There is a difference between the Spirit of God and ancestral spirits. No wonder Apostle Paul and Silas in the bible rebuke the spirit of ancestral in that girl who was try to associate with them. Ancestral belief is misunderstood by many Africans because of lack of spiritual wisdom. Spiritual acknowledges ancestors but does not worship them.

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  • Last Dance at the Wreckers Ball (18 Dalbeattie Street 3).
  • Shadow of the Past (Tobias Campion Book 2).

There is nothing wrong in acknowledging the ancestors as long as we do not worship them. Pundits on the Eusebius McKaiser Show discuss private schools and their reluctance to hire black teachers. So-called 'designer vaginas' are created through various surgical or non-surgical procedures, explains clinical sexologist Dr Eve. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cape Town explains why priests won't divulge crimes heard in the confessional.

Eusebius McKaiser engaged experts on what the Bible says about homosexuality.

Going Beyond Religion . . . Center of Universal Light - Spiritual Healing Center

How biblical is Christian tithing? Grace Bible Church spokesperson says the church does not discriminate against gay people, despite being against what they do. Showcasing GDARD's efforts to radically modernise and transform agriculture, environment and rural development.

  1. Spiritual Wisdom: Moving Beyond Religion!
  2. Spiritual Healing Beyond Religion by Rev. Dorothy Wellington (eBook) - Lulu.
  3. Delicia Marie and the Saran Wrap Affair;
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    'Spirituality goes beyond religion' - Christianity and ancestralism debated

    The department says this is to make the curriculum more Afrocentric and relevant to South African pupils. Former Prasa CEO Collins Letsoalo says the journalist who reported that he was ordered by the Auditor-General to pay back some of the money he earned at the agency broke the Press Code and should pay for it.

    Send your anonymous tip-offs to SMS charged at R1 or visit www. Do the right thing. Listen to Live.

    Spiritual Healing Beyond Religion

    Is it possible for ancestral worship and religion to coexist? Presenter Eusebius McKaiser facilitated a debate between people with two opposing views. A debate on biblical teachings The pair share their individual experiences and their divergent understanding of the Bible, Christain faith, and ancestralism.

    I choose to call myself a spiritualist because I don't like being confined within a box. Priests should advise paedophiles to report their crimes says Archbishop 6 September A debate on biblical teachings 28 November We take a biblical view of marriage 23 January 9: The purpose of your existence, the reason why you are in this life What is your free will?

    Spirituality Beyond Religion

    What is beyond your control? The oppressive nature of information, governments, and capitalism Beyond Medicine: Healing mind, body, and spirit Beyond Religion: Removing the crutch that divides. There is no heaven or hell The true nature of tragic events, abortion, crib death, and suicide It is never too late to change! It is never too late to change for your highest good or the highest good of humankind!

    Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski Further reading Information on the topics and related information covered in this book, as well as others, discussions and messages shared from the "other side" through automatic writing: Contained within are answers concerning abortion, AIDS, crib death, self-healing, spiritual development, teen suicide, rape, God the Great Spirit, how the Bible should have been written, and more.

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    The following information will set those new seekers who are ready, on the correct path for their individual spiritual evolution in the twenty-first century. Choose what feels comfortable and true for you, and begin building your personal foundation as you journey to the truth of finding yourself and the Great Spirit within. One can be a spiritual person without interference from religion.

    It is time for humankind to evolve to the next level of its future existence. Through our natural abilities we can grow and progress to our fullest potential.

    1. .
    2. The Sage Rat Flats Hotel?
    3. The Kona Shuffle (The Noelani Lee Mysteries Book 1)?
    4. Thats the Way!
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    6. Let this book start you on a new spiritual journey, and open your heart and mind to new thought.