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Have a nice flight! Rettet die Kraytdragons, esst mehr Jedi. In welchem Star Wars Film, wurden die nochmal unsichtbar? ATM klingst du lediglich wie ein Kind dem man den Lolly geklaut hat Du glaubst nicht wirklich, dass ich weiterhin sachlich bleibe, nachdem du mir dies an den Kopf knallst? Da ich euer Geflame nicht gelesen hab, geh ich mal nicht drauf ein. Was dem Spiel die Dynamik immer noch am meiste nimmt sind Kampfschiffe.
Ich mag die Dinger einfach nicht. Oneshot-Mechaniken haben meiner Meinung nach im PvP nichts zu suchen. Nen bomber Kriegt man im Prinzip mit allem klein. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. You are about to leave this website Originally Posted by Laraan Und noch eines.
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ATM klingst du lediglich wie ein Kind dem man den Lolly geklaut hat. Kein aber wirklich keine Mine oder Drohne killt dich wenn du voll bist, da sie einfach nicht den Schaden machen. Originally Posted by Beauford Wir sind die borg, wir agieren im kolektiv. Ist auch so ein wenig nach der Art "wer am lautesten schreit hat Recht". Originally Posted by Beauford Hab ich nicht, werde ich nie haben. Kind assistance by Julian Barbour is acknowledged. So he was often a target of philosophical criticism. This could be seen, for example, in connection with his honorary doctorate awarded by the University of Leipzig in and with the scientific colloquium in From these examples we can also see that efforts took place to change the focus towards his physical und philosophical achievements.
The article looks behind the scenes of a part of the academic machinery in the GDR. Transcriptome and key genes expression related to carbon fixation pathways in Chlorella PY- ZU 1 cells and their growth under high concentrations of CO2. The biomass yield of Chlorella PY- ZU 1 drastically increased when cultivated under high CO 2 condition compared with that cultivated under air condition. However, less attention has been given to the microalgae photosynthetic mechanisms response to different CO 2 concentrations.
The genetic reasons for the higher growth rate, CO 2 fixation rate, and photosynthetic efficiency of microalgal cells under higher CO 2 concentration have not been clearly defined yet. More adenosine triphosphates was saved for carbon fixation-related pathways. The transcript abundance of rubisco the most important enzyme of CO 2 fixation reaction was Carbon fixation and nitrogen metabolism are the two most important metabolisms in the photosynthetic cells.
These genes related to the two most metabolisms with significantly differential expressions were beneficial for microalgal growth 2. The Leipzig experience with robotic valve surgery. The study describes the single-center experience using robot-assisted videoscopic mitral valve surgery and the early results with a remote telemanipulator-assisted approach for mitral valve repair.
Out of a series of patients who underwent minimally invasive mitral valve surgery, in patients surgery was performed with the use of robotic assistance. A voice-controlled robotic arm was used for videoscopic guidance in cases. Most recently, a computer-enhanced telemanipulator was used in 15 patients to perform the operation remotely. The mitral valve was repaired in and replaced in all other patients. The procedure was completed without the need for an additional assistant as "solo surgery. Duration of bypass and clamp time was comparable to conventional procedures A 34 and 50 A 16 min, respectively.
Hospital mortality was 1. Using the da Vinci telemanipulation system, remote mitral valve repair was successfully performed in 13 of 15 patients. Robotic-assisted less invasive mitral valve surgery has evolved to a reliable technique with reproducible results for primary operations and for reoperations. Robotic assistance has enabled a solo surgery approach. The combination with radiofrequency ablation Mini Maze in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation has proven to be beneficial.
The use of telemanipulation systems for remote mitral valve surgery is promising, but a number of problems have to be solved before the introduction of a closed chest mitral valve procedure. When initial tilmicosin concentration increased from 0 to 50mgL -1 , fractal dimension of microalgal cells monotonically increased from 1.
In parallel, malondialdehyde content, which represented the degree of cellular oxidative damage, monotonically increased from 1. Superoxide dismutase activity that represented cellular antioxidant capacity first increased from 2. The maximum tilmicosin removal efficiency of Effect of cultivating conditions on alpha-galactosidase production by a novel Aspergillus foetidus ZU -G1 strain in solid-state fermentation.
The work is intended to achieve optimum culture conditions of alpha-galactosidase production by a mutant strain Aspergillus foetidus ZU -G1 in solid-state fermentation SSF. Certain fermentation parameters involving moisture content, incubation temperature, cultivation period of seed, inoculum volume, initial pH value, layers of pledget, load size of medium and period of cultivation were investigated separately.
Under the optimized cultivation conditions, the maximum alpha-galactosidase production was 2 Endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy: We herein review our experience with endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy EERPE as a first line therapy for localized prostate cancer.
The mean age of the patients was Preoperative PSA mean value was Mean operative time was min. Seven intraoperative, 91 early and 4 late complications occurred. The transfusion rate was 0. Positive surgical margins were found in 83 patients with pT2 stage 9. The mean catheterization time was 6.
The 12 month follow up indicated continence rate of Postoperative positive surgical margins rate were 6. The results of this large series of 1, patients are promising. Switzerland and Its Educational System: From Babylon zu Multiculturalism. Discusses the paradoxes of the current policies toward multiculturalism and multilingualism in Switzerland.
Asserts that policy perspectives lean toward diversity rather than assimilation. Proposes options for an educational concept in a linguistically and culturally plural Switzerland, embedded in Europe. Vernetztes Engagement von Unternehmen - Von gut gemeint zu gut gemacht. A region's living conditions, especially the chances of economic and social participation, are shaped not only by overarching trends, legislation and local administrations, but also by local stakeholders. Corporate responsibility can be observed where corporate and societal goals are congruent.
Conceptually, the involvement of firms can be divided into phases, which correspond to a development. A special form is the cooperation with others. But networking, as well as increasing demands on the outcome of responsibility strategies, creates special requirements for the organization of cooperation. For this purpose, professionalization is necessary, which can be achieved on the basis of certain guidelines.
Because of its voluntary nature, corporate responsibility cannot take over a basic role in providing services for the public. It is limited by the original functions of the state. Utilisation of biomass is an important factor in reducing emission of greenhouse gases GHG ; at the same time, high efficiency of biomass combustion technologies is to be ensured to minimise the methane CH4 emission thus achieving the most efficient reduction in the total GHG emission. The authors analyse the GHG emission breakdown in Latvia among the sectors not included in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme ETS , and, in the context of emission reduction, evaluate the energy supply in the Latvian household sector, the types of combustion technologies and the used fuels.
The trend is considered for the CH4 emission factor during in the household sector of EU countries, and the numerical index is calculated which illustrates decoupling the consumption of biomass fuel from CH4 emission. To evaluate the perspective of CH4 emission reduction in the Latvian household sector, two scenarios are investigated for efficiency improvement as related to the central heating equipment based on wood fuel.
Und so wird ersichtlich, dass nichts abstrakter ist als das Unendliche: An Analysis in Coalition Warfare: Internal Medicine and Adjacent Subjects" as well as a member of the presidium of the GDR Society for Internal Medicine for the development of the internal intensive medicine-a description of the development of the department, its achievements and problems is given.
From this and from the charge for a highly specialized care of patients who life-threateningly fell ill with internal diseases as well as from the duty to create a scientific forerunning results the stringent necessity of the development of the non-operative, in reality internal intensive medicine in the clinics for internal medicine of the county hospitals and university institutions as well as the greater identification of the internist with the subdiscipline in the district hospitals dealing with multidisciplinary intensive medicine.
While these species were formerly kept solely in zoological gardens, ever more private and commercial livestock is being established. Compared to indigenous livestock animals, they bear some distinctive differences, particularly in terms of digestive tract anatomy and physiology. Therefore, it is of considerable interest for veterinarians working with South American Camelids to obtain knowledge about the distinguishing features of these animals and the typical diseases affecting them in Germany.
For this purpose, the necropsy reports, including the anamnestic data, and their diagnostic usefulness, from to were studied retrospectively. Du- ring this period, a total of New World Camelids were examined alpacas and 38 llamas. Anamnestic data of diagnostic usefulness regarding the cause of disease were only submitted in a limited number of cases, because most of the animals died without specific symptoms. The following were the most frequent pathological findings: An endoparasitosis occurred in cases and was considered the predominant cause of enteritis.
As with indigenous ruminants, llamas and alpacas primarily suffered from diseases of the digestive and respiratory tracts. Other organ systems were affected to a lesser extent. Even in cases with severe alterations in the affected organs, South American Camelids do not show or show too late diagnostically indicative clinical symptoms.
Therefore, a detailed clinical examination of these animals is important. The performance factor verified was the mean outlet particle concentration for the filter fabric as a function of th He was a great paleontologist and stratigrapher whose fieldwork on four continents involved nearly every fossil group; his interests were focussed mainly on the Paleozoic and the Triassic.
His results and critical remarks on many general topics filled numerous publications. Remarkably, he accomplished all this under partly very unfavorable working conditions. He donated his scientific correspondence from his times in Germany, Denmark and Australia to the Geological Archive in Freiburg. The following article makes use of these documents. In Freiburg, however, he had serious disagreements with the Director of the Geological Institute there—this in spite of his investigations having produced some excellent results. The times around were a period of a global economic crisis, and, like many others, he could only survive financially by getting fellowships from different institutions and payments for publications.
In , his situation in Germany became even more critical: However, he was able to work in Copenhagen from the end of ; this was largely a result of his having participated in in an expedition to Greenland led by the Dane Lauge Koch. Unfortunately, he could not get a permanent position in Copenhagen because the relations between him and the influential Koch became very unpleasant. He wrote many touching letters to correspondents around the globe, receiving mostly disappointing answers. Finally, in , he succeeded in getting the post of a research paleontologist at the University of Perth, in Western Australia.
There he worked very successfully, both in the field and in the laboratory. Additionally, he cooperated with the University in lecturing, and contributed much to its collections.
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His wife Gertrud assisted him always in his work, with great effectiveness. Yet tenure still eluded him, even after seven years of hard work—tenure was what he wanted, understandably, especially after such a long period of uncertainty. There his outstanding scientific qualities were fully recognized, both in the Geological Survey and in several universities, also as an editor of several classic publications.
Multikulturelle Und Transkulturelle Erziehung: As a result, there has been a gradual devaluation of universal values, which is examined by comparing educational programmes for culture minorities in the USA, Australia, and the Federal Republic of Germany. The underlying cross-cultural dilemma is manifested in some desired and undesired effects of preserving identity and encouraging integration.
On the one hand, promoting educational opportunities for cultural minorities contributes towards safe-guarding endangered cultural identities but also towards cultural segregation. On the other hand, not to adopt such promotional measures may facilitate social integration but only at the price of equality of opportunity. As ways out of the dilemma, two strategies of intercultural education are discussed which, although they are orientated towards cosmopolitical identities, are at the same time attractive to majorities and minorities in different ways.
Darstellung und Wege zu ihrem Abbau. This consideration shows that such children are poorly prepared to follow the conventional lessons because of their sociocultural contents. In addition, it demonstrates that German children get to know nearly nothing about the cultural background of the migrant children in their class.
Both groups of children remain foreign to each other. Such a situation may give rise to discrimination. The article continues by examining various problems of such different subjects of instruction as, e. Proposals are made as to how the situation may be improved already by simple modifications of current habitudes of education. Knowledge of each other's cultural background will not only avoid subsequent discrimination, but will also lead to more tolerance which is an important factor in a multicultural society.
This document provides a computer-based concordance of the vocabulary used in Friedrich von Schiller's "Aesthetic and Philosophical Writings" as they appear in Volumes 20 and 21 of Schiller's "Werke," edition, edited by Benno von Wiese. The first section includes the entire text, each sentence numbered for research…. This book collects about 15 papers most of them by one single author on Einstein and the history of general relativity GR and the foundations of relativistic cosmology. The matter not only deals with Einstein and his times, but also with pre-GR ideas, and with the interplay of Einstein and his colleagues opposing as well as supporting personalities.
As the title indicates, all papers are written in German, but they include comprehensive Abstracts both in German and English. The book is illustrated with quite a number classical - but also some far more original though not less beautiful - photographs and facsimiles of documents. The book is edited very well, though the style of references is not quite homogeneous. There is no Index. Hentschel covers Einstein's argumentation for the existence of graviational redshift, and the initial search for empirical support. The error analysis of observational evidence supporting relativistic light deflection is discussed in a paper by P.
Flin - in their description of the life and work of Silberstein, who was quite sceptic on the significance of the observational verifications a la Eddington - include the transcription of two most revealing letters by Silberstein to Sommerfeld and to Einstein In the first letter, Silberstein clearly shows his scientific maturity and integrity by scrutinising the observational evidence supporting light deflection, presented at a joint meeting of the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society.
The second letter, which is more a personal letter, includes lots of political references and connotations. Some of Einstein's political views are also revealed by D. Herrmann on the basis of his own correspondence with E. Straus, a collaborator of Einstein's. In a consequent paper, S. Grundmann gives remarks on Herrmann's contribution and illustrates Einstein's attitude towards Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. Schemmel discusses Schwarzschild's cosmological speculations, and wonders why some people do immediately grasp the meaning and consequence of newly proposed doctrines, whereas the bulk of the contemporaneous scientists respond in a rather low profile.
Jung reviews Einstein's contribution to cosmology, leading to the Friedmann-Einstein and Einstein-de Sitter universes with a detailed Appendix on the Friedmann-Lemaitre cosmology , and also presents the cosmological work of Selety, and his correspondence with Einstein. In a subsequent paper, H. Schmidt comments on Einstein's criticism on de Sitter's solution of the Einstein field equations.
Controversies with Einstein are elaborated by G. Singer on Friedmann and by K. Sauer discuss Mandl's role in the publication history of Einstein's papers, notably Einstein's short paper on gravitational lensing. Finally, the book concludes with a contribution by D. Herrmann about the relationship between Einstein and Archenhold Observatory where Einstein gave his first Berlin popular lecture in , the transcription of H.
Treder's public address at the Einstein memorial plaque, and an inventory list of about 50 Einstein memorabilia - monuments, busts, plaques - compiled by W. This book is based on ideas approached in a historical context from the individual perspective of the authors. It is a real treasure trove of information and basic references on the history of GR, and it also covers quite some grounds with mathematical equations.
Discussion of statistical apparatus employed in L. Doncheva-Mareva's article on the wide-spread usage of the present and future tense forms with future meaning in German letters, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, n1 The present study concerns the impact of recalled parental rearing behaviour on both the intensity of the wish to have a child and on different motives to have a child. Until now there are no empirical studies as to this objective.
Our study is based on a representative sample of persons aged 18 to 50 years. The data were assessed by self-reporting scales: A recalled parental rearing behaviour, which was characterized as having been rejective, overprotective and less emotionally warm was associated with such motives which do not promote the wish to have own children fear of personal restrictions and a low degree of social support. Simultaneously, a negative parental rearing behaviour was correlated with a stronger desire for social recognition by an own child.
The recalled maternal rearing behaviour was altogether stronger associated with motives to have a child than the paternal.
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On the other hand, no relevant associations could be found between the recalled parental rearing behaviour and the intensity of the wish to have a child. General Research Libraries Division: Vita; "Development and Coordination of Bibliographic Activities: Papers of the Management and Technology Division: These seven papers on library management and networks focus on: Five papers in this collection are concerned with the preservation of library materials; the remaining paper addresses library building standards, emphasizing their value and identifying other reports on library standards.
The conservation papers cover: Systematic metabolic monitoring began in German-speaking countries in the late s, early s, due to an increase in metabolic disorders as a cause of infertility and mastitis and aimed at their prevention through early diagnosis. Development of a unified monitoring standard: It included farm analysis, clinical and biochemical controls, prophylaxis and follow-up controls.
Development of a metabolic profile after Reference values at higher milk yield, early diagnosis of diseases of the fat mobilization syndrome and improved early diagnosis by new indicators, including creatine kinase CK , alkaline phosphatase AP with isoenzymes, acute phase proteins, cytokines, antioxidants, carnitine and lipoprotein fractions, were established.
Optimized blood and urine screenings have important advantages over milk analysis. They are an important method of health and performance stabilization by exact analysis of causes and derived prevention. Education and Research Division: Seven of these ten papers are concerned with library research in specific countries; the remaining three deal with library planning and ethics in research.
International Communication and Confidence-Building in Europe. Focusing on the role of the international mass media, these essays stress the urgency of building confidence in the relations among European states and populations in order to secure peace on a world-wide scale and to stop the arms race on the earth and prevent its extension to outer space. Titles and authors are as follows: This guide is a summary of ideas for enhancing the teaching of German through direct contact with Germany or German people without traveling abroad. The following ideas are highlighted: Chronic heart failure and aging - effects of exercise training on endothelial function and mechanisms of endothelial regeneration: A reduction in number and function of endothelial progenitor cells EPCs occurs in both physiologic aging and chronic heart failure CHF.
We assessed whether disease and aging have additive effects on EPCs or whether beneficial effects of exercise training are diminished in old age. We randomized 60 patients with stable CHF and 60 referent controls to a training or a control group. To detect possible aging effects we included subjects below 55 young and above 65 years older. At baseline and after the intervention the number and function of EPCs were assessed.
As compared with young referent controls, older referent controls showed at baseline a reduced EPC number young: This group of six papers centers on the development of library schools and the training of library personnel. Papers of the Special Libraries Division: The author deals with the results from the interviewing of oral surgery patients on their problems concerning the sending and the admission to the hospital, with special attention to the problems of waiting for admission, the familiarization with the clinical environment and the improvement suggestions of the patients.
The conclusions concern tasks arising from the medical and dental care for inpatients as well as for outpatients.
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Collections and Services Division: This set of papers presented to the Collections and Services Division of the International Federation of Library Associations at its 47th annual conference includes: Einstein revered Marx, but condemned Stalin as a criminal. On a Recommendation from the Conference of Romance Seminars. The lyric poem is the most concentrated form of literary communication. The formulation of an approach to interpretation can be a useful tool for the instructor. The poem to be interpreted should be examined in six aspects: This article offers a reflexive analysis and discussion of the relationship between academic mobility and comparative knowledge creation.
It argues that what constitutes "comparative knowledge" is not solely " Wissenschaften " but more often entwined with "Weltanschauungen", derived from lived experiences--as…. High risk of false positive results in a widely used diagnostic test for detection of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus PRRSV. Interestingly, three herds represent nucleus herds with no animal contacts from outside and without clinical symptoms of PRRS until now.
Since these positive results that were obtained using a PCR protocol adapted to routine laboratory conditions could not be reproduced with other PRRSV specific RT-PCRs, controlled negative and positive samples were used to examine this phenomenon. Sensitive detection and typing of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by RT-PCR amplification of whole viral genes. It was found that both methods have similar analytical sensitivity. However, the primers published by Oleksiewicz were shown to yield a very high proportion of false positive results under routine diagnostic laboratory conditions, i.
The reason for and possible implications of this finding as well as the risk of modifying published methods without control are discussed. The term "adult education" was used in the United States in the late nineteenth century. Melvil Dewey developed a typology of adult education, and Henry Leipziger promoted New York City's Free Lectures program as an institute of liberal adult education. Leipziger 's advocacy was largely responsible for the diffusion of the new term in its…. Projekte zu Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in schule und jugendar beit.
This project is the result of extensive research about the practical applications of "National Socialism and the Holocaust" in historical and political education in and outside schools and in educational work with young people. Frauen und Manner, Mutter und Vater. Provides a survey of the results of a research project funded by the German Research Association at the University of Osnabruck between and The project intended to reveal different aspects of the process of acculturation and integration undergone by groups having immigrated to the Federal Republic of Germany.
The relationship between the astronomer von Zach on the one side and the entrepreneur Joseph von Utzschneider and his partner Georg von Reichenbach on the other dates presumably from the year when Zach spent two months in Munich. Already in the same year Zach had ordered an instrument for himself and began to solicit business for the institute of Reichenbach, Utzschneider, and Liebherr, which was founded in One of the clients canvassed by Zach was the director of the observatory in Naples Zuccari.
Zuccari had ordered the whole equipment for the new observatory from this institute in The instruments for Naples, which were completed in , were sent accompanied by Reichenbach by land and sea to their destination where Reichenbach supervised their setup. At that time Reichenbach had separated from Utzschneider who kept the optical institute in Benediktbeuern with his new partner Joseph von Fraunhofer whereas Reichenbach became owner of the mathematical-mechanical institute in Munich.
For personal and economical reasons Utzschneider began soon after to produce not only optical glass but also optical devices similar to those offered by Reichenbach.

As soon as two institutes in Munich competed against each other on the market for sophisticated geodetical and astronomical instruments Zach sided with Utzschneider. Zach's main professional argument for this decision was that both competitors got the optical glass for their instruments from Utzschneider's optical institute in Benediktbeuern. Zach's role as an agent in Italy and France for the sale of products coming from Utzschneider's manufactories is highlighted by three of Zach's letters to Utzschneider from and , two of which are reproduced here for the first time.
Explores whether and how an offering of authentic texts can be made useful for a German class that is focused on German culture and geography. Learning goals and practical strategies are derived from the unique characteristics of the texts. Investigations on the content of Berlin calendars up to Bode's Astronomisches Jahrbuch. This contributions investigates a line of tradition which started already with the oldest calenders, i. As a wide-spread medium, calendars were suitable for the dissemination of astrological views, the explanation of astronomical facts, of important activities for the home and the stable, for health protection, agriculture, and social connections.
The calendars of the Berlin Academy, authored by Gottfried Kirch and his successors, fit well into this picture: Kirch had added to his ephemerides of to own and other observations and contributions. The October 5 outburst of October Camelopardalids. The new shower was confirmed by Esko Lyytinen 2 meteors, early period only, located at We conclude that the event was caused by the 1-revolution dust trail of a yet unidentified potentially Earth-threatening Halley-type or Intermediate Long-Period comet with orbital elements similar to those of the meteoroids: Reclam, Leipzig Jenniskens, P.
The organizers of the meeting plan to post the presentations to a public website maintained by the University of Leipzig. Heinrich Bruns, director of the Leipzig University Observatory, was working on theoretical geometrical optics, and applied this to practical questions. His correspondence with opticians of the Zeiss Company in Jena gives evidence of their mutual regard and inspiration.
On the contribution of Heinrich Bruns to theoretical geometrical optics. With consideration of his correspondence with scientists of the Zeiss Company in Jena This paper describes the works of Heinrich Bruns, director of the Leipzig University Observatory, on theoretical geometrical optics, which followed an outstanding tradition in Leipzig.
Bruns and his pupils did not stop at theoretical considerations, but applied their findings to practical questions. Bruns' correspondence with opticians of the Zeiss Company in Jena, so far known only fragmentarily, gives impressive evidence of their friendly relationship characterized by mutual regard and stimulation. The paper shows, following Sudhoff's own descriptions and new archival sources, the conceptual design and the contents of this exposition set up by Sudhoff.
In connection with the reprocessing of archival stocks in the Austrian State Archive, a hitherto unknown letter written by J. The contents of the letter, written presumably in March, , deal with the preparation of ephemerides for the emperor, for which Kepler used calculations by Georg Galgenmair.
Choline favours the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis. Carnitine chloride favoured the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis. The present study was concerned with the relationship between the vitamins of the B-complex and Trichomonas. From the results obtained in studies on. Tyskland--et grat land med et grimt sprog. Two studies are reported that investigated the views of Danish secondary school students studying German. The first, an observational study, revealed that the vast majority of questions Danish students posed during German lessons concerned grammar and vocabulary.
The second study was a questionnaire that revealed that the Danish students were…. Intonation as an Encoder of Speaker Certainty: In the eighteenth century there were enough printed sources and archival materials to challenge or even overwhelm historians of that day. Two productive editors of lexicons and information management were Christian Gottlieb Jocher, who taught history at the University of Leipzig and became the chief librarian at his university, and Johann Heinrich….
Investigations of the Interactions of Radiation with Matter. Process in Atoms, Molecules and Solids, eds. Finster , Karl-Marx Universitat, Leipzig , , p. Manson in High Enery Ion Finster , Karl-Marx- Universitat. Complex Langevin simulation of chiral symmetry restoration at finite baryonic density. A recently proposed effective SU 3 spin model with chiral order parameter is studied by means of the complex Langevin equation.
A first-order chiral symmetry restoring and deconfining transition is observed at sufficiently low temperature at finite baryonic density. Development of brain research at the Karl Marx University]. China Report, Economic Affairs. For example, the Tianjin winery , in a cooperative venture with Remy Martin of France, imported advanced brewing technology and equipment It was awarded a gold medal at the Leipzig Expo in March this year. Learning, Adjustment and Stress Disorders: Beitrage zur Padagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie. This book contains selected contributions from the international workshop Learning, "Adjustment and Stress Disorders--with special reference to Tsunami affected Regions" organised by Evelin Witruk and the team of Educational and Rehabilitative Psychology at the University of Leipzig in January The book contains new results and the….
At first the author presents the familial background of Rheticus, then his education, his friendships and scientific contacts. Rheticus was professor of university in Wittenberg and Leipzig. Most interesting were his contacts with Paracelsus and Copernicus.
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Last two decades of life Rheticus spent in Cracow working as a physician and mathematician. He died in Kosice. Federal Register , , , , FedEx and Delta stated that fuel tank access occurs at month intervals. Linguistic Attitudes on the Use of the Magdeburg Regiolect. This dissertation analyzes attitudes and perceptions of regiolects regarding the Magdeburg, Berlin, Leipzig and Standard German.
Consultants listened to four recordings--one in each linguistic variety--and answered questions. The questions opened with the consultants' personal connection to each variety and opinions of the variety itself before…. A Teacher is Forever: The Legacy of Harry Kirke Wolfe Emphasis is placed on Wolfe's blending of psychology and pedagogy, and his qualities as a teacher. Information as a Weapon: Feldherrnkunst des Neunzehnten Jahrhundert Leipzig: Schultheiss, , Decker, , 1.
Barlow, Maj Jason B. Information as a Weapon. Rustow, Feldherrnkunst des Neunzehnten Jahrhundert Leipzig: Schultheiss, , ; C. The meeting brought together researchers and clinicians to share the latest knowledge on HPV infection in head and neck cancer and to join active and constructive scientific discussions. This report summarizes the major themes discussed during the symposium.
Using an excised pig heart preparation with tubes, a manometer, and a visualizing apparatus, Giulio Ceradini, an Italian physiologist working in the years of in Carl Ludwig's famous laboratory in Leipzig , Germany, illustrated the mechanism of closure of the semilunar valves. He was the first to conceive that the closure of the heart…. Previous work has established a relationship between knowledge and environmental concern. Different factors may contribute to this knowledge and animal-related leisure activities may also contribute to this knowledge. Taking Control of Their Lives?
A survey and group interviews with unemployed young people aged in Derby England , Hannover western Germany , and Leipzig eastern Germany examined the relative importance to their life and work transitions of individual agency and structural factors. Two national job training "schemes" for unemployed youth are compared: Options for an open understanding of culture in Paul Hinneberg's encyclopedia].
Paul Hinneberg promises, in his multi-volume Kultur der Gegenwart sqq. Surprisingly, however, any attempt to make explicit the systematic principles governing his encyclopedic synthesis is missing from his project. It is argued that this--unusual--feature of Hinneberg's Kultur der Gegenwart can itself be understood as a result of typical analyses of 'Kultur' at the turn of the century; culture, as an open, multi-sided, and integrative concept may indeed best be captured in an open system that avoids strict and explicit demarcations.
In these respects, the task of capturing Kultur turns out to be closely linked to another task prominent around Der kritische Erfolgsfaktor der Digitalisierung in der Energiewirtschaft liegt im bevorstehenden hohen Investitionsvolumen und der Beherrschung der neuen Technik. Ein Weg zur Kostenminimierung liegt im Zusammenschluss der einzelnen Akteure, um gemeinsame Skalenvorteile zu heben.
Genauso wie bei vielen anderen Er scheinungsformen des Lebens Philosophie, Musik, Liebe kann Mathematik nicht eindeutig definiert werden. Man kann aber versuchen, Mathematik von verschiedenen Seiten zu beleuchten. Elemente moderner, schlanker Produktionssysteme. Entscheidungen verschiedenster Fachbereiche begrenzen die maximal erreichbare Effizienz des Materialflusses. Logistik und Materialfluss werden daher in vielen Unternehmen als unabdingbare Kernkompetenz verstanden. Astronomical ephemerides, navigation and war.
Scans of the documents. Astronomische Ephemeriden, Navigation und Krieg. In a previous paper Wielen R. We were able to use numerous archivalia which we also describe and comment in that paper. In the present paper, we publish colour scans of these archivalia. All the documents shown here are held in the archives of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg. To promote competencies and lifelong learning, CEDEFOP has monitored development of lifelong learning skills, clarified main differences in the…. Standardizing flow cytometric assays in long-term population-based studies.
Quantification of leukocyte subpopulations and characterization of antigen-expression pattern on the cellular surface can play an important role in diagnostics. The state of cellular immunology on the single-cell level was analyzed by polychromatic flow cytometry in a recent comparative study within the average Leipzig population LIFE - Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases. Data of subjects were recorded over a long-time period of three years in a total of days. To ensure compatibility of such huge data sets, quality-controls on many levels stability of instrumentation, low intra-laboratory variance and reader independent data analysis are essential.
The LIFE study aims to analyze various cytometric pattern to reveal the relationship between the life-style, the environmental effects and the individual health. We therefore present here a multi-step quality control procedure for long-term comparative studies.
Alternative splicing is a biological process of fundamental importance in most eukaryotes. It plays a pivotal role in cell differentiation and gene regulation and has been associated with a number of different diseases. The widespread availability of RNA-Sequencing capacities allows an ever closer investigation of differentially expressed isoforms. However, most tools for differential alternative splicing DAS analysis do not take split reads, i. The python tool DIEGO works without isoform annotations and is fast enough to analyze large experiments while being robust and accurate.
We provide python and perl parsers for common formats. The software is available at: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Spain and Italy , as well as from above, from the Comintern leadership, which was assumed by G. Dimitrov , the hero of the Leipzig trial. In developing the new approaches, G. Planet of the apes.
What makes us humans so special? Our language, our genes, our culture, our cognitive skills? At the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig , psychologists, linguists and biologists tackle this old question in a truly multidisciplinary way. Their results have implications not just for our understanding of human evolution--they also touch directly on many social and environmental issues.
The article subdivides the patients in general and according to the histology, localisation, lateral differences, dignity, operability as well as the postoperative lethality. The evaluation gives many clues with respect to the diagnostics and therapy of these ventricular processes. Today, the improvements obtained by computer tomography and by microsurgery are well the to fore. Local Hamiltonian Monte Carlo study of the massive schwinger model, the decoupling of heavy flavours. The massive Schwinger model with two flavours is studied using the local hamiltonian lattice Monte Carlo method.
Chiral symmetry breaking is studied using the fermion condensate as order parameter. For a small ratio of the two fermion masses, degeneracy of the two flavours is found. For a large ratio of the masses, the heavy flavour decouples and the light fermion behaves like in the one flavour Schwinger model. Johann Leonhard Rost, "novelist" and astronomer; German Title: Johann Leonhard Rost, "Romanist" und Astronom. During this time, he earned his living by writing gallant novels.
In , he returned to Nuremberg, where he pursued his juvenile inclination towards astronomy and became a serious astronomical observer. His introductions to astronomy, written around this time, contributed a lot to popularize astronomy. This contribution attempts to do justice to both the novelist and the astronomer Rost. Immanuel - Kant was born in Konigsberg, East Prussia in Clearly, such methods have great utility in strategy making today.
Carl von Clausewitz -had studied Kantian philosophy, 23 was probably He studied theology and philosophy at the universities of Jena and LEipzig and then became a private tutor. Fichte admired the works of Kant and. Karl Julius Lohnert - an unknown astronomer, experimental psychologist and teacher German Title: Karl Julius Lohnert with his double biography as astronomer and psychologist is hardly known in both fields.
As a student of astronomy in Heidelberg, Lohnert discovered a couple of minor planets and he dedicated one to his PhD supervisor, the famous Leipzig professor for philosophy, Wilhelm Wundt. This connection is discussed for the first time almost one century after the naming of Vundtia. The paper elucidates some biographical stations of Lohnert. Pfau einen reich illustrierten Bildband zu diesem Fernrohrtyp vor. On the early history of field emission including attempts of tunneling spectroscopy.
Field emission is certainly one of the oldest surface science techniques, its roots reaching back about years to the time of enlightenment. Studies of field emission from metal tips were carried out in the 18th century by Johann Heinrich Winkler who used vacuum pumps built by Jacob Leupold, a famous Leipzig mechanic.
A short account of the career of Winkler will be given and his field emission experiments are illustrated. Field emission was investigated again in Leipzig much later by Julius Edgar Lilienfeld who worked on the improvement of X-ray tubes. A pre-quantum mechanical explanation of the field emission phenomena was undertaken by Walter Schottky. Cunradi tried to measure temperature changes during field emission. Franz Rother, in a thesis suggested by Otto Wiener, dealt with the distance dependence of currents in vacuum between electrodes down to 20 nm.
His habilitation in was an extension of his early work but now with field emission tips as a cathode. We might look at his measurements of the field emission characteristics in dependence on distance as a precursor to modern tunneling spectroscopy as well. In pursuit of precision: A prominent feature of late nineteenth-century psychology was its intense preoccupation with precision.
Precision was at once an ideal and an argument: We will analyse how psychologists set out to produce precision in 'mental chronometry', the measurement of the duration of psychological processes. In his Leipzig laboratory, Wundt inaugurated an elaborate research programme on mental chronometry. We will look at the problem of calibration of experimental apparatus and will describe the intricate material, literary, and social technologies involved in the manufacture of precision.
First, we shall discuss some of the technical problems involved in the measurement of ever shorter time-spans. Next, the Cattell-Berger experiments will help us to argue against the received view that all the precision went into the hardware, and practically none into the social organization of experimentation. Experimenters made deliberate efforts to bring themselves and their subjects under a regime of control and calibration similar to that which reigned over the experimental machinery.
In Leipzig psychology, the particular blend of material and social technology resulted in a specific object of study: We will then show that the distribution of precision in experimental psychology outside Leipzig demanded a concerted effort of instruments, texts, and people. It will appear that the forceful attempts to produce precision and uniformity had some rather paradoxical consequences. A review of his early years].
His "Lectures on Psychopathology and its Impact on Normal Psychology", written years ago, are acknowledged as his most important work. In some aspects, however, his ideas coincide with those of other well-known psychiatrists such as Emil Kraepelin. Both were inclined to the idea that psychiatry and psychology could mutually stimulate each other.
During the years regarded here, however, he got more and more attracted to philosophical matters, thus turning away from neurosciences. In time he started to regard his work as physician as nothing more than necessary for making his living. His relationship with Wundt, who together with his laboratory of experimental psychology had previously made him wish to come to Leipzig , cooled down, at least on the part of the first.
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Instandhaltungsmanagement als Gestaltungsfeld Ganzheitlicher Produktionssysteme. Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme sind dabei in ihren Grundlagen an das Toyota Produktionssystem angelehnt, vereinigen aber auch weitere Methoden zu einem unternehmensspezifischen Regelwerk. Reale Gase, tiefe Temperaturen.
Research at East-German Universities. Beratung zur automatisierten ProzeBsteuerung und rechnergestUtzten Research Areas and Publications. Der geo- ddtische Beitrag zu dern interdisziplinlren Forschungsprojekt. Es sind dabei zwei Entwicklungslinien festzustellen. Die eine ver- sucht, die in der Statistik entwickelte Theorie auf geodaitische Contributions to the theory of robust estimation.
Von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung. Nur in dieser Kombination werden sich nachhaltig Wettbewerbsvorteile generieren lassen. Manch ein Kunde wird die Lust, einen Prozess zu Ende zu gehen, schon vor dem Abschluss verlieren, wenn er nicht unmittelbar und ohne die digitale Welt zu verlassen zum Ziel kommt. Im Allgemeinen lassen sich zwei Hauptziele unterscheiden. Letztere werden in erster Linie dort eingesetzt, wo das Implantat in direktem Kontakt mit Blut ist. Hierbei muss eine gute Verankerung im Gewebe vorhanden sein, um ein Verrutschen des Implantates zu verhindern.
Public spirometry for primary prevention of COPD. The most effective action for primary prevention of chronic obstructive lung disease is smoking cessation early enough. In secondary prevention, smokers with airway obstruction were more likely to quit smoking.
wissenschaften zu leipzig: Topics by theranchhands.com
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a public spirometry on smoking habits in terms of primary prevention. Spirometry with its medical analysis was offered to visitors of a local public event called 'Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften ' 'Long night of sciences'. The impact of results on smoking habits was evaluated in all smokers with an anonymized questionnaire afterwards.