The concept of fragments of our own soul from past lives subpersonalities will be presented along with case histories. In order for you to experience these fascinating time excursions, I present several hypnotic exercises to guide you backward and forward through time. There are many patterns we exhibit today that can easily be traced back to prior lifetimes. Obesity is often related to starvation in past lives. Desertion of a family member in centuries past can lead to an overprotective parent today. A fear of water today can result from a past life drowning.
In addition, Egyptians cherish cats; a child killed by a bomb in World War II fears loud noises today; a man who was a celibate priest who always prayed for resistance to sexual urges during the Middle Ages is impotent today; and a woman who saw her children die of scarlet fever in the 19th century and swore she would never have another child is barren in the 21st century. Those examples illustrate some of the principles of karma cause and effect and reincarnation. Let us explore this theory in detail with a case of male homosexuality I treated utilizing past life regression through hypnosis.
A male homosexual came to my office with the desire to eliminate his previous sexual behavioral patterns. During a past life in ancient Rome as a female prostitute, he as a she very much enjoyed the work of sexually satisfying men. In another past life in England during the early s, this male patient was again a female. This was a hard life, as her husband was a cruel man who was selfish in bed and physically abused his wife. In this life, she learned the pleasures of homosexual love, whereas her heterosexual relationship was completely unsatisfying. Within two months following therapy, this male patient broke up with his male lover and has since become engaged to a woman.
Two years after this case was completed, a follow-up conversation with this patient revealed that he is very happy with his heterosexual relationship, and has had no relapses. By exploring two of his past lives as a woman, my patient likely gained several valuable insights about himself with regard to his feelings toward both men and women. To meet her sexual needs, she became engaged in a lesbian affair, embracing another kind of social taboo. It would appear that this soul had become well-skilled in the use of sex as the currency of relationships, along with gaining an understanding that women in any social class, be they prostitutes or housewives, are historically less powerful than men.
By taking on a male body, this soul may have reasonably expected to continue climbing the ladder of social status that being male guaranteed. Because this soul had a pattern of living out sexual taboos, it is no surprise that he would, as a man, first adopt a homosexual lifestyle, for which men in our culture have historically suffered social discrimination. I believe the true test of growth for this transgender soul in his present lifetime is to become the kind of man with whom he, as a former she, may have loved to be in relationship! As a former prostitute and abused housewife, his soul surely knows which pitfalls to avoid.
When my first book Past Lives—Future Lives was released in , it made quite an impression in the field, mostly because it was the first book ever written on future life progression. It has since been an international best-seller and published in 10 languages. Subsequently, I have been a consultant to television networks and screenwriters from all over the world. This has resulted in an evolution of my work to include energy healing through a technique I developed known as superconscience mind tap, out-of-body experiences, working with UFO abductees, and most importantly, patients who communicate with time travelers from our future.
We will discuss each of these tools throughout this book by way of case histories and transcripts of the actual regressions and progressions involved. The technology of the future and its effects upon our spiritual growth will also be explored. Finally, the true purpose of our incarnation on this planet, namely ascension, will be presented.
The exercises included in this completely updated book will allow you to experience these fascinating techniques of time travel and out-of-body travel, all of which are perfectly safe and have been time-tested for 30 years. Hypnosis is not a new discipline, and its use can be traced to ancient Egypt. Actually, hypnosis is present in our lives today in the form of advertising, teaching, sales, healthcare, and religion. Hypnosis is a fascinating subject that has been unjustly surrounded by myths and distortions such as connotations of magic, the supernatural, and the occult.
Many movies and novels have contributed to these misconceptions. Since World War II, experimentation and practice have led to rapid advances in our knowledge and techniques spurred on by its widespread acceptance, in , by the American Medical Association. Hypnosis is being taught to doctors, police officers, lawyers, clergymen, salesmen, athletes, executives, students, and many others who have found it beneficial to their professions.
Anyone who is willing to apply himself can learn this technique. Hypnosis is a natural and relaxing state of mind that we all enter into for seven hours every day. Daydreams and dreams during our sleep are examples of this phenomenon.
Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed by Dr. Bruce Goldberg by Kan Yean Thoong - Issuu
Everyone can be hypnotized to some extent. People will, however, vary as to the depth acquired and the length of time required for conditioning. All one needs to experience self-hypnosis is a desire and the application of simple techniques. Hypnosis is not a medicine or cure. It is a powerful tool that may be used in therapy to assist people in such goals as developing self-confidence, controlling habits, overcoming shyness, relieving insomnia, developing hidden talents, improving memory and concentration, and putting order into your life. Here is a list of some of the goals that hypnosis can assist you in achieving: Increasing relaxation and eliminating tension.
Increasing and focusing concentration. Increasing organization and efficiency. Slowing the aging process. Facilitating a better career path. Eliminating anxiety and depression. Eliminating headaches, including migraines. Eliminating allergies and skin disorders. Eliminating habits, phobias, and other negative tendencies self-defeating sequences.
Improving the quality of people, and circumstances in general, that you attract into your life. Increasing your ability to earn and hold onto money. Improving the overall quality of your life. Attracting a soul mate into your life. Establishing and maintaining harmony of body, mind, and spirit. In summarizing hypnosis, we can state: You cannot be hypnotized against your will, and even after a hypnotic state is achieved, you will be able to hear, talk, think, act, or open your eyes at any time.
Even a directly proposed hypnotic suggestion cannot make you do anything against your morals, religion, or self-preservation. If such a suggestion were given, you would either refuse to comply or would come out of the trance. The best hypnotic subjects are not unintelligent people. The more strong-willed, intelligent, and imaginative you are, the better subject you will probably be.
Most people who inquire about hypnosis are interested in one of the following: Hypnosis is certainly no magic wand, but when used correctly, it can give you an edge. It can provide you with a running start and help you open all the necessary doors as you proceed towards achieving your goals. Note to the Reader This book is the result of the professional experiences accumulated by the author since , working individually with more than 14, patients.
The material included herein is intended to complement, not replace, the advice of your own physician, psychotherapist, or other healthcare professional, whom you should always consult about your circumstances before starting or stopping any medication or any other course of treatment, exercise regimen, or diet.
At times, the masculine pronoun has been used as a convenience. It is intended to indicate both male and female. All names and identifying references, except those of celebrities, have been altered to protect the privacy of my patients. All other facts are accurate and have not been altered. Bruce Goldberg Woodland Hills, California. I can trace the origin of my mission to train others in spiritual growth, or as I like to refer to it, psychic empowerment, back to February, Up until that time I was 20 years old , I had never had a brush with death.
My goal was to enter dental school in the fall of ; I had no metaphysical aspirations whatsoever. As fate would have it, a severe snowstorm ensued. The storm worsened as I approached the Bronx. My car simply drifted into a pile of snow and I was stranded. There were no cars on the highway and I knew I had to seek shelter. As I got out of the car, I tried unsuccessfully to free my car from the snow and drive to some safety. My gloves, pants, and jacket became wet and I began to experience severe chills. I wandered across the highway and noticed absolutely no cars police, taxis, etc.
This Tardis establishment was a catering company and the only open building in sight. I entered the building and my life was literally saved by that alluring female voice. The Tardis employee allowed me to warm up for a few hours, provided me coffee, and one of their employees drove me to a subway station, as the snowstorm had eased.
I then obtained a motel room for the night and took a train to New Haven the following day. My parents returned my car to me a week or so later. The next phase of my mission occurred in during the summer following my sophomore year in dental school at the University of Maryland. Up until that time, I still had no metaphysical aspirations or interest. My life was dedicated to studying dentistry and not much else, as I had little money and had to work my way through school.
One Saturday afternoon, I heard that same voice I encountered in and was instructed to go to a local bookstore in downtown Baltimore. At first I rejected the idea, but decided I had little to lose. This bookstore was a New Age one, and shortly after I entered it, a tall, young beautiful woman with long blond hair and piercing blue eyes approached me. As she spoke to me, I instantly recognized her voice as the one I heard a just few minutes before. She was dressed in a white gown and appeared as a Greek goddess.
This book stimulated me to delve more into metaphysics and parapsychology. I immediately began reading books on astrology, numerology, tarot, reincarnation, and the like. It was at this time that I decided to learn hypnosis and use it in my future career for pain control and dental fears, which I did throughout my 13 years of dental practice.
I also decided to experiment with hypnotic past life regression and see if I could elicit past lives from people. By , I had established a part-time hypnotherapy practice and began doing past life regressions. Later that year, following my graduation from dental school, I moved to Florida to begin a general practice residency. It was in Tallahassee that my professional life took a fortuitous change. One of my patients regressed into several lives and reported many verifiable details. At no time did I give her therapeutic suggestions to do anything but explore a past life.
This demonstrated to me the unlimited potential of past life therapy. By , I had moved back to Baltimore to begin my practice of dentistry full time and past life regression hypnotherapy part time. One fateful day in , I asked a patient to go to the origin of her problem, not back to the cause. Instead of regressing to a prior life, she moved forward progressed to the 23rd century! We are all out of the body and have access to our Higher Self without the distraction of our defense mechanisms rationalization, intellectualization, displacement, sublimation, etc.
The discovery of the superconscious mind tap truly revolutionized my practice and hopefully the entire field. By , my dental practice became my part-time profession, and hypnotherapy was my full-time calling. Throughout the years, I have had dreams and other manifestations of this woman, whom I assume was a spirit guide. I relocated my hypnotherapy office to Los Angeles and retired from dentistry in In July of , I finally discovered who this entity is. Time travelers use names that represent their missions. I am only one of many people she works with. Nemil knows Traksa, the time traveler from the 36th century that is pictured in my book Time Travelers from Our Future3 and on my Website.
I have had much communication with him. There is most definitely a consciousness shift coming and these chrononauts are here to guide us through it to a more positive future. Therapy is accomplished through tapping into this superconscious mind. Another term for a superconscious mind tap is cleansing. The first step in hypnotherapy is to improve this selfimage. I highly recommend the use of cassette tapes to help establish a sound and strong psychological foundation from which patients can more fully understand their karmic purpose and make strides toward fulfilling their karma.
Recent medical research establishes that we enter REM rapid eye movement , a characteristic of the dream state, for three hours each night. Because our defense mechanisms willpower or analytical mind cannot function once we enter the sleep cycle, this is a most efficient cleansing opportunity.
During this dream state, the emotional cleansing necessary for our survival occurs, but deeper energy cleansing is not part of this survival function. It will not occur unless we are trained for it. If we are properly trained, we will use approximately one hour of the REM cycle to cleanse our alpha level. Because each minute in hypnosis is equivalent to three of our earth minutes, three to four hours of therapeutic energy cleansing is actually experienced by the patient. It is no wonder that this therapy is so short, successful, and popular. The patient is trained in relatively few sessions to be totally independent of the therapist and to attain any goal that is humanly possible.
The patient uses superconscious mind cassette tapes to assist in this goal. There are three levels of manifestation of an issue. First, there is the physical level. Using depression as an example, the associated lack of energy and malaise are examples of the physical level. Next is the emotional level. In this example, unexplained crying would be a symptom of this level. In other words, this is the level of spiritual growth or karmic status of the individual.
The energy level controls the emotional level, which in turn influences the physical level. Thus, the only level I am concerned with when I conduct a hypnotherapy session is the energy level. The patient may plateau for a while, but this new rate cannot be lowered. You will note that the arrows always flow down from the energy level to the physical, but not in reverse; also observe that the energy level can change the physical level directly without having to use the emotional level as an intermediary.
An example of this latter phenomenon would be the removal of psychosomatic pain or a headache. How does past life regression, age progression, or future life progression fit into this approach? The answer is simple. These techniques, taken together, account for approximately 5 percent of the therapy; 95 percent of any therapeutic result will come from cleansing at the superconscious level. This cleansing will also greatly reduce the time and number of sessions required to train patients to resolve their conflicts and maximize their potential. Thus, it is not necessary to explore past or future lives for this therapy to work.
In this type of therapy, process is everything. The whys are not important. All that is necessary is that the patient must be motivated to attain a goal, that goal must be possible to attain, and the patient must trust the therapist. As long as these three conditions are met, any goal is achievable. Throughout the therapeutic process, a patient will experience good days and bad days. The bad days are actually more therapeutic, because during these days, the energy needed by the conscious mind in order to interfere with the therapy is drained, so the defense mechanism is disengaged.
The purpose of our defense mechanisms rationalization, intellectualization, displacement, etc. To this end, they will do anything to disrupt change. Every time they exert themselves, they are literally burning themselves out. Good days do not result in a direct drain to the defense mechanisms, but do indirectly sap their energy. Because our subconscious mind has an unlimited energy supply by accessing the superconscious mind , it will always win in the end. Well, lie back, get comfortable and close your eyes while I count slowly from 10…9…8…7….
Just mention hypnosis and most people have visions of falling into deep trance that leave them completely helpless. Of course, they are in the hands of a hypnotist who wields total control and can make them do anything he wants them to. Actually, you hypnotize yourself every day. The average person slips into an alpha trance or hypnotic state from three to six hours a day.
You probably call it a daydream, lost in your thoughts, or becoming engrossed in a television show or movie. Another name for hypnosis is deep relaxation, which is all that this process entails. All you are doing is bypassing your conscious mind and allowing your subconscious to come through.
Your subconscious is a vast storehouse of information and abilities and is supposed to include details about your present, past, and future life experiences. To get an idea of how regression works, sit back for a moment and reflect back on your childhood. Like most people, your mind will skip from significant event to significant event. The pathway to perfection is full of ruts and holes, it seems.
Many people think they spent their past lives as kings, queens, and clerics. Fact is, the average person has had 1, or more lives and they can be, to put it kindly, varied. I believe we are basically energy, tuned to a particular wavelength, so to speak. It is there that you evaluate your life and become acclimated to your new existence with the help of spirit guides and our Higher Self the perfect component of our soul. This is where you choose your next life, including where, when, and how you will be born, who your parents, relatives, and friends will be, and the major events in your life.
Because there is no time or space on the other side, it is possible to incarnate at different times in our sense of history past, present, or future. The objective of reincarnation is simply to learn in this school called Earth. And you choose the time and place to best learn your lessons.
Our Earthly series of lifetimes is certainly not the ultimate reality, but one of several possibilities. It is our mind, or consciousness, that continues through each one of our. It contains the memories of all of our past, present, and future lifetimes, through accessing something known as the Akashic records. These records are fifth dimensional charts on our reincarnation or karmic cycle. We are in reality, energy.
As such, we cannot be destroyed. We simply appear to change bodies every 75 years or so. Skeptics, especially those who pride themselves on their rationalism, must come to terms with the fact that quantum physics and superstring theory are now accepted scientific paradigms. Karma The basic law of karma has come to mean action and reaction, or cause and effect.
Any action that is considered harmful or evil to the well-being of another is recompensed exactly in proportion to the harm done. The reverse also applies. One of the basic principles of karma is that every soul entity has free will. There is always freedom of choice. Each soul is drawn to parents who can provide the biological heredity and physical environment needed to learn karmic lessons. Psychic genetics is more important than biological genetics in determining the character of our lives. These records, as I previously stated, are the sum total of our past, present, and future lives, and are accessible through our superconscious mind Higher Self.
If you are unhappy about your life, your financial situation, your relationships, or your health, for example, then you must realize that a cause exists. These causes can be traced back to past lives. Your subconscious mind retains all of these causes because it has a perfect memory bank. The subconscious mind also survives death, so that a new life means merely. You have the same subconscious, only now it has learned some lessons, and hopefully, grown spiritually. All of the things you have or have not done in this and all of your past lives will generate certain effects in this life as well as in future lifetimes.
The laws of karma are perfectly just. The soul always has free will. Karma can bring you happiness or sadness, depending on the effects you have earned and the paths you have chosen to take. It is not the purpose of karma to reward or punish. Its purpose is to educate the subconscious, and to purify it.
The result is ascension and a return to God. If, however, we react to certain tests in our lives negatively with hatred, revenge, jealousy, pettiness, or some other negative emotion , then we have not learned our lesson, but have failed the test and will have to retake it in either this or a future lifetime. Free Will Because the soul always has free will, it is our decision to be born at a certain time and place. It is our decision to choose our parents, friends, lovers, and enemies. We cannot blame other people or a bad childhood or marriage for our present problems.
We are directly responsible for our lives because we have chosen the environment. The Next 1, Years The information presented here is the result of several thousand hypnotic future life progressions conducted on individual patients since I discovered this technique in What I am about to report represents only one frequency, or parallel universe.
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This means that you may not actually experience this future if you are on a different frequency. No significant earthquakes causing massive loss of life will occur until the year In that year Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York will suffer devastating property damage mostly, with few people dying as a result. Absolutely no nuclear wars will take place until the 24th century. During the 21st century, world peace will finally become a reality. Peace lasts for years. The Earth will undergo geographic changes; scientific progress will be most evident.
Hunger, greed, jealousy, prejudice, and other negative aspects of society seem to have been almost entirely eliminated by the end of the 21st century. Solar power will be incorporated into everyday life in the 22nd century. The lifespan of the average adult will be increased to more than 90 years.
Cancer and AIDS are finally cured. The 23rd century will be characterized by noiseless and efficient transportation. Nuclear power is used extensively and is safe and clean. Experiments in weather control are a top priority. The average lifespan is now more than years. Politically, the Earth is democratic with two major groups. A small-scale nuclear war occurs in the 24th century. Cold fusion and other free energy sources are now in use.
It is during the 25th century that we finally control the weather. Androids are used to perform all menial tasks. Underwater cities, genetic engineering, and interplanetary travel dominate the 26th century. We will have regular contact with extraterrestrials. Information pills will keep citizens well informed.
The lifespan is increased to more than years. Sickness and disease are almost unknown. These groups are also democratic, and are composed of the same nations that were a part of the old Western Federation and Eastern Alliance. There are no wars. This paradigm remains relatively stable through the beginning of the 31st century, when we finally master time travel. At this time, time travelers from our future begin to go back in time to not only the 20th century, but all the way back to millions of years into prehistory to supervise both our evolution and spiritual growth.
Some examples of the technology of the next 1, years are: A force field protects people from falling off the edge. By sending energy signals through the body, along with sounds, the body is distressed and our DHEA production by the adrenal glands and gonads are accelerated so that our life spans may be increased to years. Before I begin depicting past and future lives of some of my patients, a discussion of how they receive this data is important.
Very few people receive visual images accompanied by a tremendous amount of data or emotions. Most people receive information followed by a cloudy impression or sense of an environment. Many people are curious about what they will experience in a past life regression. There are many possible experiences.
You may see a scene and at the same time. Be aware of information related to this scene. I refer to this as both an audio and visual experience and it results in excellent data. You may see cloudy or quick impressions that tend to disappear just as you are about to understand them. You may feel as if someone is whispering in your ear. Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed 5.
Reading words that appear before your inner eyes is a very rare type of experience, although this may be how some people know what the data is or what country they are living in. Ann was a year-old divorced nurse when she came to my Los Angeles office in Her problem was sexual dysfunction and it began during her year marriage to her now ex-husband, Fred. Fred was a former professional football player and was not very tender in bed.
He was generally cruel and vulgar to Ann. Her recent relationships had been sexually frustrating and all ended prematurely, mostly due to this unresolved issue. Ann wanted help and was curious to see how a former life might fit into her current problem. Fawa was a young teenage girl living in Brazil near the Amazon River.
She described her people as a tribe that spent most of their time in the jungle hunting and gathering. This jungle girl lived with her parents and was an only child.
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Their village was very small and was lead by their Chief, Sagu. Sagu was quite a character. According to Fawa, he was a poor Chief who often made improper tribal decisions. Sagu obtained his position as Chief by successfully challenging and killing his predecessor. One of his many fringe benefits as Chief was a pick of any woman in the tribe at any time.
The only way to change the leader was by death, either natural, accidental, or as a result of a successful challenge by one of the men. However, he was quite insecure and paranoid and had to constantly justify his actions and blame all of his errors on others or the Gods. He is just so mean to the men that I feel very uncomfortable in his presence. Fawa did her best to keep away from Sagu. She did her chores, helped prepare the food, and assisted with the caring of the younger children.
There was plenty of food, but the one persistent problem they faced was attacks by neighboring tribes. Apparently, there was no comraderie between the various tribes, and these attacks were common. He is stronger than the others but he just likes to hurt people and killing gives him pleasure. Fawa went on to describe how Sagu took particular pleasure in killing an invading warrior. Sagu did not believe in taking prisoners. He did believe in killing. The Chief had never been wounded in battle.
He was a skillful warrior and, although hated by his people, they needed him for protection. Such was the environment Fawa found herself in as I questioned her further. Like everyone else, he hates Sagu. Moke thus had a special axe to grind with Sagu. Any man at any time could challenge Sagu for the privilege of leading the tribe.
The only problem was that it consisted of a fight to the death and Sagu was by far the most skillful fighter in the tribe. I progressed Fawa forward to a significant event in her life.
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- The Lone Ranche.
She is now 18 and some things have changed. Sagu thought so too. He is an animal. My father is very angry. He is going to challenge Sagu to a fight to the death. I know my father loves me but he cannot win. Sagu will kill him. The challenge was made official. He was a fine warrior, but Sagu was the best. He had my mother killed.
Just like that he performed a ceremony in which poisonous snakes were placed by my mother. They bit her and she died a horrible death. Sagu can do anything he wants. When a Chief successfully defeats a challenger, he can celebrate anyway he can. He wants me physically again.
Fawa was in a precarious situation. Moke was, indeed, her only saving grace. I learned from Fawa that Moke was a bright native. He was not quite fully grown, but was a natural. Moke hates Sagu almost as much as I do. He tells me that someday he will challenge him and I know he will be killed by Sagu if he does.
Sagu was all brute strength. He made poor decisions and noted how bright and quick Moke was. He could, however, embarrass Moke at any chance he got, which was often. As time passed, Fawa and Moke were wed. Sagu appeared to lose interest in Fawa and entertained himself with the other women in the tribe. Well, Moke has designed some new weapons that allow the men to hunt better. Moke is always thinking about ways to improve our life. Sagu takes every opportunity he can to put Moke down. There is nobody else in the tribe that does the things my Moke can do. It became obvious that a dangerous pattern was emerging.
Moke was a bright and inventive young adult. His ideas were popular with the rest of his people. In fact, Moke himself was very well liked. If circumstances were different Moke would easily have been elected tribal Chief. Even though he was young, he was far superior to everyone else in the tribe. This tribe was small, but there were enough men present to remove Sagu if he was foolish enough to attempt such an act.
Fawa understood this situation all too well. The problem is, even Moke with all his cunning just could never beat Sagu in a challenge. There is no exception to the rule of challenge. For Moke to be our Chief, he must kill Sagu in a battle. My Moke is very wise for his years. He tries not to get emotional about his problem, but he does want to challenge Sagu. My feelings are known to him and he assures me he will do nothing about it now, but will wait for the proper time.
Moke is working it out. He is strong and spends some extra time every day adding to his strength. He is a planner and I know if anyone can do it, he can. Fawa had complete confidence in Moke. She knew it was a nearly impossible task. It was impossible to establish a date for this life, but it was most definitely a primitive one.
There were no technologically advanced civilizations here. I progressed Fawa forward to an important event in her life. What has happened since I last spoke to you? I know this is a difficult and delicate matter, but what about Sagu? Has he been with you since the time you told me about? Most of the men are in the jungle hunting. One of the scouts saw a tribe moving very far away from them. This was a tribe that we have faced before in battle.

They are mean and like to fight. He decided he wanted to fight. It has been a while since he was in battle so he decided to do some killing. Some our best men were killed in this battle. Our Chief escaped this battle without so much as a cut. He killed a number of their men and was the main reason they ran away. So Sagu did his thing again. He did not carefully weigh the situation but ordered this attack just to satisfy his own selfish needs. That is something else. Ever since that time, he has been trying to devise a plan that would allow him to beat Sagu.
He says he wants to raise our son in a better way than following the ways of Sagu. He is giving it a lot of thought and I know he will come up with something. I just pray to our Gods that it will work. Moke went off into the jungle every now and then by himself. This was not unusual, so it did not attract suspicion.
The only person Moke had to worry about was Sagu. Even if his neighbors knew what he was up to, they would never tell Sagu. Fawa was the only person Moke told about his plan. Moke is so smart. When he goes into the jungle he stays in one spot for hours. What he is doing is setting a trap for Sagu. He wants to make it so Sagu will fall into this trap. But how does he know that he could position Sagu to fall into this trap?
So the plan was being finalized. Moke met secretly with some of the other men to work out the details. Sagu had no loyal subjects. He had no spies. The other men hated him, but were deathly afraid of him also. There was no way this plan was going to find its way back to Sagu. While all of this was going on, Sagu is enjoying himself. He sleeps with the wives and daughters of his fellow tribesmen and acts in his usual arrogant way.
Moke and his friends were ready, so the next step was to formally make the challenge. A few days later, the battle of his life and death began. Because Moke was the challenger, he chose the weapons. Sagu was surprised the only weapon allowed was a long pole. Sagu tried to unnerve Moke on this fateful morning by bragging how fast he would disarm him and then beat him to death. The problem that worried everyone was just that. His plan had to work. When they began, everyone in the tribe relocated to the clearing in the jungle that Moke chose. They stood facing each other in the clearing.
Moke positioned himself in a certain spot and two men brought the poles for each of them. When they were ready, a strange sound, like a large animal was heard. Moke looked in that direction and he froze. The other men looked in the same direction and as soon as Sagu whose back was to the sound turned to see what the source of the sound was, Moke picked up the pole and lunged forward. Sagu fell back a few steps and the grass opened up and all I heard was a horrible scream. Moke constructed some kind of horn and when used in a certain way it made an animal sound that was quite loud.
One of the men in the tribe made this sound when Moke gave him a certain signal. That momentary distraction as Sagu turned around was all that Moke needed to execute his plan. When Sagu fell into the pit he was instantly killed by the wooden stakes. Moke became Chief and Fawa had a happy ending to their past life. Sagu was Fred, as I suspected. By accessing the superconscious, a patient can find out if an individual from a past life is someone the patient knows, or has known.
I call this karmic scripting. It can also allude to future relationships. Within four months after this regression, Ann met a man named Paul and began a rather fulfilling relationship with him. Her sexual dysfunction disappeared and never returned. She described him as brilliant and classy.
He was smart enough to overcome tremendous odds to defeat Sagu and assist his tribe in their future endeavors with competent leadership. When a patient explores the origin of a difficulty or past life ties with someone who mistreated them, such negative scenarios are to be expected.
We will see this pattern repeated several times throughout this book. My second book, The Search for Grace1, deals with a documented case of reincarnation. It traces the past life relationship a woman had with a man who murdered her in 20 of 46 past lives that we explored!
I had the pleasure of being the consultant on this film. The Search for Grace illustrates some of the many therapeutic benefits of past life hypnotherapy through one particular patient, Ivy. Ivy was a trained scientist and a very intelligent woman. The idea that she had lived before fascinated her.
She showed no interest in either age progression or future life progression. She had no prior interest in history, but to return to a point in history and have historical support that she was there made the idea of regression very exciting to her. All of the instructions to Ivy prior to regressing her were designed to have her choose a past life that would explain and remove the difficulties surrounding her current relationships: Fortunately, she was able to overcome her obsession with John and resolved this issue. Ivy did relate her last life to me as a s Buffalo, New York housewife named Grace Doze who was murdered on May 17, by her bootlegger lover the past life of John named Jake.
She provided me with two dozen verifiable facts. Of the facts Ivy gave, 22 of 24 checked out with newspaper reports. The only two errors were her age and the name of her son. As it turned out, Ivy was correct. In either case, a paper trail would exist. My appearance on the 11 p. In this particular past life, we find Ivy living as a woman in Denmark in During this particular regression, as well as many others, Ivy experienced changes in the depth and tone of her voice. When you regress the same person into 46 different past lives as I did with Ivy, a wide range of experiences and changes in personality traits are observed.
We are just having dinner. This is a rather large dining room table for just the three of us. She was an only child and approximately 16 years old. She was an attractive teenager and she had an easy life. I like the attention I receive as being an only child. I was trying to find out if this suitor represented someone of significance to Ivy. All of my instructions to Ivy prior to regressing her were designed to have her choose a past life that would be significant in explaining and removing the difficulties surrounding her current relationships with John and Dave.
This particular boyfriend was not that important to Ivy, but she still enjoyed his company and wanted to continue seeing him. Because her father was an advisor to the King, their attendance at social functions was mandatory. All I know is that he deals with things that are supposed to be secret. I think it has to do with the Army and protecting the King. At first, I thought that Rachael was just a frivolous girl, but the more I conversed with her, the more I realized that she was a realist.
Being a woman in the 11th century means having no control over your life. Rachael accepted this and merely dealt with life on the terms and conditions that were presented to her. She was a bright, active, and strong woman from a powerful family heavily involved in politics during a very difficult time. She described many invasions and wars with neighboring countries. It was not a time of political stability. The King was very security conscious, almost to the extent of paranoia. Considering the many unexplained deaths among the nobility, this attitude was probably necessary for survival.
I progressed Rachael forward to a significant event in her life. Yes, I think I do. The King has been worried about all of these wars and invasions. He has ordered more ships to be built than usual. I think our King is putting pressure on all of his advisors. Because my father advises him on military matters and security issues, father is under a lot of stress. So why does this make that much of a difference? I may not be in love with him, but I am a woman [she is now 19]. Her father was ordered to keep his daughter away from that man because they feared he was trying to use Rachael to somehow get to the King.
There apparently was some incriminating evidence to substantiate these allegations. If father forbids me, then I will not see him again. I will not go against the wishes of my father, not for anyone. Rachael accepted this situation with class. Being the realist that she was meant going on with her life and maintaining loyalty to her family.
When my father thinks the time is right, he will arrange for my marriage. From that exchange, I learned to deal with other matters. Because I knew this life would somehow involve either John, Dave, or both, I continued. A lot of important people are going to be there. Well, it probably concerns the Army. Either we are going to war or peaceful negotiations are in progress. I try not to concern myself with these matters.
That is an interesting choice, indeed. For the past few days, there have been all kinds of meetings. Father has been working day and night. But you said that everyone seems so relaxed. What has happened to change the previously tense situation? It seems that the threats to our nation have been dealt with. Apparently, some sort of peace treaty was signed or some agreement was reached.
Yes, that is the best part of it. The King is giving him more land and power. I do worry so when he works like this. But now things are safe and he is in great favor with our King. The King wants to come to my home for dinner. Can you imagine that? It is a great honor for our family. The party went on for quite a while. Eventually Rachael and her parents returned to their home. Their servants were busy preparing the house and Rachael became more and more excited as the special day drew near. The only person more important to Rachael than her father was the King.
Rachael was most definitely a loyal subject. We shall shortly see an ironic twist of fate in relationship to this loyalty. Having a King over to your house is no simple matter. Security preparations had to be taken, even when he dined with a trusted advisor. She was so honored to be part of a family hosting a visit from the King that any minor inconvenience could be forgiven.
I progressed Rachael to the actual dinner with the King. I feel like a stranger in my own home. Eventually, things settled down and Rachael and her parents dined with the King and his men. The meal was large with many courses. I would like to introduce to you my lovely clients and their soul stories. Meet Jayne who was a Princess and a Prostitute. Come and meet these interesting people and their interesting lives.
Learn with us the lives lessons and soul lessons they have had to learn. You are about to embark on the most amazing discovery of all time. You are a soul traveler. A time traveler, I am a Soul traveler, time traveler, we are all soul travelers and we all travel in time and space. Every day we are travelling throughout the universe and multiverse. We all live on a big blue beautiful planet that is travelling throughout the cosmos with our neighbours in the solar system.
Whilst we are living our hectic lives. Most of us have at some time in our lives have asked these questions. What am I doing here? What is my life's purpose? And what is the afterlife like? Is there an afterlife? I, like many others, was on a spiritual quest wanting to find the answers to all those questions. These questions humanity has asked since time began that modern religion and Science seemed unable or unwilling to answer.
I have learned during fourteen years of working professionally as a Past Life Regressionist that we all hold the keys to the answers to these questions and more. Spiritual people talk about the Akashic records. This are records that are believed to be held in the sacred libraries of the spirit realm or 'heaven'. It is said that every detail about your soul is held within the Akashic records.
Your time on earth in different incarnations, your time on other planets and also your time spent in the spirit world. I have found that your Akashic record is held within your DNA. Scientists have been looking for the God Code for decades. They were looking for the God Code or the God particle and to think that all the time the God particle is in you! I have regressed thousands of people over the last fourteen years. People of different principles and religions; all from different walks of life and coming with all sorts of different needs and life experiences.
The second memory is our biological memory so our bodies recognise certain viruses and diseases to fight off and restore us back to health. The third memory is our soul memory. In this memory we have everything we have ever been locked away in the DNA. This is the reason why we all get Da ja vu at certain points of our lives. What I have learned is to expect the unexpected. Many people come to me with one idea in mind and find the total opposite. Which for many people is quite a surprise? We have learned about history, other planets and also what their experience of the afterlife was like.
I will share some of my client's experiences with you in this book. What myself and my clients have found is the answers to all those questions. We do find out who we are, where we have been and also our soul purpose. Read more Read less. Customers who viewed this item also viewed.
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