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Sharecropping, however, was not a panacea because increases in land prices locked most freedpeople into permanent landlessness. African Americans began to wield political power and played an important role in the Constitutional Convention. Contrary to certain accounts, black people supported some disfranchisement of rebels.

Although Republican rule commenced in , Governor William H. However, railroads ran into financial trouble, and Smith was complicit in many shady and unethical deals. The Panic of and agricultural dysfunction destroyed Reconstruction in Alabama.

Alabama in the American Civil War - Wikipedia

Although some black belt conservatives initially rejected appeals to bullets, Democrats outside the region did not. The miserable economic situation undermined racial coexistence and erased divisions between groups of white people. Alabama Democrats had little patience for subtlety and used the insurrectionary White League as their model. Once in power, Democrats easily solidified their rule. One problem with the volume is that it ends too abruptly.

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Fitzgerald offers several pages of discussion about some of the changes in post Alabama. In reality, the book needed another chapter to fully develop these ideas. For instance, Fitzgerald notes that in the post era, Redemption did not bring prosperity. He also favored rapid pardons for ex-Confederate leaders and quick reintegration into the Union for the 11 states formerly in rebellion.

In , the Republican-dominated Congress took control of the Reconstruction process and attempted to expand and protect the civil rights of the formerly enslaved. This phase has alternately been called Radical Reconstruction, Military Reconstruction, and its most all-encompassing name, Congressional Reconstruction. During the next eight years, Unionists , federal officials, former Confederates, and freedpeople struggled to define Alabama's political and social landscape.

FITZGERALD: Reconstruction in Alabama (2017)

The federal government worked to rewrite Alabama's constitution, freedmen founded political and workers' rights organizations such as the Union League , and Democrats who favored states' rights and white supremacy responded with legal action and, sometimes, terrorism in the form of intimidation, violence, and murder by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups.

Houston In , after several years of financial hardship, political intrigue, and continued maneuvering by Democrats, the ex-Confederate faction of Alabama regained the governor 's office, with the election of George S. In the decades that followed, leading up to the Constitution, Alabama Democrats successfully overturned any expansion of voting rights for freedpeople and returned the state to the planters' preferred focus on low taxes and minimal government regulation.

This period is known as "Redemption," so called because the white-supremacist Democrats who regained political power believed that the South had been "crucified" by federal tyranny and black rule and would now rise again to its former glory.

1865 Alabama: From Civil War to Uncivil Peace by Chris McIlwain

The issues of black equality and suffrage that had been stirred in the Reconstruction Era simmered for decades in Alabama and elsewhere in the South until they boiled over in the civil rights struggles of the s and s. The Negro's Civil War. The Summer of Slavery and the Making of America.

The Wars of Reconstruction. Coming Fury, Volume 1.

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  3. FITZGERALD: Reconstruction in Alabama () | Book Reviews | Civil War Monitor.
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