How does the Commission intend to ensure a balance in the distribution of such important centres of innovation, which have an impact not only in terms of finding general solutions for Europe, but also on regional development? This latter proposal in turn recommends that there should be six more KICs in the period , to be launched in two waves, in and respectively. The selection of KICs will, as it currently is, be entirely the responsibility of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology EIT , as provided for by the regulation establishing it.
The KICs will be selected on the basis of criteria described in a specific call for proposals which will be published by the EIT in due time. The KICs will, as in the past, be selected on the basis of excellence, not on the basis of a specific geographical distribution. The Commission cannot influence the selection of KICs. Such outreach will ensure that the experience and benefits of the EIT promote the development of innovation capacity in all areas of the Union. In recent years, since the expansion of the Schengen area, a significant increase in cross-border road traffic has been recorded — European citizens moving around to visit various locations in Europe or pursue economic interests, either for private reasons or as part of their professional activities.
In addition, an increasing number of European citizens are crossing borders on a daily or weekly basis to go to work in another Member State. Often, however, after crossing the border, they become disorientated with regard to the traffic rules and principles of that Member State because of the different road safety policies in place at present.
Member States are responsible for making sure that at cross-border points, traffic rules applied on their territory are well displayed such as speed limits, use of traffic lights. These prices are compared net of VAT, and the cost of the VAT must be added to the service if the contract is awarded to a commercial company. In awarding the tender to a VAT exempt non-profit institution, the public authority does not have to pay the tax but the institution, as an end consumer, is obliged to pay VAT on its general costs and on any goods and services it must purchase to provide the service contracted to it by the authority.
This means that welfare organisations incur certain higher costs, and are therefore discriminated against, since, if the successful tenderer is a commercial company, the VAT paid out will be refunded in its tax assessment. Awarding a contract to a commercial company when determining the most advantageous tender, without taking into account the cost of VAT, obliges the public authority to bear the additional cost of the VAT for the service contracted.
Given the specific nature of non-profit welfare institutions that must bear the cost of the VAT they pay, without having the advantage of their final tendered price being considered on equal terms with the VAT-included price tendered by a commercial company,. What criteria would the Commission establish to prevent such discrimination against non-profit welfare institutions? An exemption of this type also involves economic advantages for these organisations, which will have to pay the VAT on their purchases but will not be required to charge VAT on the services they provide thus keeping their prices down.
In addition, not-profit-making organisations must charge VAT each time they supply goods or services which do not fall within the strict framework of the exemption. They are then in the same position as any other taxable person carrying out transactions which are subject to VAT. In any event, an offer submitted by a tenderer enjoying a competitive advantage resulting from a state aid i.
Puertos catalanes que no tienen permiso para operar fuera del espacio Schengen. The Spanish Senate recently voted against this. To achieve this, it must be possible to switch between the two forms of transport with only one customs process. As regards the crossing of an external Schengen border by persons, according to the Schengen Borders Code, it is in the discretion of the respective Member State which locations it designates as such border crossing points which must comply with the standards as set out in the Schengen Borders Code.
The Commission shall be notified of these border crossing points, and Spain has not notified Palamos port. Can the Commission indicate what stage has been reached in the infringement proceedings? Is the principle of non-discrimination among the principles infringed? For which specific reasons? Is the Commission aware of the serious economic repercussions that these measures are causing and of the unease and protests that have arisen on both sides of the border between Spain and Portugal?
The Galician press recently claimed that the Portuguese Government has now responded to the reasoned opinion. Can the Commission confirm this? What did the Portuguese authorities state in that response?
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Has the Commission now assessed that information? What was its assessment? What conclusions did the Commission arrive at, and what steps will it now take? The Commission also asked Portugal to provide detailed information on the application of the new tolling arrangement on former SCUT motorways.
The Commission has received the reply by the Portuguese authorities to the reasoned opinion and is currently assessing its content. Possibili fondi per l'ipogeo di Foggia. I progetti cui fa riferimento l'onorevole deputato potrebbero in effetti essere ammissibili a un sostegno finanziario nell'ambito della politica di coesione. The cavern has been partially flooded following seepage of both sewage and drinking water. Despite the fact that the Hypogea Association has alerted both the Apulian aqueducts agency and the company managing the urban sewers on behalf of the municipal authority, no action has been taken.
The Hypogea Association was founded in for the very purpose of developing and promoting these sites. The Commission was not previously aware of the facts mentioned by the Honourable Member. The projects referred to by the Honourable Member could indeed be eligible for financial support under cohesion policy. However, within the framework of the shared management principle used in administering cohesion policy, the national authorities are responsible for project selection and implementation.
The Commission, therefore, suggests that the Honourable Member contact directly the managing authority responsible for the Puglia programme:. Dati e statistiche sul fumo negli Stati membri. Stabile anche la propensione al vizio tra i giovani: Se intende fornire dati e statistiche aggiornati sul tabagismo nei vari Stati membri,. Se intende promuovere campagne di sensibilizzazione per informare la cittadinanza sui rischi per la salute che si possono correre col fumo attivo e passivo? Inoltre, gli avvertimenti scritti sui pacchetti di prodotti del tabacco sono uno strumento efficace per far conoscere i rischi sanitari legati al fumo.
La Commissione sostiene la piena attuazione della raccomandazione. According to Istat, almost one Italian in four smokes, Before the introduction of the anti-smoking law, Italian smokers totalled The identikit of smokers set out by Istat sees a clear prevalence of men over women The propensity to smoke also remains stable among young people: Whether it intends to provide updated data and statistics on smoking in the various Member States? Whether it intends to promote awareness-raising campaigns to inform the general public of the health risks they may run from active and passive smoking?
The Commission is aware of the Istat data on smoking in Italy and regularly monitors developments concerning tobacco consumption in the Member States. More detailed data on smoking types of smokers, exposure to tobacco smoke, by sex, age and socioeconomic characteristics is due to be available for all EU Member States by through the implementation of the harmonised European Health Interview Survey. Moreover, text warnings on tobacco packages are an effective tool to communicate the health risks of smoking.
The Commission supports the full implementation of the recommendation. Un'occasione per l'Italia, soprattutto dopo la condanna da parte della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo per la mala gestione della spazzatura in Campania. Attraverso dei badge, i cassonetti intelligenti, muniti di display, saranno in grado di riconoscere il cittadino che getta i rifiuti e di mappare le sue abitudini sulla raccolta differenziata. Tali inviti saranno annunciati sul seguente sito: The objective will be to redouble the collection of WEEE and map out its complete cycle, up to recovery or final treatment.
This is an opportunity for Italy, especially after the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the mismanagement of waste in Campania. Through the use of electronic badges, the intelligent waste-bins, which have their own display, will be able to recognise the citizen who is disposing of waste and to map their habits on separate collection. The experiment, which will last for four years, aims to develop an identikit of waste, thus ensuring the transparency of the whole management process and establishing the exact quantity of WEEE, which still accounts for almost half of waste collection in Italy today.
The Commission has so far not been aware of the waste project in Italy referred to by the Honourable Member. The Commission would need a proper project application in order to express an opinion about the possibility for funding. New opportunities for such grants will be subject to open calls for proposals still under FP7 and they will be announced on the following web page: EU cohesion policy can support investments of Member States and regions into waste management.
It is up to the Member States to select and implement these programmes and projects in accordance with the priorities set in the relevant Operational Programmes. A gateway to overall funding opportunities from the European Union and the proper application procedures can be found at this link: Un tassello essenziale per la realizzazione della strategia ecosostenibile appena lanciata dalla Commissione europea.
A questi gas i ricercatori hanno poi aggiunto il catalizzatore a base di nanoparticelle di ferro: Thanks to a nanoparticle created by Utrecht University in the Netherlands, it is now possible to transform plant biomass into the base molecules of the most common types of plastic: Researchers began with iron molecules, which are extremely efficient in catalysing the transformation of gas into ethylene, propylene and butadiene. Then, in order to overcome the instability problems in these molecules, they were combined with non-reactive nanoparticles to make them far more resilient.
The researchers believe the scope of the discovery to be so vast that in the future it will be possible to replace oil with plants for the production of any type of plastic, a fact that was previously not even remotely imaginable because the bioplastics currently on the market are far less versatile. In view of this, can the Commission state whether it is aware of the recent Dutch discovery of a nanoparticle capable of transforming plants into basic plastic molecules and whether it intends to start an experimental programme to evaluate the opportunity of using this new discovery in the field of bioplastics?
The Commission is aware of the recent discovery of Dutch researchers published in the February edition of Science as well as of the potential of nanosciences and nanotechnologies to contribute to sustainable development, to benefit environment, energy and health, and to become a source of innovation in many industrial sectors. The Science article highlights the potential of nanocatalysts. Sequestro di ricci di mare a Bari. Complessivamente sono stati sequestrati oltre ricci di mare e un quintale di altri prodotti della pesca ostriche, noci, cozze nere e pelose, seppie, polpi, gamberoni e spigole.
Le regole in tema di igiene alimentare sono sancite nel regolamento CE n. L'allegato II dello stesso regolamento stabilisce certi requisiti generali d'igiene che gli operatori del settore alimentare devono rispettare.
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Tra l'altro essi devono adottare una serie di misure e precauzioni per assicurare che le strutture temporanee come i banchi di vendita al mercato dispongano di strutture appropriate e siano integri e che gli alimenti siano collocati in modo tale da evitare nella misura del fattibile il rischio di contaminazione.
Tutti gli articoli, gli accessori e le attrezzature con cui gli alimenti vengono a contatto devono essere gestiti in modo tale da evitare o ridurre al minimo il rischio di contaminazione. Gli Stati membri sono responsabili di far rispettare la normativa UE sui mangimi e gli alimenti e di verificare, mediante l'organizzazione di controlli ufficiali, che le pertinenti disposizioni della stessa siano rispettate dagli operatori commerciali in tutte le fasi della produzione, della trasformazione e della distribuzione.
Si deve procedere regolarmente con una frequenza appropriata a controlli ufficiali basati sul rischio e si devono adottare misure appropriate per eliminare il rischio ad assicurare il rispetto della normativa alimentare UE sia in relazione sia a prodotti domestici che a quelli importati. La Commissione controlla continuativamente che gli Stati membri ottemperino ai loro obblighi di vigilanza in forza della normativa UE sulla pesca e l'igiene, anche tramite ispezioni in loco o audit condotti dai servizi che ad essa fanno capo.
The operation targeted illegal itinerant traders selling unlawfully on the stretch of Bari seafront that goes from Palese to Torre a Mare, where a large number of offences were reported. During the inspections, a local health authority veterinarian recorded considerable quantities of poorly preserved echinoderms sea urchins , sold from makeshift stalls that lacked documentation and were without any form of protection against contaminants.
In particular, during one inspection at Torre a Mare, a batch of shellfish and other seafood was found to be in poor sanitary and hygiene conditions. Amongst other things, they must take a series of measures and precautions to ensure that temporary premises such as market stalls have appropriate facilities, are in a sound condition, and that foodstuffs are placed in such a manner so as to avoid the risk of contamination so far as is reasonably practicable.
All articles, fittings and equipment with which food comes into contact must also be managed in such a way so as to avoid or minimise the risk of contamination. Member States are responsible for the enforcement of EU feed and food law and verify, through the organisation of official controls, that the relevant requirements thereof are fulfilled by business operators at all stages of production, processing and distribution. Official controls must be carried out regularly, on a risk basis, with appropriate frequency and appropriate measures must be taken to eliminate risk and ensure enforcement of EU food law in relation to both domestic and import products.
Such controls allow the identification of shortcomings such as those referred to by the Honourable Member, and the adoption of remedial action and appropriate penalties. The Commission constantly monitors delivery by the Member States of their control duties under EU fisheries and hygiene laws, including through on-the-spot inspection or audits by its services. Rimangono differenze tra uomini e donne anche dal punto di vista dello stipendio. La Commissione intende adottare nel corso dell'anno una decisione sulle possibili misure da mettere in campo.
Proprio su questo tema, nel la Commissione ha lanciato una campagna di sensibilizzazione su scala europea. Differences also remain in the salaries earned by men and women. According to the latest calculations, women with equal skills still earn, on average, A decision on possible measures will be taken by the Commission later this year. Equal pay is one of the Commission's priorities in its Strategy for equality between women and men Dati e statistiche sull'inflazione nei Paesi membri.
Continuano a crescere i prezzi di benzina e gasolio. La Commissione Eurostat raccoglie regolarmente e pubblica con cadenza mensile gli Indici dei prezzi al consumo armonizzati IPCA per tutti gli Stati membri, Italia compresa. I dati italiani cui fa riferimento l'onorevole deputato nella sua interrogazione corrispondono tuttavia all'Indice dei prezzi al consumo nazionale italiano IPC e non all'IPCA. Esse sono accessibili sul sito: The figure was revealed by ISTAT in its preliminary forecasts, which also drew attention to a monthly price increase of 0.
Petrol and diesel prices are continuing to rise. In February, again according to the provisional inflation figures released by ISTAT, the price of petrol increased by 2. The price of diesel fuel for vehicles increased by 1. Does it intend to provide up-to-date data and statistics on inflation trends for all the Member States? The Commission is aware of the inflation in Italy. The HICP is an European inflation measure that is produced using harmonised methodology in each country, and the monthly readings may differ slightly from the national CPI figures.
ISTAT reports both of them in its news releases on consumer prices. The main economic forecasts are published in the spring and autumn; more concise, interim forecasts are published several weeks before these. They are accessible from:. Sapone liquido non invasivo per l'ecosistema marino. Gli scienziati responsabili sperano che dalla loro scoperta possano essere ricavati tensioattivi commercialmente sostenibili.
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Le proposte sono valutate da esperti indipendenti sulla base degli obiettivi e criteri dettagliati pubblicati nel programma di lavoro. A magnetic liquid soap which cleans and then dissolves without polluting has been developed by a team of researchers from the University of Bristol. It is designed for cleaning operations when pollutants have been spilled into the sea. The soap works according to the simple principle of adding iron salts to surfactants.
After it has cleaned the polluted area, the iron-rich soap can be removed using magnets. The discovery is being followed with interest not only by industry, but also by environmentalists: Is the Commission aware that the Bristol University researchers have invented magnetic liquid soap? Given the environment-friendly properties of the soap, would it not consider financing a study to look more closely at the data reported by the Bristol University scientific team?
The news of the invention mentioned by the Honourable Member was announced in January this year. The scientists responsible hope that commercially viable surfactants can be developed from their discovery. The European Union's future framework programme for research and innovation , Horizon will support actions to bring the fruits of research to market, including related investigations into environmental protection and the wider regulatory setting.
Frequently Asked Questions
The first calls for Horizon will be launched after decisions of the Council and Parliament. These too will have a strong innovation dimension. It would be up to the Bristol team to see if these calls offer any relevant opportunities. Proposals are assessed by independent experts based on the detailed objectives and evaluation criteria published in the work programme. Statistiche sulla disoccupazione tra i giovani laureati. Dato che lievita anche per i laureati specialistici, passato dal 18 al 20 per cento. Non conforta neanche il confronto con i dati del Diminuisce anche il lavoro stabile: Come intende essa affrontare il fenomeno della disoccupazione giovanile tra i laureati?
Sono previsti programmi europei per l'inserimento dei neo laureati nel mondo del lavoro e se ne conoscono i risultati? Risposta data da Androulla Vassiliou a nome della Commissione. Sono inoltre disponibili i tassi di disoccupazione relativi alla popolazione dai 15 ai 74 anni avente un diploma terziario UE27 nel There is no comfort to be had from the comparison with the data for Regular employment also fell: Whether it provide an overview, with data and statistics, on unemployment among graduates in all the Member States? Whether European programmes are being envisaged to integrate new graduates into the labour market and, if these already exist, what have been the results?
Youth unemployment is also a core issue in the review of Member States policies under the European Semester. The European Social Fund is another key instrument for tackling youth unemployment. Nederlandse regeling zeezoutaftrek fijn stof. Wanneer de Commissie hiervan in kennis is gesteld, dan worden de desbetreffende overschrijdingen niet als overschrijvingen in de zin van de richtlijn aangemerkt. Nederland toont momenteel namelijk niet per overschrijdingsdag aan wat het percentage zeezout in het gemeten fijn stof is en of de overschrijving aan deze concentratie zeezout toe te schrijven is.
Klopt het dat de Commissie aan staatssecretaris Atsma kenbaar heeft gemaakt dat de manier waarop Nederland de zeezoutaftrek toepast niet in overeenstemming is met de richtlijn en dat Nederland zijn regeling voor zeezoutaftrek moet wijzigen? Deze correspondentie met Nederland zou ik graag willen inzien; kan de Commissie deze openbaar maken?
De richtsnoeren zijn niet bindend voor de lidstaten maar geven het standpunt van de diensten van de Commissie weer over de beste werkwijzen inzake het aantonen en in mindering brengen van natuurlijke bronnen, onder meer zeezout. De Commissie heeft geen spoor gevonden van enige tot staatssecretaris Atsma gerichte briefwisseling waarin hem wordt verzocht de Nederlandse regeling inzake de zeezoutaftrek te herzien. Evenmin is de Commissie in kennis gesteld van de nieuwe methode die Nederland zal toepassen om zeezout in mindering te brengen; zij kan zich daar dus niet over uitspreken.
De lidstaten verstrekken alleen informatie over de bijdrage van natuurlijke bronnen wanneer wordt gemeld dat in een zone de toegestane waarden worden overschreden. Once the Commission has been notified accordingly, that exceedance will not be considered as an exceedance for the purposes of the directive. Is it true that the Commission has notified Deputy Minister Atsma that the way in which the Netherlands applies the sea salt subtraction does not comply with the directive and that the Netherlands must amend its regulation for sea salt subtraction?
I would like to have sight of this correspondence with the Netherlands; can the Commission make this correspondence public? Has the Commission been informed whether and how the Netherlands will amend the sea salt subtraction? Is the Commission satisfied with the new way in which the Netherlands will apply the sea salt subtraction? Will the Commission urge the Netherlands to apply the new regulation for sea salt subtraction retroactively i.
The guidelines are not binding on Member States but represent the Commissions Services views on best practice of demonstration and subtraction of natural sources inter alia sea salt. The Commission could not find trace of any correspondence addressed to the Deputy Minister Atsma asking him to revise the Dutch regulation of sea salt subtraction. The Commission has also not been informed of the new way the Netherlands will subtract sea salt and therefore cannot comment on it. The Member States provide information on the contribution of natural sources only in the case when a zone is signalled to be in exceedance of the authorised values.
In the last annual report on air quality , the Dutch authorities reported in line with Commission Decision C compliance with the PM 10 limit values plus margin of tolerance over the whole territory.
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Schade luchtvaartsector als gevolg van Europese CO 2 -belasting. De Commissie is op de hoogte van het onderzoek en heeft de samenvatting maar niet de volledige tekst ervan ontvangen. De samenvatting van het onderzoek staaft de huidige conclusies ten aanzien van de prijzen van vliegtickets. The Commission is aware of the study and has received the summary but not the full text. The summary of the study supports the existing conclusions with regards to ticket prices. Er is enige onduidelijkheid over de bedragen.
Kan de Commissie dit bevestigen? Why has a decision been taken to make two deposits in the ESM emergency fund immediately? Are all 17 countries taking part in this procedure? If not, which ones are not participating? There is some uncertainty about the sums involved. Can the Commission confirm this amount? As the statement shows, the decision regarding paid-in capital for the ESM is taken in full respect of the ongoing national parliamentary procedures in the Member States to ratify the ESM Treaty.
No payment of paid-in capital is possible before the entry into force of the ESM Treaty. All euro area countries are taking part in this procedure with the exception of Slovakia that expressed a reservation to making such a commitment for the time being. I have been contacted by a constituent regarding the implementation of the Fuel Quality Directive which sets the maximum limits of ethanol that can be blended with petrol for sale.
Whilst I can appreciate the environmental benefits of using energy from renewable sources such as biofuels, there are a number of classic cars which are unable to use this blend of petrol, thus rendering the car unusable. Can the Commission explain:. If ethanol-free petrol will not be allowed, what alternatives can they offer to the owners of classic cars which cannot use this petrol blend?
The Commission is very aware of the important cultural heritage represented by historic vehicles and that they generate employment and wealth in respect of maintenance and re-manufacture of replacement parts. The Commission has taken important steps to establish an EU internal energy market.
Long-term energy infrastructure priorities have been set out, which will ensure the connection in the long term of the energy infrastructures of all Member States into a common EU network. In the area of energy resources, the Commission has presented an important proposal for an information exchange mechanism for intergovernmental energy agreements between Member States and third countries. However, the measures proposed do not address what is a particularly acute problem for the Baltic States — much higher prices for energy, particularly gas, than in other EU Member States.
Lack of proper energy interconnections in the East-Baltic Sea region is the main barrier for competition and a properly functioning energy market. Intergovernmental energy agreements between Member States and third countries have to be in line with these rules to ensure the functioning of the internal energy market and a coherent approach towards external suppliers. The Commission therefore has proposed a mechanism for increased transparency and information exchange on such agreements which is currently in discussion with the Council and the Parliament.
The EU is engaged in numerous dialogues on energy issues with Russia, Norway and other supplier countries which complement and underpin existing commercial relations. Direct commercial negotiations should, however, be conducted by the energy companies themselves. Once the victims have used the amount guaranteed by insurance, they receive no further benefits from insurers. Does the Commission monitor the implementation of EU directives in Poland in this area? A preliminary assessment against this background reveals that the Polish legislation does not appear to be incompatible with the directive in this respect.
Controles Nederlandse traditionele zeezeilschepen in Duitsland. Over de certificering van traditionele zeilschepen op de internationale vaart is al lange tijd veel te doen. Daarnaast wordt er nu door de Commissie gewerkt aan nieuwe Europese wetgeving voor zeezeilschepen om onder andere meer duidelijkheid te geven over de certificering van zeezeilschepen.
De Nederlandse traditionele zeezeilvloot wordt echter weer veelvuldig door de Wasserschutzpolizei WSP gecontroleerd. De frequentie van de controles, de aard van de door de WSP geconstateerde overtredingen en het gebrek aan samenwerking tussen Duitse overheidsinstanties hebben afgelopen jaar tot grote frustraties geleid.
Verzoeken om met de Duitse overheid afspraken te maken voor het komende seizoen hebben tot niets geleid. Weet zij dat deze controles te maken hebben met het verschil van interpretatie van internationale normen ten aanzien van veiligheid? Deelt zij de opvatting dat het de inzet zou moeten zijn om voor begin april, wanneer de traditionele zeezeilschepen weer richting de Oostzee vertrekken, tot een verstandhouding te komen om te voorkomen dat zeilschepen onnodig gehinderd worden in Duits vaargebied?
En dat hierbij een taak ligt voor de Commissie om de Duitse autoriteiten op te roepen om komend vaarseizoen de Nederlandse traditionele zeezeilschepen in de Oostzee met rust te laten? Dat de Commissie momenteel wetgeving voor zeezeilschepen ontwikkelt of tegen een lidstaat een inbreukprocedure heeft ingeleid, betekent niet noodzakelijkerwijs dat autoriteiten van andere lidstaten zouden moeten afzien van de inspectie van Nederlandse zeezeilschepen indien dit in overeenstemming is met de toepasselijke EU-wetgeving.
Pas wanneer de Commissie over feitelijke gegevens met betrekking tot deze inspecties beschikt, zal zij de zaak onderzoeken. Zoals het geachte Parlementslid reeds opmerkt, maakt de ontwikkeling van wetgeving voor zeilschepen op Europees niveau deel uit van de lopende herziening van de Europese wetgeving op het gebied van de veiligheid van passagiersschepen waarover de Commissie voornemens is in de tweede helft van dit jaar wetgevingsvoorstellen in te dienen.
The certification of traditional sailing ships in international shipping has been an issue for quite some time. The Commission has launched infringement proceedings against the Danish state because it, like the German Government, wants to refuse entry to the Baltic Sea for traditional Dutch seagoing sailing ships. The Commission is now also working on new European legislation for seagoing sailing ships, partly in order to provide more clarity about the certification of sea sailing ships. However, the traditional Dutch seagoing sailing fleet is again being frequently inspected by the Wasserschutzpolizei WSP, waterways police.
The frequency of the inspections, the nature of the violations identified by the WSP and the lack of cooperation between German authorities have caused a lot of frustration in the last year. Requests to make agreements with the German Government for the coming season have come to nothing. Is the Commission aware that traditional Dutch seagoing sailing ships are frequently inspected in Germany by the Wasserschutzpolizei and that some ships have been inspected up to six times in the space of just a few months? Is the Commission aware that these inspections are due to the difference in interpretation of international safety standards?
Does the Commission agree that the aim should be to come to an understanding before the beginning of April, when the traditional sea sailing ships again set out for the Baltic Sea, to make sure that sailing ships are not unnecessarily hindered in German waters? Does it also agree that one of its tasks in this connection is to urge the German authorities to refrain from troubling traditional Dutch seagoing sailing ships in the Baltic Sea? No information has been submitted to the Commission concerning traditional Dutch seagoing sailing ships being inspected in Germany, neither on the number of times ships that have been inspected nor on the nature of such inspections.
The fact that the Commission is developing legislation for seagoing sailing vessels or has started an infringement procedure against a Member State does not necessarily mean that authorities from other Member States should refrain from inspecting Dutch seagoing sailing vessels if this complies with the relevant Union legislation in force. Only once the Commission has obtained factual information on those inspections, it proceeds to an examination of the matter. As the Honourable Member points out, the development of legislation for the sailing vessels at European level is part of the ongoing review of the European passenger ship safety legislation on which the Commission intends to present legislative proposals in the second half of the year.
What appeal process has the Commission put in place for companies which have had a health claim rejected from inclusion in the permitted list? Health claims not authorised must be entered in the Union Register of health claims with the reasons why they are not to be authorised. There is no appeal process foreseen in the regulation. If a health claim cannot be substantiated by generally accepted scientific evidence, it should not be authorised. The Union Register and the EFSA opinion can be used to inform business operators who want to make a new application for a health claim which has already been assessed as to what additional data might be necessary to ensure the new individual application may be more successful.
The Commission recently funded a study the DEHEMS project demonstrating that consumers are likely to change their behaviour in order to reduce their energy consumption if they have accurate information on their own energy use. In broader terms, the Commission provides updated information on energy management systems and solutions in the context of its activities promoting EU's energy efficiency goals and measures, as well as policies related to the development of smart distribution systems. More specifically, the Commission has been developing policies to enable consumers to control their individual energy consumption more effectively through the roll-out of smart meters which will allow consumers to better access their consumption data and will facilitate better billing.
These issues are taken up in the proposed Energy Efficiency Directive which is currently discussed between Parliament and Council. Finally, the Commission is exploring what measures are necessary to enable the market up-take of smart appliances e. Such information enables consumers to make informed purchasing decisions in order to optimise their energy consumption related to the use of such appliances and products.
The Commission has just published the results of a study highlighting the fact that over two thirds of customers who have tried to change banks have been unable to do so as a result of obstacles systematically placed in the way of customer mobility. Does the Commission now acknowledge that the banking sector has totally failed to apply all the self-regulation procedures put in place, in consultation with this sector, over the decades? What measures does it intend to take finally to allow consumer mobility, which is essential for true competition and a true single market in banking services?
In recent years the Commission has encouraged industry self regulation in the banking sector, in particular in the areas of bank account switching and pre-contractual information for home loans. The Commission has been particularly attentive to monitor the implementation of the self regulation initiatives as well as to take action where they were found to be ineffective.
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Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to differences in monitors, colors of products may also appear different to those shown on the site. Spanish Stirrup And Other Stories. Great condition, may have one very minor issue such as shelf ware or age discoloration.
The book may have been opened and read, but there are no defects to the book, jacket or pages. These are for reference only and should be considered illustrative. Got one to sell? Buying format see all. Publication Year see all. Please provide a valid price range. Item location see all. Delivery options see all. What can I do? We will refund any purchase within 30 days once we receive the item back in the same condition in which we shipped it. What does "Good Book" mean?

If we have a book listed as "New", then that book is exactly that, NEW. If it is used it will be described as "Good". As a used book it will have some wear.