author Hans Fallada remembers in his biographical work Damals bei uns daheim how he and his brother sneaked into the storage room and ate part of a Baumkuchen intended for a family celebration. The procedures for electing a new pope essentially come down to locking the cardinals into a room until they make a decision, and if that doesn't work, start restricting their food supply.
Historically, this has included such things as removing the roof. A few instances of men having sex with goats in rural areas have been punished by forcing the suitor to pay a bride-price to the owner and formally get married to the subject of their affections. A documentary said that detainees in Guantanamo Bay were tortured by forcing them to listen to Sesame Street songs. Listening to anything at the duration and volumes reported would cause sleep deprivation and other problems, though; the Sesame Street songs may have been good choices they were certainly good choices if making people take the technique less seriously was the intention but even a song you want to listen to isn't one you want forcibly played to you all night at unreasonable decibel levels.
Davao City, Philippines vice mayor Rodrigo Duterte, — who was infamous for Flipping the Bird while defending his daughter, the mayor of same city, who punched a sheriff in — had a swindler eat the fake land titles the latter presented to informal settlers he duped. Duterte is now the president-elect of the Philippines, running on a platform of being "tough on crime, lenient only to surrendering criminals.
One kid in the Netherlands thought it would be funny to hack his older brother's Facebook profile. The brother did think about doing the same to him in retaliation, but decided to take a somewhat more creative tack. He turned his brother's room into a little girl's room , complete with My Little Pony light switch, Justin Bieber posters, a set of girl's rollerblades, Twilight novels and a vibrator.
He even replaced the carpet and the furniture! Then, a year later, he tilted his brother's room 90 degrees , while admitting that the brother hadn't even done anything bad this time. To which the little brother retaliated by painting the older brother's car pink. Approach them respectfully and make conversation and they will probably help you get a ride. In small towns where it is sometimes difficult to find people who speak French, police officers who always speak French are invaluable aides for finding hotels, hammams , roads out of town etc.
In some most touristic areas ie: Having some picture of your hitchhiking experience will help convincing them, otherwise your driver might get a fine, and of course you'll offer to pay for it. Cheap hotels are available in the medinas of most cities for 20—40 dirham.
Restrained babe Electra Rayne is punished with the help of vibrator and sex toys
Hotels are required to see your passport and most will want to hold it until they make a photocopy. There is little danger of a hotel worker stealing your passport but it is a good idea to keep several photocopies with you for peace-of-mind. Inside cities but also small villages if not invited at home, a very good option is ask for the nocturnal guardian, almost any quarter and village have one, they will show you the place to put your tent or mat and will take care of you in the night. The night can get extremely cold for most of the year, especially around mountains.
As they seldom have heating, be sure to carry a sleeping bag even if you plan to stay in hotels, as the blanket they give you might not be enough. Outside most cities and towns are places one can sleep discretely without a tent. Just make sure you get up before dawn. Also be aware that out-of-the-way spots that look like good places to sleep are often used as public toilets.
In some places, especially near trucking routes, there are semi-permanent tents made of plastic sheeting wrapped around a timber frames. These are usually empty though you may want to ask first. If the night is coming close and you're in a rural area, you will often find groups of women sitting outside and talking. If you ask them for a place to set up your tent, you will usually be shown a corner somewhere close to peoples' houses where you can then camp with some "protection". If you are humble and kind, you will easily receive invitations.
Sometimes the hospitality is exhausting and you may want to take a cheap hotel for some privacy and space to breathe. Morocco is famous for its hospitality and if you spend some time hitchhiking around the country, someone will sooner or later invite you for tea, food, or a place to sleep. To be polite, and to find out whether the invitation is genuine, it is wise to refuse at least once.
If people really want to invite you they will insist, and you can accept in good conscience after the second or third time. Sometimes, people might offer you to stay with them if you ever come to their town, but only do so out of politeness, in which case it might not be very nice to respond with something like "yeah, definitely, what's your number, so I can call you when I get there? But many people also genuinely want to help you out and will offer you to take down their phone number in case you need a place to stay or any help at all, and if you feel like they are serious about it, it is definitely not rude to accept and call them later if you want to take them up on it.
In these cases, if someone invites you to spend the night at their home, if you can afford it, why not pay for groceries, or at least bring a small gift, like a pack of tea, sugar or some fruits A little extra food every once in a while will most probably not put a dent in your budget. Fede was caught wild camping three times and detained by the police. Once in Azilal, in the Atlas mountains, asking for a spot near a mosque, the security didn't authorise him until arrival of the cops amn watani who treated him politely and explained they must force him go to a hotel.
Second time in Sa'idya border with Algeria and "maximum suspect" while hitchhiking brought to a police station with a ridiculous scam policeman said "this friend of mine will bring you to a better spot" and kept hours checking documents and asking questions; lastly in Chefchaouen where a nocturnal guardian directly called the police kept for 5 hours, taken fingerprints and the day after threatened to be expelled from the "kingdom" if he didn't leave the city. Each time police clarified that it was illegal to sleep in the streets or as guest at Moroccans for "security reasons", i.
Of course the practice is different than the theory, though pay attention, especially if you are not european, because they could be extremely racist. Because of the importance of tourism to the economy, anyone found physically harming a foreigner is punished severely. Attacks and terrorism against foreigners is extremely rare but due caution is advised. Far more common are a wide range of scams and hustles. If you get lost in a city and you will , people will jump to offer to show you the way. They will always expect a tip. This is fair, but make sure that they have actually lead you to your destination, and not intentionally gotten you more lost.
It is better to buy something from a shop, and then ask the shopkeeper for directions. All the money that is involved in tourism has unfortunately made the cities slightly dodgy. But outside urban areas, the people are almost universally polite, welcoming, and honest. Travelers including hitchhikers going to Mauritania are likely to encounter a cigarette scam in southern cities such as Tiznit and especially Guilmeme. Typically the traveler is engaged by a local who inquires about his or her plans for traveling further and after some discussion is told that to avoid delays and harassment at the Mauritanian frontier he should bring a gift of cigarettes.
The cigarettes he proposes are brands only available on the black market. These are smuggled from the Canary Islands and come in several brands-the most common being American Legend. The price varies from 6 to 10 MAD per pack depending on the city and the dealer. These are lower quality cigarettes and smoking more than a few tend to give the smoker a sore throat. The scam artist is paying probably no more than 50 MAD per carton cigarettes and pocketing the rest. The reality is that cigarettes are easily available in Mauritania in fact usually less than half the price of in Morocco; ranging from Ugyia per pack of Locals driving cars usually bring a gift of some sort to help ease the passage into Mauritania but hitchhikers should not expect problems.