He also has a degree in Elizabethan Literature from BU and has been the keynote speaker for numerous events promoting search topics related to the humanities. Content is from the site's archived pages. Susurrus Press was established in June of Our two fiction periodicals, Atomjack and Susurrus Magazine , are currently on long-term hiatus, though archives will remain online, here, indefinitely.

Chicago Overcoat , our second print anthology, is experiencing difficulties, updates will be here as we get them. Our newest e-anthology, courtesy of Adicus Ryan Garton of Atomjack, is now online. Titled Butterfly Affects, it's an anthology of alternate futures. Neverlands and Otherwheres, our first print anthology, is still available for purchase, though we have less than left. On indefinite hiatus as we work on making print anthologies, this is the publication that started it all.

Though also now inactive, there are still more fantastic SF stories than you can shake a raygun at. An alternate futures e-anthology edited by Adicus Ryan Garton of Atomjack.

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It's been a long time coming, because wow, making books is a lot harder than we thought. Our first venture into print! A free online, downloadable, themed anthology. Nineteen stories about our battles and compromises with our bodies. This collection shows that there be dragons everywhere, and a land far, far away can be right under your nose. Featuring the freshest new voices writing today, including A. Koosis, and a novella by Kit St.

Troy Johnson - Google+

You're not selling ideas, you're selling stories. So no matter how good of an idea "hard-boiled detective" meets "vegan zombie lesbians from Mars" may be, if you don't flesh out a great story, we'll pass. Elements of horror are fine, but we like "odd" a lot more than we like "shocking.

More than anything, however, your story should focus on noir. Since the term Chicago Overcoat is taken straight from The Big Sleep , the stories of this anthology will be as new and adventurous as its inspiration material was back in the day. In fact, we'll probably only take one or two of these, and we'll take them early. Just make sure the feel is right. That's the most important thing. It really helps your chances if you know both genres that you're writing in. We can tell if you're just dabbling.

It's good to branch out, but you've gotta put in the time before it pays off.

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Make your characters real people. Real people have dentist appointments next month, talk on the phone, have pets, and they go out for lunch with friends.

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Seal on the cover and inside was a stamp from the Egyptian customs and immigration department dated three days ago, the picture page contained his face and San Francisco as the issuing office dated a year ago. I get blanks from a friend at the embassy That will be one thousand US dollars please? Mitch pulled out some cash and gave the one thousand to him. The second had several stamps inside from various Mediterranean countries. Mitch had thanked Hussein and walked away. Retracing his steps he collected the duffle went back to the skiff shoved it in the water and began to row eastward towards Cairo.

The rising sun was almost blinding him as it was dead in his face then an extremely tired Mitch pulled ashore and seeing no one around fell asleep. He woke up to the sound from a truck passing on a road some one hundred meters from the shore. He guessed from the height of the sun that he had been asleep for half the morning. He splashed some sea water on his face and walked up to the road. He flagged down another truck and was on his way to Cairo. Once there he had stopped in a shop where he obtained some new clothing and checked into a middle class hotel.

The payment in cash drew wondering looks from the clerk who knew most American's never walked around using cash. After awhile he had found a bank and purchased several travelers cheques knowing these would cause much less in the way of stares from the locals. Not wishing to stay in Egypt for too long yet not really wanting to buy an airline ticket, as most travelers would have a round trip ticket too many questions involved.

Once in Hurgada he paid the cab driver at the waterfront area looking around Mitch found a restaurant, while eating he questioned the waitress about boat sales. She had pointed to a boat yard not far away. I'll pay one hundred thousand Holding out his hand which Mitch shook and after money changing hands the work on the boat had begun.

Mitch checked into a hotel near the marina and he had quickly become a pain in the sides of the marina workers. Constantly demanding the smallest items be done as being necessary for his sailing the boat. A month later a quite relieved boat salesman was watching a newly painted sailboat, with a new engine, sails, rigging, full set of new winches and most enjoyed by him his newest nemesis Mitch underway heading out into the Red Sea hopefully never to be heard from again.

Mitch was laughing inside as he sailed away fully aware that the fellow wanted him gone in the worst way possible. The first day Mitch had sailed south towards the Arabian Sea and turned east. He found himself at the port of Ash Shihr in Yemen not exactly a tourist stop but there were a lot of boats in the harbor. He needed some supplies and fresh water he had quickly found that water was a precious commodity aboard a sailboat, what with the heat he was continually using it to cool off and just about emptied the tank on the boat.

While in Yemen he asked around and found it very easy to get almost any weapon he wanted. He had asked a local food vendor if he knew where he could buy a handgun. He was directed to a small nondescript building and a man who had just what he wanted. The man who had wished to remain anonymous showed Mitch a room full of various handguns, rifles and automatic weapons. Mitch checked out several and finally bought two Smith and Wesson nine millimeter pistols, two Colt forty-five model nineteen eleven pistols, and his favorite a Winchester model seventy in three oh eight caliber with a scope.

This he had to look closely at because it was almost identical to the one that he had lost in Iraq. Killing Fog - Kindle edition by Rory Tillitson. My latest novel… more info at http: My latest novel available on Amazon amazon. Episode one chapter one partial read by Sue the on-board computer http: My latest book is available on Amazon here My latest book is available on Amazon here http: Episode six is to be published soon on Amazon, keep watching for Episode six is to be published soon on Amazon, keep watching for the date of release!

Prologue Mitch Torrance is a man with a past, trying to live a new life, he is constantly returned to the life he tried to leave behind, he met and fell in love with Susan, an Australian, she died in a diving accident, yet he sees her, even talks to her at times. He has designed and built Susurrus, a fifty-nine foot single-hulled sloop, that he uses to transport goods to small islands.

A Knyght Ther Was by Robert F. Young

Available on Amazon latest Episode of the Susurrus series; Get a Available on Amazon latest Episode of the Susurrus series; Get a copy here http: My writings include the background of my dreams and desires, such as the fifty-nine foot sai. This short film follows a Triathlete who overcomes cancer and begins her own program to help others. Please sign up and vote for Tri Try Tri my son directed this, great short film about a cancer survivor, her fight to help others! Shadowfox my latest novel, is on SALE. The link is live! Cover of Shadowfox, more here http: Excerpt from Susurrus Episode Five Coming soon to Amazon!

It seems that he feels this Torrance has been detrimental to his drug and pirating activities in the region. He apparently has a source inside the Australian Navy that gave him To.