We had a vision of things that, I would say, was almost productivist: They were a society of anglers who claimed to own the issue of the salmon. They wanted to save it but in order to continue with their preferred hobby of fishing.
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From the beginning, the association aimed to carry on a struggle against all polluters. In the third issue of their bulletin October Jean-Claude Pierre showed already how he was beginning an in-depth reflection on the reasons for the depopulation of rivers: Extending his ownership of the issue of salmon by a work of diagnosis, J. And gradually salmon became a secondary issue, behind the problem of pollution the extent of which the members of the APPSB seemed to discover the more they tackled it.
The editorial written by J. Pierre in issue twelve of Saumons et Truites beginning of is quite revealing: There is now a process of claiming the ownership of this issue, and the diagnosis is gradually extended. For the president of the APPSB at least, his association has now become an environmentalist one owning the issues of water and rivers. On avait une vision, je dirais presque productiviste, des choses: This association is designed to show the salmon and the trout, amongst the most fragile of fish, as the living symbols of the purity of rivers.
We are therefore brought to consider revising the acronym of the association which could become the APPRB: From the river to the planet By a work of ideological expansion, the APPSB continued its evolution, going through a second stage of transformation from environmentalism to ecologism, centred on a politicised approach and a global questioning of the society itself.
But one had to wait until for all those themes to be systematised and developed by the association when J. This ideological expansion, or politicisation of the approach of the APPSB, was made explicit in , during the General Assembly of the association 6th of February.
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Concluding a long address, the secretary of the association, Jean-Yves Kermarrec, claimed: Yes, if we want to be consistent in our action, it is a whole evolution, a way of life that we have to call into question. This discourse testifies of the insertion of the issue of rivers in a far higher reflection, the realisation that it is only an element of a much more global issue, the issue of productivism. From this point on, the APPSB began to deal increasingly with issues that had no direct link with the salmon or even the river, but were the consequences of this productivist society.
Equally, taking part in the anti- nuclear movement in Brittany at the end of the seventies, the APPSB claimed in that: Taking ownership of the issue of rivers, the APPSB creates cognitive links with everything that could be related to this issue, thus causing an ideological expansion: Pierre rejects in the editorial we have just cited, persistently opposing technocracy to democracy Pierre makes very explicit the divide between environmentalism and ecologism when he writes in The APPSB carries out that evolution by a process of ownership which leads it to link everything to the issue of water.
Finally, they frame the issue of water as an issue of society, being cognitively extended to a kind of key to understanding society. This ownership is recognised by the environmentalist movement and society as a whole. This issue of ownership could be illustrated by a conflict which set J. Pierre to speak about rivers Pierre received the unanimous support of the environmental movement in Brittany and of society as a whole Constructing the global at the local level 15 Ibid. In a framing process approach, we have mostly focused until now on the work of diagnosis, showing that the master frame on which this diagnosis was based extended drastically in ten years thanks to a process of ownership, and became more and more political, green and global in its background.
Here, the construction of the global at the local level will deal much more with the prognosis, since we need to understand how a green and global master frame is transformed into concrete local action. Indeed, the concept of ownership we have analysed thus far ensures that action is morally compulsory, and even leads to activism Shemtov, According to Pierre Lascoumes , p.
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Transversely, they carry out a cultural function of education that is achieved by no other institution. Vertically, they are a key vehicle for public action, for following the implementation of laws and for denouncing its violations, and constitute in fact, for the most important among them such as ERB, kind of para- administrations. ERB itself20 makes a distinction in its activity between two autonomous areas of action: It would appear that in this process ERB has three different roles21 which correspond to the use of three different sets of tools.
The first role is the role of expert and information diffuser. The second role is the role of grass-roots activist, where the association puts its ideas directly into practice, without any other media. The third role is that of watchdog, overseeing developments in environmental issues Whilst each role is clearly different they complement each other in aiding the implementation of a global ideology at the local level.
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Informing locally Providing information has always been one of the most important aims and tasks of ERB because, as they say regularly, indifference is for them the worst pollution, and they have to tackle that pollution before beginning to fight against others. Informing also provides a clear way to translate the global into the local, through demonstrating their global ideology at a local level, using in that perspective concrete local examples. The magazine of the association23, which has been published every three months without interruption since April , has been the key means of providing people with information.
This magazine was originally created to develop a link between the various members of the association, but it quickly became a way of informing the general public about all the issues related to water and rivers in Brittany, and a way of circulating a green ideology, since it is its basic ideological frame to analyse environmental issues. Since , a comprehensive web site has been added to the magazine as another means to reach and inform the general public. A pedagogical focus, most notably directed at children and teenagers, is another way of increasing local awareness surrounding environmental issues.
Erving Goffman, George Herbert Mead… as we use it here: This story for children focuses on the life of a salmon, but is also a way to make young children aware of the problems facing salmon and more broadly of the problem of pollution and environmental issues.
It proposes programs of formation to examine aspects of the river at every level, from children discovering the river to specialists dealing professionally with the river The association is also playing an increasingly prominent role in its capacity as an expert information provider on certain key issues. This knowledge has been exhibited through the organisation of regular conferences29, the publication of official reports, and the organisation of press conferences.
Tel est Jean M. Aucun lama n'est venu l'instruire dans son enfance. Il s'agit d'une biographie fictive quelque peu autobiographique. Ce messager a des traits caucasiens, ce qui indique bien qu'il s'agit d'un 'Aryen'. Ils parlent avec nonchalance de Kant, Bergson et Freud. Les trois aspects de l'universelle Science: Mais en , il se passa quelque chose de bizarre.
Sa possession mentale frisant quasiment la folie se laisse voir dans les passages les plus remarquables d'un commentaire de l'un des textes de l'Oracle des Polaires.
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Mais cela aussi devait encore changer! Il publia encore avant la guerre trois titres, concernant ce sujet: Les trois livres montrent une claire connaissance des sujets.
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