Kicking stones : Richard Long

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If you continue browsing, we understand that you accept their use. Life is a series of interactions within ourselves, as well as between ourselves and the world around us. Our behavior is based on how awake and aware and responsive we are, and to what we are responding.

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Will I let my true convictions show and play out? Or will I cave in to conformity with a clearly dysfunctional world and stifle those conscious promptings?

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The underlying important ones get buried in the daily hubbub of experiences and sensory input. The problem is these underlying questions are deliberately suppressed, discouraged and glazed over. The beauty of it is that this latent lower level programming is almost immediately overcome when a personal awakening takes place. Whole new worlds of dynamics affect our response mechanisms and everything drastically changes.

A smile, a helping hand, a word of encouragement, a wise word of advice, a hug, or even shared information and artistic expression — however you can get it out. It comes in all forms.

As each of us adopt and commit to this simple way of life the world will continue to change for the better. Love is affirmed, sympathetic vibrations radiate, the social and spiritual fabric changes.

  • Kicking Stones.
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  • Migration in World History (Themes in World History).

As synchronicity would have it, as I walked home from a local park thinking about this I turned up a street to see a young father and his daughter walking ahead of me. And what he was doing?

The Amity Affliction - Kick Rocks

Kicking gravel and rocks to the side of the road, just as I was, here and there. It was picture perfect synchronicity as I mulled writing about this life long habit.

Kicking Stones - First United Methodist Church Bridgeport

He seemed to be a local tourist and may not even walk that way again, but he felt responsible. Caring enough to at least do something whenever we get the opportunity. No matter how seemingly small or insignificant, we each make a huge difference. And our accumulated effect is something we can derive huge inspiration from.

Keeping proactive in all of these small ways has a much greater impact than can be calibrated. Talk about focus, teamwork and determination…one responsible ant at a time.