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When your words and your body language match, it makes sense to us. But what about when your words and your movement match, but energetically it still feels off? The name of the game is congruence. And it goes below the gross expression of words and movement: We communicate energetically first and foremost. That said, sometimes people lie and we have a hard time detecting it. How does that happen? I call this the spectrum of self-awareness and energetic expression:.

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Most people fall into this category. They doubt themselves and their worth, ability, and value and because of this they shy away from really sharing their gifts. In a sense, they are lying to us. Because really they are so much more than they perceive themselves to be.

Part 2: Energy Speaks, and it has one thing to say.

For example, I have a client who, when I first saw her speak publicly, presented herself as very demure and sort of apologetic. When we looked at her Human Design, there was a very different picture there. I showed her how being congruent with this potency and power within, and expressing it outwardly in her own unique way — in alignment with her natural design, would have people receive her message and trust her.

As a speaker, and political candidate, this is essential! You look in Europe, the E. Now, the vehicle manufacturers have got a choice between at the that listeners are familiar with from their mobile phone or their laptop computer. Now, how do these different technologies compare?

All Things Nuclear

Nickel metal hydride batteries do an admirable job of cycling. These hybrid applications involve hundreds and thousands of short pulse cycles.

DANDIPANI - The Energy Alchemist

Nickel metal hydride is very good for cycle life in that application. It can also accept regenerative braking very well.

Deputy Secretary of Energy Speaks at the ANS Winter Meeting

Now, to answer your question about lithium; lithium, as we know in cell phones and laptops, admirable for a number of peak discharges in a laptop or cell phone application. It has wonderful metrics in terms of single cell performance for watt hours per kilogram, watt hours per litre.

Can you just quickly for the audience, because you mentioned sulfation before, just say what sulfation is? Sulfation occurs where the chemistry cannot be converted upon a recharge. We start not only at a much higher run time, over minutes, but that run time keeps coming back discharge after discharge. California, I mean there were two tipping points in the United States. One was the announcement of anti-idling in California where truckers who come to a truck stop at night can only idle their diesel engines five minutes per hour.

Well, how are they going to run all their truck hotel loads like microwave ovens and TVs and the like?

Energy Speaks : Lee Harris :

But you can imagine that as a long run time peak discharge, a battery, there are other major applications for this, in marine, like in the boating industry, in solar and wind applications, again maybe to create a picture for the layman about sulfation, when you have a wind or solar system, that electricity generated has no shelf-life unless you have a battery to capture it and in the United States most of the wind happens at night when the demand is lowest so getting a battery to capture that energy of course in fundamental.

So, the Oasis battery would be a great fit in that emerging market as well. So, you said you sent the commercial-ready samples off to the major trucking fleets, how big a production line can you get going and how quickly can you ramp the technology?

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The overall size, in North America, in the United States, of Group 32 batteries is approximately nine million a year. Our first line will produce the equivalent of , batteries. Now, our strategy is different. Rather than investing in manufacturing that already exists, we make this technology to be something that could be inserted into a normal lead-acid battery line.

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They already have the rest of the battery making equipment, the positive plates and the lead straps and the battery box and the electrolyte. And so, they complete the battery under our design and then we sell that battery under the Firefly name, but the secret-sauce ingredients are these foam plates that we make and then ship to be assembled into a complete battery. Well, we think so. Let me give you a couple of examples. And, in terms of the development, is there a long way to go?

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  • Can you really make even more strides or are you sort of hitting the limits of the technology already? Oh no, we got eight generations of this technology under a roof and so, we have a progression, a road map, that takes us through where Ni-Cad nickel-cadmium performances say where nickel metal hydride and lithium ion are, as we get through the eighth version of our technology that are in different stages of development.

    So, this is not a one-trick pony. Because, you know lead-acid has been poorly engineered in the past, for example, what do I mean by that? With expensive investment they can boost that up further.