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Blackmailed By The Hero. Making over the Billionaire. Redeeming the Texas Rancher. Hot Under the Collar. All the Ever Afters. Can't Take the Heat. A Matter of Indiscretion. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Ratings and Reviews 2 17 star ratings 2 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! Wish the ending was abit linger an detailed … Show more Show less. But im bias I'm so hooked on all of these books!

So easy and fun to read. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. It seems they are constantly trading off on keeping each other in the dark about one thing or another. Rather than being frustrated by their harmless deceptions, I was amused by their stubborn attempts to handle certain situations in whatever way they saw fit.

As the two main characters, Angie and Cade are immensely likeable. Angie is my favorite type of heroine: Cade, in turn, is the All-American jock, whose occasional bouts of pig-headedness are forgiven by his charming nature and shockingly dirty mouth. I devoured Skin in the Game in a matter of hours, eager to follow along with the drama that unfolds between Cade and Angie, who are nothing if not entertaining.

I found Angie to be a relatable heroine and I genuinely enjoyed getting to know her character as she navigated her complicated relationship with Cade. May 17, Jessirae rated it it was amazing Shelves: It was the perfect light and sexy read I needed. Yes, he was cocky at times and enjoyed being in the limelight his fame brought, but he was a great guy. He was charming, cool and a gentleman through and through. He respected her and all the decisions she made. Even better, Cade was an honorable man and a loyal friend. He was not without faults and could be a complete idiot when it came to Angie and his heart, but he was entirely lovable from start to finish.

While I loved Cade, I thought Angie was the best! She was the girl next door type and a totally down to earth person. She stood out the most in this book because of the passion she had for her job and the utmost care she had for her students. She was the teacher I wish I had in high school. Not only was she the sweetest character ever, but she had firm convictions, morals and the spirit and fight to last a lifetime. She worked hard for everything she has ever wanted and dreamed of and I was thoroughly impressed that she never wavered even when faced with the choice of losing Cade. She loved enough to accept or let go even when it hurt the most.

Cade and Angie were wonderful characters individually, but together they were burning up with chemistry and sexual tension. I freaking enjoyed ever kiss, touch, and sexual encounter they had. They just had enough spice to keep me enticed. It was something different compared to all the romantic contemporaries I have read without this aspect.

I think I may even have learned more about football coming out of this book! All in all, Barbosa did an amazing job with Skin in the Game. Her writing was simple, yet fun and I really had a fantastic time reading this book. I also loved the underlying message of love, believing in yourself and making compromises. When I finished this book, I just wanted more. More Reviews on my blog: Words, Pages, and Books May 07, Nina rated it liked it.

Skin in the Game by Jackie Barbosa wasn't as high in heat and steam compared to the other Brazens that I've read, but it was still sexy nonetheless. The characters in the story were developed and I found them all likeable with the exception of Donnelly he was a douchebag.

Cade was an all around sweet and sexy football hero and was probably my favorite character out of the story. I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the next two hours without Skin in the Game by Jackie Barbosa wasn't as high in heat and steam compared to the other Brazens that I've read, but it was still sexy nonetheless.

I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the next two hours without ripping that dress off you. I felt that the romance between Cade and Angie could have been explored more in depth. Furthermore, I felt that this story needed that extra "oomph" to really capture my attention and move this up to a higher rating.

With that said, this was one of the books that I found myself able to put down easily and not in a rush to pick back up. However, I loved the ending and how the author introduced the potential characters for the next book.

I'll surely be on the lookout for Rachel and Warren's story if the author does write their story. In the end, Skin in the Game wasn't bad, but it didn't "wow" me. In addition, it wasn't a story where I found myself enjoying immensely. However, I believe fans of sports romance especially football romance will find this one enjoyable. Who would have known that your high school crush would come back to your hometown after being the star quarterback in the NFL and try to steal your job?

I found the plot and characters of "Skin in the Game" nothing new but nonetheless still sexy and entertaining. Angela is no longer the shy, awkward teen she once was and it's nice to see Cade take notice. ONLY, will he remember her from high school?? And if he does, how will he react?? I reall Who would have known that your high school crush would come back to your hometown after being the star quarterback in the NFL and try to steal your job?

I really enjoyed reading "Skin in the Game" and I'm not even a football fan!! Cade and Angela's chemistry was sizzling hot and 'on point' which as a reader is very important to me. A- In fact, she doubted anything could make him less hot, short of a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend. Heroine is a prickly math geek and football coach. Hero is an angsty athlete who can do the dirty talk. Author knows her football — and her dirty talk. May 15, Teresa rated it really liked it Shelves: I very much enjoyed this, always like the alpha-hunk sports guys and this did not disappoint! May 06, Anna rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a quick and easy, fun read!

I also liked the idea of a girl being the head coach of the football team. Jun 04, Jenn rated it really liked it. This book is a book that football lovers will appreciate. Jackie did a great of job captivating me throughout the entire book that I was not able to put it down and it became a very quick read for me. I had no clue as to which way she was going to go next with the book and kept everything as unpredictable as possible. Angela Angie had a crush on Cade all through high school. I mean This book is a book that football lovers will appreciate.

HOT guy, very popular, and quarterback of the high school football team. He owed her though, because not only did the team win State Championships that year, he went on to play for the NFL. Angie grew up with brothers, so it was obvious she grew up with football. She was very shy and kind of geeky in high school, but as an adult, she is the complete opposite.

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When her mother died, she was afraid she would lose her dad as well, so she gave up her life to move back in her hometown to take care of him and to avoid losing him too. One can see the love she has for teaching her students, and her love for coaching football. Cade lived and loved football.

He was the quarterback for his high school team, played in college and was drafted into the NFL. He was living his dream; he was doing what he loved, he was very popular, wealthy and could have any woman he wanted.

Skin in the Game

But one play during a game put a halt to playing. He had injured his shoulder that required extensive surgery and rehab. Cade is instantly attracted by Angie after seeing her for the first time. He gets more turned on by her drink order and better yet, by her picking up the sports section. He invites her to sit at the table with him. He invites her to dinner and she accepts knowing Cade Reynolds is not interested in someone like her; has never been and never will be. One night is all she can give herself.

Angie almost cancels her date but meets Cade in his luxury suite. This is something she is not used to. They are from completely different worlds; he comes from a world full of money, she works for every single cent she has and spends it appropriately. As soon as she walks through those doors, you can feel the sexual tension floating in the room. While watching the sunset, plans for dinner disappear when one thing leads to another.

You can feel the desire and the passion that Angie has been feeling for Cade all those years. When Angie finally comes to, she realizes her mistake and leaves before he can crush her heart. Angie is the type of person who likes to work to her way to the top and earn her way without or with very little help from anyone. She is the assistant coach of the football team, who dreams of becoming the head coach when the current head coach retires. So she is completely disappointed and frustrated when Cade is asked to fill in the Head Coach role, when he becomes ill.

The sexual tension builds more and more every day that they see each other. He makes it known he wants to be with her. Not only does she need to prove herself to the board, she also needs and wants to prove herself to Cade and show that she can become the best female Head Coach out there despite what the rumors say. He needs to prove to others as well that he can still be an amazing football player. Cade wants to see if there is a something between them. In a way, so does she, but can she? She would have to give up everything she loves and everything she worked so hard for.

Will Angie be able to put down some walls and let Cade in? Will she be able to give everything up to be with him? Will Cade be willing to make major sacrifices to be with Angie? Will Angie be able to prove herself to everyone and get the Head Coach position? Will Cade be able to get past his pain and be able to play football again? I really enjoyed this book and I recommend you put it on your list to read. Not only did I like the main characters, I really fell for the supporting characters. Jackie does a great job introducing us and getting us acquainted with Rachel, Warren, her father, Coach Harvey and even the sleaze Donnelly.

I received an ARC for my honest review. Jun 16, Monica Cardoza rated it it was amazing. Two characters that have one thing in common, football, can they choose the right path in order to be together. Skin in the Game is about just that a football player that has come home to help his father figure coach the high school football team until he can get back into the NFL after his tragic accident. Cade Reynolds was the high school quarterback and then the NFL quarterback for the Texans until his caused him out of the game.

From the moment that he saw this beautiful woman walk into the coffee he was intrigued with her it seemed that his body was calling for her. He needed to get her attention he needed to get her to notice him and the moment that she did he knew he needed her. Cade realized that she recognized him finally someone from his hometown recognized him. She loves math but she also has a knack for developing plays that work wonders since she spent lots of her time with her father seeing football games.

When she was just a freshman she gave pointers to the high school quarterback, pointers that helped win the championship. Now here she was sitting in front of the man that she had a crush on since she was in high school and now he wanted to go out with her. Only he did not recognize her how could he she had totally changed she was no longer the geeky girl that she was in high school. When Cade and Angie get together for their so-called date they ravage each other.

As the coach tells Cade about his assistant coach and how she is the one that develops the plays he learns her name and also that she is the math teacher but most importantly she is the one that helped them win the last Championship that the Eagles won since he was the high school quarterback. Skin in the Game is an awesome read that had me enthralled from beginning to the very end.

These two characters understood each other; they both had a passion for the game. Only that Angie needed to understand that at times the plays she put into play could have consequences they were not her fault that is part of the game. Cade was a very sweet caring man that wanted to get his career back but could he do it and take another dears friends job. The characters in this story are strong, fun, sexy and are made for each other. There are moments that I found myself laughing out loud and at times I wanted to strangle one of the characters.

His comments to Angie were uncalled for clear harassment but the school systems are bizarre on how they handle situations. The story moves at a steady pace with highs and lows but it was all good. The internal dialogue of Cade and Angie was enlightening and sweet. The dialogue was great and the romance was perfect. The sexual chemistry was sizzling hot and so passionate. I loved how I was able to get lost in their romance and just shows the writing talent of Ms.

Skin in the Game is a wonderful journey where two people are so compatible that it was only a matter of time before they would get their happily ever after.

Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life

Jun 30, Shari rated it liked it. Are you ready for some football?!?!? I have been wilting from no football and counting the days till we start the season. So to help me through this football depression, I love to read sports romances! So when I find a new football romance, I usually snap it up and run for the touchdown! Skin in the Game was a delight for the senses as it wasn't about an over confident player with a cocky attitude.

Cade Reynolds has loved football since he was in high school. The only time the high school he Are you ready for some football?!?!?

The only time the high school he attended made it to state and won was with him in the quarterback position. Make it to the NFL was his dream, but it came to a slow craw when a late hit takes him out for the season. Angela Peterson knows everything about football. Born into a family of all boys, she knows her way around the game as good as any man.

Quiet and mousey growing up, she helped Cade realize their problems as a team and helped behind the scenes get them to state.

See a Problem?

Now all grown up, she filled out in all the right places, teaches math at the high school and coaches the high school football team as an assistant. With the head coach recovering, she thinks she is stepping into the head coach shoes on the eve of the team going to state again, only to be sidelined when Cade shows up. But Angie sees the night for what it is, a good time and is prepared to move on.

Cade sees more and is ticked off she leaves in the night, preventing him from having the morning after. Angie knows who he is, but thinks he's in town trying out for the Vikings. Cade has no clue who Angie is until he meets with his old coach. The two wrangle around each other while dealing with outside forces pulling them apart. Angie's life is wrapped up in this little town, while Cade will be off to the next team that will sign him after his injury. Conflict with another coach causes such an uproar you want to punch the guy.

But in some ways I was lost on how fast this seemed to move. The timeline of the story seemed off with time passing that you didn't know went by. The most play time we see is in a high school game, but never really on the field for Cade. You see Angie pull off a stunning play for the high school to win. The conflict between the characters felt weak at times. Always pulling off "plays" in their life to fix things.


It just seemed a little forced. The two do steam up the sheets when they have a bed and fog up the room when they don't. The turmoil they feel is easily pushed to the side for passion. Overall it was an enjoyable story, but I felt at times pushed to believe what I was being told when I felt very differently about what really happened.

For fun off the field, this was a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon waiting for the football season to start again. Apr 29, Vi the Vi3tBabe rated it really liked it Shelves: With that being said, I liked the fact that Skin in the Game made me really appreciate the art of football and helped me understand a little bit about why people are so passionate about it. Not only was the story line that revolve around football interesting, the characters were highly entertaining and the romance was sweet and the sexy scenes were downright sexy.

Angie is the odd woman out, so to speak, being a female who helps to coach a high school football team. She grew up watching football games with her father and learned the ins and out of the game from him, so she is pretty skilled at strategizing and writing out plays for her team.

She had her doubts about Cade and having a relationship with him, but she was also fiercely passionate about her job and I really liked that aspect of her personality. Cade is such a sweetheart and a really nice guy. Cade was very supportive of Angie right from the start, whether she realized it or not, and he could easily see how awesome she was at coaching her team. I loved their dialogue and the way Cade basically swept her off her feet. I liked that he was never arrogant or self-centered, but really tried to understand Angie and focused on being with her.

I felt like this was more about Angie than anything else, which was fine and all. Skin in the Game has all the elements of a great romance novel — fun characters, witty dialogue, a plot line outside of the romance that had substance, and very juicy sexy times. I loved the awkward, funny moments and I also loved the sweet, intimate moments that this story was full of.

I am definitely hoping for more books centered around this world from Jackie as there were a few secondary characters I would love to know more about. Another excellent Brazen title that all readers can enjoy. Apr 29, Kristin rated it really liked it Shelves: There once was a time when a freshman laid into the high school's star quarterback about poor plays that would ultimately cost them their championship if he didn't change the way they were playing.

He still remembers that freshman firecracker who lit a fire under his butt in high school. He has no idea however, that that girl is now the hot chick he's ogling in the coffee shop. I will admit that I am not a fan There once was a time when a freshman laid into the high school's star quarterback about poor plays that would ultimately cost them their championship if he didn't change the way they were playing. I will admit that I am not a fan of football. I don't understand it first of all, and second, it bores me to tears. So I'm glad to say that there is little football time in this story, which may deter others, but for me, it was a good thing.

I found the characters to be likable. He's pretty down to earth and when his coach needs help with the high school football team while recovering from medical problems, Cade is right there to help out. Angela was definitely an interesting character. She immediately recognizes Cade but when she realizes that her has no idea who she is, she isn't forthcoming to clue him in.

Instead she plays along with him as if they've never met before. I thought it was funny that she was very uncomfortable with calling her father to let her know that she was going to be spending the weekend with Cade and that he would have to fend for himself. Yeah, she's in her late twenties but heck, even I'd be uncomfortable having that conversation with my father HaHa "'Love you, too.

It was silly, of course. She was twenty-nine, not eighteen. I think it would be interesting to follow Warren Harris who is one of Cade's best friends, who's also a NFL quarterback who's recovering from an injury. Nothing could be further from the truth. After all, what was the point in taking a woman out for dinner if she didn't like food? May 25, Crystal rated it really liked it Shelves: Skin in the Game was erotic and sensual. Cade was mouth watering hot. This man knew how to push your buttons in a good way.

Cade was unadulterated sexy muscle build athlete that knows how to turn a woman into mush by the things he would say and the way he takes his time at doing the things he did, completely made me drool over him. He completely aimed to please and set out to do just that when he met Angela Angela was strong, independent and smart. She worked hard to get where she was in My Rant: She worked hard to get where she was in her career and she would destroy anyone that stood in her way.

But what I liked most about her, as a character was that she was real with herself and the people that are around her. But when her childhood crush comes back into town that completely knocked her off her game especially when she realizes that he is infatuated with her. The romance between the characters kicks off at the beginning of the book and it seems that their relationship is going to be a smooth sailing until the author throws a twist into the plot, which completely throws you off guard.

Cade want to get his career back on track with the NFL but cant help but keep his promise to his coach and longtime friend but in keeping his promise he has to do the unthinkable and keep Angela at bay when he wants her so bad. How Ironic is that. Angela on the other hand, dream is to be the head coach of the Harper Fall Eagles but Cade is in her way.

She loves and hates him but she cannot deny the chemistry they have between each other but she is not going to give in to Cade who is now the man than stands in her way to completing her dream. This author completely keeps you attached to the book. You are reading the POV of both characters so you know how they feel about their issues, obstacles and infatuation with each other. Which was just amazing. I felt like I was getting the best of both worlds. She pulls you into to the characters where you are immersed in their lives, you feel what they feel and you connect with the characters immediately.

I enjoyed the authors writing style and I completely loved the story from beginning to end. I rated this book 4 out of 5 Purple Rant Hearts. I loved this story and would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a contemporary romance with two strong characters and some skin literally in the game. I received this book for free from the author, editor, publisher, or Promo Host. This is my honest opinion about this book and I did not receive any monetary compensation for writing this review nor was I obligated to write a positive one.

May 24, Jillian Stein rated it really liked it. My review can also be found on my blog: Is that Cade Reynolds she sees sitting in her little hometown coffee shop? What could he be doing back here? Before she can thin My review can also be found on my blog: It feels good to be back and feels even better to have met the beautiful blond at the coffee shop this morning.

Maybe he can learn more about the sexy high school math teacher over dinner…. Well, the fates certainly have surprises in store for Cade and Angie. When they realize their history and realize they will both be coaching the football team, sparks start to fly. Their chemistry is undeniable and now, being thrown into a situation where they see each other and work together, they will have to decide if they have something between them worth throwing a pass at.

What a great take on a contemporary romance! I adored the sporty spin on things! It was a fresh and interesting story packed with emotions, sexiness and fun. I really enjoyed Cade and Angie as characters and the chemistry between them was done just right. He was humble when needed most and was really a heart-warming hero.

The ending was absolutely perfect and played out like a chick flick and I loved it! Barbosa, for a great read! May 22, Stephanie Collins rated it really liked it. Cade is only back in town for a couple of weeks as a favor to his old high school coach and to give him time to finish healing from an injury. He's still hoping to get back to being the quarterback for an NFL team but owes the man who was a surrogate father to him the world. He's intrigued by a woman he meets while out for coffee and they engage in an incredible one night stand. He's not happy when he wakes up the next morning and she's run off but when he finds out that she's the assistant coac Cade is only back in town for a couple of weeks as a favor to his old high school coach and to give him time to finish healing from an injury.

He's not happy when he wakes up the next morning and she's run off but when he finds out that she's the assistant coach for the football team he's supposed to be head coach for he just can't believe his luck. It starts out with him being a bit pissed off and wanting to get even with her for leaving him but as he spends more time around her he's a goner.

Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Books

He's smart, alpha and yet has enough sense to figure out what is truly important in life. I loved how he took other people's thoughts and future in to consideration before he made a decision except in typical romance land fashion… neglects to complete think his decisions through and their impact on the heroine. He's redeemed though as he never hid anything from her but he just needed a nudge to do the right thing. Angela has always had a thing for Cade but back in high school she was always the nerdy girl who happened to be big in to sports and he was the high school star quarterback that was nice enough to let her talk about how the team could improve.

If you see this skin in Tilted Towers, that's! 💪

She's always wanted to be the head coach and is not too happy when Cade comes in to take over the team while the head coach is out for health issues. She's used to fighting the prejudice that comes with being a female trying to coach a male dominated sport but she's smart and has a natural head for the game. She decides that the one night stand she had with him should be it for them but as Cade keeps pushing for more and more time with her she can't help but indulge.

After all she knows he is really trying to get back in the NFL and she just won't fit in there as she only wants to stay in their small hometown and coach for the team she loves. She's got an entertaining father and some issues with believing in herself but this isn't a turn off and isn't something that feels like whining. She's very practical and does have trouble taking help but when it is offered in such a way that it makes sense she's willing to back off and listen.

I loved the story and appreciated the chance to read it in exchange for my honest review. Apr 30, Jaime Arkin rated it really liked it Shelves: In high school, Angela Peterson wasn't tall and gorgeous and she crushed on the high school quarterback just like everyone else. He only noticed her because she gave him some well timed advice that helped him go on to win the championship and eventually make a career out of football. Years later, she's the gorgeous woman who Cade singles out at the local coffee shop and invites out Cade has struggled over the last few years.

A shoulder injury has kept him out of the game and he's returned to Harper Falls, MN as a favor to his high school coach Help run his team while he's dealing with some medical issues. What he didn't realize is that the girl he invited back to his hotel and spent one incredible night with, is the same girl who is planning on filling in as head coach herself There isn't a whole lot to this book to be honest.